xref: /web-php/manual/phpfi2.php (revision c0afd74b)
2$_SERVER['BASE_PAGE'] = 'manual/phpfi2.php';
3include_once __DIR__ . '/../include/prepend.inc';
4site_header('PHP/FI Version 2.0 Documentation');
8Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good; and
9when it is bad, it is better than nothing.
10                ++ Dick Brandon
13  <h1 style="text-align: center;">PHP/FI Version 2.0</h1>
15  <h1>Table of Contents</h1>
17  <ol>
18    <li><a href="#history">Brief History</a></li>
20    <li><a href="#install">Installation Instructions</a></li>
22    <li><a href="#starting">So, what can I do with PHP/FI?</a></li>
24    <li><a href="#redirect">CGI Redirection</a></li>
26    <li><a href="#security">Security Issues</a></li>
28    <li><a href="#safemode">Safe Mode</a></li>
30    <li><a href="#commandline">Running PHP/FI from the Command
31    Line</a></li>
33    <li><a href="#http_auth">HTTP Authentication</a></li>
35    <li><a href="#requestvars">Apache Request Variables</a></li>
37    <li><a href="#module">Apache Module Notes</a></li>
39    <li><a href="#directives">Apache Module Configuration
40    Directives</a></li>
42    <li><a href="#fastcgi">FastCGI Support</a></li>
44    <li><a href="#access">Access Control</a></li>
46    <li><a href="#logging">Access Logging</a></li>
48    <li><a href="#relative">Relative vs. Absolute URL's - or, Why
49    do my Images Break?</a></li>
51    <li>
52      <a href="#getpost">How PHP/FI handles GET and POST method
53      data</a>
55      <ul>
56        <li><a href="#selmul"><code>SELECT MULTIPLE</code> and
57        PHP</a></li>
59        <li><a href="#imagecoord"><code>IMAGE SUBMIT</code> and
60        PHP</a></li>
61      </ul>
62    </li>
64    <li><a href="#gd_support">GD (a graphics library for GIF
65    creation) Support in PHP</a></li>
67    <li><a href="#virtual_hosts">PHP/FI and Virtual Hosts</a></li>
69    <li><a href="#upload">File Upload Support</a></li>
71    <li><a href="#cookies">Cookie Support</a></li>
73    <li><a href="#msql_support">mSQL Support</a></li>
75    <li><a href="#pg95_support">Postgres95/PostgreSQL
76    Support</a></li>
78    <li><a href="#mysql_support">mysql Support</a></li>
80    <li><a href="#solid_support">Solid Support</a></li>
82    <li><a href="#sybase_support">Sybase Support</a></li>
84    <li><a href="#oracle_support">Oracle Support</a></li>
86    <li><a href="#illustra_support">Illustra Support</a></li>
88    <li><a href="#adabas_support">Adabas Support</a></li>
90    <li><a href="#regexp">Regular Expressions</a></li>
92    <li><a href="#escapes">Escape Characters</a></li>
94    <li><a href="#octal">Octal notation of Unix file
95    permissions</a></li>
97    <li>
98      <a href="#script">PHP/FI Script Language</a>
100      <ul>
101        <li><a href="#syntax">Syntax</a></li>
103        <li><a href="#vars">Variables</a></li>
105        <li><a href="#assoc">Associative Arrays</a></li>
107        <li><a href="#varvars">Variable Variables</a></li>
109        <li><a href="#lang">Language Constructs</a></li>
111        <li><a href="#user_funcs">User-Defined Functions</a></li>
113        <li><a href="#scope">Scope of Variables</a></li>
115        <li><a href="#math">Mathematical Expressions</a></li>
117        <li><a href="#while">While Loops</a></li>
119        <li><a href="#switch">Switch Construct</a></li>
121        <li><a href="#secure">Secure Variables - Defeating GET
122        method hacks</a></li>
124        <li><a href="#overload">Overloaded Operators and dealing
125        with variable types</a></li>
127        <li><a href="#quiet">Suppressing Errors from function
128        calls</a></li>
130        <li><a href="#funcs">Internal Functions</a></li>
131      </ul>
132    </li>
134    <li><a href="#addfunc">Adding your own functions to
135    PHP/FI</a></li>
137    <li><a href="#hacknotes">Notes for Code Hacks</a></li>
138  </ol>
139  <hr>
141  <h2><a name="history" id="history">Brief History</a></h2>
143  <p>PHP began life as a simple little cgi wrapper written in Perl.
144  I wrote it in an afternoon during a period between contracts when
145  I needed a quick tool to get an idea of who was reading my online
146  resume. It was never intended to go beyond my own private use.
147  The web server where I had my resume was extremely overloaded and
148  had constant problems forking processes. I rewrote the Perl
149  wrapper in C to get rid of the considerable overhead of having to
150  fork Perl each time my resume was accessed.</p>
152  <p>Eventually other people on the same web server came across my
153  wrapper and asked if they could use it. Then, as inevitably
154  happens, they started asking for more features. I added more
155  features and finally put together a semi-complete distribution
156  along with documentation, a mailing-list and a FAQ. The name of
157  this first package was Personal Home Page Tools, which later
158  became Personal Home Page Construction Kit.</p>
160  <p>At the same time I started playing with databases and wrote a
161  tool to easily embed SQL queries into web pages. It was basically
162  another CGI wrapper that parsed SQL queries and made it easy to
163  create forms and tables based on these queries. This tool was
164  named FI (Form Interpreter).</p>
166  <p>PHP/FI version 2.0 is a complete rewrite of these two packages
167  combined into a single program. It has now evolved to the point
168  where it is a simple programming language embedded inside HTML
169  files. The original acronym, PHP, has stuck. It isn't really
170  appropriate any longer. PHP/FI is used more for entire web sites
171  today than for small Personal Home Page setups. By whatever name,
172  it eliminates the need for numerous small Perl cgi programs by
173  allowing you to place simple scripts directly in your HTML files.
174  This speeds up the overall performance of your web pages since
175  the overhead of forking Perl several times has been eliminated.
176  It also makes it easier to manage large web sites by placing all
177  components of a web page in a single html file. By including
178  support for various databases, it also makes it trivial to
179  develop database enabled web pages. Many people find the embedded
180  nature much easier to deal with than trying to create separate
181  HTML and CGI files.</p>
183  <p>PHP Version 3.0 is yet another rewrite. If you are just
184  starting out with PHP, I suggest that you start with Version 3.0
185  instead of continuing with 2.0 at this point. PHP3 is quickly
186  going to replace PHP/FI 2.0 and all development efforts are now
187  focused on PHP3. Any remaining bugs in PHP/FI 2.0 are unlikely to
188  be fixed unless they are straightforward. More information on
189  PHP3 can be found at <a href=
190  "http://www.lerdorf.on.ca/php3/">http://www.lerdorf.on.ca/php3</a>.</p>
192  <p>Throughout this documentation any references to PHP, FI or
193  PHP/FI all refer to the same thing. The difference between PHP
194  and FI is only a conceptual one. Both are built from the same
195  source distribution. When I build the package without any access
196  logging or access restriction support, I call my binary FI. When
197  I build with these options, I call it PHP.</p>
198  <hr>
200  <h2><a name="install" id="install">Installation
201  Instructions</a></h2>
203  <dl>
204    <dt><span class="big">Before You Begin</span></dt>
206    <dd>
207      <p>If you have absolutely no Unix experience, you may want to
208      ask around for someone with a little bit of Unix knowledge to
209      help you through this installation. Every attempt has been
210      made to make it as simple as possible, but since the software
211      is quite involved and relies on a number of different
212      components, it is not realistic to assume it will go smoothly
213      on all systems. You will probably need someone around who
214      knows the particulars of the destination system well.</p>
215    </dd>
217    <dt><span class="big">Things You Need To Know Before
218    Installing</span></dt>
220    <dd>
221      <p>- Can you run both get and post method cgi programs on
222      your server?<br>
223      <em>This is not relevant if you installing the Apache module
224      version.</em> If not, you can not use this package. On many
225      public ISP's CGI programs are either disallowed or severely
226      restricted. If this is the case on your system, talk to your
227      system administrator and ask him/her to have a look at this
228      package and see if they will install it for you.</p>
229    </dd>
231    <dd>
232      <p>- If you have mSQL installed on your system, you need to
233      know the base directory of this installation.</p>
234    </dd>
236    <dd>
237      <p>- If you have Postgres95 or PostgreSQL installed on your
238      system, you need to know the base directory of this
239      installation.</p>
240    </dd>
242    <dd>
243      <p>- If you are going to be storing log and access
244      configuration files in an NFS-mounted directory and your
245      system does not provide NFS file locking then you will need
246      to define the NFS_HACK variable manually in the src/Makefile
247      and you may want to use a slightly modified version of the
248      gdbm library. See the <strong>nfs_hack.txt</strong> file in
249      the doc directory for more information on this.</p>
250    </dd>
252    <dd>
253      <p>- Note that if you are not interested in using PHP to
254      track accesses to your pages, do not compile this option into
255      the binary. You should also leave out the access restriction
256      code. There is considerable overhead in including these
257      options.</p>
258    </dd>
260    <dd>
261      <p>- If you are installing the Apache module version, you
262      will need to know the Apache src code directory location.</p>
263    </dd>
265    <dt><span class="big">Installation Steps</span></dt>
267    <dd>
268      <p><em><strong>Step 1.</strong></em></p>
270      <p>Run the install program: <code>./install</code></p>
272      <p>You will be asked a number of questions. If you do not
273      understand what is being asked, simply hit return. The
274      default choice should be safe on most systems. This doesn't
275      apply for the questions asking you to specify a directory for
276      your configuration and log files however. Choose any
277      directory to which the httpd (usually "nobody") has write
278      privileges. You may create this directory manually somewhere
279      and simply <strong><code>chown nobody
280      directory</code></strong>.</p>
282      <p><em><strong>Step 2.</strong></em></p>
284      <p>Go into the src directory: <code>cd src</code></p>
286      <p>Have a look at the php.h file. There are a number of
287      compile-time options that can be set here.</p>
289      <p><em><strong>Step 3.</strong></em></p>
291      <p>type: <code>make</code></p>
293      <p>This will create the actual executable program file named
294      <em>php.cgi</em> by default, or if you are installing the
295      Apache module, it will create a <em>libphp.a</em> file.</p>
297      <p><em><strong>Step 4. (if you are not installing the Apache
298      module version)</strong></em></p>
300      <p>Copy the <strong>php.cgi</strong> binary to your system's
301      cgi-bin directory. If you do not have access to do this and
302      wish to install it in your own personal directory, you may do
303      so, but you should set the setuid bit on the executable with:
304      <code>chmod u+s /path/php.cgi</code></p>
306      <p>If you do not make set the setuid bit on the binary then
307      any files created by the binary will be owned by the user id
308      under which the web server runs. If this is acceptable, then
309      you can safely leave the setuid bit off.</p>
311      <p><em><strong>Step 4. (if you are installing the Apache
312      module version)</strong></em><br>
313      Change to your Apache src directory where the
314      <em>mod_php.c</em> and <em>mod_php.h</em> files should have
315      been copied to. If they weren't which usually happens because
316      of permission problems, copy these two files there manually.
317      Edit your Apache Configuration file and add the EXTRA_LIBS
318      line which was produced at the end of <strong>Step
319      3</strong>. And add:</p>
321      <p><code><strong>Module php_module mod_php.o</strong></code></p>
323      <p>to the very end of the file. Then type:
324      <strong>./Configure</strong> and then <strong>make</strong>
325      to rebuild your Apache httpd binary. Install this binary.</p>
327      <p>Next you need to edit your Apache conf/srm.conf file and
328      add a line like:</p>
330      <p><code><strong>AddType application/x-httpd-php
331      .phtml</strong></code></p>
333      <p>This defines a new MIME, application/x-httpd-php, which
334      will trigger the PHP module to parse any file ending with the
335      <em>.phtml</em> extension. You can pick any extension you
336      like for this.</p>
338      <p>You may not want to enable everyone to run PHP parsed
339      files. You can place the above AddType line within
340      &lt;Location /path&gt;....&lt;/Location&gt; directives in the
341      <em>access.conf</em> file to only allow PHP-parsed documents
342      in certain directories on your server.</p>
344      <p>Now you are ready to restart your httpd server. See the
345      <a href="#module">Apache Module Notes</a> for more details on
346      configuring the PHP Module.</p>
347    </dd>
349    <dt><span class="big">Testing the software</span></dt>
351    <dd>
352      <p>Once installed you can test to see if your executable
353      works by entering a URL similar to the following in your
354      browser:</p>
356      <p><code>http://your.site.domain/cgi-bin/php.cgi</code></p>
358      <p>This should show you a page which contains the version
359      number along with various other useful information.</p>
361      <p>To test the Apache module version, create any file with a
362      .phtml extension and put a tag like: &lt;?phpinfo()&gt; in
363      the file and see if it gets parsed.</p>
364    </dd>
366    <dt><span class="big">Using the software</span></dt>
368    <dd>
369      <p>To actually use the software on an existing HTML file, you
370      can simply append the path to your file to the above URL.
371      ie.</p>
373      <p>
374      <code>http://your.site.domain/cgi-bin/php.cgi/path/file.html</code></p>
376      <p>You should have a look at the <a href="#redirect">CGI
377      Redirection</a> section of this documentation. Running PHP/FI
378      through a redirect means you can automatically have a URL
379      like <em>http://your.site.domain/file.phtml</em> be parsed by
380      PHP/FI.</p>
382      <p>This does not apply to Apace module users.</p>
383    </dd>
384  </dl>
385  <hr>
387  <h2><a name="starting" id="starting">So, what can I do with
388  PHP/FI?</a></h2>
390  <p>The first thing you will notice if you run a page through
391  PHP/FI is that it adds a footer with information about the number
392  of times your page has been accessed (if you have compiled access
393  logging into the binary). This is just a very small part of what
394  PHP/FI can do for you. It serves another very important role as a
395  form interpreter cgi, hence the FI part of the name. For example,
396  if you create a form on one of your web pages, you need something
397  to process the information on that form. Even if you just want to
398  pass the information to another web page, you will have to have a
399  cgi program do this for you. PHP/FI makes it extremely easy to
400  take form data and do things with it.</p>
402  <p><em><strong>A simple example</strong></em></p>
404  <p>Suppose you have a form:</p>
406  <p><code>&lt;FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/php.cgi/~userid/display.html"
407  METHOD=POST&gt;<br>
408  &lt;INPUT TYPE="text" name="name"&gt;<br>
409  &lt;INPUT TYPE="text" name="age"&gt;<br>
410  &lt;INPUT TYPE="submit"&gt;<br>
411  &lt;/FORM&gt;</code></p>
413  <p>Your display.html file could then contain something like:</p>
415  <p><code>&lt;?echo "Hi $name, you are $age years
416  old!&lt;p&gt;"&gt;</code></p>
418  <p>It's that simple! PHP/FI automatically creates a variable for
419  each form input field in your form. You can then use these
420  variables in the ACTION URL file.</p>
422  <p>The next step once you have figured out how to use variables
423  is to start playing with some logical flow tags in your pages.
424  For example, if you wanted to display different messages based on
425  something the user inputs, you would use if/else logic. In our
426  above example, we can display different things based on the age
427  the user entered by changing our display.html to:</p>
428  <pre>
430    if($age&gt;50);
431        echo "Hi $name, you are ancient!&lt;p&gt;";
432    elseif($age&gt;30);
433        echo "Hi $name, you are very old!&lt;p&gt;";
434    else;
435        echo "Hi $name.";
436    endif;
440  <p>PHP/FI provides a very powerful scripting language which will
441  do much more than what the above simple example demonstrates. See
442  the section on the <a href="#script">PHP/FI Script Language</a>
443  for more information.</p>
445  <p>You can also use PHP/FI to configure who is allowed to access
446  your pages. This is done using a built-in configuration screen.
447  With this you could for example specify that only people from
448  certain domains would be allowed to see your pages, or you could
449  create a rule which would password protect certain pages. See the
450  <a href="#access">Access Control</a> section for more
451  details.</p>
453  <p>PHP/FI is also capable of receiving file uploads from any
454  RFC-1867 compliant web browser. This feature lets people upload
455  both text and binary files. With PHP/FI's access control and
456  logical functions, you have full control over who is allowed to
457  upload and what is to be done with the file once it has been
458  uploaded. See the <a href="#upload">File Upload</a> section for
459  more details.</p>
461  <p>PHP/FI has support for a database package called mSQL. This
462  allows you to put information into a database and access this
463  information through simple embedded SQL queries right in your
464  .HTML files. Adding a database back-end to a web page has never
465  been easier. See the section on <a href="#msql_support">mSQL
466  Support</a> for more information.</p>
468  <p>PHP/FI has support for the Postgres95/PostgreSQL database
469  package. It supports embedded SQL queries in your .HTML files.
470  See the section on <a href="#pg95_support">Postgres95/PostgreSQL
471  Support</a> for more information.</p>
473  <p>PHP/FI also has support for the mysql database package. It
474  supports embedded SQL queries in your .HTML files. See the
475  section on <a href="#mysql_support">mysql Support</a> for more
476  information.</p>
477  <hr>
479  <h2><a name="redirect" id="redirect">CGI Redirection</a></h2>
481  <dl>
482    <dt><strong>Apache 1.0.x Notes</strong></dt>
484    <dd>
485      <p>A good way to run PHP/FI is by using a cgi redirection
486      module with the Apache server. Please note that you do not
487      need to worry about redirection modules if you are using the
488      Apache module version of PHP/FI. There are two of these
489      redirection modules available. One is developed by Dave
490      Andersen &lt;angio@aros.net&gt; and it is available at
491      <a href=
492      "ftp://ftp.aros.net/pub/util/apache/mod_cgi_redirect.c">ftp://ftp.aros.net/pub/util/apache/mod_cgi_redirect.c</a>
493      and the other comes bundled with Apache and is called
494      mod_actions.c. The modules are extremely similar. They differ
495      slightly in their usage. Both have been tested and both work
496      with PHP/FI.</p>
498      <p>One large caveat at the time of this writing (Apr.20/96)
499      is that the current official Apache release (1.0.5) has a
500      severe limitation which prevents cgi redirected requests from
501      having any post-method data associated with them. I have
502      tracked this down and fixed it in my version of Apache, and
503      there is an official patch available in the <a href=
504      "http://php.iquest.net/files/">File Archives</a> on the
505      <a href="http://php.iquest.net/">PHP Home Page</a>.</p>
507      <p>A second rather large caveat with Apache 1.0.x is that it
508      does not align double types correctly on most architectures.
509      You may find yourself getting strange bus errors from your
510      httpd when using mod_php, either upgrade to Apache 1.1 or
511      edit the <i>alloc.c</i> Apache source file. In this file you
512      will find the following piece of code:</p>
513      <pre>
514  union align
515  {
516    /* Types which are likely to have the longest RELEVANT alignment
517     * restrictions... we don't do much with doubles.
518     */
520    char *cp;
521    void (*f)();
522    long l;
523    FILE *fp;
524  };
527      <p>You will need to add a double to this line and recompile
528      your Apache server. The correct block of code is:</p>
529      <pre>
530  union align
531  {
532    /* Types which are likely to have the longest RELEVANT alignment
533     * restrictions... we don't do much with doubles.
534     */
536    char *cp;
537    void (*f)();
538    long l;
539    FILE *fp;
540    double d;
541  };
544      <p>These problems have all been fixed in later versions of
545      Apache.</p>
547      <p>Check the Apache documentation on how to add a module.
548      Generally you add the module name to a file called
549      <em>Configuration</em>. The line to be added if you want to
550      use the mod_actions module is:</p>
552      <p><code>Module action_module mod_actions.o</code></p>
554      <p>If you are using the mod_cgi_redirect.c module add this
555      line:</p>
557      <p><code>Module cgi_redirect_module mod_cgi_redirect.o</code></p>
559      <p>Then compile your httpd and install it. To configure the
560      cgi redirection you need to either create a new mime type in
561      your <em>mime.types</em> file or you can use the
562      <strong>AddType</strong> command in your <em>srm.conf</em>
563      file to add the mime type. The mime type to be added should
564      be something like this:</p>
566      <p><code>application/x-httpd-php phtml</code></p>
568      <p>If you are using the mod_actions.c module you need to add
569      the following line to your <em>srm.conf</em> file:</p>
571      <p><code>Action application/x-httpd-php
572      /cgi-bin/php.cgi</code></p>
574      <p>If you are using mod_cgi_redirect.c you should add this
575      line to <em>srm.conf</em>:</p>
577      <p><code>CgiRedirect application/x-httpd-php
578      /cgi-bin/php.cgi</code></p>
580      <p>Don't try to use both mod_actions.c and mod_cgi_redirect.c
581      at the same time.</p>
583      <p>Once you have one of these cgi redirection modules
584      installed and configured correctly, you will be able to
585      specify that you want a file parsed by php/fi simply by
586      making the file's extension <strong>.phtml</strong>.
587      Furthermore, if you add <strong>index.phtml</strong> to your
588      <strong>DirectoryIndex</strong> configuration line in your
589      <em>srm.conf</em> file then the top-level page in a directory
590      will be automatically parsed by php if your index file is
591      called index.phtml.</p>
592    </dd>
594    <dt><strong>Netscape HTTPD</strong></dt>
596    <dd>
597      <p>You can automatically redirect requests for files with a
598      given extension to be handled by PHP/FI by using the Netscape
599      Server CGI Redirection module. This module is available in
600      the <a href="http://php.iquest.net/files/">File Archives</a>
601      on the <a href="http://php.iquest.net/">PHP/FI Home Page</a>.
602      The README in the package explicitly explains how to
603      configure it for use with PHP/FI.</p>
604    </dd>
606    <dt><strong>NCSA HTTPD</strong></dt>
608    <dd>
609      <p>NCSA does not currently support modules, so in order to do
610      cgi redirection with this server you need to modify your
611      server source code. A patch to do this with NCSA 1.5 is
612      available in the <a href=
613      "http://php.iquest.net/files/">PHP/FI file archives</a>.</p>
614    </dd>
615  </dl>
616  <hr>
618  <h2><a name="security" id="security">Security Issues</a></h2>
620  <p>The CGI version of PHP/FI does <strong>not</strong> read any
621  <em>.htaccess</em> files which may be present in a directory.
622  This means that if you have files that are protected using the
623  standard .htaccess server-based access control feature, people
624  could potentially circumvent this security by loading the page
625  through PHP/FI. Note that this is not an issue for the Apache
626  module version of PHP/FI.</p>
628  <p>A second problem with the CGI version is that if it is placed
629  in the system's cgi-bin directory it can be used to view any file
630  on your system as long as the user id it runs as has access to
631  it.</p>
633  <p>There are a couple of different solutions to this problem. The
634  easiest is probably to use the <strong>PATTERN_RESTRICT</strong>
635  feature found in <em>php.h</em>. This lets you define an
636  extension (or a pattern of extensions) which are allowed to be
637  parsed by PHP/FI. If a file does not have this extension and
638  someone tries to load it with PHP/FI, an <em>access denied</em>
639  message will appear.</p>
641  <p>Another solution is to use the PHP/FI access control mechanism
642  to mimic the access control setup you have in your .htaccess
643  file. Keeping this information in two places can be tedious
644  though, and the two systems don't share all of the same
645  features.</p>
647  <p>The problem can also be solved using file permissions. PHP/FI
648  can be set up to run setuid as any user you wish. Then files that
649  are to be read by PHP/FI can be given appropriate permissions and
650  files not to be read by PHP/FI should be owned by another user id
651  and have their permissions changed accordingly.</p>
653  <p>For additional security options related to sites which provide
654  shared access to PHP, see the <a href="#safemode">Safe Mode</a>
655  section.</p>
656  <hr>
658  <h2><a name="safemode" id="safemode">Safe Mode</a></h2>
660  <p>PHP's Safe Mode tries to solve the common problem faced by
661  many ISP's regarding letting all their users run CGI programs.
662  The common mechanism for making shared CGI access more secure is
663  to use a cgi wrapper like the su_exec utility that comes with
664  Apache. This will not work for PHP when it is running as a module
665  because it is not a separate process that can be setuid'ed.</p>
667  <p>It is based on a file permission scheme. Simply put, if a file
668  is either owned by the same user id as the script that is trying
669  to access it, or if the file is in a directory that is owned by
670  the same user as the script that is trying to access it, then the
671  access is allowed. One caveat here is that you must make sure
672  that your OS does not allow non-root user to chown away the
673  ownership on one of their files. Many older SysV systems allow
674  this. The most common one is Irix. It is possible to change this
675  behaviour at the OS level on Irix.</p>
677  <p>Safe Mode applies to each function which could possibly be a
678  security risk. Below is the current list of checks applied to
679  each relevant function. In the following list, PHP UID refers to
680  the user id of the owner of the current file being parsed by PHP,
681  and HTTP UID refers to the user id the httpd process is running
682  as (usually nobody).</p>
684  <dl>
685    <dt>Include, ReadFile, Fopen, File, Link, Unlink, Symlink,
686    Rename, RmDir, ChMod, ChOwn, ChGrp</dt>
688    <dd>Owner of file to be included must either be the PHP UID or
689    the directory in which the file resides must be owned by the
690    PHP UID.</dd>
692    <dt>Exec, System, PassThru and Popen</dt>
694    <dd>Executables to be forked and executed must reside in the
695    directory defined by the PHP_SAFE_MODE_EXEC_DIR #define in
696    php.h when PHP is compiled.</dd>
698    <dt>Mysql_Connect</dt>
700    <dd>This function takes an optional username to use to connect
701    to an MySQL database. When in safe mode, this username must
702    either be the username of the owner of the current file being
703    parsed, or the name of the httpd user (usually nobody).</dd>
705    <dt>HTTP Authentication</dt>
707    <dd>The numerical user id of the owner of the script containing
708    the HTTP Authentication code will be prepended to the
709    authentication realm. This is to prevent someone from writing a
710    password grabbing script which spoofs another authenticated
711    page on the same server.</dd>
712  </dl>
713  <hr>
715  <h2><a name="commandline" id="commandline">Running PHP/FI from
716  the command line</a></h2>
718  <p>If you build the CGI version of PHP/FI, you can use it from
719  the command line simply typing: <code>php.cgi filename</code> where
720  filename is the file you want to parse. You can also create
721  standalone PHP/FI scripts by making the first line of your script
722  look something like:</p>
723  <pre>
724    #!/usr/local/bin/php.cgi -q
725</pre>The "-q" suppresses the printing of the HTTP headers. You can
726leave off this option if you like.
727  <hr>
729  <h2><a name="http_auth" id="http_auth">HTTP
730  Authentication</a></h2>
732  <p>The HTTP Authentication hooks in PHP/FI are only available
733  when it is running as an Apache module. In an Apache module
734  PHP/FI script, it is possible to use the Header() command to send
735  an "Authentication Required" message to the client browser
736  causing it to pop up a Username/Password input window. Once the
737  user has filled in a username and a password, the URL containing
738  the PHP/FI script will be called again with the variables,
739  $PHP_AUTH_USER, $PHP_AUTH_PW and $PHP_AUTH_TYPE set to the user
740  name, password and authentication type respectively. Only "Basic"
741  authentication is supported at this point.</p>
743  <p>An example script fragment which would force client
744  authentication on a page would be the following:</p>
745  <pre>
746    &lt;?
747        if(!$PHP_AUTH_USER) {
748            Header("WWW-authenticate: basic realm=\"My Realm\"");
749            Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
750                        echo "Text to send if user hits Cancel button\n"
751            exit;
752        } else {
753            echo "Hello $PHP_AUTH_USER.&lt;P&gt;";
754            echo "You entered $PHP_AUTH_PW as your password.&lt;P&gt;";
755        }
756    &gt;
759  <p>Instead of simply printing out the $PHP_AUTH_USER and
760  $PHP_AUTH_PW, you would probably want to check the username and
761  password for validity. Perhaps by sending a query to a database,
762  or by looking up the user in a dbm file.</p>
764  <p>Watch out for buggy Internet Explorer browsers out there. They
765  seem very picky about the order of the headers. Sending the
766  <b>WWW-authenticate</b> header before the <b>HTTP/1.0 401</b>
767  header seems to do the trick for now.</p>
769  <p>In order to prevent someone from writing a script which
770  reveals the password for a page that was authenticated through a
771  traditional external mechanism, the PHP_AUTH variables will not
772  be set if external authentication is enabled for that particular
773  page.</p>
775  <p>Note however that the above does not prevent someone who
776  controls a non-authenticated URL from stealing passwords from
777  authenticated URL's on the same server. The PHP_AUTH_VARS define
778  in <em>php.h</em> can be undefined to make sure that these
779  variables will never be set and thus disable anybody from using
780  mod_php to try to steal passwords.</p>
781  <hr>
783  <h2><a name="requestvars" id="requestvars">Apache Request
784  Variables</a></h2>
786  <p>When running PHP as an Apache module, you may access the
787  request header variables sent by the remote browser by prepending
788  <b>$req_</b> to the beginning of the header value you would like
789  to use. If the request name contains a <b>-</b> character such as
790  User-Agent, then you need to map the - to _ (an underscore). ie.
791  reference it as $req_User_Agent. The <a href=
792  "#phpinfo">phpinfo()</a> function can be used to display all the
793  request headers.</p>
795  <p>eg.</p>
796  <pre>
797    &lt;
798        echo "$req_connection&lt;br&gt;";
799        echo "$req_host&lt;br&gt;";
800    &gt;
801</pre>The above simple script might output:
802  <pre>
803    Keep-Alive
804    www.host.com
806  <hr>
808  <h2><a name="module" id="module">Apache Module Notes</a></h2>
810  <p>Running PHP/FI as an Apache module is the most efficient way
811  of using the package. Running it as a module means that the
812  PHP/FI functionality is combined with the Apache server's
813  functionality in a single program. There are a number of
814  advantages to running it as a module:</p>
816  <dl>
817    <dt><strong>Performance</strong></dt>
819    <dd>
820      <p>Performance-wise it is a lot faster than traditional CGI
821      programs. In fact, when running PHP/FI as a module, there is
822      no CGI involved. The script code in the HTML files is
823      executed directly by the Apache web server process.</p>
824    </dd>
826    <dt><strong>Security</strong></dt>
828    <dd>
829      <p>When running as a module, the normal httpd-based access
830      restriction rules defined either in the Apache conf files or
831      in private .htaccess files are first applied before the
832      module is allowed to parse the file. Alternatively, you can
833      also create PHP/FI scripts that control the normal
834      httpd-based authentication. See <a href="#http_auth">HTTP
835      Authentication</a>.</p>
836    </dd>
838    <dt><strong>Configurability</strong></dt>
840    <dd>
841      <p>Since the parser is always active inside the httpd
842      process, it can be configured on startup using the same
843      configuration files used to configure the httpd process. The
844      module can even be configured on a per-directory basis by
845      placing the <a href="#directives">PHP configuration
846      directives</a> in the <em>.htaccess</em> files.</p>
847    </dd>
849    <dt><strong>Basis for custom server-based
850    function</strong></dt>
852    <dd>
853      <p>For C programmers interested in accessing their functions
854      from within Apache, the PHP/FI framework provides a very
855      simple interface to Apache and to PHP itself. It is much
856      easier to add a function to PHP and call that from a parsed
857      page than it is to write an entire Apache module from
858      scratch. See the <a href="#addfunc">Adding your own internal
859      functions to PHP/FI</a> sections at the end of this document
860      for further details.</p>
861    </dd>
862  </dl>
864  <h2><a name="directives" id="directives">Apache Module
865  Configuration Directives</a></h2>
867  <p>The following directives can be placed either in the
868  <em>srm.conf</em> file, or within
869  &lt;Directory&gt;...&lt;/Directory&gt; tags in
870  <em>access.conf</em> or in &lt;Location
871  /path&gt;...&lt;/Location&gt; tags in <em>access.conf</em> or in
872  individual <em>.htaccess</em> files. In order for the directives
873  to work in .htaccess files, the Options override must be set on
874  the AllowOverride Apache directive, with the exception of the
875  phpEngine directive which is only available in the *.conf
876  files.</p>
878  <dl>
879    <dt><strong>phpShowInfo <em>on</em>|<em>off</em></strong></dt>
881    <dd>Turn the PHP info footers on or off. Default is on.</dd>
883    <dt><strong>phpLogging <em>on</em>|<em>off</em></strong></dt>
885    <dd>Turn logging on or off. Default is on.</dd>
887    <dt><strong>phpDebug <em>on</em>|<em>off</em></strong></dt>
889    <dd>Turn automatic ?info debug screen on or off. Default is
890    off.</dd>
892    <dt><strong>phpUploadTmpDir <em>directory</em></strong></dt>
894    <dd>Set the directory where form-uploaded files will be
895    placed.</dd>
897    <dt><strong>phpDbmLogDir <em>directory</em></strong></dt>
899    <dd>Set the directory where dbm-based logging files will be
900    written.</dd>
902    <dt><strong>phpSQLLogDB <em>database</em></strong></dt>
904    <dd>Set name of SQL database to use for logging. Default is
905    "phpfi"</dd>
907    <dt><strong>phpSQLLogHost <em>hostname</em></strong></dt>
909    <dd>Set hostname where SQL database to use for logging is
910    found. Default is localhost.</dd>
912    <dt><strong>phpAccessDir <em>directory</em></strong></dt>
914    <dd>Set the directory where PHP-internal access control files
915    are stored.</dd>
917    <dt><strong>phpMaxDataSpace <em>KiloBytes</em></strong></dt>
919    <dd>Max size a sub-pool can grow to within the PHP module.
920    Setting this value to a low number will minimize the impact
921    that mod_php will have on your system, but it may also limit
922    people from writing complex scripts. The default is 8K.</dd>
924    <dt><strong>phpIncludePath <em>colon-separated
925    path</em></strong></dt>
927    <dd>A colon-separated list of directories where php will look
928    for files in when running <a href="#include">include()</a>. The
929    default is to look only in the current directory.</dd>
931    <dt><strong>phpAutoPrependFile <em>file name</em></strong></dt>
933    <dd>Before the actual PHP/FI file is parsed, you may give a
934    file name here that is parsed before the "main file", using
935    PHP's Include() function (which means phpIncludePath applies
936    for the file name). Keep in mind that you can make it difficult
937    for yourself to use the Header() function in the main file if
938    you write HTML from an auto-prepended file.</dd>
940    <dt><strong>phpAutoAppendFile <em>file name</em></strong></dt>
942    <dd>The name of a file parsed (using PHP's Include()
943    function)after the actual PHP/FI file has been parsed, similar
944    to phpAutoPrependFile.</dd>
946    <dt><strong>phpAdaDefDB <em>database</em></strong></dt>
948    <dd>Default Adabas database to use. No default value</dd>
950    <dt><strong>phpAdaUser <em>username</em></strong></dt>
952    <dd>Default Adabas database user. No default value</dd>
954    <dt><strong>phpAdaPW <em>password</em></strong></dt>
956    <dd>Default Adabas database password. No default value</dd>
958    <dt><strong>phpEngine <em>on</em>|<em>off</em></strong></dt>
960    <dd>Turn the PHP parsing engine on or off. The default is
961    <em>on</em> and this directive is only useful for sites that
962    wish to allow directives from the AllowOverride Options list of
963    directives to function in .htaccess files while at the same
964    time restricting mod_php access. The common way to handle
965    per-virtual host php installs is to enable the PHP mime type
966    with an AddType directive on a per virtual host basis and then
967    put "phpEngine off" in the non-PHP virtual host blocks. If a
968    non PHP customer tries to circumvent things by placing the PHP
969    mime type in their .htaccess, the phpEngine off setting
970    restricts the PHP parser from functioning.</dd>
972    <dt><strong>phpLastModified
973    <em>on</em>|<em>off</em></strong></dt>
975    <dd>Since php pages are dynamic, they are processed and sent to
976    the browser each time you access them. But sometimes, when you
977    use php for basic includes, the parsed page does not change as
978    long as the source doesn't. It that case, you may want to avoid
979    page regeneration/reloading. If phpLastModified is turned on
980    Apache will send the Last-Modified tag to the browser, so that
981    the page will only be reloaded when it changes. (not that if
982    you are using page logging, multiple accesses will not be
983    logged!)</dd>
984  </dl>
986  <p>All of these directives are optional. If a directive is not
987  specified anywhere, the compile-time default will be used.</p>
988  <hr>
990  <h2><a name="fastcgi" id="fastcgi">FastCGI Support</a></h2>
992  <p>PHP/FI can be compiled with FastCGI support. You will need
993  fetch and compile <a href="http://www.fastcgi.com">FCGI
994  Development Kit</a> for your platform before compiling PHP/FI.
995  You will also need to get <a href="#redirect">CGI Redirection</a>
996  working. Then follow the instructions in the FastCGI
997  documentation for configuring FastCGI for your platform. If you
998  are using the mod_fastcgi module with the Apache server, here are
999  the step-by-step instructions:</p>
1001  <ul>
1002    <li>Edit your Apache Configuration file and add the mod_fastcgi
1003    module, then recompile Apache.</li>
1005    <li>Edit your <em>srm.conf</em> file and add lines similar
1006    to:<br>
1007    <code>AddType application/x-httpd-fcgi .fcgi<br>
1008    AppClass /usr/local/etc/httpd/fcgi-bin/php.fcgi -processes
1009    4<br>
1010    AddType application/x-httpd-fphp .fhtml<br>
1011    Action application/x-httpd-fphp
1012    /fcgi-bin/php.fcgi<br></code></li>
1014    <li>Copy your <em>php.cgi</em> binary to
1015    <em>/usr/local/etc/httpd/fcgi-bin/php.fcgi</em></li>
1016  </ul>
1018  <p>Now, any pages with the .fhtml extension will be handed off to
1019  the FastCGI php.fcgi process which is already running. The
1020  php.fcgi binary will still work as a normal CGI binary, so you
1021  could just create a symbolic link from php.cgi to php.fcgi.</p>
1023  <p>If you are not using Apache, the above steps will be similar,
1024  but not identical. CGI Redirection mechanisms are available for
1025  NCSA and Netscape servers at the <a href=
1026  "http://php.iquest.net/files/">PHP/FI File Archive</a>.</p>
1027  <hr>
1029  <h2><a name="access" id="access">Access Control</a></h2>
1031  <p>Note that the built-in PHP/FI based access control is likely
1032  to be discontinued in future versions. You should seriously
1033  consider using the security mechanism that comes with your web
1034  server instead.</p>
1036  <p>If you chose to include access control when you compiled the
1037  package, you may append <em>?config</em> to any URL to edit the
1038  access control file. ie.</p>
1040  <p>
1041  <code>http://your.machine.domain/cgi-bin/php.cgi/path/file.html?config</code></p>
1043  <p>Your configuration password will initially be set to your user
1044  id. If your user id does not work as your password, it probably
1045  means that PHP could not read the /etc/passwd file to locate your
1046  user id. If this is the case, the initial password will be set to
1047  "<strong>php</strong>". It is a good idea to change this
1048  password. Note that multiple users may maintain their own
1049  personal configuration files through a single PHP/FI binary.</p>
1051  <p>Access Control can be quite confusing initially. The ?config
1052  screen is divided up into a number of sections. The top section
1053  is for changing the password used to make sure that only people
1054  who know this password can change access control characteristics.
1055  In a system-wide installation, each user has his or her own
1056  configuration screen with his or her own password.</p>
1058  <p>The second section of the ?config screen consists of a number
1059  of tables. Each table defines a rule-set. The first rule-set is
1060  always the default rule-set. This default rule-set is used if a
1061  page does not have a rule-set defined specifically for it. After
1062  the default rule-set, any number of specific rule-set tables will
1063  follow.</p>
1065  <p>To add a rule-set for a specific file, enter the URL of the
1066  file in your browser and add <em><strong>?config</strong></em> to
1067  the end of the URL. On the ?config screen that comes up you will
1068  see that a rule-set has been added for this page, if it wasn't
1069  already there. When a new rule-set is added, it is initially set
1070  to be the same as the default rule-set. The following picture
1071  shows two simple rule-sets. First a default rule-set which just
1072  indicates that hits from all domains should be logged, and
1073  second, for the file /~rasmus/test.html and only that file, any
1074  users coming from a "<em>.edu</em>" domain will not be granted
1075  access.</p>
1077  <p><img src="gifs/config.gif" alt="[Image of ?config screen]"></p>
1079  <p>To edit a rule-set modify the fields until the desired
1080  configuration is reached within a rule-set and then hit the
1081  "<em>Submit Changes</em>" button. If more rules are needed, hit
1082  the "<em>Add Rule</em>" button and then edit the added rule.</p>
1084  <p>To delete a rule, select the checkbox to the right of the rule
1085  and hit the "<em>Submit Changes</em>" button. The screen will
1086  redraw and the rule should disappear.</p>
1088  <p>Note that you need to enter a regular expression in the
1089  pattern field. See the section on regular expressions in this
1090  documentation for more details.</p>
1091  <hr>
1093  <h2><a name="logging" id="logging">Access Logging</a></h2>
1095  <p>Access Logging is another optional feature which can be
1096  enabled at compile-time by answering <em>Yes</em> to the question
1097  in the install script. You may either store your access log data
1098  in dbm files, in an mSQL database, or in an mysql database. The
1099  latter two are more powerful, but is also a bit more difficult to
1100  set up.</p>
1102  <p>To use dbm files for storing your access logs, you will need
1103  to specify a directory in which log files can be written. PHP
1104  will try to create this directory if it doesn't exist, but to
1105  make sure it has the proper permissions, you may want to create
1106  this directory yourself before running PHP for the first time.
1107  The permissions on the directory should be such that the user id
1108  under which the PHP cgi program will run can write to the
1109  directory.</p>
1111  <p>To use an mSQL or mysql database for storing your access log
1112  data, you need to first make sure you have mSQL or mysql
1113  installed and running on your system. Then you need to create a
1114  database. The default name is "phpfi" although this can be
1115  changed in <em>src/php.h</em>. To create this database for mSQL,
1116  type:</p>
1117  <pre>
1118    msqladmin create phpfi
1121  <p>or for mysql type:</p>
1122  <pre>
1123    mysqladmin create phpfi
1126  <p>Then for mSQL, edit your <em>msql.acl</em> file and make sure
1127  the permissions on the database are correct. Something like the
1128  following should suffice:</p>
1129  <pre>
1130    database=phpfi
1131    read=*
1132    write=nobody,&lt;your user id&gt;
1133    access=local
1136  <p>For mysql, you need to make sure the httpd user (usually
1137  "nobody") has access to the database. Unlike mSQL, mysql stores
1138  access control data in a database. Assuming default permissions,
1139  you should be able to simply execute the following command:</p>
1140  <pre>
1141    echo "INSERT INTO user VALUES ('localhost','nobody','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');" | mysql mysql
1144  <p>Don't forget to load this new configuration with:</p>
1145  <pre>
1146    mysqladmin reload
1149  <p>For each user id for whom you want to store log data, you need
1150  to create two tables. The <em>msqllog</em> shell script in the
1151  scripts directory will do this for you. Simply type:</p>
1152  <pre>
1153    msqllog &lt;user id&gt;
1156  <p>or for mysql, type:</p>
1157  <pre>
1158    mysqllog &lt;user id&gt;
1161  <p>and the script will create the appropriate tables. You may
1162  need to edit the script to make it reflect where things are
1163  stored on your system.</p>
1165  <p>You may want to have a look at this script. It defines the
1166  field sizes of your log tables. If, for example, you know that
1167  your file paths exceed 64 characters, you need to bump up the
1168  filename size in both the <em>logN</em> and the <em>lastN</em>
1169  tables in this <em>msqllog</em> or <em>mysqllog</em> file.</p>
1171  <p>Access logging stores information about each "hit" on a page.
1172  This information can then be summarized by examining these log
1173  files. An example log file summarizing script is included in the
1174  package. It is the <code>log.html</code> file in the
1175  <code>examples</code> directory. This is the dbm log file analyzer.
1176  The mSQL log file analyzer is called <code>mlog.html</code>. And the
1177  mysql log file analyzer is called <code>mylog.html</code>. To run it,
1178  copy it and the other mlog.* files to a directory accessible from
1179  your web server and type:</p>
1180  <pre>
1181    http://your.machine.domain/cgi-bin/php.cgi/path/mlog.html
1184  <p>Or, if you are using the Apache module version, you can give
1185  the script a ".phtml" extension and call it with:</p>
1186  <pre>
1187    http://your.machine.domain/path/mlog.phtml
1190  <p>By default, if you have compiled PHP with access logging
1191  enabled, then your pages will appear with a footer containing
1192  some access information. You may not want to see this footer, but
1193  still log hits. You can turn off this footer with a "phpShowInfo
1194  off" line in your Apache httpd.conf or .htaccess files if you are
1195  running Apache. If you are not running Apache, you may turn these
1196  log footers off either by creating a rule in the <a href=
1197  "#access">?config</a> section for the page, or by adding a tag
1198  like this to your page:</p>
1200  <p><code>&lt;?setshowinfo(0)&gt;</code></p>
1201  <hr>
1203  <h2><a name="relative" id="relative">Relative vs. Absolute URL's
1204  - or, Why do my Images Break?</a></h2>
1206  <p>A problem common to all CGI wrappers is that the HTTPD program
1207  changes the current directory to the directory where whatever it
1208  is loading is stored. In the case of a CGI program, the current
1209  directory is set to the directory where the CGI program resides.
1210  This is normally not a problem, except when it comes to relative
1211  URL's.</p>
1213  <p>A relative URL is a URL which relies upon the current
1214  directory being the same as the directory where the current HTML
1215  file is located. So, for example, if I had the URL:</p>
1216  <pre>
1217    http://my.machine/~rasmus/file.html
1220  <p>the actual HTML file might be:</p>
1221  <pre>
1222    ~rasmus/public_html/file.html
1225  <p>If within the <code>file.html</code> file I had the tag:</p>
1226  <pre>
1227    &lt;IMG SRC="pic.gif"&gt;
1230  <p>when loaded normally this file gif file is expected to be in
1231  <code>~rasmus/public_html/pic.gif</code>. However, when loaded
1232  through a CGI wrapper with a URL like:</p>
1233  <pre>
1234    http://my.machine/cgi-bin/php.cgi/~rasmus/file.html
1237  <p>then HTTPD sets the current directory to <code>/cgi-bin</code> (or
1238  wherever the ScriptAlias might point) and subsequently when the
1239  page is loaded the <code>pic.gif</code> file is expected to be in:
1240  <code>/cgi-bin/pic.gif</code> which is usually not the desired
1241  effect.</p>
1243  <p>The quick way around this problem is to use absolute URL's. In
1244  the above example if the image tag had been:</p>
1245  <pre>
1246    &lt;IMG SRC="/~rasmus/pic.gif"&gt;
1249  <p>then there would have been no problem. Using absolute URL's is
1250  not always desirable as it makes pages less portable. An obvious
1251  question you may have at this point is, "Why doesn't PHP just
1252  change the current directory to the right place?". The answer is
1253  that PHP actually does change the current directory to the
1254  location of the HTML file it is displaying. Any file paths used
1255  inside PHP Script tags, can be relative. The problem is that tags
1256  outside of PHP's control such as &lt;img &gt; and &lt;a href &gt;
1257  will not be passed through PHP. When they are parsed, PHP is no
1258  longer active and the current working directory has been set back
1259  to the directory specified by the HTTP Daemon.</p>
1261  <p><strong>The Solution</strong> is a compromise. PHP provides a
1262  variable called <strong>PATH_DIR</strong>. It contains the
1263  directory portion of the current HTML file at all times. If this
1264  PATH_DIR variable is used in the &lt;img &gt; and &lt;a href &gt;
1265  tags then the effect of a relative URL can be achieved, although
1266  to the server it will look like an absolute URL when parsed. From
1267  our above example, the only change we would need to make would be
1268  to change the img tag to:</p>
1269  <pre>
1270    &lt;IMG SRC="&lt;?echo $PATH_DIR&gt;/pic.gif"&gt;
1271</pre>By using the above, you can move the file containing this tag
1272around, and the tag will always refer to a <code>pic.gif</code> file in
1273the same directory as the source HTML file.
1275  <p>Another way to handle this is to use the traditional &lt;BASE
1276  HREF=...&gt; in the HTML file.</p>
1277  <hr>
1279  <h2><a name="getpost" id="getpost">How PHP handles GET and POST
1280  method data</a></h2>
1282  <p>PHP will detect both GET and POST method data coming from HTML
1283  forms. One important point to understand is that POST method data
1284  is always treated first if both are present. If a PHP variable is
1285  defined by the POST method data, or if the variable is defined by
1286  the HTTP daemon in the Unix environment, then GET method data
1287  cannot overwrite it. This is to prevent somebody from adding
1288  <em>?REMOTE_HOST=some.bogus.host</em> to their URL's and thus
1289  tricking the PHP logging mechanism into recording this alternate
1290  data. POST method data is however allowed to overwrite these
1291  variables.</p>
1293  <p>Any component of the GET data (the data following a '?' in the
1294  URL) which is of the form, <em>word=something</em> will define
1295  the variable <em>$word</em> to contain the value
1296  <em>something</em>. Even if the data is not of this form, it can
1297  be accessed with the $argv built-in array. For example, in a URL
1298  like:</p>
1299  <pre>
1300    /cgi-bin/php.cgi/file.html?abc+def+EMAIL_ADDR=rasmus@lerdorf.on.ca&amp;var=value
1301</pre>The relevant components of the PHP symbol table will be:
1302  <pre>
1303    $argc       = 4
1304    $argv[0]    = abc
1305    $argv[1]    = def
1306    $argv[2]    = EMAIL_ADDR=rasmus@lerdorf.on.ca&amp;var=value
1307    $EMAIL_ADDR = rasmus@lerdorf.on.ca
1308    $var        = value
1311  <p>Notice how the EMAIL_ADDR part of the data shows up both as
1312  $argv[2] where it is unparsed, and the $EMAIL_ADDR variable is
1313  created to contain <em>rasmus@lerdorf.on.ca</em>.</p>
1315  <p>The $EMAIL_ADDR variable was used as an example in the above
1316  because it is a useful variable if you are using the logging
1317  features of PHP. By adding:</p>
1318  <pre>
1319    ?EMAIL_ADDR=
1322  <p>to any links on a page where the user's email address is
1323  known, you may propagate it to the next page. The PHP logging
1324  system will automatically look for this variable and record its
1325  value as the user's e-mail address in the logs. For any users of
1326  PHP1, the above serves the same function as adding
1327  <em>?&lt;!--$email--&gt;</em> to the URL used to do in PHP1. It
1328  looks a little bit more complex now, but it is also completely
1329  general allowing you to build your own complex pages.</p>
1331  <p>In the above example you can also see how multiple variables
1332  can be defined right in the GET method data by separating each
1333  with the "&amp;" character. This "&amp;" separated list of
1334  variables must be the last (or only) component of the GET method
1335  data for it to be valid.</p>
1337  <p><a name="selmul" id="selmul"><strong><code>SELECT MULTIPLE</code>
1338  and PHP</strong></a></p>
1340  <p>The SELECT MULTIPLE tag in an HTML construct allows users to
1341  select multiple items from a list. These items are then passed to
1342  the action handler for the form. The problem is that they are all
1343  passed with the same widget name. ie.</p>
1344  <pre>
1345    &lt;SELECT NAME="var" MULTIPLE&gt;
1348  <p>Each selected option will arrive at the action handler as:</p>
1350  <p>var=option1<br>
1351  var=option2<br>
1352  var=option3</p>
1354  <p>Each option will overwrite the contents of the previous $var
1355  variable. The solution is to use PHP/FI's non-indexed array
1356  feature. The following should be used:</p>
1357  <pre>
1358    &lt;SELECT NAME="var[]" MULTIPLE&gt;
1361  <p>This tells PHP/FI to treat <em>var</em> as an array an each
1362  assignment of a value to var[] adds an item to the array. The
1363  first item becomes $var[0], the next $var[1], etc. The <a href=
1364  "#count">count()</a> function can be used to determine how many
1365  options were selected, and the <a href="#sort">sort()</a>
1366  function can be used to sort the option array if necessary.</p>
1367  <hr>
1368  <a name="imagecoord" id="imagecoord"><strong><code>IMAGE
1369  SUBMIT</code> and PHP</strong></a>
1371  <p>When submitting a form, it is possible to use an image instead
1372  of the standard submit button with a tag like:</p>
1373  <pre>
1374    &lt;input type=image src=image.gif name=sub&gt;
1377  <p>When the user clicks somewhere on the image, the accompanying
1378  form will be transmitted to the server with two additional
1379  variables, <em>sub_x</em> and <em>sub_y</em>. These contain the
1380  coordinates of the user click within the image. The experienced
1381  may note that the actual variable names sent by the browser
1382  contains a period rather than an underscore, but PHP converts the
1383  period to an underscore automatically.</p>
1384  <hr>
1386  <h2><a name="gd_support" id="gd_support">GD (a graphics library
1387  for GIF creation) Support in PHP</a></h2>PHP supports the GD
1388  library version 1.2 written by Thomas Boutell. There is no GD
1389  code in PHP itself. If you wish to use the GD support in PHP/FI,
1390  you must obtain the GD library from <a href=
1391  "http://www.boutell.com/gd/http/gd1.3.tar.gz">http://www.boutell.com/gd/http/gd1.3.tar.gz</a>,
1392  install it, and then re-install PHP.
1394  <p>Not all of the GD features are supported by PHP. For a list of
1395  supported functions see the <a href="#funcs">Alphabetical List of
1396  Functions</a>. All the GD functions start with the word,
1397  <em>Image</em>.</p>
1399  <p>More information on the GD package is available at: <a href=
1400  "http://www.boutell.com/gd/">http://www.boutell.com/gd/</a>.</p>
1402  <p><em>GD 1.2 is copyright 1994, 1995 Quest Protein Database
1403  Center, Cold Springs Harbor Labs.</em></p>
1404  <hr>
1406  <h2><a name="virtual_hosts" id="virtual_hosts">PHP/FI and Virtual
1407  Hosts</a></h2>PHP works fine on virtual host setups supported by
1408  some http daemons. The one problem that may occur on such a setup
1409  is related to an inconsistency in the way httpd sets the
1410  SCRIPT_NAME environment variable. Normally it is set to the path
1411  of the current CGI program in relation to the top-level ROOT_DIR
1412  on the httpd server. However, when a virtual domain is used, some
1413  httpd's do not correctly set the SCRIPT_NAME variable as the
1414  relative path from the virtual domain's top level directory as it
1415  should. If the ?config screen gives you an invalid URL error
1416  message, you know that this problem exists on your setup. You
1417  will need to edit the <em>php.h</em> file and set the
1418  VIRTUAL_PATH #define to the path to your <em>php.cgi</em> binary
1419  relative to your top-level directory.
1420  <hr>
1422  <h2><a name="upload" id="upload">File Upload Support</a></h2>
1424  <p>PHP/FI will automatically detect a file upload from a browser
1425  which supports the form-based file upload features as proposed by
1426  <a href="mailto:nebel@xsoft.sd.xerox.com">E. Nebel</a> and
1427  <a href="mailto:masinter@parc.xerox.com">L. Masinter</a> from
1428  Xerox and described in <a href=
1429  "ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1867.txt">RFC 1867</a>.</p>
1431  <p>A file upload screen can be built by creating a special form
1432  which looks something like this:</p>
1434  <blockquote>
1435   <pre>
1436    &lt;FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="_URL_" METHOD=POST&gt;<br>
1437    &lt;INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000"&gt;<br>
1438    Send this file: &lt;INPUT NAME="userfile" TYPE="file"&gt;<br>
1439    &lt;INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send File"&gt;<br>
1440    &lt;/FORM&gt;
1441   </pre>
1442  </blockquote>
1444  <p>The _URL_ should point to a php html file. The MAX_FILE_SIZE
1445  hidden field must precede the file input field and its value is
1446  the maximum filesize accepted. The value is in bytes. In this
1447  destination file, the following variables will be defined upon a
1448  successful upload:</p>
1450  <dl>
1451    <dt><strong>$userfile</strong></dt>
1453    <dd>
1454      <p>The temporary filename in which the uploaded file was
1455      stored on the server machine.</p>
1456    </dd>
1458    <dt><strong>$userfile_name</strong></dt>
1460    <dd>
1461      <p>The original name of the file on the sender's system.</p>
1462    </dd>
1464    <dt><strong>$userfile_size</strong></dt>
1466    <dd>
1467      <p>The size of the uploaded file in bytes.</p>
1468    </dd>
1470    <dt><strong>$userfile_type</strong></dt>
1472    <dd>
1473      <p>The mime type of the file if the browser provided this
1474      information. An example would be "image/gif".</p>
1475    </dd>
1476  </dl>
1478  <p>The <em><strong>$userfile</strong></em> basename of the above
1479  variables will match the NAME field in the upload form.</p>
1481  <p>Files will by default be stored in the server's default
1482  temporary directory. This can be changed by setting the
1483  environment variable TMPDIR in the environment in which PHP/FI
1484  runs. Setting it using a PutEnv() call from within a PHP/FI
1485  script will not work though. Alternatively, you may hard-code in
1486  a temporary directory by editing <em>php.h</em> and defining the
1487  <strong>UPLOAD_TMPDIR</strong> variable.</p>
1489  <p>The PHP/FI script which receives the uploaded file should
1490  implement whatever logic is necessary for determining what should
1491  be done with the uploaded file. You can for example use the
1492  $file_size variable to throw away any files that are either too
1493  small or too big. You could use the $file_type variable to throw
1494  away any files that didn't match a certain type criteria.
1495  Whatever the logic, you should either delete the file from the
1496  temporary directory or move it elsewhere.</p>
1498  <p>Please note that the CERN httpd seems to strip off everything
1499  starting at the first whitespace in the content-type mime header
1500  it gets from the client. As long as this is the case, CERN httpd
1501  will not support the file upload feature.</p>
1502  <hr>
1504  <h2><a name="cookies" id="cookies">Cookie Support</a></h2>
1506  <p>PHP/FI transparently supports HTTP cookies as defined by
1507  <a href=
1508  "http://www.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html">Netscape's
1509  Spec</a>. Cookies are a mechanism for storing data in the remote
1510  browser and thus tracking or identifying return users. You can
1511  set cookies using the <a href="#setcookie">SetCookie()</a>
1512  function. Cookies are part of the HTTP header, so the SetCookie()
1513  function must be called before any output is sent to the browser.
1514  This is the same restriction as for the Header() function.</p>
1516  <p>Any cookies sent to you from the client will automatically be
1517  turned into a PHP/FI variable just like GET and POST method
1518  data.</p>
1520  <p>If you wish to assign multiple values to a single cookie, just
1521  add <b>[]</b> to the cookie name. For example:</p>
1522  <pre>
1523    SetCookie("MyCookie[]","Rasmus Lerdorf", time()+3600);
1524</pre>Note that a cookie will replace a previous cookie by the same
1525name in your browser unless the path or domain is different. So,
1526for a shopping cart application you may want to keep a counter and
1527pass this along. ie.
1528  <pre>
1530    $Count++;
1531    SetCookie("Count",$Count, time()+3600);
1532    SetCookie("Cart[$Count]",$item, time()+3600);
1534  <hr>
1536  <h2><a name="msql_support" id="msql_support">mSQL
1537  Support</a></h2>
1539  <p>mSQL stands for mini-SQL and is a small and simple SQL
1540  database engine written by David Hughes. It is available from
1541  <a href=
1542  "ftp://ftp.bond.edu.au/pub/Minerva/msql">ftp://ftp.bond.edu.au/pub/Minerva/msql</a></p>
1544  <p>PHP/FI supports has a rich set of mSQL support functions:</p>
1546  <dl>
1547    <dt><a href="#msql">msql()</a></dt>
1549    <dt><a href="#msql_close">msql_Close()</a></dt>
1551    <dt><a href="#msql_connect">msql_Connect()</a></dt>
1553    <dt><a href="#msql_createdb">msql_CreateDB()</a></dt>
1555    <dt><a href="#msql_dbname">msql_dbName()</a></dt>
1557    <dt><a href="#msql_dropdb">msql_DropDB()</a></dt>
1559    <dt><a href="#msql_fieldflags">msql_FieldFlags()</a></dt>
1561    <dt><a href="#msql_fieldlen">msql_FieldLen()</a></dt>
1563    <dt><a href="#msql_fieldname">msql_FieldName()</a></dt>
1565    <dt><a href="#msql_fieldtype">msql_FieldType()</a></dt>
1567    <dt><a href="#msql_freeresult">msql_FreeResult()</a></dt>
1569    <dt><a href="#msql_listdbs">msql_ListDBs()</a></dt>
1571    <dt><a href="#msql_listfields">msql_Listfields()</a></dt>
1573    <dt><a href="#msql_listtables">msql_ListTables()</a></dt>
1575    <dt><a href="#msql_numfields">msql_NumFields()</a></dt>
1577    <dt><a href="#msql_numrows">msql_NumRows()</a></dt>
1579    <dt><a href="#msql_regcase">msql_RegCase()</a></dt>
1581    <dt><a href="#msql_result">msql_Result()</a></dt>
1583    <dt><a href="#msql_tablename">msql_TableName()</a></dt>
1584  </dl>
1586  <p>In addition to these functions, PHP/FI can also be compiled to
1587  automatically escape any forward single quote ( ' ) characters
1588  found in GET or POST data. If the MAGIC_QUOTES variable is
1589  defined in the <em>php.h</em> file then these quotes will be
1590  automatically escaped making it easier to pass form data directly
1591  to msql queries.</p>
1592  <hr>
1594  <h2><a name="pg95_support" id=
1595  "pg95_support">Postgres95/PostgreSQL Support</a></h2>
1597  <p>Postgres95/PostgreSQL is a powerful public domain database
1598  that implements a significant subset of the SQL language. It
1599  supports many datatypes and commands that are not available in
1600  mSQL. More information about Postgres and the software itself can
1601  be found at this URL: <a href=
1602  "http://www.postgreSQL.org/">http://www.postgreSQL.org/</a>.</p>
1604  <p>The following PHP functions are available for Postgres95:</p>
1606  <dl>
1607    <dt><a href="#pg_connect">pg_Connect()</a></dt>
1609    <dt><a href="#pg_close">pg_Close()</a></dt>
1611    <dt><a href="#pg_host">pg_Host()</a></dt>
1613    <dt><a href="#pg_port">pg_Port()</a></dt>
1615    <dt><a href="#pg_options">pg_Options()</a></dt>
1617    <dt><a href="#pg_tty">pg_tty()</a></dt>
1619    <dt><a href="#pg_dbname">pg_DBname()</a></dt>
1621    <dt><a href="#pg_exec">pg_Exec()</a></dt>
1623    <dt><a href="#pg_result">pg_Result()</a></dt>
1625    <dt><a href="#pg_freeresult">pg_FreeResult()</a></dt>
1627    <dt><a href="#pg_getlastoid">pg_GetLastOid()</a></dt>
1629    <dt><a href="#pg_numrows">pg_NumRows()</a></dt>
1631    <dt><a href="#pg_numfields">pg_NumFields()</a></dt>
1633    <dt><a href="#pg_fieldnum">pg_FieldNum()</a></dt>
1635    <dt><a href="#pg_fieldname">pg_FieldName()</a></dt>
1637    <dt><a href="#pg_fieldtype">pg_FieldType()</a></dt>
1639    <dt><a href="#pg_fieldsize">pg_FieldSize()</a></dt>
1641    <dt><a href="#pg_fieldprtlen">pg_FieldPrtLen()</a></dt>
1643    <dt><a href="#pg_errorMessage">pg_errorMessage()</a></dt>
1644  </dl>
1646  <p><strong>Note:</strong> Binary cursors are not supported.</p>
1648  <p>In addition to these functions, PHP/FI can also be compiled to
1649  automatically escape any forward single quote ( ' ) and double
1650  quote ( " ) characters found in GET or POST data. If the
1651  MAGIC_QUOTES variable is defined in the <em>php.h</em> file then
1652  these quotes will be automatically escaped making it easier to
1653  pass form data directly to Postgres queries.</p>
1655  <p>Here is a sample script that connects to Postgres database on
1656  localhost called 'mydb' and retrieves the names and ages of
1657  people in a table:</p>
1658  <pre>
1660   $conn = pg_Connect("localhost", "5432", "", "", "mydb");
1661   if (!$conn) {
1662      echo "An error occured.\n";
1663      exit;
1664   }
1666   $result = pg_Exec($conn, "select * from table1");
1667   if (!$result) {
1668      echo "An error occured.\n";
1669      exit;
1670   }
1672   $num = pg_NumRows($result);
1673   $i = 0;
1675   while ($i &lt; $num) {
1676      echo "name: ";
1677      echo pg_Result($result, $i, "name");
1678      echo "  age: ";
1679      echo pg_Result($result, $i, "age");
1680      echo "&lt;BR&gt;";
1681      $i++;
1682   }
1684   pg_FreeResult($result);
1685   pg_Close($conn);
1688  <hr>
1690  <h2><a name="mysql_support" id="mysql_support">mysql
1691  Support</a></h2>
1693  <p>mysql is an clone of the mSQL package. You can get a copy from
1694  <a href="http://www.tcx.se/">http://www.tcx.se/</a></p>
1696  <p>PHP/FI supports has a rich set of mysql support functions:</p>
1698  <dl>
1699    <dt><a href="#mysql">mysql()</a></dt>
1701    <dt><a href="#mysql_close">mysql_Close()</a></dt>
1703    <dt><a href="#mysql_connect">mysql_Connect()</a></dt>
1705    <dt><a href="#mysql_createdb">mysql_CreateDB()</a></dt>
1707    <dt><a href="#mysql_dbname">mysql_dbName()</a></dt>
1709    <dt><a href="#mysql_dropdb">mysql_DropDB()</a></dt>
1711    <dt><a href="#mysql_fieldflags">mysql_FieldFlags()</a></dt>
1713    <dt><a href="#mysql_fieldlen">mysql_FieldLen()</a></dt>
1715    <dt><a href="#mysql_fieldname">mysql_FieldName()</a></dt>
1717    <dt><a href="#mysql_fieldtype">mysql_FieldType()</a></dt>
1719    <dt><a href="#mysql_freeresult">mysql_FreeResult()</a></dt>
1721    <dt><a href="#mysql_listdbs">mysql_ListDBs()</a></dt>
1723    <dt><a href="#mysql_listfields">mysql_Listfields()</a></dt>
1725    <dt><a href="#mysql_listtables">mysql_ListTables()</a></dt>
1727    <dt><a href="#mysql_numfields">mysql_NumFields()</a></dt>
1729    <dt><a href="#mysql_numrows">mysql_NumRows()</a></dt>
1731    <dt><a href="#mysql_result">mysql_Result()</a></dt>
1733    <dt><a href="#mysql_tablename">mysql_TableName()</a></dt>
1734  </dl>
1736  <p>In addition to these functions, PHP/FI can also be compiled to
1737  automatically escape any forward single quote ( ' ) characters
1738  found in GET or POST data. If the MAGIC_QUOTES variable is
1739  defined in the <em>php.h</em> file then these quotes will be
1740  automatically escaped making it easier to pass form data directly
1741  to mysql queries.</p>
1742  <hr>
1744  <h2><a name="solid_support" id="solid_support">Solid
1745  Support</a></h2>
1747  <p>The Solid server is a high-volume SQL server. It supports the
1748  ANSI SQL2, ODBC, SAG CLI and X/Open SQL standards. More
1749  information about the Solid server is available at <a href=
1750  "http://www.solidtech.com/">www.solidtech.com</a>. The Solid
1751  interface to PHP was developed by <a href=
1752  "http://solid.digiface.nl/">DigiFace Internet Services</a>.</p>
1754  <p>The following PHP functions are available for the Solid
1755  Server:</p>
1757  <dl>
1758    <dt><a href="#solid_connect">Solid_Connect()</a></dt>
1760    <dt><a href="#solid_close">Solid_Close()</a></dt>
1762    <dt><a href="#solid_exec">Solid_Exec()</a></dt>
1764    <dt><a href="#solid_result">Solid_Result()</a></dt>
1766    <dt><a href="#solid_freeresult">Solid_FreeResult()</a></dt>
1768    <dt><a href="#solid_numrows">Solid_NumRows()</a></dt>
1770    <dt><a href="#solid_numfields">Solid_NumFields()</a></dt>
1772    <dt><a href="#solid_fieldnum">Solid_FieldNum()</a></dt>
1774    <dt><a href="#solid_fieldname">Solid_FieldName()</a></dt>
1775  </dl>
1777  <p>In addition to these functions, PHP/FI can also be compiled to
1778  automatically escape any forward single quote ( ' ) characters
1779  found in GET or POST data. If the MAGIC_QUOTES variable is
1780  defined in the <em>php.h</em> file then these quotes will be
1781  automatically escaped making it easier to pass form data directly
1782  to Solid queries.</p>
1784  <p>Here is the same script that was shown in the Postgres
1785  section, adapted for the Solid server.</p>
1786  <pre>
1788   $conn = Solid_Connect("", "username", "password");
1789   if (!$conn) {
1790      echo "An error occured.\n";
1791      exit;
1792   }
1794   $result = Solid_Exec($conn, "select * from table1");
1795   if (!$result) {
1796      echo "An error occured.\n";
1797      exit;
1798   }
1800   while (Solid_FetchRow($result)) {
1801      echo "name: ";
1802      echo Solid_Result($result, "name");
1803      echo "  age: ";
1804      echo Solid_Result($result, "age");
1805      echo "&lt;BR&gt;";
1806   }
1808   Solid_FreeResult($result);
1809   Solid_Close($conn);
1812  <hr>
1814  <h2><a name="sybase_support" id="sybase_support">Sybase
1815  Support</a></h2>The supporting functions uses Sybase DB library
1816  API calls. Therefore you must have sybase API libraries and
1817  headers files installed in your system in order to compile PHP/FI
1818  with sybase support.
1820  <p>The following PHP/FI functions are available for Sybase.</p>
1822  <dl>
1823    <dt><a href=
1824    "#sybsql_checkconnect">SybSQL_CheckConnect()</a></dt>
1826    <dt><a href="#sybsql_connect">SybSQL_Connect()</a></dt>
1828    <dt><a href="#sybsql_DBuse">SybSQL_DBuse()</a></dt>
1830    <dt><a href="#sybsql_Exit">SybSQL_Exit()</a></dt>
1832    <dt><a href="#sybsql_fieldname">SybSQL_Fieldname()</a></dt>
1834    <dt><a href="#sybsql_getfield">SybSQL_GetField()</a></dt>
1836    <dt><a href="#sybsql_isrow">SybSQL_IsRow()</a></dt>
1838    <dt><a href="#sybsql_nextrow">SybSQL_NextRow()</a></dt>
1840    <dt><a href="#sybsql_numfields">SybSQL_NumFields()</a></dt>
1842    <dt><a href="#sybsql_numrows">SybSQL_NumRows()</a></dt>
1844    <dt><a href="#sybsql_query">SybSQL_Query()</a></dt>
1846    <dt><a href="#sybsql_result">SybSQL_Result()</a></dt>
1848    <dt><a href="#sybsql_result_all">SybSQL_Result_All()</a></dt>
1850    <dt><a href="#sybsql_seek">SybSQL_Seek()</a></dt>
1851  </dl>
1853  <p>For a complete example, see the example following the <a href=
1854  "#sybsql_result">sybSQL_Result()</a> function.</p>
1855  <hr>
1857  <h2><a name="oracle_support" id="oracle_support">Oracle
1858  Support</a></h2>The PHP/FI interface to Oracle uses the Oracle
1859  Call Interface (OCI). You need the OCI libraries on your system
1860  to compile PHP/FI with Oracle support.
1862  <p>The following PHP/FI functions are available for Oracle:</p>
1864  <dl>
1865    <dt><a href="#ora_bind">Ora_Bind()</a></dt>
1867    <dt><a href="#ora_close">Ora_Close()</a></dt>
1869    <dt><a href="#ora_commit">Ora_Commit()</a></dt>
1871    <dt><a href="#ora_commitoff">Ora_CommitOff()</a></dt>
1873    <dt><a href="#ora_commiton">Ora_CommitOn()</a></dt>
1875    <dt><a href="#ora_exec">Ora_Exec()</a></dt>
1877    <dt><a href="#ora_fetch">Ora_Fetch()</a></dt>
1879    <dt><a href="#ora_getcolumn">Ora_GetColumn()</a></dt>
1881    <dt><a href="#ora_logoff">Ora_Logoff()</a></dt>
1883    <dt><a href="#ora_logon">Ora_Logon()</a></dt>
1885    <dt><a href="#ora_open">Ora_Open()</a></dt>
1887    <dt><a href="#ora_parse">Ora_Parse()</a></dt>
1889    <dt><a href="#ora_rollback">Ora_Rollback()</a></dt>
1890  </dl>
1892  <p>An example PHP/FI Oracle application:</p>
1893  <pre>
1898/* Establish a connection between PHP and Oracle. */
1899$conn = Ora_Logon("username" "password"
1901if ($conn &lt; 0) {
1902    echo("Could not connect to Oracle.\n"
1903    exit;
1906/* Open a cursor in Oracle. */
1907$cursor = Ora_Open($conn);
1909if ($cursor &lt; 0) {
1910    echo("Could not open a cursor.\n"
1911    Ora_Logoff($conn);
1912    exit;
1915/* Turn off autocommit. */
1918/* This is the SQL query. */
1919$query = "SELECT * FROM some_table"
1921if (Ora_Parse($cursor, $query) &lt; 0) {
1922    echo("Parse failed!\n"
1923    Ora_Logoff($conn);
1924    exit;
1927/* Execute the SQL statement associated with $cursor and
1928   prepare storage for select-list items. */
1929$ncols = Ora_Exec($cursor);
1931echo "lt;P&gt;\n"
1932echo "lt;TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0&gt;\n"
1934/*  Retrieve all rows from the database one after another. */
1935while (Ora_Fetch($cursor) == 1) {
1936    $i = 0;
1937    echo "lt;TR&gt;\n"
1938    while ($i &lt; $ncols) {
1939     /* Get data for a single column of currently fetched row. */
1940     $col = Ora_GetColumn($cursor, $i);
1941        echo("lt;TD&gt;$col&lt;/TD&gt;\n"
1942     $i++;
1943    }
1944    echo("lt;/TR&gt;\n"
1947echo "&lt;/TABLE&gt;\n";
1949/* Close the Oracle connection. */
1952/* Disconnect the logon data area. */
1956  <hr>
1958  <h2><a name="illustra_support" id="illustra_support">Informix
1959  Illustra Support</a></h2>
1961  <p>Illustra is a commercial database sold by Informix. It has
1962  several features that are not fully supported by this interface
1963  (yet). The main claim to fame for Illustra is that it is an
1964  object-relational database capable of being extended in an
1965  object-orientated fashion. For example, it is possible to have an
1966  Image as a base type within the database. More information can be
1967  obtained from <a href="http://www.illustra.com/">The illustra
1968  home page</a>.</p>
1970  <p>The following PHP functions are available for Illustra:</p>
1972  <dl>
1973    <dt><a href="#mi_connect">mi_Connect()</a></dt>
1975    <dt><a href="#mi_close">mi_Close()</a></dt>
1977    <dt><a href="#mi_dbname">mi_DBname()</a></dt>
1979    <dt><a href="#mi_exec">mi_Exec()</a></dt>
1981    <dt><a href="#mi_result">mi_Result()</a></dt>
1983    <dt><a href="#mi_numrows">mi_NumRows()</a></dt>
1985    <dt><a href="#mi_numfields">mi_NumFields()</a></dt>
1987    <dt><a href="#mi_fieldnum">mi_FieldNum()</a></dt>
1989    <dt><a href="#mi_fieldname">mi_FieldName()</a></dt>
1990  </dl>
1992  <p><strong>Note:</strong> Type operations are not yet
1993  supported.</p>
1995  <p>Here is a sample script that connects to the illustra database
1996  on localhost called 'mydb' and retrieves the names and ages of
1997  people in a table:</p>
1998  <pre>
2000   $conn = mi_Connect("mydb", "username", "password");
2001   if ($conn&lt;0) {
2002      echo "An error occured on connection.\n";
2003      exit;
2004   }
2006   $result = mi_Exec($conn, "select * from table1");
2007   if ($result &lt; 0) {
2008      echo "An error occured.\n";
2009      exit;
2010   }
2012   $num = mi_NumRows($result);
2013   $i = 0;
2015   while ($i &lt; $num) {
2016      echo "name: ";
2017      echo mi_Result($result, $i, "name");
2018      echo "  age: ";
2019      echo mi_Result($result, $i, "age");
2020      echo "&lt;BR&gt;";
2021      $i++;
2022   }
2024   mi_Close($conn);
2027  <hr>
2029  <h2><a name="adabas_support" id="adabas_support">Adabas
2030  Support</a></h2>
2032  <p>Adabas D is an advanced RDBMS that is available on many
2033  platforms. A special version, the so called Personal Edition is
2034  available for Linux and Win32 at no cost. It is resticted to 5
2035  simulataneous users and 100 MB of data. For more information on
2036  Adabas D refer to <a href=
2037  "http://www.softwareag.com">http://www.softwareag.com</a>.</p>
2039  <p>The following PHP functions are available for accessing Adabas
2040  databases:</p>
2042  <dl>
2043    <dt><a href="#ada_connect">Ada_Connect()</a></dt>
2045    <dt><a href="#ada_close">Ada_Close()</a></dt>
2047    <dt><a href="#ada_exec">Ada_Exec()</a></dt>
2049    <dt><a href="#ada_result">Ada_Result()</a></dt>
2051    <dt><a href="#ada_resultall">Ada_ResultAll()</a></dt>
2053    <dt><a href="#ada_freeresult">Ada_FreeResult()</a></dt>
2055    <dt><a href="#ada_numrows">Ada_NumRows()</a></dt>
2057    <dt><a href="#ada_numfields">Ada_NumFields()</a></dt>
2059    <dt><a href="#ada_numrows">Ada_NumRows()</a></dt>
2061    <dt><a href="#ada_numfields">Ada_NumFields()</a></dt>
2063    <dt><a href="#ada_fieldnum">Ada_FieldNum()</a></dt>
2065    <dt><a href="#ada_fieldname">Ada_FieldName()</a></dt>
2067    <dt><a href="#ada_fieldtype">Ada_FieldType()</a></dt>
2068  </dl>Here is the same script that was shown in the Postgres and
2069  Solid sections, adapted for Adabas D.
2070  <pre>
2072   $conn = Ada_Connect("node:db", "username", "password");
2073   if (!$conn) {
2074      echo "An error occured.\n";
2075      exit;
2076   }
2078   $result = Ada_Exec($conn, "select * from table1");
2079   if (!$result) {
2080      echo "An error occured.\n";
2081      exit;
2082   }
2084   while (Ada_FetchRow($result)) {
2085      echo "name: ";
2086      echo Ada_Result($result, "name");
2087      echo "  age: ";
2088      echo Ada_Result($result, "age");
2089      echo "&lt;BR&gt;";
2090   }
2092   Ada_FreeResult($result);
2093   Ada_Close($conn);
2096  <hr>
2098  <h2><a name="regexp" id="regexp">Regular Expressions</a></h2>
2100  <p>Regular expressions are used for complex string manipulation
2101  in PHP/FI. The script interface to the regular expression support
2102  is through the following functions: <a href="#ereg">EReg()</a>,
2103  <a href="#eregi">ERegi()</a>, <a href=
2104  "#ereg_replace">EReg_Replace()</a>, <a href=
2105  "#eregi_replace">ERegi_Replace()</a>, <a href=
2106  "#reg_match">Reg_Match()</a>, <a href=
2107  "#reg_replace">Reg_Replace()</a>, and <a href=
2108  "#reg_search">Reg_Search()</a>. The first argument to all three
2109  functions is a regular expression string. The EReg functions use
2110  the Posix Extended regular expressions as defined by POSIX
2111  1003.2, while the Reg functions implement Basic regular
2112  expressions. For a complete description of regular expressions
2113  see your regex(7) man page. If you do not have this page, the
2114  regex(7) man page written by Henry Spencer can be found in the
2115  src/regex directory in the PHP/FI distribution. Ask your system
2116  administrator to install this man page for you.</p>
2118  <p>Some examples of regular expressions and what they do:</p>
2120  <blockquote>
2121    <dl>
2122      <dt><code>ereg("abc",$string);</code></dt>
2124      <dd>Returns true if "abc" is found anywhere in $string.</dd>
2126      <dt><code>ereg("^abc",$string);</code></dt>
2128      <dd>Returns true if "abc" is found at the beginning of
2129      $string.</dd>
2131      <dt><code>ereg("abc$",$string);</code></dt>
2133      <dd>Returns true if "abc" is found at the end of
2134      $string.</dd>
2136      <dt>
2137      <code>eregi("(ozilla.[23]|MSIE.3)",$HTTP_USER_AGENT);</code></dt>
2139      <dd>Returns true if client browser is Netscape 2, 3 or MSIE
2140      3.</dd>
2142      <dt><code>ereg("([[:alnum:]]+) ([[:alnum:]]+)
2143      ([[:alnum:]]+)",$string,$regs);</code><br></dt>
2145      <dd>Places three space separated words into $regs[1],
2146      $regs[2] and $regs[3].</dd>
2148      <dt><code>ereg_replace("^","&lt;BR&gt;",$string)</code></dt>
2150      <dd>Put a &lt;BR&gt; tag at the beginning of $string.</dd>
2152      <dt><code>ereg_replace("$","&lt;BR&gt;",$string)</code></dt>
2154      <dd>Put a &lt;BR&gt; tag at the end of $string.</dd>
2156      <dt><code>ereg_replace(10,"",$string);</code></dt>
2158      <dd>Get rid of any linefeed characters in $string.</dd>
2160      <dt><code>ereg_replace(13,"&lt;BR&gt;",$string);</code></dt>
2162      <dd>Replace all carriage returns with a &lt;BR&gt; tag in
2163      $string.</dd>
2164    </dl>
2165  </blockquote>
2166  <hr>
2168  <h2><a name="escapes" id="escapes">Escape Characters</a></h2>
2170  <p>The following escape sequences are supported in most places
2171  where a quoted string argument is used:</p>
2173  <blockquote>
2174    <pre>
2175   \a --&gt; bell
2176        \b --&gt; backspace
2177        \n --&gt; linefeed
2178        \r --&gt; carriage return
2179        \t --&gt; tab
2180        \nnn --&gt; octal char
2181        \xXX --&gt; hex char
2183  </blockquote>
2184  <hr>
2186  <h2><a name="octal" id="octal">Octal Notation of Unix file
2187  permissions</a></h2>
2189  <p>A couple of functions in the PHP/FI script language epxect
2190  octal arguments to denote Unix-style permission parameters. In
2191  this octal notation 3 bits are used to represent the values 0-7.
2192  Each bit of the three represents a specific permission. Octal is
2193  traditionally noted in some contexts by a leading 0, such as
2194  0755. You do not need to use this leading 0 in PHP since the
2195  functions that expect octal parameters are will simplyassume that
2196  the parameter is octal. Using the leading 0 is however good
2197  practise to remind yourself that you are no longer dealing with a
2198  base 10 value.</p>
2200  <p><b>Bit Description</b></p>
2201  <pre>
2202    xxx
2203    ^^^
2204    ||+----1 bit (execute permission)
2205    |+-----2 bit (write permission)
2206    +------4 bit (read permission)
2207</pre>These three bits are repeated three times for owner, group,
2208and world. Thus 0755 means:
2209  <pre>
2210    owner: r,w,x
2211    group: r, ,x
2212    world: r, ,x
2213</pre>Note that the execute bit on a directory means 'access', not
2214'execute'. There are also the extended bits in the fourth octal
2215nibble, like 0?755:
2216  <pre>
2217    4: suid bit   (set userid)
2218    2: sgid bit   (set group id)
2219    1: sticky bit (on a directory, only the owner can delete a file)
2221  <hr>
2223  <h2><a name="script" id="script">PHP/FI Script Language</a></h2>
2225  <p>The PHP script language is similar in syntax to the C language
2226  in many ways. It supports variables, arrays, function calls,
2227  different variable types and most things you might need to write
2228  complex cgi programs.</p>
2230  <p>Each PHP/FI function is described in the following section and
2231  can be quickly found by simply appending #function_name to the
2232  url for this document since each function description has been
2233  tagged with its name.</p>
2235  <h3><a name="syntax" id="syntax">Syntax</a></h3>
2237  <p>Each PHP instruction starts with <strong>&lt;?</strong> and
2238  ends with a <strong>&gt;</strong>. Or, instructions may be
2239  grouped inside a single <strong>&lt;? &gt;</strong> pair and
2240  separated by <strong>;</strong> characters.</p>
2242  <p>Variables are supported and are indicated by preceding the
2243  variable name with a <strong>$</strong>. So, for example, to set
2244  a variable to 5 and then display this variable, the following is
2245  valid:</p>
2246  <pre>
2247   &lt;?$a = 5&gt;
2248        &lt;?echo $a&gt;
2251  <p>This is the same as writing:</p>
2252  <pre>
2253   &lt;? $a = 5; echo $a &gt;
2256  <p>Or even:</p>
2257  <pre>
2258   &lt;?
2259        $a = 5;
2260        echo $a;
2261        &gt;
2264  <p>Extra white space characters such as spaces, tabs and
2265  new-lines are ignored. This fact should be used to format the PHP
2266  script blocks to make them easier to read. Case is relevant in
2267  variable names, but not in function calls. In the functional
2268  overview later on in this documentation, case is only used to
2269  make the function names easier to read. In the actual script
2270  language you can use any case you wish.</p>
2272  <p>Comments are supported. A comment is written just like
2273  comments in the C language. <strong>/*</strong> starts a comment
2274  and <strong>*/</strong> ends a comment. Comments can be placed
2275  anywhere within the <strong>&lt;? ... &gt;</strong> block.</p>
2276  <hr>
2278  <h3><a name="vars" id="vars">Variables</a></h3>
2280  <p>Three types of variables are supported. <strong>Long
2281  integer</strong>, <strong>Double precision floating
2282  point</strong> and <strong>character strings</strong>. They are
2283  automatically detected. For example:</p>
2284  <pre>
2285   &lt;?$a = 5&gt;
2288  <p>causes $a to become a variable of type INTEGER.</p>
2289  <pre>
2290   &lt;?$a = 5.0&gt;
2293  <p>causes $a to become a variable of type DOUBLE.</p>
2294  <pre>
2295   &lt;?$a = "5"&gt;
2298  <p>causes $a to become a variable of type STRING.</p>
2300  <p>The type of the variable is not generally important. Every
2301  variable regardless of its type is converted to all three types
2302  internally and the various functions will try to use the correct
2303  type. There are only a few functions affected by the type of the
2304  variable.</p>
2306  <p>All three variable types may also be treated as arrays by
2307  appending <strong>[value]</strong> to their names. Unlike C,
2308  these are actually associative arrays similar to those used in
2309  Perl. The following would be valid:</p>
2310  <pre>
2311   &lt;?
2312          $a[0] = 5;
2313          $a["hello"] = 6;
2314          echo $a[0];
2315          echo $a["hello"];
2316        &gt;
2319  <p>Note that if a variable is used both as an array and as a
2320  normal variable, the normal variable is synonymous with the index
2321  "0" entry in the array. ie.</p>
2322  <pre>
2323    $a = 1;
2326  <p>Is the same as writing:</p>
2327  <pre>
2328    $a[0] = 1;
2331  <p>PHP/FI also supports non-indexed arrays. A non-indexed array
2332  will generate its own index as items are added to it. For
2333  example:</p>
2334  <pre>
2335    $a[] = "Hello";
2336    $a[] = "There";
2339  <p>The first item inserted into a non-indexed array always gets
2340  assigned index 0, the second index 1, etc. Therefore the above
2341  items may be printed out with:</p>
2342  <pre>
2343    echo $a[0];
2344    echo $a[1];
2348  <p>Arrays can be copied by a simple assignment. If $b is an
2349  array, then all the values can be copied to a new array named $a
2350  with:</p>
2351  <pre>
2352    $a = $b;
2355  <p>Please not that if PHP does not force you to define variables
2356  before using them. If in the above statement, $b was undefined,
2357  then $a would be set to an empty string ("").</p>
2359  <p>The [] notation is also used to indicate that arrays are to be
2360  appended. If $a and $b are both arrays, then $b can be appended
2361  to $a by:</p>
2362  <pre>
2363    $a[] = $b;
2366  <p>In the above, there will be a difference between associative
2367  arrays and normal numbered arrays. Numbered arrays will be
2368  renumbered such that all elements from $b will come after the
2369  original elements from $a. While with associative arrays,
2370  elements in $b will be merged with elements in $a. Any elements
2371  (items with the same index name) which already exist in $a will
2372  be overwritten by $b elements.</p>
2374  <p>You can use the <a href="#count">count()</a> function to
2375  determine the number of items in any array.</p>
2377  <p>Also inherent to the language is the fact that the type of the
2378  variable determines how certain basic operations will be carried
2379  out. For example:</p>
2380  <pre>
2381    $a = $b + $c;
2384  <p>can do a couple of different things. If $b is a number, the
2385  numerical value of $c is added to $b and the sum is stored in $a.
2386  In this case the type of $c is irrelevant. The operation is
2387  guided by the type of the first variable. If $b is a string, then
2388  the string value of $c is appended to $b and the resultant string
2389  is placed in $a. This also leads to some caveats. You should read
2390  the section on <a href="#overload">overloaded operators</a> to
2391  get a better understanding of how to deal with them.</p>
2392  <hr>
2394  <h3><a name="assoc" id="assoc">Associative Arrays</a></h3>
2396  <p>The previous section introduced associative arrays. An
2397  associative array is an array in which the index need not be a
2398  numerically sequential value. The array index can be any number
2399  or string. PHP/FI provides a set of functions to manipulate these
2400  associative arrays. These include, <a href="#next">Next()</a>,
2401  <a href="#prev">Prev()</a>,<a href="#reset">Reset()</a>,<a href=
2402  "#end">End()</a>, and <a href="#key">Key()</a>.</p>
2403  <hr>
2405  <h3><a name="varvars" id="varvars">Variable Variables</a></h3>
2407  <p>Sometimes it is convenient to be able to have variable
2408  variable names. That is, a variable name which can be set and
2409  used dynamically. A normal variable is set with a statement such
2410  as:</p>
2411  <pre>
2412    $a = "hello";
2415  <p>A variable variable takes the value of a variable and treats
2416  that as the name of a variable. In the above example,
2417  <strong>hello</strong>, can be used as the name of a variable by
2418  using two dollar signs. ie.</p>
2419  <pre>
2420    $$a = "world";
2423  <p>At this point two variables have been defined and stored in
2424  the PHP/FI symbol tree:</p>
2425  <pre>
2426    Variable Name        Variable Content
2427         <em>a</em>                   <em>hello</em>
2428         <em>hello</em>               <em>world</em>
2431  <p>Therefore, this statement:</p>
2432  <pre>
2433    echo "$a $$a";
2436  <p>produces the exact same output as:</p>
2437  <pre>
2438    echo "$a $hello";
2441  <p>ie. they both produce: <strong>hello world</strong></p>
2442  <hr>
2444  <h3><a name="lang" id="lang">Language Constructs</a></h3>
2446  <p>As far as language constructs are concerned, the PHP language
2447  is quite simple. The following commands are used to guide the
2448  control flow through a file:</p>
2450  <ul>
2451    <li>if (condition)</li>
2453    <li>else</li>
2455    <li>elseif (condition)</li>
2457    <li>endif</li>
2459    <li>switch(expression)</li>
2461    <li>case expression</li>
2463    <li>default</li>
2465    <li>break</li>
2467    <li>endswitch</li>
2469    <li>while</li>
2471    <li>endwhile</li>
2473    <li>include</li>
2475    <li>exit</li>
2476  </ul>
2478  <p>The syntax of conditions are similar to that of the C
2479  language. <strong>==</strong> tests for equality.
2480  <strong>!=</strong> means not equal. Also supported are:
2481  <strong>&gt;</strong>, <strong>&lt;</strong>,
2482  <strong>&gt;=</strong>, <strong>&lt;=</strong>. Conditional AND
2483  is <strong>&amp;&amp;</strong>, conditional OR is
2484  <strong>||</strong>.</p>
2486  <p>Examples:</p>
2487  <pre>
2488    &lt;?
2489      if($a==5 &amp;&amp;  $b!=0 );
2490        $c = 100 + $a / $b;
2491      endif;
2492    &gt;
2495  <p>The above may also be written in standard C syntax:<br>
2496  In this case, there is no need for a semicolon after the closing
2497  curly brace.</p>
2498  <pre>
2499    &lt;?
2500      if($a==5 &amp;&amp; $b!=0) {
2501          $c = 100 + $a / $b;
2502      }
2503    &gt;
2506  <p>There is no difference between the two syntaxes. I personally
2507  like to use endif, endswitch and endwhile so I explicitly know
2508  which construct I am ending. However, these ending constructs can
2509  always be replaced with a closing curly brace.</p>
2511  <p>It is important to note that the flow of the language is not
2512  dependent on the organization of the script blocks within the
2513  code. You can start an if expression in one block and have the
2514  end of the expression in another. For example:</p>
2515  <pre>
2516   &lt;?if($a==5 &amp;&amp;  $b!=0)&gt;
2517                  &lt;b&gt;Normal html text&lt;/b&gt;
2518        &lt;?endif&gt;
2521  <p>In this example it is easy to see why it is sometimes more
2522  desirable to use the <code>endif</code> keyword as opposed to a
2523  closing brace. The above is much more readable than the
2524  following:</p>
2525  <pre>
2526   &lt;?if($a==5 &amp;&amp;  $b!=0) {&gt;
2527                  &lt;b&gt;Normal html text&lt;/b&gt;
2528        &lt;? } &gt;
2531  <p>Both version are valid and they will do exactly the same
2532  thing.</p>
2533  <hr>
2535  <h3><a name="user_funcs" id="user_funcs">User-Defined
2536  Functions</a></h3>
2538  <p>You may define a function within a PHP script with the
2539  following syntax:</p>
2540  <pre>
2541    &lt;?
2542      Function Test (
2543        echo "This is a test\n";
2544      );
2545    &gt;
2548  <p>This function can now be called from anywhere in the script as
2549  long as the call comes after the function definition. A sample
2550  call might be:</p>
2551  <pre>
2552    &lt;?
2553      Test();
2554    &gt;
2557  <p>User defined functions like this act exactly like PHP's
2558  internal functions in that you can pass arguments to them and
2559  have them return a value. Here is the syntax for a function
2560  definition of a function which takes 3 arguments and returns the
2561  sum of these arguments:</p>
2562  <pre>
2563    &lt;?
2564      Function Sum $a,$b,$c (
2565        return($a+$b+$c);
2566      );
2568      echo Sum($a,$b,$c);
2569    &gt;
2572  <p>The <em>return</em> statement is used to return a value from
2573  the function. Only a single value can be returned using this
2574  mechanism, however, if more values need to be communicated back
2575  and forth between the main code and functions, global variables
2576  can be used. This brings us to the section on the scope of
2577  variables.</p>
2578  <hr>
2580  <h3><a name="scope" id="scope">Scope of Variables</a></h3>
2582  <p>The scope of a variable is the context within which it is
2583  defined. For the most part all PHP/FI variables only have a
2584  single scope. However, within user-defined functions a local
2585  function scope is introduced. Any variable used inside a function
2586  is by default limited to the local function scope. For
2587  example:</p>
2588  <pre>
2589    $a=1; /* global scope */
2590    Function Test (
2591      echo $a; /* reference to local scope variable */
2592    );
2593    Test();
2596  <p>This script will not produce any output because the
2597  <em>echo</em> statement refers to a local version of the
2598  <em>$a</em> variable, and it has not been assigned a value within
2599  this scope. You may notice that this is a little bit different
2600  from the C language in that global variables in C are
2601  automatically available to functions unless specifically
2602  overridden by a local definition. This can cause some problems in
2603  that people may inadvertently change a global variable. In PHP/FI
2604  global variables must be declared global inside a function if
2605  they are going to be used in that function. An example:</p>
2606  <pre>
2607    $a=1;
2608    $b=2;
2609    Function Sum $first,$second (
2610      global $a,$b;
2612      $b = $a + $b;
2613    );
2614    Sum();
2615    echo $b;
2618  <p>The above script will output "3". By declaring $a and $b
2619  global within the function, all references to either variable
2620  will refer to the global version. There is no limit to the number
2621  of global variables that can be manipulated by a function.
2622  However, the variable must exist in the global scope prior to the
2623  function being called. You cannot create new global variables
2624  from within a function.</p>
2626  <p>Another important feature of variable scoping is the
2627  <em>static</em> variable. A static variable exists only in a
2628  local function scope, but it does not lose its value when program
2629  execution leaves this scope. Consider the following example:</p>
2630  <pre>
2631    Function Test (
2632      $a=0;
2633      echo $a;
2634      $a++;
2635    );
2638  <p>This function is quite useless since every time it is called
2639  it sets $a to 0 and prints "0". The $a++ which increments the
2640  variable serves no purpose since as soon as the function exits
2641  the $a variable disappears. To make a useful counting function
2642  which will not lose track of the current count, the $a variable
2643  is declared static:</p>
2644  <pre>
2645    Function Test (
2646      static $a=0;
2647      echo $a;
2648      $a++;
2649    );
2652  <p>Now, every time the Test() function is called it will print
2653  the value of $a and increment it.</p>
2655  <p>Static variables are also essential when functions are called
2656  recursively. A recursive function is one which calls itself. Care
2657  must be taken when writing a recursive function because it is
2658  possible to make it recurse indefinitely. You must make sure you
2659  have an adequate way of terminating the recursion. The following
2660  simple function recursively counts to 10:</p>
2661  <pre>
2662    Function Test (
2663      static $count=0;
2665      $count++;
2666      echo $count;
2667      if($count &lt;  10) {
2668        Test();
2669      }
2670    );
2672  <hr>
2674  <h3><a name="math" id="math">Mathematical Expressions</a></h3>
2676  <p>PHP supports full mathematical operations anywhere an
2677  expression is expected. Order of operations are taken into
2678  account. The following are the valid operators:</p>
2679  <pre>
2680   &lt;? $a = 2 + 1 &gt; <em>Addition</em>
2681        &lt;? $a = 2 - 1 &gt; <em>Subtraction</em>
2682        &lt;? $a = 2 * 1 &gt; <em>Multiplication</em>
2683        &lt;? $a = 2 / 1 &gt; <em>Division</em>
2684        &lt;? $a = 2 % 1 &gt; <em>Modulus</em>
2685        &lt;? $a = 2 ^ 1 &gt; <em>Bit-wise Exclusive OR</em>
2688  <p>Both bracketing and order of operations is supported, so the
2689  following is valid:</p>
2690  <pre>
2691   &lt;?$a = (2+1)*3+6/3&gt;
2694  <p>The C-like incremental operators <code>+=</code> and <code>-=</code>
2695  are supported. ie.</p>
2696  <pre>
2697    &lt;? $a += $b&gt;
2700  <p>This is equivalent to:</p>
2701  <pre>
2702    &lt;? $a = $a + $b&gt;
2705  <p>The C-like bit-wise operators <code>&amp;=</code>, <code>|=</code> and
2706  <code>^=</code> are supported. ie.</p>
2707  <pre>
2708    &lt;? $a &amp;= 4&gt;
2709</pre>This is equivalent to:
2710  <pre>
2711    &lt;? $a = $a &amp;  4&gt;
2713  <hr>
2715  <h3><a name="while" id="while">While Loops</a></h3>
2717  <p>You can loop within a PHP script by using the <em>while();
2718  endwhile;</em> construct.</p>
2719  <pre>
2720   &lt;?
2721          $a=0;
2722          while($a&lt;100) {
2723                  $a++;
2724                  echo $list[$a];
2725          }
2726        &gt;
2729  <p>The above example shows the use of a while loop to display the
2730  contents of an array. <strong>WARNING</strong> although the PHP
2731  language supports incremental operators such as
2732  <strong>++</strong> and <strong>-&lt;!&gt;-</strong> to increment
2733  and decrement a variable, they are not treated exactly like they
2734  would be in the C language. The variable is incremented right
2735  away. There is no concept of incrementing the variable before or
2736  after the operation as there is in C.</p>
2738  <p>As explained in the <a href="#lang">Language Constructs</a>
2739  section above, the same can be obtained with <em>while();
2740  endwhile;</em>.</p>
2741  <hr>
2743  <h3><a name="switch" id="switch">Switch Construct</a></h3>
2745  <p>PHP supports a switch construct very similar to the C
2746  equivalent.</p>
2747  <pre>
2748   &lt;?
2749          $a=0;
2750          switch($a) {
2751                case 1;
2752                  echo "a is 1";
2753                  break;
2754                case "hello";
2755                  echo "a is hello";
2756                  break;
2757                default;
2758                  echo "a is unknown";
2759                  break;
2760          }
2761        &gt;
2764  <p>The above is an example of a switch construct. It is similar
2765  to a series of if/elseif/else constructs but easier to read. The
2766  only difference between the PHP switch construct and that of the
2767  C language is that semi-colons are used to terminate every line.
2768  There are no colons.</p>
2770  <p>As explained in the <a href="#lang">Language Constructs</a>
2771  section above, the same can be obtained with <em>switch();
2772  endswitch;</em>.</p>
2774  <p>All of these constructs can of course be nested and used
2775  inside each other just like C. The various files in the
2776  <em>examples</em> directory of the PHP distribution should
2777  provide a good starting point for learning the language.</p>
2778  <hr>
2780  <h3><a name="secure" id="secure">Secure Variables - Defeating GET
2781  method hacks</a></h3>
2783  <p>A previous section talked about GET and POST method data and
2784  variables. If you think about it, you may be able to envision a
2785  security issue. For example, if on a web page I have obtained
2786  some data from a database and I pass this data along in a
2787  variable called "data" in a POST method form. In the ensuing page
2788  I can access this variable and do something with it. However, if
2789  someone accessed this second page directly and put a
2790  "?data=something" right in the URL thereby doing a GET method
2791  variable set, they have effectively circumvented the original
2792  POST method form.</p>
2794  <p>PHP provides a <em>SecureVar()</em> function which is used to
2795  mark variables names as being secure variables. These secure
2796  variables can only be set directly in a PHP script, or they can
2797  come from a POST method form. They cannot be set using the GET
2798  method variable definition mechanism. From our above scenario, if
2799  we placed the line:</p>
2800  <pre>
2801    &lt;?SecureVar("data")&gt;
2804  <p>Near the beginning of our second page, then the GET method
2805  trick would not work. The "data" variable would appear to be
2806  empty unless it came directly from the POST method form on the
2807  first page.</p>
2809  <p>The <em>SecureVar()</em> actually takes a regular expression
2810  as its argument, so you can mark patterns of variable names that
2811  should be treated in this secure manner. For example,</p>
2812  <pre>
2813    &lt;?SecureVar(".*data.*")&gt;
2816  <p>Would mark any variable with the word "data" anywhere in their
2817  name as being secure.</p>
2819  <p>Please note that POST-method forms are not intrinsically
2820  secure. People can emulate the posting of any data to a form by
2821  simply telnetting to the HTTP port on your system. You need to
2822  take appropriate security measures to stop people from doing this
2823  if in fact security is a concern.</p>
2824  <hr>
2826  <h3><a name="overload" id="overload">Overloaded Operators and
2827  dealing with variable types</a></h3>An overloaded operator is an
2828  operator like '+' for example which can do different things based
2829  on the types of the expressions it is asked to operate on.
2831  <p>The problem is that PHP understands 3 variable types. Integer,
2832  Double and String. When a variable is first assigned, PHP
2833  automatically figures out the variable type.</p>
2835  <p>ie.</p>
2836  <pre>
2837    $a = 1;     Type would be integer
2838    $b = 1.5;   Type would be double
2839    $c = "1";   Type would be string
2842  <p>Now, what happens when you do something like:</p>
2843  <pre>
2844    $d = $a + $c;
2847  <p>The parser looks at the first part of the arithmetic
2848  expression and uses that to type the result and thus also the
2849  nature of the arithmetic that is to be done. In the above case
2850  since $a is an integer, $d will be an integer and an integer
2851  addition is done giving the result:</p>
2852  <pre>
2853    $d = 2      Type is integer
2856  <p>Therefore:</p>
2857  <pre>
2858    $d = $c + $a
2861  <p>Results in:</p>
2862  <pre>
2863    $d = "11"   Type is string
2866  <p>The above makes sense to me, and once you understand it, it is
2867  probably workable. However, when more complex expressions are
2868  used it can get extremely confusing.</p>
2870  <p>The solution is a simple type casting mechanism. In reality
2871  all variables are automatically converted to all 3 types, and an
2872  internal flag just marks what type the variable actually is. So,
2873  when I say:</p>
2874  <pre>
2875    $a = 1;
2878  <p>Internally in the symbol table I store 3 versions.</p>
2879  <pre>
2880    Integer:  1    &lt;-- flag
2881    Double :  1.0
2882    String :  "1"
2885  <p>The <em>SetType()</em> function can move this flag indicating
2886  the type of the variable.</p>
2887  <pre>
2888    SetType($a,"double");
2891  <p>This would force $a to be treated as a double from then
2892  on.</p>
2894  <p>The <em>GetType()</em> function returns the type.
2895  <code>GetType($a)</code> would return "double" in this case.</p>
2897  <p>Functions also exist to return the 3 various types without
2898  moving the type flag.</p>
2899  <pre>
2900    IntVal($a)     returns  1
2901    DoubleVal($a)  returns  1.0
2902    StrVal($a)     returns  "1"
2905  <p>This doesn't change the overloaded operator nature of the PHP
2906  variables, but it does give you some tools to better deal with
2907  them. PHP is not not a full-fledged Perl look-alike. It has to be
2908  small and fast. Perl deals with the overloaded operator pitfall
2909  by forcing something like the '+' operator to only work on
2910  numbers. If you want to add strings, you must use the '.'
2911  operator. Once you start having separate operators for each type
2912  you start making the language much more complex. ie. you can't
2913  use '==' for stings, you now would use 'eq'. I don't see the
2914  point, especially for something like PHP where most of the
2915  scripts will be rather simple and in most cases written by
2916  non-programmers who want a language with a basic logical syntax
2917  that doesn't have too high a learning curve.</p>
2918  <hr>
2920  <h3><a name="quiet" id="quiet">Suppressing Errors from function
2921  calls</a></h3>
2923  <p>It may be desirable in certain circumstances to ignore fatal
2924  errors which may be reported by specific PHP functions. For
2925  example, you may want to ignore errors from a dbmopen() call and
2926  simply check the return value of the call without having error
2927  messages appear on the web screen. This can be done by putting
2928  the "@" character in front of the function call. ie.</p>
2929  <pre>
2930    $err_code = @dbmopen($filename,"w");
2933  <p>The actual error message that would have been printed can be
2934  checked by looking at the PHP internal variable,
2935  <strong>$phperrmsg</strong>.</p>
2937  <p>A more general approach to suppress error message printing is
2938  to use the <a href="#seterrorreporting">SetErrorReporting()</a>
2939  function. With this function error printing can be disabled for
2940  entire blocks of code by preceding the block with a call
2941  like:</p>
2942  <pre>
2943    SetErrorReporting(0);
2946  <p>This turns off all errors. They can then be re-enabled later
2947  with:</p>
2948  <pre>
2949    SetErrorReporting(1);
2951  <hr>
2953  <h3><a name="funcs" id="funcs">Internal
2954  Functions</a></h3><a href="function"></a>
2956  <p>PHP has a number of built-in functions. Functions are called
2957  in the same manner as they are called in the C language. Some
2958  take one or more arguments, and some return values which can then
2959  be assigned to a variable or used as an argument to another
2960  function. For example:</p>
2961  <pre>
2962   &lt;?$t=time()&gt;
2965  <p>This assigns the return value of the <em>time()</em> function
2966  to the <em>t</em> variable.</p>
2968  <h3>Alphabetical List of Functions</h3>
2970  <dl>
2971    <dt><a name="abs" id="abs"><span class="big">Abs(arg)</span></a></dt>
2973    <dd>
2974      <p>Abs returns the absolute value of arg.</p>
2975    </dd>
2977    <dt><a name="ada_close" id="ada_close"><span class="big">Ada_Close(connection_id)</span></a></dt>
2979    <dd>
2980      <p>Ada_Close will close down the connection to the Adabas
2981      server associated with the given connection identifier.</p>
2983      <p>This function is only available if Adabas support has been
2984      enabled in PHP.</p>
2985    </dd>
2987    <dt><a name="ada_connect" id="ada_connect"><span class="big">$connection = Ada_Connect(data source name, username,
2988    password)</span></a></dt>
2990    <dd>
2991      <p>Ada_Connect opens a connection to a Adabas server. Each of
2992      the arguments should be a quoted string. The first parameter
2993      (data source name) is a string in the form
2994      "servername:databasename". The servername (but not the colon)
2995      can be omitted if you want to access a local database. This
2996      function returns a connection_id. This identifier is needed
2997      by other Adabas functions. You can have multiple connections
2998      open at once. This function will return <strong>0</strong> on
2999      error.</p>
3001      <p>This function is only available if Adabas support has been
3002      enabled in PHP.</p>
3003    </dd>
3005    <dt><a name="ada_exec" id="ada_exec"><span class="big">$result =
3006    Ada_Exec(connection_id, query_string)</span></a></dt>
3008    <dd>
3009      <p>Ada_Exec will send an SQL statement to the Adabas server
3010      specified by the connection_id. The connection_id must be a
3011      valid identifier that was returned by Ada_Connect or the
3012      special value <strong>0</strong>. If connection_id is 0,
3013      ada_exec tries to establish or to use a connection with the
3014      parameters given with the <a href="#directives">configuration
3015      directives</a> <em>phpAdaDefDB, phpAdaUser</em> and
3016      <em>phpAdaPW</em>.<br>
3017      The return value of this function is an identifier to be used
3018      to access the results by other Adabas functions. This
3019      function will return <strong>0</strong> on error. It will
3020      return <strong>1</strong> when the command executed correctly
3021      but is not expected to return data (insert or update
3022      commands, for example). Note that selects which return no
3023      data will still return a valid result greater than 1.</p>
3025      <p>This function is only available if Adabas support has been
3026      enabled in PHP.</p>
3027    </dd>
3029    <dt><a name="ada_fetchrow" id="ada_fetchrow"><span class="big">Ada_FetchRow(result_id [,row_number])</span></a></dt>
3031    <dd>
3032      <p>Ada_FetchRow fetches a row of the data that was returned
3033      by Ada_Exec. After Ada_FetchRow is called, the fields of that
3034      row can be access with Ada_Result. If no rownumber is given,
3035      Ada_FetchRow will try to fetch the next row in the result
3036      set. Every time Ada_FetchRow is called a new row can be
3037      accessed by Ada_Result. If Ada_FetchRow was succesful (there
3038      was a row), <strong>1</strong> is returned, if there are no
3039      more rows, Ada_FetchRow will return <strong>0</strong>. The
3040      return value of Ada_FetchRow can be used as the condition of
3041      a while loop. Calls to Ada_FetchRow() with and without
3042      rownumber can be mixed. To step through the result more than
3043      once, you can call Ada_FetchRow() with rownumber 1 and then
3044      continue with Ada_FetchRow() without rownumber to review the
3045      result.</p>
3047      <p>This function is only available if Adabas support has been
3048      enabled in PHP.</p>
3049    </dd>
3051    <dt><a name="ada_fieldname" id="ada_fieldname"><span class="big">Ada_FieldName(result_id, field_number)</span></a></dt>
3053    <dd>
3054      <p>Ada_FieldName will return the name of the field occupying
3055      the given column number in the given Adabas result
3056      identifier. Field numbering starts from 0.</p>
3058      <p>This function is only available if Adabas support has been
3059      enabled in PHP.</p>
3060    </dd>
3062    <dt><a name="ada_fieldnum" id="ada_fieldnum"><span class="big">Ada_FieldNum(result_id, field_name)</span></a></dt>
3064    <dd>
3065      <p>Ada_FieldNum will return the number of the column slot
3066      that corresponds to the named field in the given Adabas
3067      result identifier. Field numbering starts at 0. This function
3068      will return <strong>-1</strong> on error.</p>
3070      <p>This function is only available if Adabas support has been
3071      enabled in PHP.</p>
3072    </dd>
3074    <dt><a name="ada_fieldtype" id="ada_fieldtype"><span class="big">Ada_FieldType(result_id,
3075    field_name|field_number)</span></a></dt>
3077    <dd>
3078      <p>Ada_FieldType will return the SQL type of the field
3079      referecend by name or number in the given Adabas result
3080      identifier. Note: Field numbering starts from 0.</p>
3082      <p>This function is only available if Adabas support has been
3083      enabled in PHP.</p>
3084    </dd>
3086    <dt><a name="ada_freeresult" id="ada_freeresult"><span class="big">Ada_FreeResult(result_id)</span></a></dt>
3088    <dd>
3089      <p>Ada_FreeResult only needs to be called if you are worried
3090      about using too much memory while your script is running. All
3091      result memory will automatically be freed when the script is
3092      finished. But, if you are sure you are not going to need the
3093      result data anymore in a script, you may call Ada_FreeResult
3094      with the result identifier as an argument and the associated
3095      result memory will be freed.</p>
3097      <p>This function is only available if Adabas support has been
3098      enabled in PHP.</p>
3099    </dd>
3101    <dt><a name="ada_numfields" id="ada_numfields"><span class="big">Ada_NumFields(result_id)</span></a></dt>
3103    <dd>
3104      <p>Ada_NumFields will return the number of fields (columns)
3105      in a Adabas result. The argument is a valid result identifier
3106      returned by Ada_Exec. This function will return
3107      <strong>-1</strong> on error.</p>
3109      <p>This function is only available if Adabas support has been
3110      enabled in PHP.</p>
3111    </dd>
3113    <dt><a name="ada_numrows" id="ada_numrows"><span class="big">Ada_NumRows(result_id)</span></a></dt>
3115    <dd>
3116      <p>Ada_NumRows will return the number of rows in a Adabas
3117      result. The argument is a valid result identifier returned by
3118      Ada_Exec. This function will return <strong>-1</strong> on
3119      error. For INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements Ada_NumRows()
3120      returns the number of rows affected. For a SELECT clause this
3121      is the number of rows available.</p>
3123      <p>This function is only available if Adabas support has been
3124      enabled in PHP.</p>
3125    </dd>
3127    <dt><a name="ada_result" id="ada_result"><span class="big">Ada_Result(result_id, field name | index)</span></a></dt>
3129    <dd>
3130      <p>Ada_Result will return values from a result identifier
3131      produced by Ada_Exec. The field name specify what cell in the
3132      row to return. Instead of naming the field, you may use the
3133      field index as an unquoted number. Field indices start from
3134      0. If the requested field is of code type BYTE (binary) or is
3135      longer than 4096 bytes, the contents is sent directly to the
3136      client. Hint: [VAR]CHAR BYTE fields can be returned into a
3137      php variable by using the HEX() db function; e. g. SELECT
3140      <p>This function is only available if Adabas support has been
3141      enabled in PHP.</p>
3142    </dd>
3144    <dt><a name="ada_resultall" id="ada_resultall"><span class="big">Ada_ResultAll(result_id [,format])</span></a></dt>
3146    <dd>
3147      <p>Ada_ResultAll will print all rows from a result identifier
3148      produced by Ada_Exec. The result is printed in HTML table
3149      format. With the optional formatstring additional overall
3150      table formatting can be done (e. g. bgcolor= will set
3151      background color, &gt;caption&gt; &lt;/caption to set
3152      caption). Note: The contents of "format" will be inserted
3153      into the HTML table tag like this &lt;table format
3154      &gt;...</p>
3156      <p>This function is only available if Adabas support has been
3157      enabled in PHP.</p>
3158    </dd>
3160    <dt><a name="addslashes" id="addslashes"><span class="big">AddSlashes(arg)</span></a></dt>
3162    <dd>
3163      <p>Escapes any $ \ or ' (if MAGIC_QUOTES is set) with a
3164      backslash. See also <a href=
3165      "#stripslashes">StripSlashes()</a>.</p>
3166    </dd>
3168    <dt><a name="asort" id="asort"><span class="big">ASort(array)</span></a></dt>
3170    <dd>
3171      <p>Sort is used to sort a PHP associative array in ascending
3172      order. Use ARSort() for descending order. Unlike the <a href=
3173      "#sort">Sort()</a> function, ASort() maintains index-value
3174      pairings. It understands the three variable types and will
3175      sort alphabetically if the array contains strings, and
3176      numerically if the array contains numbers. In the case of an
3177      array which contains a mixture of types, the first type in
3178      the array will specify the sort method. Note that if you are
3179      going to sort a non-associative array, you should use the
3180      <a href="#sort">Sort()</a> function.</p>
3181    </dd>
3183    <dt><a name="bindec" id="bindec"><span class="big">BinDec(binary_string)</span></a></dt>
3185    <dd>
3186      <p>BinDec returns the decimal equivalent of the binary number
3187      represented by the binary_string argument. The largest number
3188      that can be converted is 31 bits long or 4294967295 in
3189      decimal. See also the <a href="#decbin">DecBin()</a>
3190      function.</p>
3191    </dd>
3193    <dt><a name="ceil" id="ceil"><span class="big">Ceil(value)</span></a></dt>
3195    <dd>
3196      <p>Ceil() rounds a floating point value up to the next
3197      integer. The return value is of type double (floating point)
3198      such that it can be used properly in complex equations. To
3199      get an integer type back, use: <code>$new =
3200      IntVal(Ceil($value));</code><br>
3201      See also <a href="#floor">Floor()</a>.</p>
3202    </dd>
3204    <dt><a name="chdir" id="chdir"><span class="big">ChDir(dir)</span></a></dt>
3206    <dd>
3207      <p>ChDir changes the current working directory to the
3208      directory specified in the argument.</p>
3209    </dd>
3211    <dt><a name="chgrp" id="chgrp"><span class="big">ChGrp(file,group)</span></a></dt>
3213    <dd>
3214      <p>ChGrp changes the group id of the specified file.</p>
3215    </dd>
3217    <dt><a name="chmod" id="chmod"><span class="big">ChMod(file,perms)</span></a></dt>
3219    <dd>
3220      <p>ChMod changes the file permissions of the specified file.
3221      The <em>perms</em> parameter must be specified in <a href=
3222      "#octal">octal</a> notation. eg. ChMod($filename,0755)</p>
3223    </dd>
3225    <dt><a name="chown" id="chown"><span class="big">ChOwn(file,owner)</span></a></dt>
3227    <dd>
3228      <p>ChOwn changes the specified file to be owned by the
3229      specified owner. Note that this will only work if the PHP/FI
3230      binary is running as root (which is not generally a good
3231      idea).</p>
3232    </dd>
3234    <dt><a name="chop" id="chop"><span class="big">Chop(string)</span></a></dt>
3236    <dd>
3237      <p>Chop removes all trailing whitespaces including new-lines,
3238      tabs and spaces and returns the new string.</p>
3239    </dd>
3241    <dt><a name="chr" id="chr"><span class="big">Chr(arg)</span></a></dt>
3243    <dd>
3244      <p>Chr returns the ASCII character represented by the integer
3245      argument.</p>
3246    </dd>
3248    <dt><a name="clearstack" id="clearstack"><span class="big">ClearStack()</span></a></dt>
3250    <dd>
3251      <p>The ClearStack() function is a hack/workaround for a
3252      deficiency in the PHP parser. This dificiency is that PHP
3253      only has a single expression stack. When inside a
3254      user-defined function this expression stack is never cleared
3255      because its contents may be needed within a complex
3256      expression in the context from which the user-defined
3257      function was called. This means that if you have a while loop
3258      with a lot of iterations inside a user-defined function, you
3259      may be chewing up a lot of stack space. You may even be
3260      hitting the max data space limit. You can put a call to
3261      ClearStack() inside your while loop to prevent this memory
3262      consumption, but the trade-off is that you cannot use your
3263      function within any sort of context. ie. you have to assign
3264      the output of the function to a temporary variable and then
3265      use this temporary variable in whatever context you need.</p>
3266    </dd>
3268    <dt><a name="clearstatcache" id="clearstatcache"><span class="big">
3269    ClearStatCache()</span></a></dt>
3271    <dd>
3272      <p>The stat() system call is normally an expensive operation
3273      on most operating systems. In order to make sure that
3274      repeated calls to the various File* functions like <a href=
3275      "#fileperms">FilePerms()</a>, <a href=
3276      "#fileinode">FileInode()</a>, etc. the result of the last
3277      stat() call is always cached. If one of the File* functions
3278      is called again with the same argument, the cached stat()
3279      result will be used. In order to force a new stat() system
3280      call this ClearStatCache() function may be called to clear
3281      the cached stat() result.</p>
3282    </dd>
3284    <dt><a name="closedir" id="closedir"><span class="big">
3285    closeDir()</span></a></dt>
3287    <dd>
3288      <p>closeDir closes a directory opened using the <a href=
3289      "#opendir">openDir</a> function.</p>
3290    </dd>
3292    <dt><a name="closelog" id="closelog"><span class="big">
3293    CloseLog()</span></a></dt>
3295    <dd>
3296      <p>CloseLog() closes the descriptor Syslog() uses to write to
3297      the system logger. See the closelog(3) UNIX man page for more
3298      details. See also <a href="#syslog">Syslog()</a>, <a href=
3299      "#openlog">OpenLog()</a> and <a href=
3300      "#initsyslog">InitSyslog()</a>.</p>
3301    </dd>
3303    <dt><a name="cos" id="cos"><span class="big">
3304    Cos(arg)</span></a></dt>
3306    <dd>
3307      <p>Cos returns the cosine of arg in radians. See also
3308      <a href="#sin">Sin()</a> and <a href="#tan">Tan()</a></p>
3309    </dd>
3311    <dt><a name="count" id="count"><span class="big">
3312    Count(array)</span></a></dt>
3314    <dd>
3315      <p>Count returns the number of items in an array variable. If
3316      the variable is not an array, the return value will be 1
3317      (because a normal variable is similar to an array with only
3318      one item). If the variable is not defined, the return value
3319      will be 0.</p>
3320    </dd>
3322    <dt><a name="crypt" id="crypt"><span class="big">
3323    Crypt(string,[salt])</span></a></dt>
3325    <dd>
3326      <p>Crypt will encrypt a string using the standard Unix DES
3327      encryption method. Arguments are a string to be encrypted and
3328      an optional two-character salt string to base the encryption
3329      on. See the Unix man page for your crypt function for more
3330      information. If you do not have a crypt function on your Unix
3331      system, you can use Michael Glad's public domain UFC-Crypt
3332      package which was developed in Denmark and hence not
3333      restricted by US export laws as long as you ftp it from an
3334      non-US site.</p>
3335    </dd>
3337    <dt><a name="date" id="date"><span class="big">
3338    Date(format,time)</span></a></dt>
3340    <dd>
3341      <p>The Date function is used to display times and dates in
3342      various ways. The function takes a format string and a time
3343      as arguments. If the time argument is left off, the current
3344      time and date will be used. The time argument is specified as
3345      an integer in number of seconds since the Unix Epoch on Jan.1
3346      1970. The format string is used to indicate which date/time
3347      components should be displayed and how they should be
3348      formatted. The following characters are recognized within the
3349      format string. Any unrecognized character is printed
3350      verbosely:</p>
3352      <ul>
3353        <li><code>Y - Year eg. 1995</code></li>
3355        <li><code>y - Year eg. 95</code></li>
3357        <li><code>M - Month eg. Oct</code></li>
3359        <li><code>m - Month eg. 10</code></li>
3361        <li><code>F - Month eg. October</code></li>
3363        <li><code>D - Day eg. Fri</code></li>
3365        <li><code>l - Day eg. Friday</code></li>
3367        <li><code>d - Day eg. 27</code></li>
3369        <li><code>z - Day of the year eg. 299</code></li>
3371        <li><code>H - Hours in 24 hour format eg. 13</code></li>
3373        <li><code>h - Hours in 12 hour format eg. 1</code></li>
3375        <li><code>i - Minutes eg. 5</code></li>
3377        <li><code>s - Seconds eg. 40</code></li>
3379        <li><code>U - Seconds since epoch eg. 814807830</code></li>
3381        <li><code>A - AM/PM</code></li>
3383        <li><code>a - am/pm</code></li>
3384      </ul>
3386      <p>See also the <a href="#mktime">MkTime()</a> function.</p>
3387    </dd>
3389    <dt><a name="dblist" id="dblist"><span class="big">
3390    dbList()</span></a></dt>
3392    <dd>
3393      <p>dbList outputs information about the db support compiled
3394      into PHP.</p>
3395    </dd>
3397    <dt><a name="dbmclose" id="dbmclose"><span class="big">
3398    dbmClose(filename)</span></a></dt>
3400    <dd>
3401      <p>dbmClose simply closes the specified dbm file. It will
3402      also unlock any lock files, so it is important to close any
3403      dbm files that have been opened.</p>
3404    </dd>
3406    <dt><a name="dbmdelete" id="dbmdelete"><span class="big">
3407    dbmDelete(filename,key)</span></a></dt>
3409    <dd>
3410      <p>dbmDelete will delete the key/content pair specified by
3411      the given key argument.</p>
3412    </dd>
3414    <dt><a name="dbmexists" id="dbmexists"><span class="big">
3415    dbmExists(filename,key)</span></a></dt>
3417    <dd>
3418      <p>dbmExists will return 1 if the key exists and 0
3419      otherwise.</p>
3420    </dd>
3422    <dt><a name="dbmfetch" id="dbmfetch"><span class="big">
3423    dbmFetch(filename,key)</span></a></dt>
3425    <dd>
3426      <p>dbmFetch will return the content string associated with
3427      the given key.</p>
3428    </dd>
3430    <dt><a name="dbmfirstkey" id="dbmfirstkey"><span class="big">
3431    dbmFirstKey(filename)</span></a></dt>
3433    <dd>
3434      <p>dbmFirstKey returns the first key in the dbm file. Note
3435      that no particular order is guaranteed since the order
3436      depends on hash table values calculated within the dbm
3437      implementation. You may use the <a href="#sort">Sort</a>
3438      function to sort arrays of data from the dbm file if
3439      necessary.</p>
3440    </dd>
3442    <dt><a name="dbminsert" id="dbminsert"><span class="big">
3443    dbmInsert(filename,key,content)</span></a></dt>
3445    <dd>
3446      <p>dbmInsert inserts a new key/content data pair into a dbm
3447      file. If the key already exists, the insert will fail.</p>
3448    </dd>
3450    <dt><a name="dbmnextkey" id="dbmnextkey"><span class="big">
3451    dbmNextKey(filename,key)</span></a></dt>
3453    <dd>
3454      <p>dbmNextKey returns the next key after the specified key.
3455      By calling <strong>dbmfirstkey()</strong> followed by
3456      successive calls to <strong>dbmnextkey()</strong> it is
3457      possible to visit every key/content pair in the dbm file.</p>
3458    </dd>
3460    <dt><a name="dbmopen" id="dbmopen"><span class="big">
3461    dbmOpen(filename,mode)</span></a></dt>
3463    <dd>
3464      <p>dbmOpen() opens a dbm file. The first argument is the
3465      full-path filename of the dbm file to be opened and the
3466      second is the file open mode which is one of <b>"r"</b>,
3467      <b>"n"</b> or <b>"w"</b> for read, new (implies write) and
3468      write respectively. If ndbm support is used, ndbm will
3469      actually create <em>filename.dir</em> and
3470      <em>filename.pag</em> files. gdbm only uses one file, as does
3471      the internal flat ascii file support, and Berkeley's libdb
3472      create a <em>filename.db</em> file. Note that PHP does its
3473      own file locking in addition to any file locking that may be
3474      done by the dbm library itself. PHP does not delete the
3475      <em>.lck</em> files it creates. It uses these files simply as
3476      fixed inodes on which to do the file locking. For more
3477      information on dbm files, see your Unix man pages, or obtain
3478      GNU's gdbm from <a href=
3479      "ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu">ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu</a>.</p>
3480    </dd>
3482    <dt><a name="dbmreplace" id="dbmreplace"><span class="big">
3483    dbmReplace(filename,key,content)</span></a></dt>
3485    <dd>
3486      <p>dbmReplace is similar to the <strong>dbminsert()</strong>
3487      function, the only difference being that if the key already
3488      exists, the old content string will be replaced with the
3489      new.</p>
3490    </dd>
3492    <dt><a name="decbin" id="decbin"><span class="big">
3493    DecBin(number)</span></a></dt>
3495    <dd>
3496      <p>DecBin returns a string containing a binary representation
3497      of the given number argument. The largest number that can be
3498      converted is 31 bits long or 4294967295 in decimal. See also
3499      the <a href="#bindec">BinDec()</a> function.</p>
3500    </dd>
3502    <dt><a name="dechex" id="dechex"><span class="big">
3503    DecHex(number)</span></a></dt>
3505    <dd>
3506      <p>DecHex converts a decimal number to a hexadecimal string.
3507      See also the <a href="#hexdec">HexDec()</a> function.</p>
3508    </dd>
3510    <dt><a name="decoct" id="decoct"><span class="big">
3511    DecOct(number)</span></a></dt>
3513    <dd>
3514      <p>DecOct converts a decimal number to an octal number. See
3515      also <a href="#octdec">OctDec()</a>.</p>
3516    </dd>
3518    <dt><a name="doubleval" id="doubleval"><span class="big">
3519    doubleval(variable)</span></a></dt>
3521    <dd>
3522      <p>doubleval returns the double (floating point) value of the
3523      variable. See also the <a href="#strval">strval()</a> and
3524      <a href="#intval">intval()</a> functions.</p>
3525    </dd>
3527    <dt><a name="echo" id="echo"><span class="big">Echo
3528    [format_string] expression [, expression
3529    [,...]]</span></a></dt>
3531    <dd>
3532      <p>Echo is not a function. ie. you do not put brackets around
3533      the arguments to it. It is used to display results of PHP
3534      functions or PHP variables. See the <a href="#escapes">Escape
3535      Character Section</a> for a list of special characters
3536      supported. The format_string is optional and if not present,
3537      no output formatting will be done. The format string is
3538      similar to the format string of the C <em>printf</em>
3539      function. See the man page for <em>printf</em> for more
3540      details. Up to 5 expressions can be printed with a single
3541      echo command. If you try to print more you will get a parser
3542      error. Note that the types of the expressions are not
3543      relevant. The expressions are automagically converted to the
3544      appropriate types as specified by the format string if one is
3545      present. If you want to format something and assign the
3546      formatted string to a variable instead of displaying it, use
3547      the <a href="#sprintf">sprintf()</a> function.</p>
3549      <p>The following conversions are supported,</p>
3551      <blockquote>
3552        <dl>
3553          <dt>%d %i</dt>
3555          <dd>Print a signed decimal number.</dd>
3557          <dt>%o</dt>
3559          <dd>Print an octal number.</dd>
3561          <dt>%u</dt>
3563          <dd>Print an unsigned decimal number.</dd>
3565          <dt>%x %X</dt>
3567          <dd>Print a hexadecimal number.</dd>
3569          <dt>%f</dt>
3571          <dd>Print a floating-point number.</dd>
3573          <dt>%e %E</dt>
3575          <dd>Print a floating-point number in scientific
3576          notation.</dd>
3578          <dt>%g %G</dt>
3580          <dd>Print a floating-point number in scientific notation
3581          or normal notation, as appropriate.</dd>
3583          <dt>%c</dt>
3585          <dd>Print a single character.</dd>
3587          <dt>%s</dt>
3589          <dd>Print a string of characters.</dd>
3591          <dt>%%</dt>
3593          <dd>Print a literal percent-sign.</dd>
3594        </dl>
3596        <p>The following flags are accepted.</p>
3598        <dl>
3599          <dt>'-'</dt>
3601          <dd>Left-justify the output within the field-width.</dd>
3603          <dt>'+'</dt>
3605          <dd>Ensure that all integers are signed (with a
3606          plus/minus sign).</dd>
3608          <dt>' '</dt>
3610          <dd>Similar to '+', but uses a space instead of a
3611          plus-sign.</dd>
3613          <dt>'#'</dt>
3615          <dd>Print prefixes in front of hex and octal numbers
3616          designating them as such.</dd>
3618          <dt>'''</dt>
3620          <dd>Separate the digits into groups (usually
3621          comma-separated groups of three).</dd>
3623          <dt>'0'</dt>
3625          <dd>Pad the field-width with zeros.</dd>
3626        </dl>
3628        <p>All of these flags are dependent upon whether or not
3629        your C library's printf function supports them (the ''',
3630        for example, is a GNU extension).</p>
3632        <p>Most conversions will accept a field width and a
3633        precision, as shown in the <code>demo_echo.html</code> file in
3634        the directory /examples. It is not necessary to specify any
3635        type modifiers, and, in fact, PHP will complain if the type
3636        modifier does not make sense (which is almost always the
3637        case). PHP will complain about (and refuse to accept)
3638        anything that it does not recognize. Any extra arguments
3639        given that are not required by the format-string are
3640        ignored.</p>
3641      </blockquote>
3642    </dd>
3644    <dt><a name="end" id="end"><span class="big">
3645    End(variable)</span></a></dt>
3647    <dd>
3648      <p>End moves the internal array pointer for the given
3649      variable to the last item of the array and returns the value
3650      of this item. This is useful for traversing an associative
3651      array in reverse order. See also <a href="#reset">Reset()</a>
3652      and <a href="#prev">Prev()</a>. The following example would
3653      traverse an associative array in reverse order:</p>
3654      <pre>
3655    &lt;?
3656      Reset($array);
3657      $first_key = key($array);
3658      End($array);
3659      $k = key($array);
3660      while($k != $first_key);
3661        echo $array[$k];
3662        prev($array);
3663        $k = key($array);
3664      endwhile;
3665      echo $array[$k];
3666    &gt;
3668    </dd>
3670    <dt><a name="ereg" id="ereg"><span class="big">
3671    ereg(expr,arg[,regs])</span></a></dt>
3673    <dd>
3674      <p>ereg returns non-zero if the regular expression is matched
3675      in the argument string. For example, the condition,
3676      <code>&lt;?if (ereg("^This.*", "This is an example
3677      string")&gt;</code> would be true since the "^This.*"
3678      expression says to match the word <strong>This</strong> at
3679      the beginning of the string and then match any characters
3680      afterwards. If the <em>regs</em> argument is present, then
3681      match registers are filled into positions 0-10 in the array
3682      named by the <em>regs</em> argument. Register 0 will always
3683      contain the full matched string. For more information on
3684      regular expressions, see the <a href="#regexp">regular
3685      expression section</a> of this document.</p>
3686    </dd>
3688    <dt><a name="eregi" id="eregi"><span class="big">
3689    eregi(expr,arg[,regs])</span></a></dt>
3691    <dd>
3692      <p>eregi is identical to the <a href="#ereg">ereg()</a>
3693      function except for the fact that the regular expression is
3694      applied such that upper/lower case is ignored.</p>
3695    </dd>
3697    <dt><a name="ereg_replace" id="ereg_replace"><span class="big">
3698    ereg_replace(expr,replace,arg)</span></a></dt>
3700    <dd>
3701      <p>ereg_Replace scans the entire argument string and replaces
3702      any portions of the string matched by the given expression
3703      with the replacement string. For example, in the string,
3704      <code>"This is an example string"</code> we could very easily
3705      replace every space with a dash with the command:
3706      <strong>ereg_replace(" ","-","This is an example
3707      string")</strong>.For more information on regular
3708      expressions, see the <a href="#regexp">regular expression
3709      section</a> of this document.</p>
3710    </dd>
3712    <dt><a name="eregi_replace" id="eregi_replace"><span class="big">
3713    eregi_replace(expr,replace,arg)</span></a></dt>
3715    <dd>
3716      <p>eregi_replace is identical to the <a href=
3717      "#ereg_replace">ereg_replace()</a> function except for the
3718      fact that the regular expression is applied such that
3719      upper/lower case is ignored.</p>
3720    </dd>
3722    <dt><a name="escapeshellcmd" id="escapeshellcmd"><span class="big">
3723    EscapeShellCmd(string)</span></a></dt>
3725    <dd>
3726      <p>EscapeShellCmd escapes any characters in a string that
3727      might be used to trick a shell command into executing
3728      arbitrary commands. This function should be used to make sure
3729      that any data coming from user input is escaped before this
3730      data is passed to the <a href="#exec">Exec()</a> or <a href=
3731      "#system">System()</a> functions. A standard use would
3732      be:</p>
3733      <pre>
3734    &lt;?system(EscapeShellCmd($cmd))&gt;
3736    </dd>
3738    <dt><a name="eval" id="eval"><span class="big">
3739    Eval(string)</span></a></dt>
3741    <dd>
3742      <p>Eval takes the contents of the string argument and treats
3743      it like a mini PHP/FI script. It will execute it as a
3744      separate PHP/FI script. Any variables set or accessed from
3745      inside the eval will be from the global reference frame in
3746      the current context of the eval statement in the script.
3747      Variable substitution is done on the string arguments, so if
3748      variables are to be used in the string expression they should
3749      be escaped. Some examples:</p>
3750      <pre>
3751    $a = "echo phpversion();";
3752    eval($a);
3754    eval("echo phpversion();");
3756    eval("\$a=1; echo \$a;");
3758    </dd>
3760    <dt><a name="exec" id="exec"><span class="big">
3761    Exec(command_string [, array
3762    [,return_var]])</span></a></dt>
3764    <dd>
3765      <p>Exec executes the given unix command, however it does not
3766      output anything. It simply returns the last line from the
3767      result of the command. If you need to execute a command and
3768      have all the data from the command passed directly back
3769      without any interference, use the <a href=
3770      "#passthru">PassThru()</a> function. If the array argument is
3771      present, then the specified array will be filled with every
3772      line of output from the unix command starting at the end of
3773      the array. Make sure you <a href="#unset">UnSet</a> the array
3774      before the call if your array already contains elements and
3775      you want to start filling it at array element 0. If the
3776      return_var argument is present along with the array argument,
3777      then the return status of the executed unix command will be
3778      written to this variable. Note that if you are going to allow
3779      data coming from user input to be passed to this Exec
3780      function, then you should be using the <a href=
3781      "#escpapeshellcmd">EscapeShellCmd()</a> function to make sure
3782      that users cannot trick the system into executing arbitrary
3783      commands. See also the <a href="#system">system()</a>
3784      function.</p>
3785    </dd>
3787    <dt><a name="exit" id="exit"><span class="big">
3788    Exit</span></a></dt>
3790    <dd>
3791      <p>The Exit command is used to terminate parsing right away
3792      as soon as this tag is parsed.</p>
3793    </dd>
3795    <dt><a name="exp" id="exp"><span class="big">
3796    Exp(arg)</span></a></dt>
3798    <dd>
3799      <p>Exp returns e raised to the power of arg. See also
3800      <a href="#pow">pow()</a></p>
3801    </dd>
3803    <dt><a name="fclose" id="fclose"><span class="big">
3804    fclose($fd)</span></a></dt>
3806    <dd>
3807      <p>fclose() closes a file opened by <a href=
3808      "#fopen">fopen()</a>. The argument is a file pointer index as
3809      returned by the fopen() call.</p>
3810    </dd>
3812    <dt><a name="feof" id="feof"><span class="big">
3813    feof($fd)</span></a></dt>
3815    <dd>
3816      <p>Feof returns true if the file referred to by the file
3817      pointer index argument has hit end-of-file.</p>
3818    </dd>
3820    <dt><a name="fgets" id="fgets"><span class="big">
3821    fgets($fd,bytes)</span></a></dt>
3823    <dd>
3824      <p>fgets() reads a line from a file opened by <a href=
3825      "#fopen">fopen()</a>. Arguments are a file pointer index as
3826      returned by fopen() and the max number of bytes to read.
3827      Reading ends when max number of bytes have been read, or on
3828      an end of line. This is similar to the C fgets() call. See
3829      also <a href="#fputs">fputs()</a>.</p>
3830    </dd>
3832    <dt><a name="fgetss" id="fgetss"><span class="big">
3833    fgetss($fd,bytes)</span></a></dt>
3835    <dd>
3836      <p>Identical to the fgets() function, except this one tries
3837      to strip off any HTML tags or PHP/FI script tags as it is
3838      reading the file.</p>
3839    </dd>
3841    <dt><a name="file" id="file"><span class="big">$array =
3842    File(filename)</span></a></dt>
3844    <dd>
3845      <p>File reads the entire file and returns an array with each
3846      array element containing a line of the file starting with
3847      array index <strong>0</strong>.</p>
3848    </dd>
3850    <dt><a name="fileatime" id="fileatime"><span class="big">
3851    fileAtime(filename)</span></a></dt>
3853    <dd>
3854      <p>fileAtime returns the time of last data access. If the
3855      file does not exist, or if it for some other reason could not
3856      be accessed, this function returns -1. If repeated calls to
3857      fileAtime and the rest ofthe file* functions are to be made
3858      and the file being accessed might change or disappear, the
3859      <a href="#clearstatcache">ClearStatCache()</a> should be
3860      called before the call to the file* function.</p>
3861    </dd>
3863    <dt><a name="filectime" id="filectime"><span class="big">
3864    fileCtime(filename)</span></a></dt>
3866    <dd>
3867      <p>fileCtime returns the time of last status change. If the
3868      file does not exist, or if it for some other reason could not
3869      be accessed, this function returns -1. If repeated calls to
3870      fileCtime and the rest ofthe file* functions are to be made
3871      and the file being accessed might change or disappear, the
3872      <a href="#clearstatcache">ClearStatCache()</a> should be
3873      called before the call to the file* function.</p>
3874    </dd>
3876    <dt><a name="filegroup" id="filegroup"><span class="big">
3877    fileGroup(filename)</span></a></dt>
3879    <dd>
3880      <p>fileGroup returns the group id of the owner of the file.
3881      If the file does not exist, or if it for some other reason
3882      could not be accessed, this function returns -1. If repeated
3883      calls to fileGroup and the rest ofthe file* functions are to
3884      be made and the file being accessed might change or
3885      disappear, the <a href="#clearstatcache">ClearStatCache()</a>
3886      should be called before the call to the file* function.</p>
3887    </dd>
3889    <dt><a name="fileinode" id="fileinode"><span class="big">
3890    fileInode(filename)</span></a></dt>
3892    <dd>
3893      <p>fileInode returns the file's inode. If the file does not
3894      exist, or if it for some other reason could not be accessed,
3895      this function returns -1. If repeated calls to fileInode and
3896      the rest ofthe file* functions are to be made and the file
3897      being accessed might change or disappear, the <a href=
3898      "#clearstatcache">ClearStatCache()</a> should be called
3899      before the call to the file* function.</p>
3900    </dd>
3902    <dt><a name="filemtime" id="filemtime"><span class="big">
3903    fileMtime(filename)</span></a></dt>
3905    <dd>
3906      <p>fileMtime returns the time of last data modification. If
3907      the file does not exist, or if it for some other reason could
3908      not be accessed, this function returns -1. If repeated calls
3909      to fileMtime and the rest ofthe file* functions are to be
3910      made and the file being accessed might change or disappear,
3911      the <a href="#clearstatcache">ClearStatCache()</a> should be
3912      called before the call to the file* function.</p>
3913    </dd>
3915    <dt><a name="fileowner" id="fileowner"><span class="big">
3916    fileOwner(filename)</span></a></dt>
3918    <dd>
3919      <p>fileOwner returns the uid of the owner of the file. If the
3920      file does not exist, or if it for some other reason could not
3921      be accessed, this function returns -1. If repeated calls to
3922      fileOwner and the rest ofthe file* functions are to be made
3923      and the file being accessed might change or disappear, the
3924      <a href="#clearstatcache">ClearStatCache()</a> should be
3925      called before the call to the file* function.</p>
3926    </dd>
3928    <dt><a name="fileperms" id="fileperms"><span class="big">
3929    filePerms(filename)</span></a></dt>
3931    <dd>
3932      <p>filePerms returns the permission bits of the file. This is
3933      the <em>st_mode</em> field of the Unix C stat structure. If
3934      the file does not exist, or if it for some other reason could
3935      not be accessed, this function returns -1. If repeated calls
3936      to filePerms and the rest ofthe file* functions are to be
3937      made and the file being accessed might change or disappear,
3938      the <a href="#clearstatcache">ClearStatCache()</a> should be
3939      called before the call to the file* function.</p>
3940    </dd>
3942    <dt><a name="filesize" id="filesize"><span class="big">
3943    fileSize(filename)</span></a></dt>
3945    <dd>
3946      <p>fileSize returns the size of the file in bytes. If the
3947      file does not exist, or if it for some other reason could not
3948      be accessed, this function returns -1. If repeated calls to
3949      fileSize and the rest ofthe file* functions are to be made
3950      and the file being accessed might change or disappear, the
3951      <a href="#clearstatcache">ClearStatCache()</a> should be
3952      called before the call to the file* function.</p>
3953    </dd>
3955    <dt><a name="filetype" id="filetype"><span class="big">
3956    fileType(filename)</span></a></dt>
3958    <dd>
3959      <p>fileType returns the type of the file. The return values
3960      are one of: "dir", "file","fifo","char", "block", or "link".
3961      These are for, directory, regular file, fifo special,
3962      character special, block special and symbolic link,
3963      respectively.</p>
3964    </dd>
3966    <dt><a name="floor" id="floor"><span class="big">
3967    Floor(value)</span></a></dt>
3969    <dd>
3970      <p>Floor() rounds a floating point value down to the previous
3971      integer. The return value is of type double (floating point)
3972      such that it can be used properly in complex equations. To
3973      get an integer type back, use: <code>$new =
3974      IntVal(Floor($value));</code><br>
3975      See also <a href="#ceil">Ceil()</a>.</p>
3976    </dd>
3978    <dt><a name="flush" id="flush"><span class="big">
3979    Flush()</span></a></dt>
3981    <dd>
3982      <p>The Flush() function is used to Flush the output buffer.
3983      For the Apache module, it flushes Apache's output buffer, and
3984      for the CGI version it simply flushes stdout. When running as
3985      a CGI under Apache, the server will buffer the CGI script's
3986      output, so this Flush() function won't help much there. Look
3987      at running your script as an nph- script if you are running
3988      the CGI version of PHP under the Apache web server. Or,
3989      alternatively, run the Apache module version of PHP.</p>
3990    </dd>
3992    <dt><a name="fopen" id="fopen"><span class="big">$fp =
3993    fopen(filename,mode)</span></a></dt>
3995    <dd>
3996      <p>fopen() opens a file and returns a file pointer index. If
3997      the file could not be opened the function returns -1. It is
3998      similar to the C fopen() call. The filename argument is the
3999      relative or absolute path to the file to be opened, and the
4000      mode argument is one of, "r", "r+", "w", "w+", "a", "a+". See
4001      the Unix man page on the fopen() call for more information.
4002      See also the <a href="#popen">popen()</a> function
4003      description. See also the <a href="#fclose">fclose()</a>
4004      function description.</p>
4006      <p>Example:</p>
4007      <pre>
4008    $fp = fopen("/home/rasmus/file.txt","r");
4010    </dd>
4012    <dt><a name="fputs" id="fputs"><span class="big">
4013    fputs(fp,string)</span></a></dt>
4015    <dd>
4016      <p>fputs() writes a line to a file opened by <a href=
4017      "#fopen">fopen()</a>. Arguments are a file pointer index as
4018      returned by fopen() and the string to write. Note that the
4019      string argument may contain the special escape characters,
4020      <strong>\n</strong>, <strong>\r</strong> and
4021      <strong>\t</strong> to output newlines, carriage returns and
4022      tabs respectively. See also <a href="#fgets">fgets()</a>.</p>
4023    </dd>
4025    <dt><a name="fpassthru" id="fpassthru"><span class="big">
4026    FPassThru(fp)</span></a></dt>
4028    <dd>
4029      <p>FPassThru() outputs all remaining data on <i>fp</i>
4030      directly. It is different from <a href=
4031      "#readfile">ReadFile()</a> in that it can also handle files
4032      opened with <a href="#fsockopen">fsockopen()</a>. It differs
4033      from <a href="#passthru">PassThru()</a> in that it does not
4034      handle commands, but opened files. FPassThru() returns the
4035      number of bytes read and written.</p>
4036    </dd>
4038    <dt><a name="fseek" id="fseek"><span class="big">
4039    fseek(fp,pos)</span></a></dt>
4041    <dd>
4042      <p>fseek() positions a file pointer identified by the $fd
4043      argument which is the return value of the <a href=
4044      "#fopen">fopen()</a> call. The file pointer is positioned at
4045      the beginning of the file plus the offset specified by the
4046      <strong>pos</strong> argument. See also <a href=
4047      "#ftell">ftell()</a> and <a href="#rewind">rewind()</a>.</p>
4048    </dd>
4050    <dt><a name="fsockopen" id="fsockopen"><span class="big">fp =
4051    fsockopen(hostname,port)</span></a></dt>
4053    <dd>
4054      <p>fsockopen() opens a socket connection and returns a file
4055      pointer index. This file pointer index can be used by
4056      <a href="#fgets">fgets</a>, <a href="#fputs">fputs</a> and
4057      <a href="#fclose">fclose</a>. Arguments are a hostname and a
4058      port number. Return values are: -3 if the socket couldn't be
4059      created, -4 if the dns lookup on the hostname failed, -5 if
4060      the connection was refused or it timed out, -6 if the actual
4061      fdopen() call failed or -7 if the setvbuf() call failed. If
4062      the port number is 0, then the hostname argument will be
4063      treated as a filename of a Unix domain socket if your
4064      operating system support Unix domain sockets.</p>
4065    </dd>
4067    <dt><a name="ftell" id="ftell"><span class="big">pos =
4068    ftell(fp)</span></a></dt>
4070    <dd>
4071      <p>ftell() returns the position of a file pointer identified
4072      by the fp argument which is the return value of the <a href=
4073      "#fopen">fopen()</a> call. The position can later be used as
4074      an argument to fseek(). See also <a href="#fseek">fseek()</a>
4075      and <a href="#rewind">rewind()</a>.</p>
4076    </dd>
4078    <dt><a name="getaccdir" id="getaccdir"><span class="big">
4079    getAccDir()</span></a></dt>
4081    <dd>
4082      <p>getAccDir returns the directory where PHP access
4083      configuration files are kept. The access configuration
4084      filenames come from the numerical user id of the user whose
4085      access configurations they represent.</p>
4086    </dd>
4088    <dt><a name="getenv" id="getenv"><span class="big">
4089    GetEnv(string)</span></a></dt>
4091    <dd>
4092      <p>GetEnv returns the value of the environment value
4093      specified by <em>string</em>. Normally this function is not
4094      used because environment variables are available to PHP/FI
4095      directly. If a reference is made to a variable which is not
4096      found in the internal symbol table, then the environment
4097      space is automatically searched. GetEnv should be used when
4098      it is necessary to ensure that an environment variable has
4099      not been overwritten by normal PHP/FI variable. Security
4100      mechanisms that rely on http server-defined variables like
4101      REMOTE_ADDR and REMOTE_HOST should load these variables using
4102      GetEnv as opposed to referencing them directly as
4103      $REMOTE_ADDR to avoid someone making up a fake form and
4104      posting the data to your server and thereby bypassing
4105      whatever security mechanism you might have.</p>
4106    </dd>
4108    <dt><a name="gethostbyname" id="gethostbyname"><span class="big">
4109    getHostByName(domain_name)</span></a></dt>
4111    <dd>
4112      <p>getHostByName converts the given domain name into an IP
4113      address in nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format.</p>
4114    </dd>
4116    <dt><a name="gethostbyaddr" id="gethostbyaddr"><span class="big">
4117    getHostByAddr(ip_address)</span></a></dt>
4119    <dd>
4120      <p>getHostByAddr converts the given IP address in
4121      nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format into a fully qualified domain
4122      name.</p>
4123    </dd>
4125    <dt><a name="getimagesize" id="getimagesize"><span class="big">
4126    GetImageSize(filename)</span></a></dt>
4128    <dd>
4129      <p>The GetImageSize() function takes either a full path
4130      filename, or a relative path relative to the location of the
4131      calling script. It returns a 3 element array consisting of
4132      width, height and type. Width and height are in pixels, and a
4133      type of 1 means GIF, a 2 indicates a JPG file and a 3
4134      indicates a PNG file. Other file types are not supported. The
4135      fourth element in the returned array is a string containing,
4136      "width=x height=y" that is suitable for using directly in an
4137      IMG tag. It is important to note that the GD image library is
4138      not needed to use this function. An example follows:</p>
4139      <pre>
4140    &lt;?
4141        $result = GetImageSize("img/flag.jpg");
4142    &gt;
4143    &lt;IMG SRC="img/flag.jpg" ?echo $result[3]&gt; &gt;
4145    </dd>
4147    <dt><a name="getlastaccess" id="getlastaccess"><span class="big">
4148    getLastAccess()</span></a></dt>
4150    <dd>
4151      <p>getLastAccess returns the date and time in unix time
4152      format of the last time the current page was access. This
4153      value can be passed to the <a href="#date">Date()</a>
4154      function for formatting.<br>
4155      This function is only available if PHP was compiled with
4156      Access Logging enabled.</p>
4157    </dd>
4159    <dt><a name="getlastbrowser" id="getlastbrowser"><span class="big">
4160    getLastbrowser()</span></a></dt>
4162    <dd>
4163      <p>getLastBrowser returns the identification string of
4164      browser the last user to access the current page used.<br>
4165      This function is only available if PHP was compiled with
4166      Access Logging enabled.</p>
4167    </dd>
4169    <dt><a name="getlastemail" id="getlastemail"><span class="big">
4170    getLastEmail()</span></a></dt>
4172    <dd>
4173      <p>getLastEmail returns the E-Mail address of the last user
4174      to access the current page.<br>
4175      This function is only available if PHP was compiled with
4176      Access Logging enabled.</p>
4177    </dd>
4179    <dt><a name="getlasthost" id="getlasthost"><span class="big">
4180    getLastHost()</span></a></dt>
4182    <dd>
4183      <p>getLastHost returns the hostname of the last user to
4184      access the current page.<br>
4185      This function is only available if PHP was compiled with
4186      Access Logging enabled.</p>
4187    </dd>
4189    <dt><a name="getlastmod" id="getlastmod"><span class="big">
4190    getLastMod()</span></a></dt>
4192    <dd>
4193      <p>getLastMod returns the date and time in unix time format
4194      of the last time the current page was modified. This value
4195      can be passed to the <a href="#date">Date()</a> function for
4196      formatting.<br>
4197      This function is only available if PHP was compiled with
4198      Access Logging enabled.</p>
4199    </dd>
4201    <dt><a name="getlastref" id="getlastref"><span class="big">
4202    getLastref()</span></a></dt>
4204    <dd>
4205      <p>getLastRef returns the URL of the referring document of
4206      the last user to access the current page.<br>
4207      This function is only available if PHP was compiled with
4208      Access Logging enabled.</p>
4209    </dd>
4211    <dt><a name="getlogdir" id="getlogdir"><span class="big">
4212    getLogDir()</span></a></dt>
4214    <dd>
4215      <p>getLogDir returns the top-level directory under which PHP
4216      log files can be found. The actual log files are in
4217      directories under this directory. Each subdirectory is the
4218      numerical user id of the user to whom the log files belong.
4219      Then within each directory a series of dbm log files are
4220      found, each with the numerical inode of the file they
4221      represent as the primary component of the filename.</p>
4222    </dd>
4224    <dt><a name="getmyinode" id="getmyinode"><span class="big">
4225    getMyInode()</span></a></dt>
4227    <dd>
4228      <p>getMyInode returns the numerical inode of the current HTML
4229      file.</p>
4230    </dd>
4232    <dt><a name="getmypid" id="getmypid"><span class="big">
4233    getMyPid()</span></a></dt>
4235    <dd>
4236      <p>getMyPid() returns the current process id of the PHP
4237      parsing process.</p>
4238    </dd>
4240    <dt><a name="getmyuid" id="getmyuid"><span class="big">
4241    getMyUid()</span></a></dt>
4243    <dd>
4244      <p>getMyUid returns the numerical user id of the owner of the
4245      current HTML file.</p>
4246    </dd>
4248    <dt><a name="getrandmax" id="getrandmax"><span class="big">
4249    getRandMax()</span></a></dt>
4251    <dd>
4252      <p>getRandMax returns the maximum random number the <a href=
4253      "#rand">Rand</a> function will return. If the value returned
4254      does not seem to be accurate, have a look in the php.h source
4255      file in the PHP distribution for more information.</p>
4256    </dd>
4258    <dt><a name="getstartlogging" id="getstartlogging"><span class="big">
4259    getStartLogging()</span></a></dt>
4261    <dd>
4262      <p>getStartLogging returns the time and date in Unix time
4263      format when logging commenced on the current page. This is
4264      more accurate when mSQL-based logging is used since a
4265      timestamp is kept in each log file. For dbm-logging the time
4266      returned is the time the user's log directory was
4267      created.</p>
4268    </dd>
4270    <dt><a name="gettoday" id="gettoday"><span class="big">
4271    getToday()</span></a></dt>
4273    <dd>
4274      <p>getToday returns the total number of hits the current page
4275      has had since 12 midnight local time.<br>
4276      This function is only available if PHP was compiled with
4277      Access Logging enabled.</p>
4278    </dd>
4280    <dt><a name="gettotal" id="gettotal"><span class="big">
4281    getTotal()</span></a></dt>
4283    <dd>
4284      <p>getTotal returns the total number of hits the current page
4285      has had since access logging was started on the page.<br>
4286      This function is only available if PHP was compiled with
4287      Access Logging enabled.</p>
4288    </dd>
4290    <dt><a name="gettype" id="gettype"><span class="big">
4291    GetType(variable)</span></a></dt>
4293    <dd>
4294      <p>GetType returns the type of the variable. The return value
4295      is a string and it is one of, "integer", "double" or
4296      "string". See also the <a href="#settype">SetType()</a>
4297      function</p>
4298    </dd>
4300    <dt><a name="gmdate" id="gmdate"><span class="big">
4301    gmDate(format,time)</span></a></dt>
4303    <dd>
4304      <p>gmDate is identical to the <a href="#date">Date</a>
4305      function except for the fact that it uses Greenwich Mean Time
4306      instead of the current local time.</p>
4307    </dd>
4309    <dt><a name="header" id="header"><span class="big">
4310    Header(header_string)</span></a></dt>
4312    <dd>
4313      <p>The Header command is used at the top of an HTML file to
4314      send raw HTTP header strings. See the <a href=
4315      "http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2068/rfc2068">HTTP
4316      Specification</a> for more information on raw http headers.
4317      Remember that the Header() command must be used before any
4318      actual output is sent either by normal HTML tags or by PHP
4319      echo commands.<br>
4320      Usage examples can be found in the <a href="#http_auth">HTTP
4321      Authentication</a> section.</p>
4322    </dd>
4324    <dt><a name="hexdec" id="hexdec"><span class="big">
4325    HexDec(hex_string)</span></a></dt>
4327    <dd>
4328      <p>HexDec converts a hexadecimal string to a decimal number.
4329      See also the <a href="#dechex">DecHex()</a> function.</p>
4330    </dd>
4332    <dt><a name="htmlspecialchars" id=
4333    "htmlspecialchars"><span class="big">HtmlSpecialChars(string)</span></a></dt>
4335    <dd>
4336      <p>HtmlSpecialChars converts any characters with ascii codes
4337      in the string argument between 160 and 255 inclusive to their
4338      corresponding HTML Entity names. The function returns the
4339      converted string. The <b>&lt;</b>, <b>&gt;</b>, <b>&amp;</b>
4340      and <b>"</b> are also converted.</p>
4341    </dd>
4343    <dt><a name="imagearc" id="imagearc"><span class="big">
4344    ImageArc(im, cx, cy, w, h, s, e, col)</span></a></dt>
4346    <dd>
4347      <p>ImageArc draws a partial ellipse centered at cx,cy (top
4348      left is 0,0) in the image represented by <a href=
4349      "#imagecreate">im</a>. w and h specifies the ellipse's width
4350      and height respectively while the start and end points are
4351      specified in degrees indicated by the s and e
4352      arguments.<br>
4353      This function is only available if GD support has been
4354      enabled in PHP.</p>
4355    </dd>
4357    <dt><a name="imagechar" id="imagechar"><span class="big">
4358    ImageChar(im, size, x, y, c, col)</span></a></dt>
4360    <dd>
4361      <p>ImageChar draws the character c in the image identified by
4362      <a href="#imagecreate">im</a> at coordinates x,y (top left is
4363      0,0) in colour col. The size argument can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
4364      indicating the size of the font to be used. 1 is the smallest
4365      and 5 is the largest.<br>
4366      This function is only available if GD support has been
4367      enabled in PHP.</p>
4368    </dd>
4370    <dt><a name="imagecharup" id="imagecharup"><span class="big">
4371    ImageCharUp(im, size, x, y, c, col)</span></a></dt>
4373    <dd>
4374      <p>ImageCharUp draws the character c vertically in the image
4375      identified by <a href="#imagecreate">im</a> at coordinates
4376      x,y (top left is 0,0) in colour col. The size argument can be
4377      1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 indicating the size of the font to be used. 1
4378      is the smallest and 5 is the largest.<br>
4379      This function is only available if GD support has been
4380      enabled in PHP.</p>
4381    </dd>
4383    <dt><a name="imagecolorallocate" id=
4384    "imagecolorallocate"><span class="big">col =
4385    ImageColorAllocate(im, red, green, blue)</span></a></dt>
4387    <dd>
4388      <p>ImageColorAllocate returns a colour identifier
4389      representing the colour composed of the given RGB components.
4390      The im argument is the return from the <a href=
4391      "#imagecreate">ImageCreate</a> function. ImageColorAllocate
4392      must be called to create each colour that is to be used in
4393      the image represented by im.<br>
4394      This function is only available if GD support has been
4395      enabled in PHP.</p>
4396    </dd>
4398    <dt><a name="imagecolortransparent" id=
4399    "imagecolortransparent"><span class="big">
4400    ImageColorTransparent(im, col)</span></a></dt>
4402    <dd>
4403      <p>ImageColorTransparent sets the transparent colour in the
4404      im image to col. im is the image identifier returned by
4405      <a href="#imagecreate">ImageCreate</a> and col is the colour
4406      identifier returned by <a href=
4407      "#imagecolorallocate">ImageColorAllocate</a>. This function
4408      is only available if GD support has been enabled in PHP.</p>
4409    </dd>
4411    <dt><a name="imagecopyresized" id=
4412    "imagecopyresized"><span class="big">ImageCopyResized(dst_im,
4413    src_im, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH
4414    )</span></a></dt>
4416    <dd>
4417      <p>ImageCopyResized copies a rectangular portion of one image
4418      to another image. <em>dst_im</em> is the destination image,
4419      <em>src_im</em> is the source image identifier. If the source
4420      and destination coordinates and width and heights differ,
4421      appropriate stretching or shrinking of the image fragment
4422      will be performed. The coordinates refer to the upper left
4423      corner. This function can be used to copy regions within the
4424      same image (if <em>dst_im</em> is the same as
4425      <em>src_im</em>) but if the regions overlap the results will
4426      be unpredictable.<br>
4427      This function is only available if GD support has been
4428      enabled in PHP.</p>
4429    </dd>
4431    <dt><a name="imagecreate" id="imagecreate"><span class="big">im =
4432    ImageCreate(x_size, y_size)</span></a></dt>
4434    <dd>
4435      <p>ImageCreate returns an image identifier representing a
4436      blank image of size x_size by y_size.<br>
4437      This function is only available if GD support has been
4438      enabled in PHP.</p>
4439    </dd>
4441    <dt><a name="imagecreatefromgif" id=
4442    "imagecreatefromgif"><span class="big">im =
4443    ImageCreateFromGif(filename)</span></a></dt>
4445    <dd>
4446      <p>ImageCreateFromGif returns an image identifier
4447      representing the image obtained from the given
4448      <em>filename</em>.<br>
4449      This function is only available if GD support has been
4450      enabled in PHP.</p>
4451    </dd>
4453    <dt><a name="imagedestroy" id="imagedestroy"><span class="big">
4454    ImageDestroy(im)</span></a></dt>
4456    <dd>
4457      <p>ImageDestroy frees any memory associated with image im. im
4458      is the image identifier returned by the <a href=
4459      "#imagecreate">ImageCreate</a> function. This function is
4460      only available if GD support has been enabled in PHP.</p>
4461    </dd>
4463    <dt><a name="imagefill" id="imagefill"><span class="big">
4464    ImageFill(im, x, y, col)</span></a></dt>
4466    <dd>
4467      <p>ImageFill performs a flood fill starting at coordinate x,y
4468      (top left is 0,0) with colour col in image im.<br>
4469      This function is only available if GD support has been
4470      enabled in PHP.</p>
4471    </dd>
4473    <dt><a name="imagefilledpolygon" id=
4474    "imagefilledpolygon"><span class="big">ImageFilledPolygon(im,
4475    points, num_points, col)</span></a></dt>
4477    <dd>
4478      <p>ImageFilledPolygon creates a filled polygon in image
4479      <a href="#imagecreate">im</a>. points is a PHP array
4480      containing the polygon's vertices. ie. points[0] = x0,
4481      points[1] = y0, points[2] = x1, points[3] = y1, etc.
4482      num_points is the total number of vertices.<br>
4483      This function is only available if GD support has been
4484      enabled in PHP.</p>
4485    </dd>
4487    <dt><a name="imagefilledrectangle" id=
4488    "imagefilledrectangle"><span class="big">ImageFilledRectangle(im,
4489    x1, y1, x2, y2, col)</span></a></dt>
4491    <dd>
4492      <p>ImageFilledRectangle creates a filled rectangle of colour
4493      col in image im starting at upper left coordinate x1,y1 and
4494      ending at bottom right coordinate x2,y2. 0,0 is the top left
4495      corner of the image.<br>
4496      This function is only available if GD support has been
4497      enabled in PHP.</p>
4498    </dd>
4500    <dt><a name="imagefilltoborder" id=
4501    "imagefilltoborder"><span class="big">ImageFillToBorder(im, x, y,
4502    border, col)</span></a></dt>
4504    <dd>
4505      <p>ImageFillToBorder performs a flood fill whose border
4506      colour is defined by border. The starting point for the fill
4507      is x,y (top left is 0,0) and the region is filled with colour
4508      col.<br>
4509      This function is only available if GD support has been
4510      enabled in PHP.</p>
4511    </dd>
4513    <dt><a name="imagegif" id="imagegif"><span class="big">
4514    ImageGif(im [,filename])</span></a></dt>
4516    <dd>
4517      <p>ImageGif creates the GIF file in filename from the image
4518      im. The im argument is the return from the <a href=
4519      "#imagecreate">ImageCreate</a> function. The filename
4520      argument is optional, and if left off, the raw image stream
4521      will be returned directly. By sending an <em>image/gif</em>
4522      content-type using the <a href="#header">Header()</a>
4523      function, you can create a PHP/FI script which returns GIF
4524      images directly using this function.<br>
4525      This function is only available if GD support has been
4526      enabled in PHP.</p>
4527    </dd>
4529    <dt><a name="imageinterlace" id="imageinterlace"><span class="big">
4530    ImageInterlace(im, interlace)</span></a></dt>
4532    <dd>
4533      <p>ImageInterlace turns the interlace bit on or off. If
4534      interlace is 1 the im image will be interlaced, and if
4535      interlace is 0 the interlace bit is turned off. This
4536      functions is only available if GD support has been enabled in
4537      PHP.</p>
4538    </dd>
4540    <dt><a name="imageline" id="imageline"><span class="big">
4541    ImageLine(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, col)</span></a></dt>
4543    <dd>
4544      <p>ImageLine draws a line from x1,y1 to x2,y2 (top left is
4545      0,0) in image <a href="#imagecreate">im</a> of colour
4546      <a href="#imagecolorallocate">col</a>.<br>
4547      This function is only available if GD support has been
4548      enabled in PHP.</p>
4549    </dd>
4551    <dt><a name="imagepolygon" id="imagepolygon"><span class="big">
4552    ImagePolygon(im, points, num_points, col)</span></a></dt>
4554    <dd>
4555      <p>ImagePolygon creates a polygon in image <a href=
4556      "#imagecreate">im</a>. points is a PHP array containing the
4557      polygon's vertices. ie. points[0] = x0, points[1] = y0,
4558      points[2] = x1, points[3] = y1, etc. num_points is the total
4559      number of vertices.<br>
4560      This function is only available if GD support has been
4561      enabled in PHP.</p>
4562    </dd>
4564    <dt><a name="imagerectangle" id="imagerectangle"><span class="big">
4565    ImageRectangle(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, col)</span></a></dt>
4567    <dd>
4568      <p>ImageRectangle creates a rectangle of colour col in image
4569      im starting at upper left coordinate x1,y1 and ending at
4570      bottom right coordinate x2,y2. 0,0 is the top left corner of
4571      the image.<br>
4572      This function is only available if GD support has been
4573      enabled in PHP.</p>
4574    </dd>
4576    <dt><a name="imagesetpixel" id="imagesetpixel"><span class="big">
4577    ImageSetPixel(im, x, y, col)</span></a></dt>
4579    <dd>
4580      <p>ImageSetPixel draws a pixel at x,y (top left is 0,0) in
4581      image <a href="#imagecreate">im</a> of colour <a href=
4582      "#imagecolorallocate">col</a>.<br>
4583      This function is only available if GD support has been
4584      enabled in PHP.</p>
4585    </dd>
4587    <dt><a name="imagestring" id="imagestring"><span class="big">
4588    ImageString(im, size, x, y, s, col)</span></a></dt>
4590    <dd>
4591      <p>ImageString draws the string s in the image identified by
4592      <a href="#imagecreate">im</a> at coordinates x,y (top left is
4593      0,0) in colour col. The size argument can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
4594      indicating the size of the font to be used. 1 is the smallest
4595      and 5 is the largest.<br>
4596      This function is only available if GD support has been
4597      enabled in PHP.</p>
4598    </dd>
4600    <dt><a name="imagestringup" id="imagestringup"><span class="big">
4601    ImageStringUp(im, size, x, y, s, col)</span></a></dt>
4603    <dd>
4604      <p>ImageStringUp draws the string s vertically in the image
4605      identified by <a href="#imagecreate">im</a> at coordinates
4606      x,y (top left is 0,0) in colour col. The size argument can be
4607      1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 indicating the size of the font to be used. 1
4608      is the smallest and 5 is the largest.<br>
4609      This function is only available if GD support has been
4610      enabled in PHP.</p>
4611    </dd>
4613    <dt><a name="imagesx" id="imagesx"><span class="big">
4614    ImageSX(im)</span></a></dt>
4616    <dd>
4617      <p>ImageSX returns the width of the image identified by
4618      <em>im</em>.</p>
4619    </dd>
4621    <dt><a name="imagesy" id="imagesy"><span class="big">
4622    ImageSY(im)</span></a></dt>
4624    <dd>
4625      <p>ImageSY returns the height of the image identified by
4626      <em>im</em>.</p>
4627    </dd>
4629    <dt><a name="include" id="include"><span class="big">
4630    Include(filename)</span></a></dt>
4632    <dd>
4633      <p>The Include command can be used to insert other files into
4634      the current html file. This is extremely handy for headers
4635      and footers which may need to be included in hundreds of HTML
4636      files. By using an include command you then only need to
4637      modify the header or footer file in one place when it needs
4638      to be changed. Since full PHP parsing is done on the included
4639      file, you can also use the include command to include common
4640      PHP scripts you may have written. Sort of like having a
4641      primitive shared library of scripts you can call from your
4642      HTML file. You can place such common library files in one
4643      directory and set PHP's include path and not have to refer to
4644      the files with pathnames. For Apache module users this can be
4645      configured with the <strong>phpIncludePath</strong>
4646      directive, for CGI users with the PHP_INCLUDE_PATH
4647      environment variable. This path is colon-separated just like
4648      <code>$PATH</code> is in your UNIX shell. eg.</p>
4649      <pre>
4650    &lt;?include("/path/filename.txt")&gt;
4652    </dd>
4654    <dt><a name="initsyslog" id="initsyslog"><span class="big">
4655    InitSyslog()</span></a></dt>
4657    <dd>
4658      <p>InitSyslog() defines some PHP variables that you need when
4659      using OpenLog() and Syslog(). These variables are not defined
4660      by default for efficiency reasons. The variables are named in
4661      the same way as in the &lt;syslog.h&gt; C include file (such
4662      as $LOG_LOCAL0). See your syslog(3) UNIX manual page for more
4663      details. See also <a href="#initsyslog">InitSyslog()</a>,
4664      <a href="#syslog">Syslog()</a> and <a href=
4665      "#closelog">CloseLog()</a>.</p>
4666    </dd>
4668    <dt><a name="intval" id="intval"><span class="big">
4669    intval(variable)</span></a></dt>
4671    <dd>
4672      <p>intval returns the long integer value of the variable. See
4673      also the <a href="#strval">strval()</a> and <a href=
4674      "#doubleval">doubleval()</a> functions.</p>
4675    </dd>
4677    <dt><a name="isset" id="isset"><span class="big">
4678    IsSet(variable)</span></a></dt>
4680    <dd>
4681      <p>The IsSet function returns 1 if the given variable is
4682      defined, and 0 if it isn't.</p>
4683    </dd>
4685    <dt><a name="key" id="key"><span class="big">
4686    Key(variable)</span></a></dt>
4688    <dd>
4689      <p>Key returns the key of the current array item. The current
4690      item is determined by the position of the array pointer for
4691      the given variable. This array pointer may be manipulated
4692      with the <a href="#reset">Reset()</a>, <a href=
4693      "#end">End()</a>, <a href="#next">Next()</a>, and <a href=
4694      "#prev">Prev()</a> functions. This function is mainly used
4695      for determining the key value for an item in an associative
4696      array, although it will work for normal array as well.</p>
4697    </dd>
4699    <dt><a name="link" id="link"><span class="big">
4700    Link(target,link)</span></a></dt>
4702    <dd>
4703      <p>Link() creates a hard link. See the <a href=
4704      "#symlink">Symlink()</a> function for creating symbolic links
4705      (soft) links. See also <a href="#readlink">ReadLink</a> and
4706      <a href="#LinkInfo">LinkInfo</a> functions.</p>
4707    </dd>
4709    <dt><a name="linkinfo" id="linkinfo"><span class="big">
4710    LinkInfo(path)</span></a></dt>
4712    <dd>
4713      <p>LinkInfo returns the st_dev field of the UNIX C stat
4714      structure returned by the lstat system call. This function is
4715      used to verify if a link (pointed to by path) really exists
4716      (using the same method as the S_ISLNK macro defined in
4717      stat.h). Returns -1 in case of error.</p>
4718    </dd>
4720    <dt><a name="log" id="log"><span class="big">
4721    Log(arg)</span></a></dt>
4723    <dd>
4724      <p>Log returns the natural logarithm of arg.</p>
4725    </dd>
4727    <dt><a name="log10" id="log10"><span class="big">
4728    Log10(arg)</span></a></dt>
4730    <dd>
4731      <p>Log10 returns the base-10 logarithm of arg.</p>
4732    </dd>
4734    <dt><a name="logas" id="logas"><span class="big">
4735    LogAs(filename)</span></a></dt>
4737    <dd>
4738      <p>The LogAs() function will treat the hit on the current
4739      page as if it as actually received on the argument
4740      filename.</p>
4741    </dd>
4743    <dt><a name="mail" id="mail"><span class="big">
4744    Mail(to,subject,message[,headers])</span></a></dt>
4746    <dd>
4747      <p>Mail automatically mails the message specified in the
4748      message argument to the receiver specified in the to
4749      argument. Multiple recipients can be specified by spaces
4750      between them in the to argument.</p>
4752      <p>eg.</p>
4753      <pre>
4754   mail("rasmus@lerdorf.on.ca",
4755        "My Subject",
4756        "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3");
4757</pre>If a fourth string argument is passed, this string is
4758inserted at the end of the header, example:
4759      <pre>
4760   mail("ssb@guardian.no", "the subject", $message,
4761        "X-Mailer: PHP/FI " + phpversion());
4763    </dd>
4765    <dt><a name="max" id="max"><span class="big">
4766    Max(array)</span></a></dt>
4768    <dd>
4769      <p>Max returns the maximum value of a PHP array. ie. it will
4770      search through the entire array looking for the max element.
4771      If it is an array of strings, the returned string is the
4772      string which would be alphabetically last in the array if it
4773      were sorted.</p>
4774    </dd>
4776    <dt><a name="md5" id="md5"><span class="big">
4777    Md5(message)</span></a></dt>
4779    <dd>
4780      <p>Md5 returns the MD5 hash of a string value.</p>
4781    </dd>
4783    <dt><a name="mi_close" id="mi_close"><span class="big">
4784    mi_Close(connection_id)</span></a></dt>
4786    <dd>
4787      <p>mi_Close will close down the connection to an Illustra
4788      database associated with the given connection identifier.</p>
4790      <p>This function is only available if Illustra support has
4791      been enabled in PHP.</p>
4792    </dd>
4794    <dt><a name="mi_connect" id="mi_connect"><span class="big">
4795    $connection = mi_Connect(database, username,
4796    password)</span></a></dt>
4798    <dd>
4799      <p>mi_Connect opens a connection to an Illustra database.
4800      Each of the arguments should be a quoted string. This
4801      function returns a connection_id. This identifier is needed
4802      by other Illustra functions. You can have multiple
4803      connections open at once. The host to connect to is governed
4804      by the MI_PARAMS file on the machine running the PHP
4805      executable. No support as yet for remote invocation This
4806      function will return <strong>-1</strong> on error.</p>
4808      <p>This function is only available if Illustra support has
4809      been enabled in PHP.</p>
4810    </dd>
4812    <dt><a name="mi_dbname" id="mi_dbname"><span class="big">
4813    mi_DBname(connection_id)</span></a></dt>
4815    <dd>
4816      <p>mi_DBname will return the name of the database that the
4817      given Illustra connection identifier is connected to.</p>
4819      <p>This function is only available if Illustra support has
4820      been enabled in PHP.</p>
4821    </dd>
4823    <dt><a name="mi_exec" id="mi_exec"><span class="big">$result =
4824    mi_Exec(connection_id, query_string)</span></a></dt>
4826    <dd>
4827      <p>mi_Exec will send an SQL statement to the Illustra
4828      database specified by the connection_id. The connection_id
4829      must be a valid identifier that was returned by mi_Connect.
4830      The return value of this function is an identifier to be used
4831      to access the results from other Illustra functions. This
4832      function will return <strong>-1</strong> on error.</p>
4834      <p>This function is only available if Illustra support has
4835      been enabled in PHP.</p>
4836    </dd>
4838    <dt><a name="mi_fieldname" id="mi_fieldname"><span class="big">
4839    mi_FieldName(connection_id, result_id,
4840    field_number)</span></a></dt>
4842    <dd>
4843      <p>mi_FieldName will return the name of the field occupying
4844      the given column number with the given Illustra result and
4845      connection identifiers. Field numbering starts from 0.</p>
4847      <p>This function will return <strong>-1</strong> on
4848      error.</p>
4850      <p>This function is only available if Illustra support has
4851      been enabled in PHP.</p>
4852    </dd>
4854    <dt><a name="mi_fieldnum" id="mi_fieldnum"><span class="big">
4855    mi_FieldNum(connection_id, result_id,
4856    field_name)</span></a></dt>
4858    <dd>
4859      <p>mi_FieldNum will return the number of the column slot that
4860      corresponds to the named field in the given Illustra result
4861      identifier. Field numbering starts at 0. This function will
4862      return <strong>-1</strong> on error.</p>
4864      <p>This function is only available if Illustra support has
4865      been enabled in PHP.</p>
4866    </dd>
4868    <dt><a name="mi_numfields" id="mi_numfields"><span class="big">
4869    mi_NumFields(connection_id, result_id)</span></a></dt>
4871    <dd>
4872      <p>mi_NumFields will return the number of fields (columns) in
4873      an Illustra result. The argument is a valid result identifier
4874      returned by mi_Exec. This function will return
4875      <strong>-1</strong> on error.</p>
4877      <p>This function is only available if Illustra support has
4878      been enabled in PHP.</p>
4879    </dd>
4881    <dt><a name="mi_numrows" id="mi_numrows"><span class="big">
4882    mi_NumRows(connection_id, result_id)</span></a></dt>
4884    <dd>
4885      <p>mi_NumRows will return the number of rows in an Illustra
4886      result. The argument is a valid result identifier returned by
4887      mi_Exec. This function will return <strong>-1</strong> on
4888      error.</p>
4890      <p>This function is only available if Illustra support has
4891      been enabled in PHP.</p>
4892    </dd>
4894    <dt><a name="mi_result" id="mi_result"><span class="big">
4895    mi_Result(connection_id, result_id, row_number, field
4896    name/index)</span></a></dt>
4898    <dd>
4899      <p>mi_Result will return values from a result identifier
4900      produced by mi_Exec. The row_number and field name specify
4901      what cell in the table of results to return. Row numbering
4902      starts from 0. Instead of naming the field, you may use the
4903      field index as an unquoted number. Field indices start from
4904      0.</p>
4906      <p>All values returned from the database are in String form,
4907      since no type-detection is available at the present.</p>
4909      <p>This function is only available if Illustra support has
4910      been enabled in PHP.</p>
4911    </dd>
4913    <dt><a name="microtime" id="microtime"><span class="big">
4914    Microtime()</span></a></dt>
4916    <dd>
4917      <p>Microtime() returns a string "msec sec" where sec is
4918      number of seconds since 00:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970, and msec is
4919      the microseconds part (as fraction of seconds). Ex
4920      "0.87633900 825010464".<br>
4921      This function is only available on operating systems that
4922      support the gettimeofday() system call.</p>
4923    </dd>
4925    <dt><a name="min" id="min"><span class="big">
4926    Min(array)</span></a></dt>
4928    <dd>
4929      <p>Min returns the minimum value of a PHP array. ie. it will
4930      search through the entire array looking for the min element.
4931      If it is an array of strings, the returned string is the
4932      string which would be alphabetically first in the array if it
4933      were sorted.</p>
4934    </dd>
4936    <dt><a name="mkdir" id="mkdir"><span class="big">
4937    MkDir(dir,mode)</span></a></dt>
4939    <dd>
4940      <p>MkDir creates a directory. The <em>mode</em> parameter
4941      must be given in <a href="#octal">octal</a> notation. eg.
4942      MkDir("DirName",0755);</p>
4943    </dd>
4945    <dt><a name="mktime" id="mktime"><span class="big">
4946    MkTime(hour,min,sec,mon,day,year)</span></a></dt>
4948    <dd>
4949      <p>MkTime returns a time in Unix timestamp (long integer)
4950      format which corresponds to the date and time specified by
4951      the arguments. Arguments may be left out in which case the
4952      given component is set to the current value according to the
4953      current local time and date. These left out arguments may
4954      only be left out from right to left. ie.
4955      <code>MkTime(hour,min,sec)</code> is valid, but
4956      <code>MkTime(mon,day,year)</code> is not valid. Note that this
4957      function can be very handy as a tool for doing both date
4958      arithmetic and date validation. You can feed it invalid
4959      parameters, such as a month greater than 12, or a day greater
4960      than 31 and it will figure out the right date anyway. It will
4961      also generate an error message if any of the parameters are
4962      outside the normal values. Use the <a href=
4963      "#seterrorreporting">SetErrorReporting(0)</a> function to
4964      turn this error reporting off before calling the function and
4965      you may then check the $phperrmsg for any errors that may
4966      have occurred.</p>
4968      <p>eg.</p>
4969      <pre>
4970        SetErrorReporting(0);
4971        $a = MkTime(0,0,0,13,1,1997);
4972        SetErrorReporting(1);
4973        echo $phperrmsg;
4975    </dd>
4977    <dt><a name="msql" id="msql"><span class="big">$result =
4978    msql($database,$query)</span></a></dt>
4980    <dd>
4981      <p>msql sends an mSQL query. Arguments are the database name
4982      and the query string. ie. <strong><code>&lt;?msql("MyDatabase"
4983      , "select * from table")&gt;</code></strong>. The return value
4984      from this function is a result identifier to be used to
4985      access the results from the other msql_ functions. A result
4986      identifier is a positive integer. The function returns
4987      <strong>0</strong> when no result identifier is created. This
4988      is the case with any queries that do not return anything,
4989      such as <em>create</em>, <em>update</em>, <em>drop</em>,
4990      <em>insert</em> and <em>delete</em>. The function will return
4991      <strong>-1</strong> if an error occurs. A string describing
4992      the error will be placed in $phperrmsg, and unless the
4993      function was called as <strong>@msql()</strong> then this
4994      error string will also be printed out. For mSQL 2.0, the
4995      $result variable will contain the number of rows affected by
4996      the SQL command performed. If you want your application to be
4997      portable to mSQL 1.0, do not rely on this.<br>
4998      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
4999      enabled in PHP.</p>
5000    </dd>
5002    <dt><a name="msql_close" id="msql_close"><span class="big">
5003    msql_close()</span></a></dt>
5005    <dd>
5006      <p>msql_Close closes the socket connection to the msql
5007      daemon, if an open connection exists. Note, since only one
5008      concurrent mSQL session can be open at any one time, this
5009      function does not take an argument.</p>
5010    </dd>
5012    <dt><a name="msql_connect" id="msql_connect"><span class="big">
5013    msql_connect($hostname)</span></a></dt>
5015    <dd>
5016      <p>msql_Connect specifies the host name or IP on which the
5017      mSQL database engine resides. This is equivalent to the
5018      msqlConnect() function in the mSQL C API. The one difference
5019      between this function and the C API equivalent is that if the
5020      function isn't called, a connection to the local host is made
5021      by default on the first call to the msql() function. And,
5022      there is no need for an msql_close function since only one
5023      connection may be active at any one time. If a second call to
5024      msql_connect() is made in a file, then the connection to the
5025      first host is automatically closed. To explicitly connect to
5026      the msql daemon on the local host, use:
5027      <strong><code>&lt;?msql_connect("localhost")&gt;</code></strong><br>
5029      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5030      enabled in PHP.</p>
5031    </dd>
5033    <dt><a name="msql_createdb" id="msql_createdb"><span class="big">
5034    msql_CreateDB($database)</span></a></dt>
5036    <dd>
5037      <p>msql_CreateDB creates the given database.<br>
5038      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5039      enabled in PHP.</p>
5040    </dd>
5042    <dt><a name="msql_dbname" id="msql_dbname"><span class="big">
5043    msql_dbName($result,$i)</span></a></dt>
5045    <dd>
5046      <p>msql_dbName returns the database name stored in position
5047      <em>$i</em> of the result pointer returned from the <a href=
5048      "#msql_listdbs">msql_ListDbs()</a> function. The <a href=
5049      "#msql_numrows">msql_NumRows()</a> function can be used to
5050      determine how many database names are available.<br>
5051      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5052      enabled in PHP.</p>
5053    </dd>
5055    <dt><a name="msql_dropdb" id="msql_dropdb"><span class="big">
5056    msql_DropDB($database)</span></a></dt>
5058    <dd>
5059      <p>msql_DropDB deletes the given mSQL database. Use this with
5060      caution as all data in the database will be lost.<br>
5061      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5062      enabled in PHP.</p>
5063    </dd>
5065    <dt><a name="msql_fieldflags" id="msql_fieldflags"><span class="big">
5066    msql_FieldFlags($result,$i)</span></a></dt>
5068    <dd>
5069      <p>msql_FieldFlags returns the field flags of the specified
5070      field. Currently this is either, "not null", "primary key", a
5071      combination of the two or "" (an empty string).<br>
5072      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5073      enabled in PHP.</p>
5074    </dd>
5076    <dt><a name="msql_fieldlen" id="msql_fieldlen"><span class="big">
5077    msql_FieldLen($result,$i)</span></a></dt>
5079    <dd>
5080      <p>msql_FieldLen returns the length of the specified
5081      field.<br>
5082      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5083      enabled in PHP.</p>
5084    </dd>
5086    <dt><a name="msql_fieldname" id="msql_fieldname"><span class="big">
5087    msql_FieldName($result,$i)</span></a></dt>
5089    <dd>
5090      <p>msql_FieldName returns the name of the specified field.
5091      Arguments to the function is the result identifier and the
5092      field index. ie. <code>msql_FieldName($result,2);</code> will
5093      return the name of the second field in the result associated
5094      with the result identifier.<br>
5095      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5096      enabled in PHP.</p>
5097    </dd>
5099    <dt><a name="msql_fieldtype" id="msql_fieldtype"><span class="big">
5100    msql_FieldType($result,$i)</span></a></dt>
5102    <dd>
5103      <p>msql_FieldType is similar to the msql_FieldName()
5104      function. The arguments are identical, but the field type is
5105      returned. This will be one of "int", "char" or "real".<br>
5106      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5107      enabled in PHP.</p>
5108    </dd>
5110    <dt><a name="msql_freeresult" id="msql_freeresult"><span class="big">
5111    msql_FreeResult($result)</span></a></dt>
5113    <dd>
5114      <p>msql_FreeResult only needs to be called if you are worried
5115      about using too much memory while your script is running. All
5116      result memory will automatically be freed when the script is
5117      finished. But, if you are sure you are not going to need the
5118      result data anymore in a script, you may call msql_freeresult
5119      with the result identifier as an argument and the associated
5120      result memory will be freed.<br>
5121      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5122      enabled in PHP.</p>
5123    </dd>
5125    <dt><a name="msql_listdbs" id="msql_listdbs"><span class="big">
5126    $result = msql_ListDBs()</span></a></dt>
5128    <dd>
5129      <p>msql_ListDBs will return a result pointer containing the
5130      databases available from the current mSQL daemon. Use the
5131      <a href="#msql_dbname">msql_dbName()</a> function to traverse
5132      this result pointer.<br>
5133      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5134      enabled in PHP.</p>
5135    </dd>
5137    <dt><a name="msql_listfields" id="msql_listfields"><span class="big">
5138    $result =
5139    msql_Listfields($database,$tablename)</span></a></dt>
5141    <dd>
5142      <p>msql_listfields retrieves information about the the given
5143      tablename. Arguments are the database name and the table
5144      name. A result pointer is returned which can be used with
5145      msql_fieldflags, msql_fieldlen, msql_fieldname,
5146      msql_fieldtype. A result identifier is a positive integer.
5147      The function returns -1 if a error occurs. A string
5148      describing the error will be placed in $phperrmsg, and unless
5149      the function was called as @msql() then this error string
5150      will also be printed out.<br>
5151      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5152      enabled in PHP.</p>
5153    </dd>
5155    <dt><a name="msql_listtables" id="msql_listtables"><span class="big">
5156    $result = msql_ListTables($database)</span></a></dt>
5158    <dd>
5159      <p>msql_ListTables takes a database name and result pointer
5160      much like the <a href="#msql">msql()</a> function. The
5161      <a href="#msql_tablename">msql_TableName()</a> function
5162      should be used to extract the actual table names from the
5163      result pointer.<br>
5164      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5165      enabled in PHP.</p>
5166    </dd>
5168    <dt><a name="msql_numfields" id="msql_numfields"><span class="big">
5169    msql_NumFields($result)</span></a></dt>
5171    <dd>
5172      <p>msql_NumFields returns the number of fields in a result.
5173      The argument is the result identifier returned by the msql()
5174      function.<br>
5175      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5176      enabled in PHP.</p>
5177    </dd>
5179    <dt><a name="msql_numrows" id="msql_numrows"><span class="big">
5180    msql_NumRows($result)</span></a></dt>
5182    <dd>
5183      <p>msql_NumRows simply returns the number of rows in a
5184      result. The argument is the result identifier returned by the
5185      msql() function.<br>
5186      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5187      enabled in PHP.</p>
5188    </dd>
5190    <dt><a name="msql_regcase" id="msql_regcase"><span class="big">
5191    msql_RegCase(string)</span></a></dt>
5193    <dd>
5194      <p>msql_RegCase takes a string argument and converts it to
5195      the regular expression needed to send to mSQL in order to get
5196      a case insensitive match. This turns a string like "abc" into
5197      "[Aa][Bb][Cc]".<br>
5198      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5199      enabled in PHP.</p>
5200    </dd>
5202    <dt><a name="msql_result" id="msql_result"><span class="big">
5203    msql_Result($result,$i,field)</span></a></dt>
5205    <dd>
5206      <p>msql_Result displays a field from a returned record.
5207      Arguments are the result identifier returned by the msql()
5208      function, an integer which is the index of the record to be
5209      viewed and a field name. The field argument supports the
5210      "table.field" syntax for handling results from a join. This
5211      function is perhaps best illustrated with a complete
5212      example:</p>
5213      <pre>
5214    &lt;?
5215      $name = "bob";
5216      $result = msql($database,"select * from table where firstname='$name'");
5217      $num = msql_numrows($result);
5218      echo "$num records found!&lt;p&gt;";
5219      $i=0;
5220      while($i&lt;$num);
5221        echo msql_result($result,$i,"fullname");
5222        echo "&lt;br&gt;";
5223        echo msql_result($result,$i,"address");
5224        echo "&lt;br&gt;";
5225        $i++;
5226      endwhile;
5227    &gt;
5230      <p>The above script connects to the mSQL engine on the local
5231      machine, sets the <em>name</em> variable to <em>bob</em> and
5232      sends a query which asks for all the fields from a table
5233      where the <em>firstname</em> field is set to <em>bob</em>. It
5234      then displays the number of records it found after which it
5235      loops through each of the found records and displays the
5236      <em>fullname</em> and <em>address</em> fields for each
5237      record. As you can see, it would be trivial to add HTML
5238      markup tags around the printed fields to format the results
5239      in a table or in whatever manner is desired. Note that there
5240      is no msql_connect() call. msql_connect need only be called
5241      if a connection to a remote database is desired.</p>
5243      <p>This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5244      enabled in PHP.</p>
5245    </dd>
5247    <dt><a name="msql_tablename" id="msql_tablename"><span class="big">
5248    msql_TableName($result,$i)</span></a></dt>
5250    <dd>
5251      <p>msql_TableName takes a result pointer returned by the
5252      <a href="#msql_listtables">msql_ListTables()</a> function as
5253      well as an integer index and returns the name of a table. The
5254      <a href="#msql_numrows">msql_NumRows()</a> function may be
5255      used to determine the number of tables in the result pointer.
5256      An example would be:</p>
5257      <pre>
5258    &lt;?
5259      $result = msql_listtables("dbname");
5260      $i=0;
5261      while($i &lt;  msql_numrows($result));
5262        $tb_names[$i]=msql_tablename($result, $i);
5263        echo $tb_names[$i];
5264        echo "&lt;BR&gt;";
5265        $i++;
5266      endwhile;
5267    &gt;
5269      This function is only available if mSQL support has been
5270      enabled in PHP.
5271    </dd>
5273    <dt><a name="mysql" id="mysql"><span class="big">$result =
5274    mysql($database,$query)</span></a></dt>
5276    <dd>
5277      <p>mysql sends a mysql query. Arguments are the database name
5278      and the query string. ie. <strong><code>&lt;?mysql("MyDatabase"
5279      , "select * from table")&gt;</code></strong>. The return value
5280      from this function is a result identifier to be used to
5281      access the results from the other mysql_ functions. A result
5282      identifier is a positive integer. The function returns
5283      <strong>0</strong> when no result identifier is created. This
5284      is the case with any queries that do not return anything,
5285      such as <em>create</em>, <em>update</em>, <em>drop</em>,
5286      <em>insert</em> and <em>delete</em>. The function will return
5287      <strong>-1</strong> if an error occurs. A string describing
5288      the error will be placed in $phperrmsg, and unless the
5289      function was called as <strong>@mysql()</strong> then this
5290      error string will also be printed out.<br>
5291      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5292      enabled in PHP.</p>
5293    </dd>
5295    <dt><a name="mysql_affected_rows" id=
5296    "mysql_affected_rows"><span class="big">
5297    mysql_affected_rows()</span></a></dt>
5299    <dd>
5300      <p>mysql_affected_rows() returns number of rows affected by
5301      the last INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query.</p>
5302    </dd>
5304    <dt><a name="mysql_close" id="mysql_close"><span class="big">
5305    mysql_close()</span></a></dt>
5307    <dd>
5308      <p>mysql_Close closes the socket connection to the mysql
5309      daemon, if an open connection exists.</p>
5310    </dd>
5312    <dt><a name="mysql_connect" id="mysql_connect"><span class="big">
5313    mysql_connect($hostname [,username
5314    [,password]])</span></a></dt>
5316    <dd>
5317      <p>mysql_Connect specifies the host name or IP on which the
5318      mysql database engine resides. This is equivalent to the
5319      mysqlConnect() function in the mysql C API. The one
5320      difference between this function and the C API equivalent is
5321      that if the function isn't called, a connection to the local
5322      host is made by default on the first call to the mysql()
5323      function. And, there is no need for an mysql_close function
5324      since only one connection may be active at any one time. If a
5325      second call to mysql_connect() is made in a file, then the
5326      connection to the first host is automatically closed.</p>
5328      <p>An optional username and password may be provided. Note
5329      that when PHP is compiled to run in <a href="#safemode">SAFE
5330      MODE</a> then the username must either be the same as the
5331      owner of the file being processed, or the owner of the httpd
5332      process (usually nobody). Any other username will fail.</p>
5334      <p>To explicitly connect to the mysql daemon on the local
5335      host, use:
5336      <strong><code>&lt;?mysql_connect("localhost")&gt;</code></strong><br>
5338      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5339      enabled in PHP.</p>
5340    </dd>
5342    <dt><a name="mysql_createdb" id="mysql_createdb"><span class="big">
5343    mysql_CreateDB($database)</span></a></dt>
5345    <dd>
5346      <p>mysql_CreateDB creates the given database.<br>
5347      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5348      enabled in PHP.</p>
5349    </dd>
5351    <dt><a name="mysql_dbname" id="mysql_dbname"><span class="big">
5352    mysql_dbName($result,$i)</span></a></dt>
5354    <dd>
5355      <p>mysql_dbName returns the database name stored in position
5356      <em>$i</em> of the result pointer returned from the <a href=
5357      "#mysql_listdbs">mysql_ListDbs()</a> function. The <a href=
5358      "#mysql_numrows">mysql_NumRows()</a> function can be used to
5359      determine how many database names are available.<br>
5360      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5361      enabled in PHP.</p>
5362    </dd>
5364    <dt><a name="mysql_dropdb" id="mysql_dropdb"><span class="big">
5365    mysql_DropDB($database)</span></a></dt>
5367    <dd>
5368      <p>mysql_DropDB deletes the given mysql database. Use this
5369      with caution as all data in the database will be lost.<br>
5370      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5371      enabled in PHP.</p>
5372    </dd>
5374    <dt><a name="mysql_fieldflags" id=
5375    "mysql_fieldflags"><span class="big">mysql_FieldFlags($result,$i)</span></a></dt>
5377    <dd>
5378      <p>mysql_FieldFlags returns the field flags of the specified
5379      field. Currently this is either, "not null", "primary key", a
5380      combination of the two or "" (an empty string).<br>
5381      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5382      enabled in PHP.</p>
5383    </dd>
5385    <dt><a name="mysql_fieldlen" id="mysql_fieldlen"><span class="big">
5386    mysql_FieldLen($result,$i)</span></a></dt>
5388    <dd>
5389      <p>mysql_FieldLen returns the length of the specified
5390      field.<br>
5391      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5392      enabled in PHP.</p>
5393    </dd>
5395    <dt><a name="mysql_fieldname" id="mysql_fieldname"><span class="big">
5396    mysql_FieldName($result,$i)</span></a></dt>
5398    <dd>
5399      <p>mysql_FieldName returns the name of the specified field.
5400      Arguments to the function is the result identifier and the
5401      field index. ie. <code>mysql_FieldName($result,2);</code> will
5402      return the name of the second field in the result associated
5403      with the result identifier.<br>
5404      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5405      enabled in PHP.</p>
5406    </dd>
5408    <dt><a name="mysql_fieldtype" id="mysql_fieldtype"><span class="big">
5409    mysql_FieldType($result,$i)</span></a></dt>
5411    <dd>
5412      <p>mysql_FieldType is similar to the mysql_FieldName()
5413      function. The arguments are identical, but the field type is
5414      returned. This will be one of "int", "char" or "real".<br>
5415      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5416      enabled in PHP.</p>
5417    </dd>
5419    <dt><a name="mysql_freeresult" id=
5420    "mysql_freeresult"><span class="big">mysql_FreeResult($result)</span></a></dt>
5422    <dd>
5423      <p>mysql_FreeResult only needs to be called if you are
5424      worried about using too much memory while your script is
5425      running. All result memory will automatically be freed when
5426      the script is finished. But, if you are sure you are not
5427      going to need the result data anymore in a script, you may
5428      call mysql_freeresult with the result identifier as an
5429      argument and the associated result memory will be
5430      freed.<br>
5431      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5432      enabled in PHP.</p>
5433    </dd>
5435    <dt><a name="mysql_insert_id" id="mysql_insert_id"><span class="big">
5436    mysql_insert_id()</span></a></dt>
5438    <dd>
5439      <p>mysql_insert_id() returns the ID generated for an
5440      AUTO_INCREMENT field. This function takes no arguments. It
5441      will return the auto-generated ID returned by the last INSERT
5442      query performed.</p>
5443    </dd>
5445    <dt><a name="mysql_listdbs" id="mysql_listdbs"><span class="big">
5446    $result = mysql_ListDBs()</span></a></dt>
5448    <dd>
5449      <p>mysql_ListDBs will return a result pointer containing the
5450      databases available from the current mysql daemon. Use the
5451      <a href="#mysql_dbname">mysql_dbName()</a> function to
5452      traverse this result pointer.<br>
5453      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5454      enabled in PHP.</p>
5455    </dd>
5457    <dt><a name="mysql_listfields" id=
5458    "mysql_listfields"><span class="big">$result =
5459    mysql_Listfields($database,$tablename)</span></a></dt>
5461    <dd>
5462      <p>mysql_listfields retrieves information about the the given
5463      tablename. Arguments are the database name and the table
5464      name. A result pointer is returned which can be used with
5465      mysql_fieldflags, mysql_fieldlen, mysql_fieldname,
5466      mysql_fieldtype. A result identifier is a positive integer.
5467      The function returns -1 if a error occurs. A string
5468      describing the error will be placed in $phperrmsg, and unless
5469      the function was called as @mysql() then this error string
5470      will also be printed out.<br>
5471      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5472      enabled in PHP.</p>
5473    </dd>
5475    <dt><a name="mysql_listtables" id=
5476    "mysql_listtables"><span class="big">$result =
5477    mysql_ListTables($database)</span></a></dt>
5479    <dd>
5480      <p>mysql_ListTables takes a database name and result pointer
5481      much like the <a href="#mysql">mysql()</a> function. The
5482      <a href="#mysql_tablename">mysql_TableName()</a> function
5483      should be used to extract the actual table names from the
5484      result pointer.<br>
5485      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5486      enabled in PHP.</p>
5487    </dd>
5489    <dt><a name="mysql_numfields" id="mysql_numfields"><span class="big">
5490    mysql_NumFields($result)</span></a></dt>
5492    <dd>
5493      <p>mysql_NumFields returns the number of fields in a result.
5494      The argument is the result identifier returned by the mysql()
5495      function.<br>
5496      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5497      enabled in PHP.</p>
5498    </dd>
5500    <dt><a name="mysql_numrows" id="mysql_numrows"><span class="big">
5501    mysql_NumRows($result)</span></a></dt>
5503    <dd>
5504      <p>mysql_NumRows simply returns the number of rows in a
5505      result. The argument is the result identifier returned by the
5506      mysql() function.<br>
5507      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5508      enabled in PHP.</p>
5509    </dd>
5511    <dt><a name="mysql_result" id="mysql_result"><span class="big">
5512    mysql_Result($result,$i,field)</span></a></dt>
5514    <dd>
5515      <p>mysql_Result displays a field from a returned record.
5516      Arguments are the result identifier returned by the mysql()
5517      function, an integer which is the index of the record to be
5518      viewed and a field name. The field argument supports the
5519      "table.field" syntax for handling results from a join. One
5520      difference between mSQL 1.0 and mysql is that mysql supports
5521      functions that can act on the result data. These functions
5522      can be applied in this function. This function is perhaps
5523      best illustrated with a complete example:</p>
5524      <pre>
5525    &lt;?
5526      $name = "bob";
5527      $result = mysql($database,"select * from table where firstname='$name'");
5528      $num = mysql_numrows($result);
5529      echo "$num records found!&lt;p&gt;";
5530      $i=0;
5531      while($i&lt;$num);
5532        echo mysql_result($result,$i,"lcase(fullname)");
5533        echo "&lt;br&gt;";
5534        echo mysql_result($result,$i,"address");
5535        echo "&lt;br&gt;";
5536        $i++;
5537      endwhile;
5538    &gt;
5541      <p>The above script connects to the mysql engine on the local
5542      machine, sets the <em>name</em> variable to <em>bob</em> and
5543      sends a query which asks for all the fields from a table
5544      where the <em>firstname</em> field is set to <em>bob</em>. It
5545      then displays the number of records it found after which it
5546      loops through each of the found records and displays the
5547      <em>fullname</em> and <em>address</em> fields for each
5548      record. The lcase() call in the result function changes the
5549      returned string to lower case. For a complete set of
5550      functions that can be applied to the result data, see your
5551      mysql documentation. As you can see, it would be trivial to
5552      add HTML markup tags around the printed fields to format the
5553      results in a table or in whatever manner is desired. Note
5554      that there is no mysql_connect() call. mysql_connect need
5555      only be called if a connection to a remote database is
5556      desired.</p>
5558      <p>This function is only available if mysql support has been
5559      enabled in PHP.</p>
5560    </dd>
5562    <dt><a name="mysql_tablename" id="mysql_tablename"><span class="big">
5563    mysql_TableName($result,$i)</span></a></dt>
5565    <dd>
5566      <p>mysql_TableName takes a result pointer returned by the
5567      <a href="#mysql_listtables">mysql_ListTables()</a> function
5568      as well as an integer index and returns the name of a table.
5569      The <a href="#mysql_numrows">mysql_NumRows()</a> function may
5570      be used to determine the number of tables in the result
5571      pointer. An example would be:</p>
5572      <pre>
5573    &lt;?
5574      $result = mysql_listtables("dbname");
5575      $i=0;
5576      while($i &lt;  mysql_numrows($result));
5577        $tb_names[$i]=mysql_tablename($result, $i);
5578        echo $tb_names[$i];
5579        echo "&lt;BR&gt;";
5580        $i++;
5581      endwhile;
5582    &gt;
5584      This function is only available if mysql support has been
5585      enabled in PHP.
5586    </dd>
5588    <dt><a name="next" id="next"><span class="big">
5589    Next(variable)</span></a></dt>
5591    <dd>
5592      <p>Next moves the internal array pointer to the next item in
5593      the array. This happens automatically when an array is
5594      accessed using the non-indexed method ($array[]). The
5595      function returns the value of the new item. This function can
5596      be used to move the pointer forward without having to access
5597      the array explicitly. One use would be to traverse an
5598      associative array and only printing out the keys of the array
5599      and not the actual contents.</p>
5600      <pre>
5601    &lt;?
5602      Reset($array);
5603      $i=0;
5604      while($i &lt; count($array));
5605        echo key($array);
5606        next($array);
5607        $i++;
5608      endwhile;
5609    &gt;
5611    </dd>
5613    <dt><a name="octdec" id="octdec"><span class="big">
5614    OctDec(octal_number)</span></a></dt>
5616    <dd>
5617      <p>OctDec converts an octal number to a decimal number. See
5618      also <a href="#decoct">DecOct()</a>.</p>
5619    </dd>
5621    <dt><a name="opendir" id="opendir"><span class="big">
5622    openDir(directory)</span></a></dt>
5624    <dd>
5625      <p>openDir opens the specified directory and places an
5626      internal pointer to the beginning of the directory. Directory
5627      entries are read using the <a href="#readdir">readDir</a>
5628      function, and an opened directory should be closed with the
5629      <a href="#closedir">closeDir</a> function.</p>
5630    </dd>
5632    <dt><a name="openlog" id="openlog"><span class="big">
5633    OpenLog(ident,options,facility)</span></a></dt>
5635    <dd>
5636      <p>OpenLog() initializes the system for further Syslog()
5637      calls. See the openlog(3) UNIX man page for more details. See
5638      also <a href="#initsyslog">InitSyslog()</a>, <a href=
5639      "#syslog">Syslog()</a> and <a href=
5640      "#closelog">CloseLog()</a>.</p>
5641    </dd>
5643    <dt><a name="ora_bind" id="ora_bind"><span class="big">
5644    Ora_Bind(cursor_ind, php_variable_name, sql_variable_name,
5645    size)</span></a><br></dt>
5647    <dd>Ora_Bind() performs binding of PHP variables with Oracle
5648    ones.<br>
5649    <br>
5650    Function parameters are:<br></dd>
5652    <dd>
5653      <var>cursor_id</var> - oracle cursor id for _parsed_ SQL
5654      query or PL/SQL block;<br>
5655      <var>php_variable_name</var> - variable name in PHP script
5656      without leading '$'<br>
5657      <var>sql_variable_name</var> - variable name in SQL with
5658      leading colon<br>
5659      <var>size</var> - maximal number of bytes to be taken into
5660      account at binding<br>
5661      <br>
5662      <b>Notes:</b><br>
5663      1) PHP variable <b>SHOULD</b> be initialised with at least
5664      <b>size</b> bytes length string even it is return-only
5665      variable.<br>
5666      2) Ora_Bind() <b>SHOULD</b> be used after Ora_Parse and
5667      before Ora_Exec. In case of re-parsing the SQL sentence, all
5668      used variables have to be re-bound.<br>
5669      <br>
5670      Ora_Bind() returns 0 upon success, -1 upon failure.<br>
5672      <p>There is an example of Ora_Bind() usage:</p>
5673      <pre>
5675        /* This is the PHP variable to be bound */
5676        $rc  = "12345";
5678        /* This is the SQL query. */
5679        $query = "SELECT * FROM my_table where my_index = :indiana";
5681        ........
5683        if (Ora_Parse($cursor, $query) &lt; 0) {
5684            echo("Parse failed!\n"
5685            Ora_Logoff($conn);
5686            exit;
5687        }
5689        if (Ora_Bind($cursor, "rc", ":indiana", strlen($rc)) &lt; 0) {
5690            echo("Binding failed!\n"
5691            Ora_Logoff($conn);
5692            exit;
5693        }
5695        /* Execute the SQL statement associated with $cursor and
5696        prepare storage for select-list items. */
5697        $ncols = Ora_Exec($cursor);
5699        ......
5702    </dd>
5704    <dt><a name="ora_close" id="ora_close"><span class="big">
5705    Ora_Close(conn_ind)</span></a></dt>
5707    <dd>Ora_Close() closes the Oracle connection identified by
5708    <var>conn_ind</var>. Returns 0 upon success, -1 upon
5709    failure.</dd>
5711    <dt><a name="ora_commit" id="ora_commit"><span class="big">
5712    Ora_Commit(conn_ind)</span></a></dt>
5714    <dd>Commits the current transaction on <var>conn_ind</var>. The
5715    current transaction starts from the <a href=
5716    "#ora_logon">Ora_Logon()</a> call or from the last Ora_Commit()
5717    or <a href="#ora_rollback">Ora_Rollback()</a>, and lasts until
5718    an Ora_Commit(), <a href="#ora_rollback">Ora_Rollback()</a> or
5719    <a href="#ora_logoff">Ora_Logoff()</a> call is issued.
5720    Ora_Commit() returns -1 (and an error message) upon
5721    failure.</dd>
5723    <dt><a name="ora_commitoff" id="ora_commitoff"><span class="big">
5724    Ora_CommitOff(conn_ind)</span></a></dt>
5726    <dd>Ora_CommitOff() turns off autocommit (automatic commit of
5727    every SQL data manipulation statement) on the Oracle connection
5728    <var>conn_ind</var>.</dd>
5730    <dt><a name="ora_commiton" id="ora_commiton"><span class="big">
5731    Ora_CommitOn(conn_ind)</span></a></dt>
5733    <dd>Ora_CommitOff() turns on autocommit (automatic commit of
5734    every SQL data manipulation statement) on the Oracle connection
5735    <var>conn_ind</var>.</dd>
5737    <dt><a name="ora_exec" id="ora_exec"><span class="big">
5738    Ora_Exec(cursor_ind)</span></a></dt>
5740    <dd>Ora_Exec() executes the SQL statement associated with
5741    <var>cursor_ind</var> and prepares storage for select-list
5742    items. The return value is the number of columns for selects,
5743    or -1 on error.</dd>
5745    <dt><a name="ora_fetch" id="ora_fetch"><span class="big">
5746    Ora_Fetch(cursor_ind)</span></a></dt>
5748    <dd>Ora_Fetch() retrieves a row from the database. Returns 1 if
5749    a column was retrieved, 0 if there are no more columns to
5750    retrieve or -1 on error.</dd>
5752    <dt><a name="ora_getcolumn" id="ora_getcolumn"><span class="big">
5753    Ora_GetColumn(cursor_ind, column)</span></a></dt>
5755    <dd>Ora_GetColumn() fetches data for a single column in a
5756    returned row. <a href="ora_fetch">Ora_Fetch()</a> must have
5757    been called prior to Ora_GetColumn().</dd>
5759    <dt><a name="ora_logoff" id="ora_logoff"><span class="big">
5760    Ora_Logoff(conn_ind)</span></a></dt>
5762    <dd>Ora_Logoff() disconnects the logon data area belonging to
5763    <var>conn_ind</var> and frees used Oracle resources.</dd>
5765    <dt><a name="ora_logon" id="ora_logon"><span class="big">
5766    Ora_Logon(userid, password)</span></a></dt>
5768    <dd>Ora_Logon() establishes a connection between PHP and an
5769    Oracle database with the given user id and password. Returns 0
5770    on success and -1 on failure.</dd>
5772    <dt><a name="ora_open" id="ora_open"><span class="big">
5773    Ora_Open(conn_ind)</span></a></dt>
5775    <dd>Ora_Open() opens a cursor in Oracle that maintains state
5776    information about the processing of a SQL statement. Returns a
5777    cursor index or -1 on error.</dd>
5779    <dt><a name="ora_parse" id="ora_parse"><span class="big">
5780    Ora_Parse(cursor_ind, sql_statement [,
5781    defer])</span></a></dt>
5783    <dd>Ora_Parse() parses a SQL statement or PL/SQL block and
5784    associates it with a cursor. An optional third argument can be
5785    set to 1 to defer the parse. Returns 0 on success or -1 on
5786    error.</dd>
5788    <dt><a name="ora_rollback" id="ora_rollback"><span class="big">
5789    Ora_Rollback(cursor_ind)</span></a></dt>
5791    <dd>Ora_Rollback() rolls back the current transaction. See
5792    <a href="#ora_commit">Ora_Commit()</a> for a definition of the
5793    current transaction.</dd>
5795    <dt><a name="ord" id="ord"><span class="big">
5796    Ord(arg)</span></a></dt>
5798    <dd>
5799      <p>Ord returns the ASCII value of the first character of
5800      arg.</p>
5801    </dd>
5803    <dt><a name="parse_str" id="parse_str"><span class="big">
5804    Parse_Str(arg)</span></a></dt>
5806    <dd>
5807      <p>Parse_str takes a string identical to a regular URL
5808      encoded string and extracts variables and their values.<br>
5809      ex.</p>
5810      <pre>
5811    &lt;? parse_str("a[]=hello+world&amp;a[]=second+variable");
5812        echo $a[],"&lt;br&gt;";
5813        echo $a[],"&lt;br&gt;";
5814    &gt;
5818hello world
5819second variable
5821    </dd>
5823    <dt><a name="passthru" id="passthru"><span class="big">
5824    PassThru(command_string [,return_var])</span></a></dt>
5826    <dd>
5827      <p>The PassThru() function is similar to the <a href=
5828      "#exec">Exec()</a> function in that it executes a Unix
5829      command. If the return_var argument is present, the return
5830      status of the Unix command will be placed here. This command
5831      should be used in place of Exec or System when the output
5832      from the Unix command is binary data which needs to be passed
5833      directly back to the browser. A common use for this is to
5834      execute something like the pbmplus utilities that can output
5835      an image stream directly. By setting the content-type to
5836      <em>image/gif</em> and then calling a pbmplus program to
5837      output a gif, you can create PHP/FI scripts that output
5838      images directly.</p>
5839    </dd>
5841    <dt><a name="pclose" id="pclose"><span class="big">
5842    pclose(fp)</span></a></dt>
5844    <dd>
5845      <p>Pclose closes a pipe opened using the <a href=
5846      "#popen">popen()</a> function.</p>
5847    </dd>
5849    <dt><a name="pg_close" id="pg_close"><span class="big">
5850    pg_Close(connection_id)</span></a></dt>
5852    <dd>
5853      <p>pg_Close will close down the connection to a Postgres
5854      database associated with the given connection identifier.</p>
5856      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
5857      been enabled in PHP.</p>
5858    </dd>
5860    <dt><a name="pg_connect" id="pg_connect"><span class="big">
5861    $connection = pg_Connect(host, port, options, tty,
5862    dbname)</span></a></dt>
5864    <dd>
5865      <p>pg_Connect opens a connection to a Postgres database. Each
5866      of the arguments should be a quoted string, including the
5867      port number. The options and tty arguments are optional and
5868      can be empty strings. This function returns a connection_id.
5869      This identifier is needed by other Postgres functions. You
5870      can have multiple connections open at once. This function
5871      will return <strong>0</strong> on error.</p>
5873      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
5874      been enabled in PHP.</p>
5875    </dd>
5877    <dt><a name="pg_dbname" id="pg_dbname"><span class="big">
5878    pg_DBname(connection_id)</span></a></dt>
5880    <dd>
5881      <p>pg_DBname will return the name of the database that the
5882      given Postgres connection identifier is connected to.</p>
5884      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
5885      been enabled in PHP.</p>
5886    </dd>
5888    <dt><a name="pg_errorMessage" id="pg_errorMessage"><span class="big">
5889    pg_ErrorMessage(connection_id)</span></a></dt>
5891    <dd>
5892      <p>If an error occured on the last database action for which
5893      a valid connection exists, this function will return a string
5894      containing the error message generated by the back-end
5895      server.</p>
5897      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
5898      been enabled in PHP.</p>
5899    </dd>
5901    <dt><a name="pg_exec" id="pg_exec"><span class="big">$result =
5902    pg_Exec(connection_id, query_string)</span></a></dt>
5904    <dd>
5905      <p>pg_Exec will send an SQL statement to the Postgres
5906      database specified by the connection_id. The connection_id
5907      must be a valid identifier that was returned by pg_Connect.
5908      The return value of this function is an identifier to be used
5909      to access the results from other Postgres functions. This
5910      function will return <strong>0</strong> on error. It will
5911      return <strong>1</strong> when the command executed correctly
5912      but are not expected to returned data (insert or update
5913      commands, for example). Note that selects which return no
5914      data will still return a valid result greater than 1.</p>
5916      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
5917      been enabled in PHP.</p>
5918    </dd>
5920    <dt><a name="pg_fieldname" id="pg_fieldname"><span class="big">
5921    pg_FieldName(result_id, field_number)</span></a></dt>
5923    <dd>
5924      <p>pg_FieldName will return the name of the field occupying
5925      the given column number in the given Postgres result
5926      identifier. Field numbering starts from 0.</p>
5928      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
5929      been enabled in PHP.</p>
5930    </dd>
5932    <dt><a name="pg_fieldprtlen" id="pg_fieldprtlen"><span class="big">
5933    pg_FieldPrtLen(result_id, row_number,
5934    field_name)</span></a></dt>
5936    <dd>
5937      <p>pg_FieldPrtLen will return the actual printed length
5938      (number of characters) of a specific value in a Postgres
5939      result. Row numbering starts at 0. This function will return
5940      <strong>-1</strong> on an error.</p>
5942      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
5943      been enabled in PHP.</p>
5944    </dd>
5946    <dt><a name="pg_fieldnum" id="pg_fieldnum"><span class="big">
5947    pg_FieldNum(result_id, field_name)</span></a></dt>
5949    <dd>
5950      <p>pg_FieldNum will return the number of the column slot that
5951      corresponds to the named field in the given Postgres result
5952      identifier. Field numbering starts at 0. This function will
5953      return <strong>-1</strong> on error.</p>
5955      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
5956      been enabled in PHP.</p>
5957    </dd>
5959    <dt><a name="pg_fieldsize" id="pg_fieldsize"><span class="big">
5960    pg_FieldSize(result_id, field_name)</span></a></dt>
5962    <dd>
5963      <p>pg_FieldSize will return the internal storage size (in
5964      bytes) of the named field in the given Postgres result. A
5965      field size of 0 indicates a variable length field. This
5966      function will return <strong>-1</strong> on error.</p>
5968      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
5969      been enabled in PHP.</p>
5970    </dd>
5972    <dt><a name="pg_fieldtype" id="pg_fieldtype"><span class="big">
5973    pg_FieldType(result_id, field_number)</span></a></dt>
5975    <dd>
5976      <p>pg_FieldType will return a string containing the type name
5977      of the given field in the given Postgres result identifier.
5978      Field numbering starts at 0.</p>
5980      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
5981      been enabled in PHP.</p>
5982    </dd>
5984    <dt><a name="pg_freeresult" id="pg_freeresult"><span class="big">
5985    pg_FreeResult(result_id)</span></a></dt>
5987    <dd>
5988      <p>pg_FreeResult only needs to be called if you are worried
5989      about using too much memory while your script is running. All
5990      result memory will automatically be freed when the script is
5991      finished. But, if you are sure you are not going to need the
5992      result data anymore in a script, you may call pg_freeresult
5993      with the result identifier as an argument and the associated
5994      result memory will be freed.</p>
5996      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
5997      been enabled in PHP.</p>
5998    </dd>
6000    <dt><a name="pg_getlastoid" id="pg_getlastoid"><span class="big">
6001    pg_GetLastOid()</span></a></dt>
6003    <dd>
6004      <p>pg_GetLastOid can be used to retrieve the Oid assigned to
6005      an inserted tuple if the last command sent via pg_Exec was an
6006      SQL Insert. This function will return a positive integer if
6007      there was a valid Oid. It will return <strong>-1</strong> if
6008      an error occured or the last command sent via pg_Exec was not
6009      an Insert.</p>
6011      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
6012      been enabled in PHP.</p>
6013    </dd>
6015    <dt><a name="pg_host" id="pg_host"><span class="big">
6016    pg_Host(connection_id)</span></a></dt>
6018    <dd>
6019      <p>pg_Host will return the host name the the given Postgres
6020      connection identifier is connected to.</p>
6022      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
6023      been enabled in PHP.</p>
6024    </dd>
6026    <dt><a name="pg_numfields" id="pg_numfields"><span class="big">
6027    pg_NumFields(result_id)</span></a></dt>
6029    <dd>
6030      <p>pg_NumFields will return the number of fields (columns) in
6031      a Postgres result. The argument is a valid result identifier
6032      returned by pg_Exec. This function will return
6033      <strong>-1</strong> on error.</p>
6035      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
6036      been enabled in PHP.</p>
6037    </dd>
6039    <dt><a name="pg_numrows" id="pg_numrows"><span class="big">
6040    pg_NumRows(result_id)</span></a></dt>
6042    <dd>
6043      <p>pg_NumRows will return the number of rows in a Postgres
6044      result. The argument is a valid result identifier returned by
6045      pg_Exec. This function will return <strong>-1</strong> on
6046      error.</p>
6048      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
6049      been enabled in PHP.</p>
6050    </dd>
6052    <dt><a name="pg_options" id="pg_options"><span class="big">
6053    pg_Options(connection_id)</span></a></dt>
6055    <dd>
6056      <p>pg_Options will return a string containing the options
6057      specified on the given Postgres connection identifier.</p>
6059      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
6060      been enabled in PHP.</p>
6061    </dd>
6063    <dt><a name="pg_port" id="pg_port"><span class="big">
6064    pg_Port(connection_id)</span></a></dt>
6066    <dd>
6067      <p>pg_Port will return the port number that the given
6068      Postgres connection identifier is connected to.</p>
6070      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
6071      been enabled in PHP.</p>
6072    </dd>
6074    <dt><a name="pg_result" id="pg_result"><span class="big">
6075    pg_Result(result_id, row_number, field
6076    name/index)</span></a></dt>
6078    <dd>
6079      <p>pg_Result will return values from a result identifier
6080      produced by pg_Exec. The row_number and field name specify
6081      what cell in the table of results to return. Row numbering
6082      starts from 0. Instead of naming the field, you may use the
6083      field index as an unquoted number. Field indices start from
6084      0.</p>
6086      <p>Postgres has many built in types and only the basic ones
6087      are directly supported here. All forms of integer, boolean
6088      and oid types are returned as integer values. All forms of
6089      float, and real types are returned as double values. All
6090      other types, including arrays are returned as strings
6091      formatted in the same default Postgres manner that you would
6092      see in the 'monitor' or 'psql' programs.</p>
6094      <p>Support for returning PHP arrays of numerical and string
6095      data from a Postgres result is planned for a later date.</p>
6097      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
6098      been enabled in PHP.</p>
6099    </dd>
6101    <dt><a name="pg_tty" id="pg_tty"><span class="big">
6102    pg_tty(connection_id)</span></a></dt>
6104    <dd>
6105      <p>pg_tty will return the tty name that server side debugging
6106      output is sent to on the given Postgres connection
6107      identifier.</p>
6109      <p>This function is only available if Postgres support has
6110      been enabled in PHP.</p>
6111    </dd>
6113    <dt><a name="phpinfo" id="phpinfo"><span class="big">
6114    phpInfo()</span></a></dt>
6116    <dd>
6117      <p>phpInfo prints the same page you get when adding "?info"
6118      to a PHP/FI parsed URL or when you run the php.cgi binary by
6119      itself. It is especially useful for debugging scripts in the
6120      Apache module version since it displays a number of useful
6121      internal data.</p>
6122    </dd>
6124    <dt><a name="phpversion" id="phpversion"><span class="big">
6125    phpVersion()</span></a></dt>
6127    <dd>
6128      <p>phpVersion returns the version number of PHP/FI currently
6129      running.</p>
6130    </dd>
6132    <dt><a name="popen" id="popen"><span class="big">fp =
6133    popen(command,mode)</span></a></dt>
6135    <dd>
6136      <p>Popen opens a pipe to a command and returns a file pointer
6137      index. This file pointer index can be used by <a href=
6138      "#fgets">fgets</a>, <a href="#fputs">fputs</a> and <a href=
6139      "#fclose">fclose</a>. Arguments are the command to run and
6140      the mode. The mode can be either "r" for read or "w" for
6141      write. See the UNIX C library popen man page for more
6142      details. Any file opened with popen() should be closed using
6143      the <a href="#pclose">pclose()</a> function.</p>
6144    </dd>
6146    <dt><a name="pos" id="pos"><span class="big">
6147    pos(var)</span></a></dt>
6149    <dd>
6150      <p>The Pos() function returns the numerical position of an
6151      array element within that array. This is not very useful for
6152      normal arrays, but for associative arrays it can be
6153      handy.</p>
6154    </dd>
6156    <dt><a name="pow" id="pow"><span class="big">
6157    pow(x,y)</span></a></dt>
6159    <dd>
6160      <p>Evaluates x raised to the power of y. See also <a href=
6161      "#exp">Exp()</a></p>
6162    </dd>
6164    <dt><a name="prev" id="prev"><span class="big">
6165    Prev(variable)</span></a></dt>
6167    <dd>
6168      <p>Prev moves the internal array pointer for the given
6169      variable to the previous item in the array. If already at the
6170      beginning of the list, the pointer will point to the first
6171      item. The function returns the value of the new item. This
6172      function is useful for traversing an associative array in
6173      reverse order. See the example in the <a href=
6174      "#end">End()</a> definition. Also see <a href=
6175      "#next">Next()</a>.</p>
6176    </dd>
6178    <dt><a name="putenv" id="putenv"><span class="big">
6179    PutEnv(string)</span></a></dt>
6181    <dd>
6182      <p>PutEnv puts the given string in the environment. Not
6183      extremely useful since the local environment variables are
6184      wiped out when PHP is done with a page, but in some cases it
6185      is useful if other things called from within a PHP script
6186      checks environment variables. For example, if you want to run
6187      multiple mSQL daemon processes, you will need to use PutEnv
6188      to switch back and forth between the different sockets.</p>
6189    </dd>
6191    <dt><a name="quotemeta" id="quotemeta"><span class="big">
6192    QuoteMeta(arg)</span></a></dt>
6194    <dd>
6195      <p>QuoteMeta returns a string composed of arg with any
6196      regular expression special characters escaped with a
6197      backslash.</p>
6198    </dd>
6200    <dt><a name="rand" id="rand"><span class="big">
6201    Rand()</span></a></dt>
6203    <dd>
6204      <p>Rand returns a random number between 0 and RANDMAX.
6205      <b>Remember</b> to seed your random number generator with a
6206      call to <a href="#srand">srand()</a> before calling rand().
6207      You only need to seed the random number generator once.
6208      RANDMAX can be determined with the <a href=
6209      "#getrandmax">getRandMax</a> function. Normally a specific
6210      range is chosen by simply using the modulus operator on the
6211      result.</p>
6212    </dd>
6214    <dt><a name="readdir" id="readdir"><span class="big">
6215    readDir()</span></a></dt>
6217    <dd>
6218      <p>readDir reads the next entry from the currently open
6219      directory structure. Once an entry is read, the pointer is
6220      advanced to the next entry in the directory and the next call
6221      to this function will return the next entry in the directory.
6222      Use the <a href="#opendir">openDir</a> function to open a
6223      directory before calling this function.</p>
6224    </dd>
6226    <dt><a name="readfile" id="readfile"><span class="big">
6227    ReadFile(filename)</span></a></dt>
6229    <dd>
6230      <p>$size = ReadFile(Filename) - Reads the file filename and
6231      simply outputs it directly. It returns the number of bytes
6232      actually read. It is different from the File() command in
6233      that it does not store the file in memory, and it is safe for
6234      use on binary files. This function is generally used where
6235      one might otherwise do a PassThru("cat filename"). Using
6236      ReadFile is more efficient.</p>
6237    </dd>
6239    <dt><a name="readlink" id="readlink"><span class="big">
6240    ReadLink(path)</span></a></dt>
6242    <dd>ReadLink does the same as the readlink C function and
6243    returns the contents of the symbolic link path or -1 in case of
6244    error. See also <a href="#linkinfo">LinkInfo</a>.</dd>
6246    <dt><a name="reg_match" id="reg_match"><span class="big">
6247    reg_Match(expr,arg[,regs])</span></a></dt>
6249    <dd>
6250      <p><b>This function has been replaced by the <a href=
6251      "#ereg">ereg()</a> function. It is however still available
6252      for backwards compatibility.</b><br>
6253      reg_Match returns non-zero if the regular expression is
6254      matched in the argument string. For example, the condition,
6255      <code>&lt;?if (reg_match("^This.*", "This is an example
6256      string")&gt;</code> would be true since the "^This.*"
6257      expression says to match the word <strong>This</strong> at
6258      the beginning of the string and then match any characters
6259      afterwards. If the <em>regs</em> argument is present, then
6260      match registers are filled into positions 0-10 in the array
6261      named by the <em>regs</em> argument. Register 0 will always
6262      contain the full matched string. For more information on
6263      regular expressions, see the <a href="#regexp">regular
6264      expression section</a> of this document.</p>
6265    </dd>
6267    <dt><a name="reg_replace" id="reg_replace"><span class="big">
6268    reg_replace(expr,replace,arg)</span></a></dt>
6270    <dd>
6271      <p><b>This function has been replaced by the <a href=
6272      "#ereg_replace">ereg_replace()</a> function. It is however
6273      still available for backwards compatibility.</b><br>
6274      reg_Replace scans the entire argument string and replaces any
6275      portions of the string matched by the given expression with
6276      the replacement string. For example, in the string, <code>"This
6277      is an example string"</code> we could very easily replace every
6278      space with a dash with the command: <strong>reg_replace("
6279      ","-","This is an example string")</strong>.For more
6280      information on regular expressions, see the <a href=
6281      "#regexp">regular expression section</a> of this
6282      document.</p>
6283    </dd>
6285    <dt><a name="reg_search" id="reg_search"><span class="big">
6286    reg_Search(expr,arg[,regs])</span></a></dt>
6288    <dd>
6289      <p><b>This function has been replaced by the <a href=
6290      "#ereg">ereg()</a> function. It is however still available
6291      for backwards compatibility.</b><br>
6292      reg_Search will scan the entire argument string for any
6293      matches to the given regular expression. If a match is found,
6294      it will return the portion of the string starting at where
6295      the match occurred. If no match is found a zero-length string
6296      is returned. If the <em>regs</em> argument is present, then
6297      match registers are filled into positions 0-10 in the array
6298      named by the <em>regs</em> argument. Register 0 will always
6299      be assigned the full matched string. For more information on
6300      regular expressions, see the <a href="#regexp">regular
6301      expression section</a> of this document.</p>
6302    </dd>
6304    <dt><a name="rename" id="rename"><span class="big">
6305    Rename(old,new)</span></a></dt>
6307    <dd>
6308      <p>Rename filename old to new. Similar to the Unix C rename()
6309      function.</p>
6310    </dd>
6312    <dt><a name="reset" id="reset"><span class="big">
6313    Reset(variable)</span></a></dt>
6315    <dd>
6316      <p>Reset moves the internal array pointer for the given array
6317      variable to the first item of the array and returns the value
6318      of this item. This is useful for traversing associative and
6319      non-indexed arrays. See also <a href="#end">End()</a> and
6320      <a href="#next">Next()</a>. The following example traverses
6321      an associative array:</p>
6322      <pre>
6323    &lt;?
6324      Reset($array);
6325      $i=0;
6326      while($i &lt; count($array));
6327        echo $array[]; /* pointer automatically moves ahead one */
6328        $i++;
6329      endwhile;
6330    &gt;
6332    </dd>
6334    <dt><a name="return" id="return"><span class="big">
6335    return(value)</span></a></dt>
6337    <dd>
6338      <p>Return exits the current function call and returns the
6339      specified value back to the caller. See the section on
6340      <a href="#user_funcs">User-Defined Functions</a> for more
6341      information.</p>
6342    </dd>
6344    <dt><a name="rewind" id="rewind"><span class="big">
6345    rewind($fd)</span></a></dt>
6347    <dd>
6348      <p>rewind() resets a file pointer identified by the $fd
6349      argument which is the return value of the <a href=
6350      "#fopen">fopen()</a> call. The file pointer is positioned at
6351      the beginning of the file. See also <a href=
6352      "#ftell">ftell()</a> and <a href="#fseek">fseek()</a>.</p>
6353    </dd>
6355    <dt><a name="rewinddir" id="rewinddir"><span class="big">
6356    rewindDir()</span></a></dt>
6358    <dd>
6359      <p>rewindDir moves the current directory pointer back to the
6360      beginning of the directory. Use the <a href=
6361      "#opendir">openDir</a> function to open a directory before
6362      calling this function.</p>
6363    </dd>
6365    <dt><a name="rmdir" id="rmdir"><span class="big">
6366    RmDir(dir)</span></a></dt>
6368    <dd>
6369      <p>RmDir() removes the given directory. See the <a href=
6370      "#unlink">Unlink()</a> function for removing regular
6371      files.</p>
6372    </dd>
6374    <dt><a name="setcookie" id="setcookie"><span class="big">
6375    SetCookie(name,value,expire,path,domain,secure)</span></a></dt>
6377    <dd>
6378      <p>SetCookie() defines a cookie to be sent along with the
6379      rest of the header information. All the arguments except the
6380      name argument are optional. If only the name argument is
6381      present, the cookie by that name will be deleted from the
6382      remote client. You may also replace any argument with an
6383      empty string (<b>""</b>) in order to skip that argument. The
6384      expire and secure arguments are integers and cannot be
6385      skipped with an empty string. Use a zero (<b>0</b>) instead.
6386      The expire argument is a regular Unix time integer as
6387      returned by the <a href="#time">time()</a> or <a href=
6388      "#mktime">mktime()</a> functions. Some examples follow:</p>
6389      <pre>
6390    SetCookie("TestCookie","Test Value");
6391    SetCookie("TestCookie",$value,time()+3600);  /* expire in 1 hour */
6392    SetCookie("TestCookie",$value,time()+3600,"/~rasmus/",".utoronto.ca",1);
6395      <p>Note that the value portion of the cookie will
6396      automatically be urlencoded when you send the cookie, and
6397      when it is received, it is automatically decoded and assigned
6398      to a variable by the same name as the cookie name. ie. to see
6399      the contents of our test cookie in a script, simply do:</p>
6400      <pre>
6401    echo $TestCookie;
6403    </dd>
6405    <dt><a name="seterrorreporting" id=
6406    "seterrorreporting"><span class="big">
6407    SetErrorReporting(arg)</span></a></dt>
6409    <dd>
6410      <p>SetErrorReporting sets the current error reporting state
6411      to the value of <em>arg</em>. If non-zero, errors will be
6412      printed, and if 0 they won't be. The function returns the
6413      previous error reporting state. This is a more general way of
6414      disabling error reporting than by preceding individual
6415      functions with a '@' character. See the section on <a href=
6416      "#quiet">Suppressing Errors from function calls</a> for more
6417      information.</p>
6418    </dd>
6420    <dt><a name="setlogging" id="setlogging"><span class="big">
6421    SetLogging(arg)</span></a></dt>
6423    <dd>
6424      <p>SetLogging() either enables or disables the logging of
6425      access statistics for a page. If <em>arg</em> is non-zero,
6426      logging will be enabled, if zero, disabled.</p>
6427    </dd>
6429    <dt><a name="setshowinfo" id="setshowinfo"><span class="big">
6430    SetShowInfo(arg)</span></a></dt>
6432    <dd>
6433      <p>SetShowInfo() either enables or disables the information
6434      footer at the bottom of all pages loaded through PHP. If
6435      <em>arg</em> is non-zero, the footers will be enabled, if
6436      zero, disabled.</p>
6437    </dd>
6439    <dt><a name="settype" id="settype"><span class="big">
6440    SetType(variable,type)</span></a></dt>
6442    <dd>
6443      <p>SetType sets the type of a variable. The type argument is
6444      one of, "integer", "double" or "string". See also the
6445      <a href="#gettype">GetType()</a> function.</p>
6446    </dd>
6448    <dt><a name="shl" id="shl"><span class="big">
6449    shl(n,b)</span></a></dt>
6451    <dd>
6452      <p>Shift the value <b>n</b> left <b>b</b> bits.</p>
6453    </dd>
6455    <dt><a name="shr" id="shr"><span class="big">
6456    shr(n,b)</span></a></dt>
6458    <dd>
6459      <p>Shift the value <b>n</b> right <b>b</b> bits.</p>
6460    </dd>
6462    <dt><a name="sin" id="sin"><span class="big">
6463    Sin(arg)</span></a></dt>
6465    <dd>
6466      <p>Sin returns the sine of arg in radians. See also <a href=
6467      "#cos">Cos()</a> and <a href="#tan">Tan()</a></p>
6468    </dd>
6470    <dt><a name="sleep" id="sleep"><span class="big">
6471    Sleep(secs)</span></a></dt>
6473    <dd>
6474      <p>Sleep will delay for secs seconds. Similar to the Unix C
6475      sleep() function. See also the <a href="#usleep">USleep()</a>
6476      function.</p>
6477    </dd>
6479    <dt><a name="solid_close" id="solid_close"><span class="big">
6480    Solid_Close(connection_id)</span></a></dt>
6482    <dd>
6483      <p>Solid_Close will close down the connection to the Solid
6484      server associated with the given connection identifier.</p>
6486      <p>This function is only available if Solid support has been
6487      enabled in PHP.</p>
6488    </dd>
6490    <dt><a name="solid_connect" id="solid_connect"><span class="big">
6491    $connection = Solid_Connect(data source name, username,
6492    password)</span></a></dt>
6494    <dd>
6495      <p>Solid_Connect opens a connection to a Solid server. Each
6496      of the arguments should be a quoted string. The first
6497      parameter (data source name) can be an empty string,
6498      resulting in a connection to the default server on the
6499      localhost. This function returns a connection_id. This
6500      identifier is needed by other Solid functions. You can have
6501      multiple connections open at once. This function will return
6502      <strong>0</strong> on error.</p>
6504      <p>This function is only available if Solid support has been
6505      enabled in PHP.</p>
6506    </dd>
6508    <dt><a name="solid_exec" id="solid_exec"><span class="big">
6509    $result = Solid_Exec(connection_id,
6510    query_string)</span></a></dt>
6512    <dd>
6513      <p>Solid_Exec will send an SQL statement to the Solid server
6514      specified by the connection_id. The connection_id must be a
6515      valid identifier that was returned by Solid_Connect. The
6516      return value of this function is an identifier to be used to
6517      access the results by other Solid functions. This function
6518      will return <strong>0</strong> on error. It will return
6519      <strong>1</strong> when the command executed correctly but
6520      are not expected to returned data (insert or update commands,
6521      for example). Note that selects which return no data will
6522      still return a valid result greater than 1.</p>
6524      <p>This function is only available if Solid support has been
6525      enabled in PHP.</p>
6526    </dd>
6528    <dt><a name="solid_fetchrow" id="solid_fetchrow"><span class="big">
6529    Solid_FetchRow(result_id)</span></a></dt>
6531    <dd>
6532      <p>Solid_FetchRow fetches a row of the data that was returned
6533      by Solid_Exec. After Solid_FetchRow is called, the fields of
6534      that row can be access with Solid_Result. Every time
6535      Solid_FetchRow is called a new row can be accessed by
6536      Solid_Result. If Solid_FetchRow was succesful (there was a
6537      new row), <strong>1</strong> is returned, if there are no
6538      more rows, Solid_FetchRow will return <strong>0</strong>. The
6539      return value of Solid_FetchRow can be used as the condition
6540      of a while loop.</p>
6542      <p>This function is only available if Solid support has been
6543      enabled in PHP.</p>
6544    </dd>
6546    <dt><a name="solid_fieldname" id="solid_fieldname"><span class="big">
6547    Solid_FieldName(result_id, field_number)</span></a></dt>
6549    <dd>
6550      <p>Solid_FieldName will return the name of the field
6551      occupying the given column number in the given Solid result
6552      identifier. Field numbering starts from 0.</p>
6554      <p>This function is only available if Solid support has been
6555      enabled in PHP.</p>
6556    </dd>
6558    <dt><a name="solid_fieldnum" id="solid_fieldnum"><span class="big">
6559    Solid_FieldNum(result_id, field_name)</span></a></dt>
6561    <dd>
6562      <p>Solid_FieldNum will return the number of the column slot
6563      that corresponds to the named field in the given Solid result
6564      identifier. Field numbering starts at 0. This function will
6565      return <strong>-1</strong> on error.</p>
6567      <p>This function is only available if Solid support has been
6568      enabled in PHP.</p>
6569    </dd>
6571    <dt><a name="solid_freeresult" id=
6572    "solid_freeresult"><span class="big">Solid_FreeResult(result_id)</span></a></dt>
6574    <dd>
6575      <p>Solid_FreeResult only needs to be called if you are
6576      worried about using too much memory while your script is
6577      running. All result memory will automatically be freed when
6578      the script is finished. But, if you are sure you are not
6579      going to need the result data anymore in a script, you may
6580      call Solid_FreeResult with the result identifier as an
6581      argument and the associated result memory will be freed.</p>
6583      <p>This function is only available if Solid support has been
6584      enabled in PHP.</p>
6585    </dd>
6587    <dt><a name="solid_numfields" id="solid_numfields"><span class="big">
6588    Solid_NumFields(result_id)</span></a></dt>
6590    <dd>
6591      <p>Solid_NumFields will return the number of fields (columns)
6592      in a Solid result. The argument is a valid result identifier
6593      returned by Solid_Exec. This function will return
6594      <strong>-1</strong> on error.</p>
6596      <p>This function is only available if Solid support has been
6597      enabled in PHP.</p>
6598    </dd>
6600    <dt><a name="solid_numrows" id="solid_numrows"><span class="big">
6601    Solid_NumRows(result_id)</span></a></dt>
6603    <dd>
6604      <p>Solid_NumRows will return the number of rows in a Solid
6605      result. The argument is a valid result identifier returned by
6606      Solid_Exec. This function will return <strong>-1</strong> on
6607      error. <b>Large Caveat:</b> The SOLID SQL server uses ODBC as
6608      it's primary (and only) interface. SolidNumRows() uses
6609      SQLRowCount at the low-level to get the number of rows.
6610      SQLRowCount follows the age-old Microsoft tradition of
6611      unnecessary limitations, strange exceptions and other odd
6612      things. This means that the function will only return the
6613      number of rows affected by an INSERT, UPDATE or a DELETE
6614      clause. No SELECT! As a workaround you can try the count()
6615      statement of SQL or a while-loop that counts the number of
6616      rows. If you need Solid_NumRows() to figure out how many
6617      records to read after a SELECT clause, try checking the
6618      return value from <a href=
6619      "#solid_fetchrow">Solid_FetchRow()</a> instead. So instead
6620      of:</p>
6621      <pre>
6622     $num = Solid_NumRows();
6623    $i=0;
6624    while ($i &lt; $num) {
6625        /* print results... */
6626        $i++;
6627    }
6630      <p>you might try:</p>
6631      <pre>
6632    while(Solid_FetchRow($result)) {
6633        /* print results... */
6634    }
6637      <p>This function is only available if Solid support has been
6638      enabled in PHP.</p>
6639    </dd>
6641    <dt><a name="solid_result" id="solid_result"><span class="big">
6642    Solid_Result(result_id, field name/index)</span></a></dt>
6644    <dd>
6645      <p>Solid_Result will return values from a result identifier
6646      produced by Solid_Exec. The field name specify what cell in
6647      the row to return. Instead of naming the field, you may use
6648      the field index as an unquoted number. Field indices start
6649      from 0.</p>
6651      <p>This function is only available if Solid support has been
6652      enabled in PHP.</p>
6653    </dd>
6655    <dt><a name="sort" id="sort"><span class="big">
6656    Sort(array)</span></a></dt>
6658    <dd>
6659      <p>Sort is used to sort a PHP array in ascending order. To
6660      sort in descending order, use the RSort() function. It
6661      understands the three variable types and will sort
6662      alphabetically if the array contains strings, and numerically
6663      if the array contains numbers. In the case of an array which
6664      contains a mixture of types, the first type in the array will
6665      specify the sort method. Note that if you are going to sort
6666      an associative array, you should use the <a href=
6667      "#asort">ASort()</a> function.</p>
6668    </dd>
6670    <dt><a name="soundex" id="soundex"><span class="big">
6671    Soundex(string)</span></a></dt>
6673    <dd>
6674      <p>This function takes a string argument and returns the
6675      soundex key for the string. Soundex keys have the property
6676      that words pronounced similarly produce the same soundex key,
6677      and can thus be used to simplify searches in databases where
6678      you know the pronunciation but not the spelling. This soundex
6679      function returns a string 4 characters long, starting with a
6680      letter.<br>
6681      This particular soundex function is one described by Donald
6682      Knuth in "The Art Of Computer Programming, vol. 3: Sorting
6683      And Searching", Addison-Wesley (1973), pp. 391-392.<br>
6684      Example:</p>
6685      <pre>
6686   Euler and Ellery map to E460
6687   Gauss and Ghosh map to G200
6688   Hilbert and Heilbronn map to H416
6689   Knuth and Kant map to K530
6690   Lloyd and Ladd map to L300
6691   Lukasiewicz and Lissajous map to L222
6694    </dd>
6696    <dt><a name="sprintf" id="sprintf"><span class="big">
6697    Sprintf(format,arg [,arg,arg,arg,arg])</span></a></dt>
6699    <dd>
6700      <p>Sprintf returns the string created by the formatted output
6701      defined by the format argument and arg. It is similar to the
6702      formatted version of the <a href="#echo">echo</a> command,
6703      except this just returns the string while echo displays it.
6704      It is also similar to the C function by the same name. The
6705      difference being that this version does not accept more than
6706      5 <em>arg</em> arguments. If you need to format more than 5
6707      arguments into a single string, simply call sprintf()
6708      multiple times for each group of arguments. Note that the
6709      type of the argument doesn't affect the output. The argument
6710      type is automagically converted to match the type specified
6711      in the format string.</p>
6712    </dd>
6714    <dt><a name="sqrt" id="sqrt"><span class="big">
6715    Sqrt(arg)</span></a></dt>
6717    <dd>
6718      <p>Sqrt returns the square root of arg.</p>
6719    </dd>
6721    <dt><a name="srand" id="srand"><span class="big">
6722    Srand(integer)</span></a></dt>
6724    <dd>
6725      <p>Srand seeds the random number generator. This function
6726      takes any integer as an argument. One choice for a seed value
6727      is to use the <strong>date</strong> function to give you the
6728      current number of seconds past the minute. Note that this
6729      function <b>does not return a value</b>! This function simply
6730      seeds the random number generator for subsequent calls to the
6731      <a href="#rand">rand()</a> function. eg.</p>
6732      <pre>
6733   &lt;?srand(date("s"))&gt;
6735    </dd>
6737    <dt><a name="strchr" id="strchr"><span class="big">
6738    strchr(string,arg)</span></a></dt>
6740    <dd>
6741      <p>strchr and <a href="#strstr">strstr</a> are actually
6742      identical functions. They can be used interchangeably and
6743      both are included for completeness sake. They will return the
6744      portion of the string argument starting at the point where
6745      the given sub-string is found. For example, in the string,
6746      "This is an example string" above, the call: <code>&lt;?echo
6747      strchr($string,"an ")&gt;</code> would return the string:
6748      <code>"an example string"</code>.</p>
6749    </dd>
6751    <dt><a name="strtr" id="strtr"><span class="big">
6752    strtr(input,set1,set2)</span></a></dt>
6754    <dd>strtr() translates each character of "string" that is in
6755    "set1" to the corresponding character in "set2". Characters not
6756    in set1 are passed through unchanged. When a character appears
6757    more than once in "set1" and the corresponding characters in
6758    "set2" are not all the same, only the final one is used. When
6759    one of "set1" or "set2" is longer, longer "set?" is truncated
6760    to length of shorter "set?".</dd>
6762    <dt><a name="stripslashes" id="stripslashes"><span class="big">
6763    StripSlashes(arg)</span></a></dt>
6765    <dd>
6766      <p>StripSlashes unescapes the string argument. See also
6767      <a href="#addslashes">AddSlashes()</a>.</p>
6768    </dd>
6770    <dt><a name="strlen" id="strlen"><span class="big">
6771    strlen(string)</span></a></dt>
6773    <dd>
6774      <p>strlen returns the length of the string.</p>
6775    </dd>
6777    <dt><a name="strrchr" id="strrchr"><span class="big">
6778    strrchr(string,arg)</span></a></dt>
6780    <dd>
6781      <p>strrchr will search for a single character starting at the
6782      end of the argument string and working its way backwards. It
6783      returns the string starting with the search character if the
6784      character was found and an empty string if it wasn't.</p>
6785    </dd>
6787    <dt><a name="strstr" id="strstr"><span class="big">
6788    strstr(string,arg)</span></a></dt>
6790    <dd>
6791      <p>strstr and <a href="#strchr">strchr</a> are actually
6792      identical functions. They can be used interchangeably and
6793      both are included for completeness sake. They will return the
6794      portion of the string argument starting at the point where
6795      the given sub-string is found. For example, in the string,
6796      "This is an example string" above, the call: <code>&lt;?echo
6797      strstr($string,"an ")&gt;</code> would return the string:
6798      <code>"an example string"</code>.</p>
6799    </dd>
6801    <dt><a name="strtok" id="strtok"><span class="big">
6802    strtok(string,arg)</span></a></dt>
6804    <dd>
6805      <p>strtok is used to tokenize a string. That is, if you have
6806      a string like <strong>"This is an example string"</strong>
6807      you could tokenize this string into its individual words by
6808      using the space character as the token. You would use the
6809      following script code:</p>
6810      <pre>
6811   &lt;?
6812          $string = "This is an example string";
6813          $tok = strtok($string," ");
6814          while($tok);
6815                  echo "Word=$tok&lt;br&gt;";
6816                  $tok = strtok(" ");
6817          endwhile;
6818        &gt;
6821      <p>Note that only the first call to strtok uses the string
6822      argument. Every subsequent call to strtok only needs the
6823      token to use, as it keeps track of where it is in the current
6824      string. To start over, or to tokenize a new string you simply
6825      call strtok with the string argument again to initialize it.
6826      Note that you may put multiple tokens in the <i>arg</i>
6827      parameter. The string will be tokenized when any one of the
6828      characters in the argument are found.</p>
6829    </dd>
6831    <dt><a name="strtolower" id="strtolower"><span class="big">
6832    strtolower(string)</span></a></dt>
6834    <dd>
6835      <p>strtolower converts the string argument to all lower case
6836      characters.</p>
6837    </dd>
6839    <dt><a name="strtoupper" id="strtoupper"><span class="big">
6840    strtoupper(string)</span></a></dt>
6842    <dd>
6843      <p>strtoupper converts the string argument to all upper case
6844      characters.</p>
6845    </dd>
6847    <dt><a name="strval" id="strval"><span class="big">
6848    strval(variable)</span></a></dt>
6850    <dd>
6851      <p>strval returns the string value of the variable. See also
6852      the <a href="#intval">intval()</a> and <a href=
6853      "#doubleval">doubleval()</a> functions.</p>
6854    </dd>
6856    <dt><a name="substr" id="substr"><span class="big">substr(string,
6857    start, length)</span></a></dt>
6859    <dd>
6860      <p>substr returns a part of the given string. The start
6861      position is given by the start argument. The first position
6862      in a string is position 0. And the length argument specifies
6863      the number of characters to return from the start
6864      position.</p>
6865    </dd>
6867    <dt><a name="sybsql_checkconnect" id=
6868    "sybsql_checkconnect"><span class="big">
6869    sybSQL_CheckConnect()</span></a></dt>
6871    <dd>
6872      <p>This function returns 1 if the connection to the database
6873      has been established and 0 otherwise.</p>
6874    </dd>
6876    <dt><a name="sybsql_dbuse" id="sybsql_dbuse"><span class="big">
6877    sybSQL_DBuse(database)</span></a></dt>
6879    <dd>
6880      <p>This function issues a Sybase Transact-SQL <b>use</b>
6881      command for the specified database. The only argument to the
6882      function is the name of the database to use. Example:
6883      <code>sybsql_dbuse("pubs2");</code></p>
6885      <p>The function returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.</p>
6886    </dd>
6888    <dt><a name="sybsql_connect" id="sybsql_connect"><span class="big">
6889    sybSQL_Connect()</span></a></dt>
6891    <dd>
6892      <p>This function opens a network connection to the sybase
6893      server. This function depends on several environment
6894      variables which must be set by the caller before calling this
6895      function.</p>
6897      <p>The environment variables are:</p>
6899      <p><b>DSQUERY</b> - the alias of the sybase server as defined
6900      in the sybase interface file.<br>
6901      <b>DBUSER</b> - connect to the sybase server as this
6902      user.<br>
6903      <b>DBPW</b> - password of the user.</p>
6905      <p>These variables can be set in several ways. If php/fi is
6906      running as a CGI program, then a shell wrapper can be used to
6907      set these variables or you can set these variables directly
6908      in the HTML page using the builtin PHP/FI function
6909      <b><a href="#putenv">putenv()</a></b>. Instead of using the
6910      values directly in <b><a href="#putenv">putenv()</a></b>, the
6911      values can be obtained from form input. The variables can be
6912      defined in a file and included in the html files with PHP/FI
6913      <code><a href="#include">include</a></code> statement.</p>
6915      <p>The function returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.</p>
6916    </dd>
6918    <dt><a name="sybsql_exit" id="sybsql_exit"><span class="big">
6919    sybSQL_Exit()</span></a></dt>
6921    <dd>
6922      <p>This function forces a Sybase connection to be shut down.
6923      If not called, the connection will automatically be closed
6924      when the PHP page has been fully parsed, so calling this
6925      function is optional.</p>
6926    </dd>
6928    <dt><a name="sybsql_fieldname" id=
6929    "sybsql_fieldname"><span class="big">sybSQL_Fieldname(index)</span></a></dt>
6931    <dd>
6932      <p>This function returns the field name of a regular result
6933      column. The argument to the function is the field index.
6934      Example: <code>sybsql_fieldname(0);</code>. NOTE: the field
6935      index starts at 0.</p>
6937      <p>If the the result column does not have any name, the
6938      function returns an empty string ("").</p>
6939    </dd>
6941    <dt><a name="sybsql_getfield" id="sybsql_getfield"><span class="big">
6942    sybSQL_GetField(field)</span></a></dt>
6944    <dd>
6945      <p>This function gets the value of a specific column of the
6946      current result row. The only argument to the function is the
6947      string specifying the field. Example:
6948      <code>$value=sybsql_getfield("@10");</code> <b>NOTE</b>:
6949      <a href="#sybsql_nextrow">sybsql_nextrow()</a> must be called
6950      before calling this function. sybsql_nextrow() must be called
6951      if the row pointer needs to be incremented, because this
6952      function only reads the current row in the row buffer.</p>
6954      <p>If the specified column has a value, the function returns
6955      the value as a string otherwise the function returns an empty
6956      string ("").</p>
6957    </dd>
6959    <dt><a name="sybsql_isrow" id="sybsql_isrow"><span class="big">
6960    sybSQL_IsRow()</span></a></dt>
6962    <dd>
6963      <p>This function indicates if the current SQL command
6964      returned any rows.</p>
6966      <p>The function returns 1 if the SQL command returned any
6967      rows and 0 if the command didn't return any rows.</p>
6968    </dd>
6970    <dt><a name="sybsql_nextrow" id="sybsql_nextrow"><span class="big">
6971    sybSQL_NextRow()</span></a></dt>
6973    <dd>
6974      <p>This function increments the row pointer to the next
6975      result row.</p>
6977      <p>The function returns 1 as long as there are rows left to
6978      read. If there are no more rows left to read or in case of
6979      error the function returns 0.</p>
6980    </dd>
6982    <dt><a name="sybsql_numfields" id=
6983    "sybsql_numfields"><span class="big">sybSQL_NumFields()</span></a></dt>
6985    <dd>
6986      <p>This function returns the number of fields in a current
6987      result row.</p>
6989      <p>The function returns the number of rows in the current
6990      result row. If there are no fields, the function returns
6991      0.</p>
6992    </dd>
6994    <dt><a name="sybsql_numrows" id="sybsql_numrows"><span class="big">
6995    sybSQL_NumRows()</span></a></dt>
6997    <dd>
6998      <p>This function returns the number of rows in the current
6999      result buffer. <b>NOTE:</b> when this function is called, it
7000      will seek to the first row right away, then it will call
7001      dbnextrow() until there are no more rows and increment a
7002      internal counter to calculate the number of rows in the
7003      result buffer. Then it points back to the very first row.
7004      Therefore, after calling this function row counter always
7005      points to the very first row. It's ugly but I don't know any
7006      other way at this time.</p>
7008      <p>If there are no rows in the result buffer, the function
7009      will return 0.</p>
7010    </dd>
7012    <dt><a name="sybsql_query" id="sybsql_query"><span class="big">
7013    sybSQL_Query()</span></a></dt>
7015    <dd>
7016      <p>This function submits a Sybase SQL query request to the
7017      server. The only argument to the function is the query
7018      string. Example: <code>$rc=sybsql_query("select * from
7019      authors");</code></p>
7021      <p>The function returns 1, if the query is passed
7022      successfully and returns 0 if the request fails.</p>
7023    </dd>
7025    <dt><a name="sybsql_result" id="sybsql_result"><span class="big">
7026    sybSQL_Result(string)</span></a></dt>
7028    <dd>
7029      <p>This function prints specific fields of the current result
7030      row. The only argument to the function is a string which
7031      holds information about the fields to be printed. A field is
7032      specified with a @ followed by a number. For example, @0
7033      means first row, @10 means 11th row. Note that the field
7034      number starts at 0. The function is perhaps best illustrated
7035      with a complete example:</p>
7036      <pre>
7038    /*
7039    ** assuming all the necessary variables for
7040    ** connection is already set. please note, NO error checking is
7041    ** done. You should always check return code of a function.
7042    */
7044    /* connect */
7045    $rc=sybsql_connect();
7047    /* use the pub2 database */
7048    $rc=sybsql_dbuse("pubs2");
7050    /* send the SQL request */
7051    $rc=sybsql_query("select * from authors");
7052    $i=0;
7054    /* find the no of rows returned */
7055    $nrows=sybsql_numrows();
7057    /* start table */
7058    echo "&lt;table border&gt;\n";
7059    /*
7060    ** print only first and 2nd field
7061    */
7062    while($i&lt;$nrows) {
7063        sybsql_result("&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;@0&lt;/td&gt;@1&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;\n");
7064        $i++;
7065    }
7066    /* end table */
7067    echo "&lt;/table&gt;\n";
7071      <p>The above example uses HTML table to format the output. Of
7072      course, any other valid HTML tags can be used.</p>
7073    </dd>
7075    <dt><a name="sybsql_result_all" id=
7076    "sybsql_result_all"><span class="big">
7077    sybSQL_Result_All()</span></a></dt>
7079    <dd>
7080      <p>This function prints all rows in the current result
7081      buffer. The result is printed in a hard coded HTML table
7082      format. Note that this function should not be called inside a
7083      loop. The function will print the name of the columns if
7084      there are any column headings in the output.</p>
7085    </dd>
7087    <dt><a name="sybsql_seek" id="sybsql_seek"><span class="big">
7088    sybSQL_Seek(row)</span></a></dt>
7090    <dd>
7091      <p>This function sets the requested row number as the current
7092      row in the row buffer. The only argument to the function is
7093      the row number. Example: <code>$rc=sybsql_seek(10);</code>
7094      Note, row number starts at 0.</p>
7096      <p>The function returns 1 if the seek succeeds and 0 if the
7097      seek fails. When all of the rows in the current result buffer
7098      have been visited, the row pointer points to the last row. If
7099      it is needed to go backward and visit some more rows, this
7100      function can be used for this purpose.</p>
7101    </dd>
7103    <dt><a name="symlink" id="symlink"><span class="big">
7104    Symlink(target,link)</span></a></dt>
7106    <dd>
7107      <p>Symlink() creates a symbolic link. See the <a href=
7108      "#link">Link()</a> function to create hard links.</p>
7109    </dd>
7111    <dt><a name="syslog" id="syslog"><span class="big">
7112    Syslog(level,message)</span></a></dt>
7114    <dd>
7115      <p>Syslog() logs messages to the system using UNIX's
7116      syslog(3) feature. See your UNIX man page for more details.
7117      See also <a href="#initsyslog">InitSyslog()</a>, <a href=
7118      "#openlog">OpenLog()</a> and <a href=
7119      "#closelog">CloseLog()</a>.</p>
7120    </dd>
7122    <dt><a name="system" id="system"><span class="big">
7123    System(command_string [,return_var])</span></a></dt>
7125    <dd>
7126      <p>System is just like the C <em>system()</em> command in
7127      that it executes the given unix command and outputs the
7128      result. If a variable is provided as the second argument,
7129      then the return status code of the executed unix command will
7130      be written to this variable. Note, that if you are going to
7131      allow data coming from user input to be passed to this System
7132      function, then you should be using the <a href=
7133      "#escapeshellcmd">EscapeShellCmd()</a> function to make sure
7134      that users cannot trick the system into executing arbitrary
7135      commands. The System() call also automatically flushes the
7136      Apache output buffer after each line of output if PHP is
7137      running as an Apache module. If you need to execute a command
7138      and have all the data from the command passed directly back
7139      without any interference, use the <a href=
7140      "#passthru">PassThru()</a> function. See also the <a href=
7141      "#exec">Exec</a> function.</p>
7142    </dd>
7144    <dt><a name="tan" id="tan"><span class="big">
7145    Tan(arg)</span></a></dt>
7147    <dd>
7148      <p>Sin returns the tangent of arg in radians. See also
7149      <a href="#sin">Sin()</a> and <a href="#cos">Cos()</a></p>
7150    </dd>
7152    <dt><a name="tempnam" id="tempnam"><span class="big">
7153    TempNam(path, prefix)</span></a></dt>
7155    <dd>
7156      <p>TempNam returns a unique filename located in the directory
7157      indicated by path with filename prefix given by prefix. It is
7158      identical to the Unix C tempnam() function.</p>
7159    </dd>
7161    <dt><a name="time" id="time"><span class="big">
7162    Time()</span></a></dt>
7164    <dd>
7165      <p>Time simply returns the current local time in seconds
7166      since Unix epoch (00:00:00 Jan. 1 1970). It is equivalent to
7167      calling <a href="#date">Date("U")</a>. If you need better
7168      than per-second granularity, use the <a href=
7169      "#microtime">Microtime</a> function.</p>
7170    </dd>
7172    <dt><a name="umask" id="umask"><span class="big">
7173    Umask([mask])</span></a></dt>
7175    <dd>
7176      <p>Umask(<i>mask</i>) sets PHP's umask to <i>mask</i> &amp;
7177      0777 and returns the old umask. If PHP/FI is an Apache
7178      module, Apache's old umask is restored when PHP/FI has
7179      finished. <i>mask</i> must be specified in <a href=
7180      "#octal">octal</a> notation, like for <a href=
7181      "#chmod">ChMod()</a>. Umask() without arguments simply
7182      returns the current umask.</p>
7183    </dd>
7185    <dt><a name="uniqid" id="uniqid"><span class="big">
7186    UniqId()</span></a></dt>
7188    <dd>
7189      <p>UniqId returns a prefixed unique identifier based on
7190      current time in microseconds. The prefix can be useful for
7191      instance if you generate identifiers simultaneously on
7192      several hosts that might happen to generate the identifier at
7193      the same microsecond. The prefix can be up to 114 characters
7194      long.</p>
7195    </dd>
7197    <dt><a name="unlink" id="unlink"><span class="big">
7198    Unlink(filename)</span></a></dt>
7200    <dd>
7201      <p>Unlink deletes the given filename. Similar to the Unix C
7202      unlink() function. See the <a href="#rmdir">RmDir()</a>
7203      function for removing directories.</p>
7204    </dd>
7206    <dt><a name="unset" id="unset"><span class="big">
7207    UnSet($var)</span></a></dt>
7209    <dd>
7210      <p>UnSet undefines the given variable. In the case of an
7211      array, the entire array is cleared. Individual array elements
7212      may also be unset.</p>
7213    </dd>
7215    <dt><a name="urldecode" id="urldecode"><span class="big">
7216    UrlDecode(arg)</span></a></dt>
7218    <dd>
7219      <p>UrlDecode decodes a string encoded with the <a href=
7220      "#urlencode">UrlEncode</a> function. In typical use, it is
7221      not necessary to decode URL Encoded strings because these are
7222      automatically decoded when strings are passed between pages.
7223      However, for completeness sake, this function has been
7224      included.</p>
7225    </dd>
7227    <dt><a name="urlencode" id="urlencode"><span class="big">
7228    UrlEncode(arg)</span></a></dt>
7230    <dd>
7231      <p>UrlEncode encodes any characters from arg which are not
7232      one of "a-zA-Z0-9_-." by replacing them with %xx where xx is
7233      their ASCII value in hexadecimal. The encoded string is
7234      returned.</p>
7235    </dd>
7237    <dt><a name="usleep" id="usleep"><span class="big">
7238    USleep(microsecs)</span></a></dt>
7240    <dd>
7241      <p>Sleep will delay for the given number of microseconds.
7242      Similar to the Unix C usleep() function. See also the
7243      <a href="#sleep">Sleep()</a> function.</p>
7244    </dd>
7246    <dt><a name="virtual" id="virtual"><span class="big">
7247    Virtual(filename)</span></a></dt>
7249    <dd>
7250      <p>Virtual is an Apache-specific function which is equivalent
7251      to &lt;!--#include virtual...--&gt; in mod_include. It
7252      performs an Apache sub-request. It is useful for including
7253      CGI scripts or .shtml files, or anything else that you would
7254      parse through Apache (for .phtml files, you'd probably want
7255      to use &lt;?Include&gt;.</p>
7256    </dd>
7257  </dl>
7258  <hr>
7260  <h2><a name="addfunc" id="addfunc">Adding your own internal
7261  functions to PHP/FI</a></h2>It may well be that the set of
7262  functions provided by PHP/FI does not include a particular
7263  function that you may need. By carefully following the steps
7264  described below, it is possible for you to add your own functions
7265  to PHP/FI.
7267  <p>Before you start hacking away at the internals of PHP/FI you
7268  need to grab a copy of the latest version of Bison. Bison is
7269  GNU's implementation of YACC (Yet Another Compiler Compiler). The
7270  YACC that came with your operating system may or may not be good
7271  enough, but just to make sure, go grab Bison. You can find it at
7272  <a href=
7273  "ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu">ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu</a>.</p>
7275  <p>You should also have a look at the Makefile and turn on
7276  debugging. Simply uncomment the <strong>DEBUG</strong> line in
7277  the Makefile. The output file of debug information is specified
7278  by <strong>DEBUG_FILE</strong> in <em>php.h</em>. It is by
7279  default set to <em>/tmp/php.err</em>. You can change this to suit
7280  your needs.</p>
7282  <p>A final thing you might want to keep in mind is that php runs
7283  as the same user id as httpd on your system, unless of course you
7284  are running it with the setuid bit set, and this httpd user does
7285  not generally have write access to the various directories. This
7286  means that if you do something that causes php to core dump, you
7287  will not get a core file. The easy way around this is to make the
7288  directory where you keep your test .html files writable to all.
7289  PHP changes its current directory to the directory of the .html
7290  file it is reading and will thus dump its core there if it
7291  can.</p>
7293  <p>In the following steps we will use the <em>Time()</em>
7294  function to illustrate how to add a function.</p>
7296  <dl>
7297    <dt><strong>Step 1 - Defining the grammar of your
7298    Function</strong></dt>
7300    <dd>
7301      <p>If your function takes 0 to 6 arguments, there are
7302      predefined grammars available. You can skip this step.</p>
7304      <p>The grammar of your function is defined in the
7305      <em>parse.raw</em> file. The first thing to add is a token. A
7306      token is an upper case keyword which is usually the same as
7307      your function name. All the tokens are defined near the top
7308      of the parse.raw file. The order doesn't matter. Then you
7309      need to build your actual YACC grammar rule. Look at the
7310      existing rules and find a function that is similar to the one
7311      you are adding. Keep in mind that most normal functions are
7312      standard functions that read their arguments from the
7313      expression stack. Your function will most likely fall into
7314      this group in which case you won't need to touch the
7315      <em>parse.raw</em> file.</p>
7316    </dd>
7318    <dt><strong>Step 2 - Adding your function to the lexical
7319    analyzer hash table</strong></dt>
7321    <dd>
7322      <p>To do this, edit <em>lex.c</em> and find the hash table
7323      near the top of the file. Look for the line, <code>static
7324      cmd_table_t cmd_table[22][30] = {</code>, which defines the
7325      beginning of the hash table. The <code>[22][30]</code> defines
7326      the size of the 2 dimensional array which holds the hash
7327      table. The 22 is one greater than the maximum function name
7328      length and the 30 refers to the maximum number of functions
7329      in any one hash list. If you exceed either of these limits,
7330      simply increase them right here.</p>
7332      <p>This hash table would probably rate as the absolute
7333      simplest hash table in the entire world. The hash value is
7334      the length of the string of the function name to be hashed.
7335      So, for our <em>Time()</em> example, we need to add an entry
7336      for hash value 4. Therefore we add the following line to the
7337      hash list for 4:</p>
7338      <pre>
7339      { "time",INTFUNC0,UnixTime },
7342      <p>This entry maps a string to the INTFUNC0 token. You can
7343      look up the grammar for the INTFUNC0 token in
7344      <em>parse.raw</em> and you will see that it is a generic
7345      grammar for an internal function call with 0 arguments. The
7346      string, in quotes above, is the actual string that you will
7347      be using in the .html files to call your function. Keep in
7348      mind that PHP/FI function names are <strong>not</strong> case
7349      sensitive. And the final <b>UnixTime</b> element is the
7350      actual function to be called.</p>
7351    </dd>
7353    <dt><strong>Step 3 - Write your actual Function</strong></dt>
7355    <dd>
7356      <p>You can actually write your function in any language you
7357      like, as long as it is callable through the normal C function
7358      call convention and you have a way of creating either an
7359      object file or a library file compatible with the linker on
7360      your system. In general, we will assume that you are writing
7361      your function in C. All the functions that come with PHP/FI
7362      have been written in C. The Time() function, or UnixTime() as
7363      it is called internally in PHP can be found in
7364      <em>date.c</em> and looks like this:</p>
7365      <pre>
7366void UnixTime(void) {
7367    char temp[32];
7369    sprintf(temp,"%ld",(long)time(NULL));
7370    Push(temp,LNUMBER);
7374      <p>Note that the function is void. This indicates that it
7375      doesn't return anything. This may seem confusing to you
7376      because obviously the function needs to somehow return the
7377      time. The time is returned, but not as the return value of
7378      the function. It is pushed onto what is called an expression
7379      stack. The expression stack is simply a stack of strings and
7380      an associated type. PHP/FI understands only 3 basic variable
7381      types: STRING, LNUMBER and DNUMBER. STRING is a character
7382      string, LNUMBER is a long integer and DNUMBER is a double, or
7383      floating point, value. In this Time() example, the value to
7384      be returned is the time expressed in Unix format (number of
7385      seconds since Jan.1 1970) and is thus an integer. The
7386      expression stack only accepts strings, so we sprintf the long
7387      integer into a string and push it onto the stack indicating
7388      that it is actually a long integer with the line:
7389      <code>Push(temp,LNUMBER);</code></p>
7390    </dd>
7392    <dt><strong>Step 4 - Add your function prototype to
7393    php.h</strong></dt>
7395    <dd>
7396      <p>In the bottom half of the <em>php.h</em> file you will
7397      find a complete list of prototypes of all the functions in
7398      php. They are grouped by the files in which they appear.
7399      Simply add your prototype to an appropriate place in this
7400      file. For our Time() example the following line is added:</p>
7401      <pre>
7402void UnixTime(void);
7404    </dd>
7406    <dt><strong>Step 5 - Compile</strong></dt>
7408    <dd>
7409      <p>You have to remember to re-make the parser whenever you
7410      make a change to the <em>parse.raw</em> file. Type:
7411      <strong>make parser</strong> to do this. You must have at
7412      least version 1.25 of Bison in order to make the PHP parser.
7413      Then do a normal compile by typing: <strong>make</strong>
7414      once that is done.</p>
7415    </dd>
7417    <dt><strong>Step 6 - Send me your additions!</strong></dt>
7419    <dd>
7420      <p>If you would like your functions added to the next release
7421      of PHP/FI, send them to me. The best way is probably to make
7422      a context-sensitive diff. To do that, you need a copy of a
7423      clean unmodified distribution. Simply do a, <strong>diff
7424      -c</strong> on the files you have changed comparing them to
7425      the original files. Please don't send me a diff of the
7426      changes in <em>parse.c</em> since that file is automatically
7427      generated. Send me the diff from <em>parse.raw</em>
7428      instead.</p>
7429    </dd>
7430  </dl>
7432  <p>The Time() example illustrated the steps involved in adding a
7433  function. Chances are that the function you wish to add is quite
7434  a bit more complex than this example. You will probably want to
7435  be able to pass arguments to your function and have it manipulate
7436  these arguments in some manner. You may even want to have it
7437  callable in different ways. These concepts will be illustrated by
7438  the PHP/FI crypt() function. See also the section entitled
7439  <a href="#hacknotes">Notes for Code Hacks</a> for some more
7440  technical details about writing code for PHP/FI.</p>
7442  <p>The Crypt() Grammar in <em>parse.raw</em>:</p>
7443  <pre>
7444%token CRYPT
7445        .
7446        .
7447        .
7448    | CRYPT '(' expr ',' expr ')'
7449        {
7450            if(GetCurrentState(NULL) || inCase || inElseIf) Crypt(1);
7451        }
7452    | CRYPT '(' expr ')'
7453        {
7454            if(GetCurrentState(NULL) || inCase || inElseIf) Crypt(0);
7455        }
7458  <p>Here it is shown how to define a grammar which lets you call a
7459  function with either 1 or 2 arguments. You could write different
7460  functions to handle the two cases, or simply send a mode
7461  parameter as is done here to indicate the mode in which the
7462  function is called. Note that in this case you cannot use one of
7463  the pre-defined INTFUNCn grammars since your function can take a
7464  variable number of arguments.</p>
7466  <p>The other aspect that is shown is how to actually represent
7467  function arguments. In most cases you will want to use the
7468  <strong>expr</strong> identifier. This identifier means that the
7469  argument is an expression. An expression can be a literal value,
7470  a function call or a combination of many expressions. See
7471  parse.raw for the complete yacc grammar definition for
7472  expressions for more details.</p>
7474  <p>The Hash Table entry in <em>lex.c</em>:</p>
7475  <pre>
7476      { "crypt",CRYPT,NULL },
7479  <p>Notice that the last item is a NULL in this case since the
7480  function call is handled in <em>parse.raw</em> directly. If you
7481  used an INTFUNCn grammar, then you would put the name of your
7482  function in place of this NULL. The actual Crypt() function in
7483  <em>crypt.c</em>:</p>
7484  <pre>
7486 * If mode is non-zero, a salt is expected.
7487 * If mode is zero, a pseudo-random salt will be selected.
7488 */
7489void Crypt(int mode) {
7490#if HAVE_CRYPT
7491        Stack *s;
7492        char salt[8];
7493        char *enc;
7495        salt[0] = '\0';
7496        if(mode) {
7497                s = Pop();
7498                if(!s) {
7499                        Error("Stack error in crypt");
7500                        return;
7501                }
7502                if(s-&gt;strval) strncpy(salt,s-&gt;strval,2);
7503        }
7504        s = Pop();
7505        if(!s) {
7506                Error("Stack error in crypt");
7507                return;
7508        }
7509        if(!salt[0]) {
7510                salt[0] = 'A' + (time(NULL) % 26);
7511                salt[1] = 'a' + (time(NULL) % 26);
7512                salt[2] = '\0';
7513        }
7514        enc = (char *)crypt(s-&gt;strval,salt);
7515#if DEBUG
7516        Debug("Crypt returned [%s]\n",enc);
7518        Push(enc,STRING);
7521        Error("No crypt support compiled into this version");
7526  <p>The most important aspect of this function is the <strong>s =
7527  Pop()</strong> call. The arguments to the function must be popped
7528  off the expression stack one by one. When you write a function
7529  which takes multiple arguments, remember that a stack is a
7530  LAST-IN, FIRST-OUT data structure. This means that you will be
7531  popping your arguments off the stack in reverse order. The last
7532  argument is popped off first. In the above example we check to
7533  see if we are in the 2 argument mode. If we are, we pop the
7534  argument off the stack and save it. Then we pop the next argument
7535  off the stack. Pop() returns a pointer to a Stack structure (s).
7536  The Stack structure looks like this (from <em>php.h</em>):</p>
7537  <pre>
7538/* Expression Stack */
7539typedef struct Stack {
7540    short type;
7541    unsigned char *strval;
7542    long intval;
7543    double douval;
7544    VarTree *var;
7545    struct Stack *next;
7546} Stack;
7549  <p>The <em>type</em> will generally be one of STRING, LNUMBER or
7550  DNUMBER. The <em>strval</em>, <em>intval</em>, and
7551  <em>douval</em> components are the string, integer and double
7552  representations of the value respectively. If the expression is
7553  actually a defined variable, the <em>var</em> component contains
7554  a pointer to the variable structure which defines this
7555  variable.</p>
7557  <p>In our Crypt() function we are only interested in the string
7558  value of the argument, so we use <em>s-&gt;strval</em>. Many
7559  PHP/FI functions can do different things depending on the type of
7560  the variable simply by checking <em>s-&gt;type</em> and using
7561  <em>s-&gt;strval</em>, <em>s-&gt;intval</em> and/or
7562  <em>s-&gt;douval</em> appropriately.</p>
7564  <p>After calling the <strong>real</strong> crypt() function and
7565  getting the encrypted string, our Crypt() function calls
7566  <em>Push(enc,STRING);</em> to push the return value onto the
7567  expression stack. It should be noted that the expression stack is
7568  cleared after each PHP/FI line, so if you push expressions onto
7569  this stack that are never popped by anything, it won't
7570  matter.</p>
7572  <p>The <em>Debug()</em> call in the Crypt() example shows how to
7573  add debugging output to your function. Debug() is a varags
7574  (variable argument list) function just like printf.</p>
7575  <hr>
7577  <h2><a name="hacknotes" id="hacknotes">Notes for
7578  Code-Hacks</a></h2>
7580  <p>Memory management within PHP/FI is a tricky thing. Since we
7581  can run as a server module, we have to be very careful about
7582  memory resources. Not only do we need to be reentrant, but we
7583  also need to be handle the fact that we can receive a timeout
7584  signal at any time at which point we drop out of the module. We
7585  get no warning, and we get no time to free any memory that we may
7586  have allocated. And this memory has to be freed, or the data
7587  space of the httpd process we are linked to could grow
7588  indefinitely. This also applies when PHP is running in CGI mode
7589  since it can be set up to run as a FastCGI persistent
7590  process.</p>
7592  <p>The solution is to use sub-pools of memory. These pools are
7593  automatically cleared by Apache when a session is terminated, or
7594  in the case of a FastCGI persistent process, these pools are
7595  cleared in <em>main.c</em> every time the FastCGI wrapper loop
7596  executes. Three such pools are used at the moment. They are
7597  numbered 0,1 and 2. The sub-pool number is the first argument to
7598  the <em>emalloc</em> and <em>estrdup</em> functions.</p>
7600  <dl>
7601    <dt><strong>Pool 0 - Session lifespan</strong></dt>
7603    <dd>Any memory allocated from this pool will span the entire
7604    session. It is a good idea to keep the use of this pool as low
7605    as possible. For example, if someone makes a while loop that
7606    iterates 1000 times and within this while loop they call
7607    something which allocates memory from pool 0, then this memory
7608    will be allocated 1000 times. This is a quick way to use up all
7609    alloted data space.</dd>
7611    <dt><strong>Pool 1 - Temporary storage (shortest
7612    lifespan)</strong></dt>
7614    <dd>If a temporary work buffer is needed for something within a
7615    function, the memory for it must come from this pool. This pool
7616    is cleared on every call to yylex(). ie. the memory is lost
7617    just about as soon as you leave a function.</dd>
7619    <dt><strong>Pool 2 - Expression space (medium
7620    lifespan)</strong></dt>
7622    <dd>This pool exists for the duration of an expression. An
7623    expression in this context being a full PHP/FI command line. It
7624    will not get cleared within functions since the higher level
7625    expression which called the function has not been completed
7626    until the function returns. The ClearIt flag in the yylex()
7627    function indicates when it is safe to clear this pool.</dd>
7628  </dl>
7630  <p>The use of sub-pools completely eliminates the need to
7631  explicitly free memory anywhere in the code, with the one
7632  exception being memory allocated using a regular malloc call by
7633  various libraries that could be linked into PHP. The gdbm library
7634  is one such example.</p>
7636<?php site_footer(); ?>