1--TEST-- 2PDO_sqlite: Testing createFunction() with flags 3--EXTENSIONS-- 4pdo_sqlite 5--SKIPIF-- 6<?php 7if (!defined('PDO::SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC')) die('skip system sqlite is too old'); 8?> 9--FILE-- 10<?php 11// This test was copied from the pdo_sqlite test for sqliteCreateCollation 12$db = new Pdo\Sqlite('sqlite::memory:'); 13$db->query('CREATE TABLE test_pdo_sqlite_createfunction_with_flags (id INT AUTO INCREMENT, name TEXT)'); 14$db->query('INSERT INTO test_pdo_sqlite_createfunction_with_flags VALUES (NULL, "PHP"), (NULL, "PHP6")'); 15 16$db->createFunction('testing', function($v) { return strtolower($v); }, 1, Pdo\Sqlite::DETERMINISTIC); 17 18foreach ($db->query('SELECT testing(name) FROM test_pdo_sqlite_createfunction_with_flags') as $row) { 19 var_dump($row); 20} 21 22?> 23--EXPECT-- 24array(2) { 25 ["testing(name)"]=> 26 string(3) "php" 27 [0]=> 28 string(3) "php" 29} 30array(2) { 31 ["testing(name)"]=> 32 string(4) "php6" 33 [0]=> 34 string(4) "php6" 35} 36