3=begin comment
5NB: Changes to the source code samples in this file should also be reflected in
8=end comment
10=head1 NAME
13- OpenSSL Guide: Writing a simple blocking TLS client
17This page will present various source code samples demonstrating how to write
18a simple TLS client application which connects to a server, sends an HTTP/1.0
19request to it, and reads back the response.
21We use a blocking socket for the purposes of this example. This means that
22attempting to read data from a socket that has no data available on it to read
23will block (and the function will not return), until data becomes available.
24For example, this can happen if we have sent our request, but we are still
25waiting for the server's response. Similarly any attempts to write to a socket
26that is not able to write at the moment will block until writing is possible.
28This blocking behaviour simplifies the implementation of a client because you do
29not have to worry about what happens if data is not yet available. The
30application will simply wait until it is available.
32The complete source code for this example blocking TLS client is available in
33the B<demos/guide> directory of the OpenSSL source distribution in the file
34B<tls-client-block.c>. It is also available online at
37We assume that you already have OpenSSL installed on your system; that you
38already have some fundamental understanding of OpenSSL concepts and TLS (see
39L<ossl-guide-libraries-introduction(7)> and L<ossl-guide-tls-introduction(7)>);
40and that you know how to write and build C code and link it against the
41libcrypto and libssl libraries that are provided by OpenSSL. It also assumes
42that you have a basic understanding of TCP/IP and sockets.
44=head2 Creating the SSL_CTX and SSL objects
46The first step is to create an B<SSL_CTX> object for our client. We use the
47L<SSL_CTX_new(3)> function for this purpose. We could alternatively use
48L<SSL_CTX_new_ex(3)> if we want to associate the B<SSL_CTX> with a particular
49B<OSSL_LIB_CTX> (see L<ossl-guide-libraries-introduction(7)> to learn about
50B<OSSL_LIB_CTX>). We pass as an argument the return value of the function
51L<TLS_client_method(3)>. You should use this method whenever you are writing a
52TLS client. This method will automatically use TLS version negotiation to select
53the highest version of the protocol that is mutually supported by both the
54client and the server.
56    /*
57     * Create an SSL_CTX which we can use to create SSL objects from. We
58     * want an SSL_CTX for creating clients so we use TLS_client_method()
59     * here.
60     */
61    ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLS_client_method());
62    if (ctx == NULL) {
63        printf("Failed to create the SSL_CTX\n");
64        goto end;
65    }
67Since we are writing a client we must ensure that we verify the server's
68certificate. We do this by calling the L<SSL_CTX_set_verify(3)> function and
69pass the B<SSL_VERIFY_PEER> value to it. The final argument to this function
70is a callback that you can optionally supply to override the default handling
71for certificate verification. Most applications do not need to do this so this
72can safely be set to NULL to get the default handling.
74    /*
75     * Configure the client to abort the handshake if certificate
76     * verification fails. Virtually all clients should do this unless you
77     * really know what you are doing.
78     */
79    SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL);
81In order for certificate verification to be successful you must have configured
82where the trusted certificate store to be used is located (see
83L<ossl-guide-tls-introduction(7)>). In most cases you just want to use the
84default store so we call L<SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(3)>.
86    /* Use the default trusted certificate store */
87    if (!SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx)) {
88        printf("Failed to set the default trusted certificate store\n");
89        goto end;
90    }
92We would also like to restrict the TLS versions that we are willing to accept to
93TLSv1.2 or above. TLS protocol versions earlier than that are generally to be
94avoided where possible. We can do that using
97    /*
98     * TLSv1.1 or earlier are deprecated by IETF and are generally to be
99     * avoided if possible. We require a minimum TLS version of TLSv1.2.
100     */
101    if (!SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(ctx, TLS1_2_VERSION)) {
102        printf("Failed to set the minimum TLS protocol version\n");
103        goto end;
104    }
106That is all the setup that we need to do for the B<SSL_CTX>, so next we need to
107create an B<SSL> object to represent the TLS connection. In a real application
108we might expect to be creating more than one TLS connection over time. In that
109case we would expect to reuse the B<SSL_CTX> that we already created each time.
110There is no need to repeat those steps. In fact it is best not to since certain
111internal resources are cached in the B<SSL_CTX>. You will get better performance
112by reusing an existing B<SSL_CTX> instead of creating a new one each time.
114Creating the B<SSL> object is a simple matter of calling the B<SSL_new(3)>
115function and passing the B<SSL_CTX> we created as an argument.
117    /* Create an SSL object to represent the TLS connection */
118    ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
119    if (ssl == NULL) {
120        printf("Failed to create the SSL object\n");
121        goto end;
122    }
124=head2 Creating the socket and BIO
126TLS data is transmitted over an underlying transport layer. Normally a TCP
127socket. It is the application's responsibility for ensuring that the socket is
128created and associated with an SSL object (via a BIO).
130Socket creation for use by a client is typically a 2 step process, i.e.
131constructing the socket; and connecting the socket.
133How to construct a socket is platform specific - but most platforms (including
134Windows) provide a POSIX compatible interface via the I<socket> function, e.g.
135to create an IPv4 TCP socket:
137    int sock;
139    sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
140    if (sock == -1)
141        return NULL;
143Once the socket is constructed it must be connected to the remote server. Again
144the details are platform specific but most platforms (including Windows)
145provide the POSIX compatible I<connect> function. For example:
147    struct sockaddr_in serveraddr;
148    struct hostent *server;
150    server = gethostbyname("www.openssl.org");
151    if (server == NULL) {
152        close(sock);
153        return NULL;
154    }
156    memset(&serveraddr, 0, sizeof(serveraddr));
157    serveraddr.sin_family = server->h_addrtype;
158    serveraddr.sin_port = htons(443);
159    memcpy(&serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr, server->h_addr, server->h_length);
161    if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&serveraddr,
162                sizeof(serveraddr)) == -1) {
163        close(sock);
164        return NULL;
165    }
167OpenSSL provides portable helper functions to do these tasks which also
168integrate into the OpenSSL error system to log error data, e.g.
170    int sock = -1;
171    BIO_ADDRINFO *res;
172    const BIO_ADDRINFO *ai = NULL;
174    /*
175     * Lookup IP address info for the server.
176     */
177    if (!BIO_lookup_ex(hostname, port, BIO_LOOKUP_CLIENT, family, SOCK_STREAM, 0,
178                       &res))
179        return NULL;
181    /*
182     * Loop through all the possible addresses for the server and find one
183     * we can connect to.
184     */
185    for (ai = res; ai != NULL; ai = BIO_ADDRINFO_next(ai)) {
186        /*
187         * Create a TCP socket. We could equally use non-OpenSSL calls such
188         * as "socket" here for this and the subsequent connect and close
189         * functions. But for portability reasons and also so that we get
190         * errors on the OpenSSL stack in the event of a failure we use
191         * OpenSSL's versions of these functions.
192         */
193        sock = BIO_socket(BIO_ADDRINFO_family(ai), SOCK_STREAM, 0, 0);
194        if (sock == -1)
195            continue;
197        /* Connect the socket to the server's address */
198        if (!BIO_connect(sock, BIO_ADDRINFO_address(ai), BIO_SOCK_NODELAY)) {
199            BIO_closesocket(sock);
200            sock = -1;
201            continue;
202        }
204        /* We have a connected socket so break out of the loop */
205        break;
206    }
208    /* Free the address information resources we allocated earlier */
209    BIO_ADDRINFO_free(res);
211See L<BIO_lookup_ex(3)>, L<BIO_socket(3)>, L<BIO_connect(3)>,
212L<BIO_closesocket(3)>, L<BIO_ADDRINFO_next(3)>, L<BIO_ADDRINFO_address(3)> and
213L<BIO_ADDRINFO_free(3)> for further information on the functions used here. In
214the above example code the B<hostname> and B<port> variables are strings, e.g.
215"www.example.com" and "443".  Note also the use of the family variable, which
216can take the values of AF_INET or AF_INET6 based on the command line -6 option,
217to allow specific connections to an ipv4 or ipv6 enabled host.
219Sockets created using the methods described above will automatically be blocking
220sockets - which is exactly what we want for this example.
222Once the socket has been created and connected we need to associate it with a
223BIO object:
225    BIO *bio;
227    /* Create a BIO to wrap the socket */
228    bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_socket());
229    if (bio == NULL) {
230        BIO_closesocket(sock);
231        return NULL;
232    }
234    /*
235     * Associate the newly created BIO with the underlying socket. By
236     * passing BIO_CLOSE here the socket will be automatically closed when
237     * the BIO is freed. Alternatively you can use BIO_NOCLOSE, in which
238     * case you must close the socket explicitly when it is no longer
239     * needed.
240     */
241    BIO_set_fd(bio, sock, BIO_CLOSE);
243See L<BIO_new(3)>, L<BIO_s_socket(3)> and L<BIO_set_fd(3)> for further
244information on these functions.
246Finally we associate the B<SSL> object we created earlier with the B<BIO> using
247the L<SSL_set_bio(3)> function. Note that this passes ownership of the B<BIO>
248object to the B<SSL> object. Once ownership is passed the SSL object is
249responsible for its management and will free it automatically when the B<SSL> is
250freed. So, once L<SSL_set_bio(3)> has been been called, you should not call
251L<BIO_free(3)> on the B<BIO>.
253    SSL_set_bio(ssl, bio, bio);
255=head2 Setting the server's hostname
257We have already connected our underlying socket to the server, but the client
258still needs to know the server's hostname. It uses this information for 2 key
259purposes and we need to set the hostname for each one.
261Firstly, the server's hostname is included in the initial ClientHello message
262sent by the client. This is known as the Server Name Indication (SNI). This is
263important because it is common for multiple hostnames to be fronted by a single
264server that handles requests for all of them. In other words a single server may
265have multiple hostnames associated with it and it is important to indicate which
266one we want to connect to. Without this information we may get a handshake
267failure, or we may get connected to the "default" server which may not be the
268one we were expecting.
270To set the SNI hostname data we call the L<SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(3)> function
271like this:
273    /*
274     * Tell the server during the handshake which hostname we are attempting
275     * to connect to in case the server supports multiple hosts.
276     */
277    if (!SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(ssl, hostname)) {
278        printf("Failed to set the SNI hostname\n");
279        goto end;
280    }
282Here the C<hostname> argument is a string representing the hostname of the
283server, e.g. "www.example.com".
285Secondly, we need to tell OpenSSL what hostname we expect to see in the
286certificate coming back from the server. This is almost always the same one that
287we asked for in the original request. This is important because, without this,
288we do not verify that the hostname in the certificate is what we expect it to be
289and any certificate is acceptable unless your application explicitly checks this
290itself. We do this via the L<SSL_set1_host(3)> function:
292    /*
293     * Ensure we check during certificate verification that the server has
294     * supplied a certificate for the hostname that we were expecting.
295     * Virtually all clients should do this unless you really know what you
296     * are doing.
297     */
298    if (!SSL_set1_host(ssl, hostname)) {
299        printf("Failed to set the certificate verification hostname");
300        goto end;
301    }
303All of the above steps must happen before we attempt to perform the handshake
304otherwise they will have no effect.
306=head2 Performing the handshake
308Before we can start sending or receiving application data over a TLS connection
309the TLS handshake must be performed. We can do this explicitly via the
310L<SSL_connect(3)> function.
312    /* Do the handshake with the server */
313    if (SSL_connect(ssl) < 1) {
314        printf("Failed to connect to the server\n");
315        /*
316         * If the failure is due to a verification error we can get more
317         * information about it from SSL_get_verify_result().
318         */
319        if (SSL_get_verify_result(ssl) != X509_V_OK)
320            printf("Verify error: %s\n",
321                X509_verify_cert_error_string(SSL_get_verify_result(ssl)));
322        goto end;
323    }
325The L<SSL_connect(3)> function can return 1, 0 or less than 0. Only a return
326value of 1 is considered a success. For a simple blocking client we only need
327to concern ourselves with whether the call was successful or not. Anything else
328indicates that we have failed to connect to the server.
330A common cause of failures at this stage is due to a problem verifying the
331server's certificate. For example if the certificate has expired, or it is not
332signed by a CA in our trusted certificate store. We can use the
333L<SSL_get_verify_result(3)> function to find out more information about the
334verification failure. A return value of B<X509_V_OK> indicates that the
335verification was successful (so the connection error must be due to some other
336cause). Otherwise we use the L<X509_verify_cert_error_string(3)> function to get
337a human readable error message.
339=head2 Sending and receiving data
341Once the handshake is complete we are able to send and receive application data.
342Exactly what data is sent and in what order is usually controlled by some
343application level protocol. In this example we are using HTTP 1.0 which is a
344very simple request and response protocol. The client sends a request to the
345server. The server sends the response data and then immediately closes down the
348To send data to the server we use the L<SSL_write_ex(3)> function and to receive
349data from the server we use the L<SSL_read_ex(3)> function. In HTTP 1.0 the
350client always writes data first. Our HTTP request will include the hostname that
351we are connecting to. For simplicity, we write the HTTP request in three
352chunks. First we write the start of the request. Secondly we write the hostname
353we are sending the request to. Finally we send the end of the request.
355    size_t written;
356    const char *request_start = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost: ";
357    const char *request_end = "\r\n\r\n";
359    /* Write an HTTP GET request to the peer */
360    if (!SSL_write_ex(ssl, request_start, strlen(request_start), &written)) {
361        printf("Failed to write start of HTTP request\n");
362        goto end;
363    }
364    if (!SSL_write_ex(ssl, hostname, strlen(hostname), &written)) {
365        printf("Failed to write hostname in HTTP request\n");
366        goto end;
367    }
368    if (!SSL_write_ex(ssl, request_end, strlen(request_end), &written)) {
369        printf("Failed to write end of HTTP request\n");
370        goto end;
371    }
373The L<SSL_write_ex(3)> function returns 0 if it fails and 1 if it is successful.
374If it is successful then we can proceed to waiting for a response from the
377    size_t readbytes;
378    char buf[160];
380    /*
381     * Get up to sizeof(buf) bytes of the response. We keep reading until the
382     * server closes the connection.
383     */
384    while (SSL_read_ex(ssl, buf, sizeof(buf), &readbytes)) {
385        /*
386        * OpenSSL does not guarantee that the returned data is a string or
387        * that it is NUL terminated so we use fwrite() to write the exact
388        * number of bytes that we read. The data could be non-printable or
389        * have NUL characters in the middle of it. For this simple example
390        * we're going to print it to stdout anyway.
391        */
392        fwrite(buf, 1, readbytes, stdout);
393    }
394    /* In case the response didn't finish with a newline we add one now */
395    printf("\n");
398We use the L<SSL_read_ex(3)> function to read the response. We don't know
399exactly how much data we are going to receive back so we enter a loop reading
400blocks of data from the server and printing each block that we receive to the
401screen. The loop ends as soon as L<SSL_read_ex(3)> returns 0 - meaning that it
402failed to read any data.
404A failure to read data could mean that there has been some error, or it could
405simply mean that server has sent all the data that it wants to send and has
406indicated that it has finished by sending a "close_notify" alert. This alert is
407a TLS protocol level message indicating that the endpoint has finished sending
408all of its data and it will not send any more. Both of these conditions result
409in a 0 return value from L<SSL_read_ex(3)> and we need to use the function
410L<SSL_get_error(3)> to determine the cause of the 0 return value.
412    /*
413     * Check whether we finished the while loop above normally or as the
414     * result of an error. The 0 argument to SSL_get_error() is the return
415     * code we received from the SSL_read_ex() call. It must be 0 in order
416     * to get here. Normal completion is indicated by SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN.
417     */
418    if (SSL_get_error(ssl, 0) != SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN) {
419        /*
420         * Some error occurred other than a graceful close down by the
421         * peer
422         */
423        printf ("Failed reading remaining data\n");
424        goto end;
425    }
427If L<SSL_get_error(3)> returns B<SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN> then we know that the
428server has finished sending its data. Otherwise an error has occurred.
430=head2 Shutting down the connection
432Once we have finished reading data from the server then we are ready to close
433the connection down. We do this via the L<SSL_shutdown(3)> function which has
434the effect of sending a TLS protocol level message (a "close_notify" alert) to
435the server saying that we have finished writing data:
437    /*
438     * The peer already shutdown gracefully (we know this because of the
439     * SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN above). We should do the same back.
440     */
441    ret = SSL_shutdown(ssl);
442    if (ret < 1) {
443        /*
444         * ret < 0 indicates an error. ret == 0 would be unexpected here
445         * because that means "we've sent a close_notify and we're waiting
446         * for one back". But we already know we got one from the peer
447         * because of the SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN above.
448         */
449        printf("Error shutting down\n");
450        goto end;
451    }
453The L<SSL_shutdown(3)> function will either return 1, 0, or less than 0. A
454return value of 1 is a success, and a return value less than 0 is an error. More
455precisely a return value of 1 means that we have sent a "close_notify" alert to
456the server, and that we have also received one back. A return value of 0 means
457that we have sent a "close_notify" alert to the server, but we have not yet
458received one back. Usually in this scenario you would call L<SSL_shutdown(3)>
459again which (with a blocking socket) would block until the "close_notify" is
460received. However in this case we already know that the server has sent us a
461"close_notify" because of the SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN that we received from the
462call to L<SSL_read_ex(3)>. So this scenario should never happen in practice. We
463just treat it as an error in this example.
465=head2 Final clean up
467Before the application exits we have to clean up some memory that we allocated.
468If we are exiting due to an error we might also want to display further
469information about that error if it is available to the user:
471    /* Success! */
472    res = EXIT_SUCCESS;
473 end:
474    /*
475     * If something bad happened then we will dump the contents of the
476     * OpenSSL error stack to stderr. There might be some useful diagnostic
477     * information there.
478     */
479    if (res == EXIT_FAILURE)
480        ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr);
482    /*
483     * Free the resources we allocated. We do not free the BIO object here
484     * because ownership of it was immediately transferred to the SSL object
485     * via SSL_set_bio(). The BIO will be freed when we free the SSL object.
486     */
487    SSL_free(ssl);
488    SSL_CTX_free(ctx);
489    return res;
491To display errors we make use of the L<ERR_print_errors_fp(3)> function which
492simply dumps out the contents of any errors on the OpenSSL error stack to the
493specified location (in this case I<stderr>).
495We need to free up the B<SSL> object that we created for the connection via the
496L<SSL_free(3)> function. Also, since we are not going to be creating any more
497TLS connections we must also free up the B<SSL_CTX> via a call to
502There are a number of things that might go wrong when running the demo
503application. This section describes some common things you might encounter.
505=head2 Failure to connect the underlying socket
507This could occur for numerous reasons. For example if there is a problem in the
508network route between the client and the server; or a firewall is blocking the
509communication; or the server is not in DNS. Check the network configuration.
511=head2 Verification failure of the server certificate
513A verification failure of the server certificate would result in a failure when
514running the L<SSL_connect(3)> function. L<ERR_print_errors_fp(3)> would display
515an error which would look something like this:
517 Verify error: unable to get local issuer certificate
518 40E74AF1F47F0000:error:0A000086:SSL routines:tls_post_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed:ssl/statem/statem_clnt.c:2069:
520A server certificate verification failure could be caused for a number of
521reasons. For example
523=over 4
525=item Failure to correctly setup the trusted certificate store
527See the page L<ossl-guide-tls-introduction(7)> and check that your trusted
528certificate store is correctly configured
530=item Unrecognised CA
532If the CA used by the server's certificate is not in the trusted certificate
533store for the client then this will cause a verification failure during
534connection. Often this can occur if the server is using a self-signed
535certificate (i.e. a test certificate that has not been signed by a CA at all).
537=item Missing intermediate CAs
539This is a server misconfiguration where the client has the relevant root CA in
540its trust store, but the server has not supplied all of the intermediate CA
541certificates between that root CA and the server's own certificate. Therefore
542a trust chain cannot be established.
544=item Mismatched hostname
546If for some reason the hostname of the server that the client is expecting does
547not match the hostname in the certificate then this will cause verification to
550=item Expired certificate
552The date that the server's certificate is valid to has passed.
556The "unable to get local issuer certificate" we saw in the example above means
557that we have been unable to find the issuer of the server's certificate (or one
558of its intermediate CA certificates) in our trusted certificate store (e.g.
559because the trusted certificate store is misconfigured, or there are missing
560intermediate CAs, or the issuer is simply unrecognised).
564See L<ossl-guide-tls-client-non-block(7)> to read a tutorial on how to modify
565the client developed on this page to support a nonblocking socket.
567See L<ossl-guide-tls-server-block(7)> for a tutorial on how to implement a
568simple TLS server handling one client at a time over a blocking socket.
570See L<ossl-guide-quic-client-block(7)> to read a tutorial on how to modify the
571client developed on this page to support QUIC instead of TLS.
573=head1 SEE ALSO
575L<ossl-guide-introduction(7)>, L<ossl-guide-libraries-introduction(7)>,
576L<ossl-guide-libssl-introduction(7)>, L<ossl-guide-tls-introduction(7)>,
577L<ossl-guide-tls-client-non-block(7)>, L<ossl-guide-quic-client-block(7)>
579=head1 COPYRIGHT
581Copyright 2023-2024 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
583Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License").  You may not use
584this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
585in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at