xref: /curl/tests/http/test_07_upload.py (revision 30de937b)
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4#                                  _   _ ____  _
5#  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
6#                             / __| | | | |_) | |
7#                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
8#                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
10# Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
12# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
13# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
14# are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html.
16# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
17# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
18# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
20# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
21# KIND, either express or implied.
23# SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
27import difflib
28import filecmp
29import logging
30import os
31import time
32import pytest
34from testenv import Env, CurlClient, LocalClient
37log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
40class TestUpload:
42    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class')
43    def _class_scope(self, env, httpd, nghttpx):
44        if env.have_h3():
45            nghttpx.start_if_needed()
46        env.make_data_file(indir=env.gen_dir, fname="data-63k", fsize=63*1024)
47        env.make_data_file(indir=env.gen_dir, fname="data-64k", fsize=64*1024)
48        env.make_data_file(indir=env.gen_dir, fname="data-100k", fsize=100*1024)
49        env.make_data_file(indir=env.gen_dir, fname="data-1m+", fsize=(1024*1024)+1)
50        env.make_data_file(indir=env.gen_dir, fname="data-10m", fsize=10*1024*1024)
51        httpd.clear_extra_configs()
52        httpd.reload()
54    # upload small data, check that this is what was echoed
55    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
56    def test_07_01_upload_1_small(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
57        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
58            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
59        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
60            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
61        data = '0123456789'
62        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
63        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]'
64        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=data, alpn_proto=proto)
65        r.check_stats(count=1, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
66        respdata = open(curl.response_file(0)).readlines()
67        assert respdata == [data]
69    # upload large data, check that this is what was echoed
70    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
71    def test_07_02_upload_1_large(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
72        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
73            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
74        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
75            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
76        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-100k')
77        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
78        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]'
79        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto)
80        r.check_stats(count=1, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
81        indata = open(fdata).readlines()
82        respdata = open(curl.response_file(0)).readlines()
83        assert respdata == indata
85    # upload data sequentially, check that they were echoed
86    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
87    def test_07_10_upload_sequential(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
88        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
89            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
90        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
91            pytest.skip("msh3 stalls here")
92        count = 50
93        data = '0123456789'
94        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
95        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
96        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=data, alpn_proto=proto)
97        r.check_stats(count=count, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
98        for i in range(count):
99            respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
100            assert respdata == [data]
102    # upload data parallel, check that they were echoed
103    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['h2', 'h3'])
104    def test_07_11_upload_parallel(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
105        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
106            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
107        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
108            pytest.skip("msh3 stalls here")
109        # limit since we use a separate connection in h1
110        count = 50
111        data = '0123456789'
112        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
113        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
114        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=data, alpn_proto=proto,
115                             extra_args=['--parallel'])
116        r.check_stats(count=count, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
117        for i in range(count):
118            respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
119            assert respdata == [data]
121    # upload large data sequentially, check that this is what was echoed
122    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
123    def test_07_12_upload_seq_large(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
124        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
125            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
126        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
127            pytest.skip("msh3 stalls here")
128        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-100k')
129        count = 20
130        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
131        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
132        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto)
133        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
134        indata = open(fdata).readlines()
135        r.check_stats(count=count, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
136        for i in range(count):
137            respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
138            assert respdata == indata
140    # upload very large data sequentially, check that this is what was echoed
141    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
142    def test_07_13_upload_seq_large(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
143        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
144            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
145        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
146            pytest.skip("msh3 stalls here")
147        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-10m')
148        count = 2
149        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
150        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
151        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto)
152        r.check_stats(count=count, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
153        indata = open(fdata).readlines()
154        for i in range(count):
155            respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
156            assert respdata == indata
158    # upload data parallel, check that they were echoed
159    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['h2', 'h3'])
160    def test_07_20_upload_parallel(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
161        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
162            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
163        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
164            pytest.skip("msh3 stalls here")
165        # limit since we use a separate connection in h1
166        count = 20
167        data = '0123456789'
168        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
169        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
170        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=data, alpn_proto=proto,
171                             extra_args=['--parallel'])
172        r.check_stats(count=count, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
173        for i in range(count):
174            respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
175            assert respdata == [data]
177    # upload large data parallel, check that this is what was echoed
178    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['h2', 'h3'])
179    def test_07_21_upload_parallel_large(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
180        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
181            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
182        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
183            pytest.skip("msh3 stalls here")
184        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-100k')
185        # limit since we use a separate connection in h1
186        count = 20
187        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
188        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
189        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto,
190                             extra_args=['--parallel'])
191        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
192        self.check_download(count, fdata, curl)
194    # upload large data parallel to a URL that denies uploads
195    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['h2', 'h3'])
196    def test_07_22_upload_parallel_fail(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
197        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
198            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
199        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
200            pytest.skip("msh3 stalls here")
201        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-10m')
202        count = 100
203        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
204        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}'\
205            f'/curltest/tweak?status=400&delay=5ms&chunks=1&body_error=reset&id=[0-{count-1}]'
206        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto,
207                             extra_args=['--parallel'])
208        exp_exit = 92 if proto == 'h2' else 95
209        r.check_stats(count=count, exitcode=exp_exit)
211    # PUT 100k
212    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
213    def test_07_30_put_100k(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
214        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
215            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
216        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
217            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
218        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-100k')
219        count = 1
220        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
221        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/put?id=[0-{count-1}]'
222        r = curl.http_put(urls=[url], fdata=fdata, alpn_proto=proto,
223                             extra_args=['--parallel'])
224        r.check_stats(count=count, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
225        exp_data = [f'{os.path.getsize(fdata)}']
226        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
227        for i in range(count):
228            respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
229            assert respdata == exp_data
231    # PUT 10m
232    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
233    def test_07_31_put_10m(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
234        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
235            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
236        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
237            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
238        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-10m')
239        count = 1
240        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
241        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/put?id=[0-{count-1}]&chunk_delay=2ms'
242        r = curl.http_put(urls=[url], fdata=fdata, alpn_proto=proto,
243                             extra_args=['--parallel'])
244        r.check_stats(count=count, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
245        exp_data = [f'{os.path.getsize(fdata)}']
246        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
247        for i in range(count):
248            respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
249            assert respdata == exp_data
251    # issue #10591
252    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
253    def test_07_32_issue_10591(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
254        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
255            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
256        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
257            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
258        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-10m')
259        count = 1
260        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
261        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/put?id=[0-{count-1}]'
262        r = curl.http_put(urls=[url], fdata=fdata, alpn_proto=proto)
263        r.check_stats(count=count, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
265    # issue #11157, upload that is 404'ed by server, needs to terminate
266    # correctly and not time out on sending
267    def test_07_33_issue_11157a(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat):
268        proto = 'h2'
269        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-10m')
270        # send a POST to our PUT handler which will send immediately a 404 back
271        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/put'
272        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
273        r = curl.run_direct(with_stats=True, args=[
274            '--resolve', f'{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}:',
275            '--cacert', env.ca.cert_file,
276            '--request', 'POST',
277            '--max-time', '5', '-v',
278            '--url', url,
279            '--form', 'idList=12345678',
280            '--form', 'pos=top',
281            '--form', 'name=mr_test',
282            '--form', f'fileSource=@{fdata};type=application/pdf',
283        ])
284        assert r.exit_code == 0, f'{r}'
285        r.check_stats(1, 404)
287    # issue #11157, send upload that is slowly read in
288    def test_07_33_issue_11157b(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat):
289        proto = 'h2'
290        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-10m')
291        # tell our test PUT handler to read the upload more slowly, so
292        # that the send buffering and transfer loop needs to wait
293        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/put?chunk_delay=2ms'
294        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
295        r = curl.run_direct(with_stats=True, args=[
296            '--verbose', '--trace-config', 'ids,time',
297            '--resolve', f'{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}:',
298            '--cacert', env.ca.cert_file,
299            '--request', 'PUT',
300            '--max-time', '10', '-v',
301            '--url', url,
302            '--form', 'idList=12345678',
303            '--form', 'pos=top',
304            '--form', 'name=mr_test',
305            '--form', f'fileSource=@{fdata};type=application/pdf',
306        ])
307        assert r.exit_code == 0, r.dump_logs()
308        r.check_stats(1, 200)
310    def test_07_34_issue_11194(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat):
311        proto = 'h2'
312        # tell our test PUT handler to read the upload more slowly, so
313        # that the send buffering and transfer loop needs to wait
314        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-100k')
315        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/put'
316        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
317        r = curl.run_direct(with_stats=True, args=[
318            '--verbose', '--trace-config', 'ids,time',
319            '--resolve', f'{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}:',
320            '--cacert', env.ca.cert_file,
321            '--request', 'PUT',
322            '--digest', '--user', 'test:test',
323            '--data-binary', f'@{fdata}',
324            '--url', url,
325        ])
326        assert r.exit_code == 0, r.dump_logs()
327        r.check_stats(1, 200)
329    # upload large data on a h1 to h2 upgrade
330    def test_07_35_h1_h2_upgrade_upload(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat):
331        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-100k')
332        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
333        url = f'http://{env.domain1}:{env.http_port}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]'
334        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', extra_args=[
335            '--http2'
336        ])
337        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
338        # apache does not Upgrade on request with a body
339        assert r.stats[0]['http_version'] == '1.1', f'{r}'
340        indata = open(fdata).readlines()
341        respdata = open(curl.response_file(0)).readlines()
342        assert respdata == indata
344    # upload to a 301,302,303 response
345    @pytest.mark.parametrize("redir", ['301', '302', '303'])
346    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
347    def test_07_36_upload_30x(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, redir, proto):
348        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
349            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
350        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
351            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
352        data = '0123456789' * 10
353        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
354        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo{redir}?id=[0-0]'
355        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=data, alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
356            '-L', '--trace-config', 'http/2,http/3'
357        ])
358        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
359        respdata = open(curl.response_file(0)).readlines()
360        assert respdata == []  # was transformed to a GET
362    # upload to a 307 response
363    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
364    def test_07_37_upload_307(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
365        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
366            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
367        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
368            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
369        data = '0123456789' * 10
370        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
371        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo307?id=[0-0]'
372        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=data, alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
373            '-L', '--trace-config', 'http/2,http/3'
374        ])
375        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
376        respdata = open(curl.response_file(0)).readlines()
377        assert respdata == [data]  # was POST again
379    # POST form data, yet another code path in transfer
380    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
381    def test_07_38_form_small(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
382        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
383            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
384        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
385            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
386        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
387        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]'
388        r = curl.http_form(urls=[url], alpn_proto=proto, form={
389            'name1': 'value1',
390        })
391        r.check_stats(count=1, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
393    # POST data urlencoded, small enough to be sent with request headers
394    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
395    def test_07_39_post_urlenc_small(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
396        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
397            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
398        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
399            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
400        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-63k')
401        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
402        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]'
403        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
404            '--trace-config', 'http/2,http/3'
405        ])
406        r.check_stats(count=1, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
407        indata = open(fdata).readlines()
408        respdata = open(curl.response_file(0)).readlines()
409        assert respdata == indata
411    # POST data urlencoded, large enough to be sent separate from request headers
412    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
413    def test_07_40_post_urlenc_large(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
414        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
415            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
416        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
417            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
418        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-64k')
419        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
420        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]'
421        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
422            '--trace-config', 'http/2,http/3'
423        ])
424        r.check_stats(count=1, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
425        indata = open(fdata).readlines()
426        respdata = open(curl.response_file(0)).readlines()
427        assert respdata == indata
429    # POST data urlencoded, small enough to be sent with request headers
430    # and request headers are so large that the first send is larger
431    # than our default upload buffer length (64KB).
432    # Unfixed, this will fail when run with CURL_DBG_SOCK_WBLOCK=80 most
433    # of the time
434    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
435    def test_07_41_post_urlenc_small(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
436        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
437            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
438        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
439            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
440        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('quiche'):
441            pytest.skip("quiche has CWND issues with large requests")
442        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-63k')
443        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
444        extra_args = ['--trace-config', 'http/2,http/3']
445        # add enough headers so that the first send chunk is > 64KB
446        for i in range(63):
447            extra_args.extend(['-H', f'x{i:02d}: {"y"*1019}'])
448        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]'
449        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=extra_args)
450        r.check_stats(count=1, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
451        indata = open(fdata).readlines()
452        respdata = open(curl.response_file(0)).readlines()
453        assert respdata == indata
455    def check_download(self, count, srcfile, curl):
456        for i in range(count):
457            dfile = curl.download_file(i)
458            assert os.path.exists(dfile)
459            if not filecmp.cmp(srcfile, dfile, shallow=False):
460                diff = "".join(difflib.unified_diff(a=open(srcfile).readlines(),
461                                                    b=open(dfile).readlines(),
462                                                    fromfile=srcfile,
463                                                    tofile=dfile,
464                                                    n=1))
465                assert False, f'download {dfile} differs:\n{diff}'
467    # upload data, pause, let connection die with an incomplete response
468    # issues #11769 #13260
469    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
470    def test_07_42a_upload_disconnect(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
471        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
472            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
473        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
474            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
475        client = LocalClient(name='upload-pausing', env=env, timeout=60)
476        if not client.exists():
477            pytest.skip(f'example client not built: {client.name}')
478        url = f'http://{env.domain1}:{env.http_port}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]&die_after=0'
479        r = client.run([url])
480        r.check_exit_code(18)  # PARTIAL_FILE
482    # upload data, pause, let connection die without any response at all
483    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
484    def test_07_42b_upload_disconnect(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
485        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
486            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
487        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
488            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
489        client = LocalClient(name='upload-pausing', env=env, timeout=60)
490        if not client.exists():
491            pytest.skip(f'example client not built: {client.name}')
492        url = f'http://{env.domain1}:{env.http_port}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]&just_die=1'
493        r = client.run([url])
494        r.check_exit_code(52)  # GOT_NOTHING
496    # upload data, pause, let connection die after 100 continue
497    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
498    def test_07_42c_upload_disconnect(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
499        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
500            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
501        if proto == 'h3' and env.curl_uses_lib('msh3'):
502            pytest.skip("msh3 fails here")
503        client = LocalClient(name='upload-pausing', env=env, timeout=60)
504        if not client.exists():
505            pytest.skip(f'example client not built: {client.name}')
506        url = f'http://{env.domain1}:{env.http_port}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]&die_after_100=1'
507        r = client.run([url])
508        r.check_exit_code(52)  # GOT_NOTHING
510    # speed limited on put handler
511    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
512    def test_07_50_put_speed_limit(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, proto, repeat):
513        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
514            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
515        count = 1
516        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-100k')
517        up_len = 100 * 1024
518        speed_limit = 20 * 1024
519        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
520        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/put?id=[0-0]'
521        r = curl.http_put(urls=[url], fdata=fdata, alpn_proto=proto,
522                          with_headers=True, extra_args=[
523            '--limit-rate', f'{speed_limit}'
524        ])
525        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
526        assert r.responses[0]['header']['received-length'] == f'{up_len}', f'{r.responses[0]}'
527        up_speed = r.stats[0]['speed_upload']
528        assert (speed_limit * 0.5) <= up_speed <= (speed_limit * 1.5), f'{r.stats[0]}'
530    # speed limited on echo handler
531    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
532    def test_07_51_echo_speed_limit(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, proto, repeat):
533        if proto == 'h3' and not env.have_h3():
534            pytest.skip("h3 not supported")
535        count = 1
536        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-100k')
537        speed_limit = 20 * 1024
538        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
539        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]'
540        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto,
541                             with_headers=True, extra_args=[
542            '--limit-rate', f'{speed_limit}'
543        ])
544        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
545        up_speed = r.stats[0]['speed_upload']
546        assert (speed_limit * 0.5) <= up_speed <= (speed_limit * 1.5), f'{r.stats[0]}'
548    # upload larger data, triggering "Expect: 100-continue" code paths
549    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1'])
550    def test_07_60_upload_exp100(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
551        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-1m+')
552        read_delay = 1
553        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
554        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/put?id=[0-0]'\
555              f'&read_delay={read_delay}s'
556        r = curl.http_put(urls=[url], fdata=fdata, alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
557            '--expect100-timeout', f'{read_delay+1}'
558        ])
559        r.check_stats(count=1, http_status=200, exitcode=0)
561    # upload larger data, triggering "Expect: 100-continue" code paths
562    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1'])
563    def test_07_61_upload_exp100_timeout(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat, proto):
564        fdata = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'data-1m+')
565        read_delay = 2
566        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
567        url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/put?id=[0-0]'\
568              f'&read_delay={read_delay}s'
569        r = curl.http_put(urls=[url], fdata=fdata, alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
570            '--expect100-timeout', f'{read_delay-1}'
571        ])
572        r.check_stats(count=1, http_status=200, exitcode=0)