xref: /curl/src/tool_cb_hdr.c (revision 00bef959)
1 /***************************************************************************
2  *                                  _   _ ____  _
3  *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
4  *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
5  *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
6  *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
7  *
8  * Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
9  *
10  * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
11  * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
12  * are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html.
13  *
14  * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
15  * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
16  * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
17  *
18  * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
19  * KIND, either express or implied.
20  *
21  * SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
22  *
23  ***************************************************************************/
24 #include "tool_setup.h"
26 #include "strcase.h"
27 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
28 #include <unistd.h>
29 #endif
32 /* use our own printf() functions */
33 #include "curlx.h"
35 #include "tool_cfgable.h"
36 #include "tool_doswin.h"
37 #include "tool_msgs.h"
38 #include "tool_cb_hdr.h"
39 #include "tool_cb_wrt.h"
40 #include "tool_operate.h"
41 #include "tool_libinfo.h"
43 #include "memdebug.h" /* keep this as LAST include */
45 static char *parse_filename(const char *ptr, size_t len);
47 #ifdef _WIN32
48 #define BOLD "\x1b[1m"
49 #define BOLDOFF "\x1b[22m"
50 #else
51 #define BOLD "\x1b[1m"
52 /* Switch off bold by setting "all attributes off" since the explicit
53    bold-off code (21) isn't supported everywhere - like in the mac
54    Terminal. */
55 #define BOLDOFF "\x1b[0m"
56 /* OSC 8 hyperlink escape sequence */
57 #define LINK "\x1b]8;;"
58 #define LINKST "\x1b\\"
60 #endif
62 #ifdef LINK
63 static void write_linked_location(CURL *curl, const char *location,
64     size_t loclen, FILE *stream);
65 #endif
67 /*
69 */
tool_header_cb(char * ptr,size_t size,size_t nmemb,void * userdata)71 size_t tool_header_cb(char *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata)
72 {
73   struct per_transfer *per = userdata;
74   struct HdrCbData *hdrcbdata = &per->hdrcbdata;
75   struct OutStruct *outs = &per->outs;
76   struct OutStruct *heads = &per->heads;
77   struct OutStruct *etag_save = &per->etag_save;
78   const char *str = ptr;
79   const size_t cb = size * nmemb;
80   const char *end = (char *)ptr + cb;
81   const char *scheme = NULL;
83   if(!per->config)
86 #ifdef DEBUGBUILD
87   if(size * nmemb > (size_t)CURL_MAX_HTTP_HEADER) {
88     warnf(per->config->global, "Header data exceeds single call write limit");
90   }
91 #endif
93 #ifdef _WIN32
94   /* Discard incomplete UTF-8 sequence buffered from body */
95   if(outs->utf8seq[0])
96     memset(outs->utf8seq, 0, sizeof(outs->utf8seq));
97 #endif
99   /*
100    * Write header data when curl option --dump-header (-D) is given.
101    */
103   if(per->config->headerfile && heads->stream) {
104     size_t rc = fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, heads->stream);
105     if(rc != cb)
106       return rc;
107     /* flush the stream to send off what we got earlier */
108     (void)fflush(heads->stream);
109   }
111   curl_easy_getinfo(per->curl, CURLINFO_SCHEME, &scheme);
112   scheme = proto_token(scheme);
113   if((scheme == proto_http || scheme == proto_https)) {
114     long response = 0;
115     curl_easy_getinfo(per->curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response);
117     if(response/100 != 2)
118       /* only care about these headers in 2xx responses */
119       ;
120     /*
121      * Write etag to file when --etag-save option is given.
122      */
123     else if(per->config->etag_save_file && etag_save->stream &&
124             /* match only header that start with etag (case insensitive) */
125             checkprefix("etag:", str)) {
126       const char *etag_h = &str[5];
127       const char *eot = end - 1;
128       if(*eot == '\n') {
129         while(ISBLANK(*etag_h) && (etag_h < eot))
130           etag_h++;
131         while(ISSPACE(*eot))
132           eot--;
134         if(eot >= etag_h) {
135           size_t etag_length = eot - etag_h + 1;
136           /*
137            * Truncate the etag save stream, it can have an existing etag value.
138            */
140           if(ftruncate(fileno(etag_save->stream), 0)) {
141             return CURL_WRITEFUNC_ERROR;
142           }
143 #else
144           if(fseek(etag_save->stream, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
145             return CURL_WRITEFUNC_ERROR;
146           }
147 #endif
149           fwrite(etag_h, size, etag_length, etag_save->stream);
150           /* terminate with newline */
151           fputc('\n', etag_save->stream);
152           (void)fflush(etag_save->stream);
153         }
154       }
155     }
157     /*
158      * This callback sets the filename where output shall be written when
159      * curl options --remote-name (-O) and --remote-header-name (-J) have
160      * been simultaneously given and additionally server returns an HTTP
161      * Content-Disposition header specifying a filename property.
162      */
164     else if(hdrcbdata->honor_cd_filename &&
165             (cb > 20) && checkprefix("Content-disposition:", str)) {
166       const char *p = str + 20;
168       /* look for the 'filename=' parameter
169          (encoded filenames (*=) are not supported) */
170       for(;;) {
171         char *filename;
172         size_t len;
174         while((p < end) && *p && !ISALPHA(*p))
175           p++;
176         if(p > end - 9)
177           break;
179         if(memcmp(p, "filename=", 9)) {
180           /* no match, find next parameter */
181           while((p < end) && *p && (*p != ';'))
182             p++;
183           if((p < end) && *p)
184             continue;
185           else
186             break;
187         }
188         p += 9;
190         /* this expression below typecasts 'cb' only to avoid
191            warning: signed and unsigned type in conditional expression
192         */
193         len = (ssize_t)cb - (p - str);
194         filename = parse_filename(p, len);
195         if(filename) {
196           if(outs->stream) {
197             /* indication of problem, get out! */
198             free(filename);
199             return CURL_WRITEFUNC_ERROR;
200           }
202           if(per->config->output_dir) {
203             outs->filename = aprintf("%s/%s", per->config->output_dir,
204                                      filename);
205             free(filename);
206             if(!outs->filename)
207               return CURL_WRITEFUNC_ERROR;
208           }
209           else
210             outs->filename = filename;
212           outs->is_cd_filename = TRUE;
213           outs->s_isreg = TRUE;
214           outs->fopened = FALSE;
215           outs->alloc_filename = TRUE;
216           hdrcbdata->honor_cd_filename = FALSE; /* done now! */
217           if(!tool_create_output_file(outs, per->config))
218             return CURL_WRITEFUNC_ERROR;
219         }
220         break;
221       }
222       if(!outs->stream && !tool_create_output_file(outs, per->config))
223         return CURL_WRITEFUNC_ERROR;
224     }
225   }
226   if(hdrcbdata->config->writeout) {
227     char *value = memchr(ptr, ':', cb);
228     if(value) {
229       if(per->was_last_header_empty)
230         per->num_headers = 0;
231       per->was_last_header_empty = FALSE;
232       per->num_headers++;
233     }
234     else if(ptr[0] == '\r' || ptr[0] == '\n')
235       per->was_last_header_empty = TRUE;
236   }
237   if(hdrcbdata->config->show_headers &&
238     (scheme == proto_http || scheme == proto_https ||
239      scheme == proto_rtsp || scheme == proto_file)) {
240     /* bold headers only for selected protocols */
241     char *value = NULL;
243     if(!outs->stream && !tool_create_output_file(outs, per->config))
244       return CURL_WRITEFUNC_ERROR;
246     if(hdrcbdata->global->isatty &&
247 #ifdef _WIN32
248        tool_term_has_bold &&
249 #endif
250        hdrcbdata->global->styled_output)
251       value = memchr(ptr, ':', cb);
252     if(value) {
253       size_t namelen = value - ptr;
254       fprintf(outs->stream, BOLD "%.*s" BOLDOFF ":", (int)namelen, ptr);
255 #ifndef LINK
256       fwrite(&value[1], cb - namelen - 1, 1, outs->stream);
257 #else
258       if(curl_strnequal("Location", ptr, namelen)) {
259         write_linked_location(per->curl, &value[1], cb - namelen - 1,
260             outs->stream);
261       }
262       else
263         fwrite(&value[1], cb - namelen - 1, 1, outs->stream);
264 #endif
265     }
266     else
267       /* not "handled", just show it */
268       fwrite(ptr, cb, 1, outs->stream);
269   }
270   return cb;
271 }
273 /*
274  * Copies a file name part and returns an ALLOCATED data buffer.
275  */
parse_filename(const char * ptr,size_t len)276 static char *parse_filename(const char *ptr, size_t len)
277 {
278   char *copy;
279   char *p;
280   char *q;
281   char  stop = '\0';
283   /* simple implementation of strndup() */
284   copy = malloc(len + 1);
285   if(!copy)
286     return NULL;
287   memcpy(copy, ptr, len);
288   copy[len] = '\0';
290   p = copy;
291   if(*p == '\'' || *p == '"') {
292     /* store the starting quote */
293     stop = *p;
294     p++;
295   }
296   else
297     stop = ';';
299   /* scan for the end letter and stop there */
300   q = strchr(p, stop);
301   if(q)
302     *q = '\0';
304   /* if the filename contains a path, only use filename portion */
305   q = strrchr(p, '/');
306   if(q) {
307     p = q + 1;
308     if(!*p) {
309       Curl_safefree(copy);
310       return NULL;
311     }
312   }
314   /* If the filename contains a backslash, only use filename portion. The idea
315      is that even systems that don't handle backslashes as path separators
316      probably want the path removed for convenience. */
317   q = strrchr(p, '\\');
318   if(q) {
319     p = q + 1;
320     if(!*p) {
321       Curl_safefree(copy);
322       return NULL;
323     }
324   }
326   /* make sure the file name doesn't end in \r or \n */
327   q = strchr(p, '\r');
328   if(q)
329     *q = '\0';
331   q = strchr(p, '\n');
332   if(q)
333     *q = '\0';
335   if(copy != p)
336     memmove(copy, p, strlen(p) + 1);
338 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(MSDOS)
339   {
340     char *sanitized;
341     SANITIZEcode sc = sanitize_file_name(&sanitized, copy, 0);
342     Curl_safefree(copy);
343     if(sc)
344       return NULL;
345     copy = sanitized;
346   }
347 #endif /* _WIN32 || MSDOS */
349   /* in case we built debug enabled, we allow an environment variable
350    * named CURL_TESTDIR to prefix the given file name to put it into a
351    * specific directory
352    */
353 #ifdef DEBUGBUILD
354   {
355     char *tdir = curl_getenv("CURL_TESTDIR");
356     if(tdir) {
357       char buffer[512]; /* suitably large */
358       msnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s", tdir, copy);
359       Curl_safefree(copy);
360       copy = strdup(buffer); /* clone the buffer, we don't use the libcurl
361                                 aprintf() or similar since we want to use the
362                                 same memory code as the "real" parse_filename
363                                 function */
364       curl_free(tdir);
365     }
366   }
367 #endif
369   return copy;
370 }
372 #ifdef LINK
373 /*
374  * Treat the Location: header specially, by writing a special escape
375  * sequence that adds a hyperlink to the displayed text. This makes
376  * the absolute URL of the redirect clickable in supported terminals,
377  * which couldn't happen otherwise for relative URLs. The Location:
378  * header is supposed to always be absolute so this theoretically
379  * shouldn't be needed but the real world returns plenty of relative
380  * URLs here.
381  */
382 static
write_linked_location(CURL * curl,const char * location,size_t loclen,FILE * stream)383 void write_linked_location(CURL *curl, const char *location, size_t loclen,
384                            FILE *stream) {
385   /* This would so simple if CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL were available here */
386   CURLU *u = NULL;
387   char *copyloc = NULL, *locurl = NULL, *scheme = NULL, *finalurl = NULL;
388   const char *loc = location;
389   size_t llen = loclen;
390   int space_skipped = 0;
391   char *vver = getenv("VTE_VERSION");
393   if(vver) {
394     long vvn = strtol(vver, NULL, 10);
395     /* Skip formatting for old versions of VTE <= 0.48.1 (Mar 2017) since some
396        of those versions have formatting bugs. (#10428) */
397     if(0 < vvn && vvn <= 4801)
398       goto locout;
399   }
401   /* Strip leading whitespace of the redirect URL */
402   while(llen && (*loc == ' ' || *loc == '\t')) {
403     ++loc;
404     --llen;
405     ++space_skipped;
406   }
408   /* Strip the trailing end-of-line characters, normally "\r\n" */
409   while(llen && (loc[llen-1] == '\n' || loc[llen-1] == '\r'))
410     --llen;
412   /* CURLU makes it easy to handle the relative URL case */
413   u = curl_url();
414   if(!u)
415     goto locout;
417   /* Create a NUL-terminated and whitespace-stripped copy of Location: */
418   copyloc = malloc(llen + 1);
419   if(!copyloc)
420     goto locout;
421   memcpy(copyloc, loc, llen);
422   copyloc[llen] = 0;
424   /* The original URL to use as a base for a relative redirect URL */
425   if(curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, &locurl))
426     goto locout;
427   if(curl_url_set(u, CURLUPART_URL, locurl, 0))
428     goto locout;
430   /* Redirected location. This can be either absolute or relative. */
431   if(curl_url_set(u, CURLUPART_URL, copyloc, 0))
432     goto locout;
434   if(curl_url_get(u, CURLUPART_URL, &finalurl, CURLU_NO_DEFAULT_PORT))
435     goto locout;
437   if(curl_url_get(u, CURLUPART_SCHEME, &scheme, 0))
438     goto locout;
440   if(!strcmp("http", scheme) ||
441      !strcmp("https", scheme) ||
442      !strcmp("ftp", scheme) ||
443      !strcmp("ftps", scheme)) {
444     fprintf(stream, "%.*s" LINK "%s" LINKST "%.*s" LINKOFF,
445             space_skipped, location,
446             finalurl,
447             (int)loclen - space_skipped, loc);
448     goto locdone;
449   }
451   /* Not a "safe" URL: don't linkify it */
453 locout:
454   /* Write the normal output in case of error or unsafe */
455   fwrite(location, loclen, 1, stream);
457 locdone:
458   if(u) {
459     curl_free(finalurl);
460     curl_free(scheme);
461     curl_url_cleanup(u);
462     free(copyloc);
463   }
464 }
465 #endif