1--TEST-- 2Test http_response_code basic functionality 3--CREDITS-- 4Gabriel Caruso (carusogabriel@php.net) 5--SKIPIF-- 6<?php 7if (getenv('SKIP_REPEAT')) { 8 /* The http_response_code leaks across repeats. Technically that's a bug, but it's something 9 * that only affects the CLI repeat option, where the response code is not meaningful in the 10 * first place. Other SAPIs will properly reset the response code for each request. */ 11 die('skip Not repeatable'); 12} 13?> 14--FILE-- 15<?php 16var_dump( 17 // Get the current default response code 18 http_response_code(), 19 // Set a response code 20 http_response_code(201), 21 // Get the new response code 22 http_response_code() 23); 24echo "Now we've sent the headers\n"; 25var_dump( 26 // This should fail 27 http_response_code(500) 28); 29?> 30--EXPECTF-- 31bool(false) 32bool(true) 33int(201) 34Now we've sent the headers 35 36Warning: http_response_code(): Cannot set response code - headers already sent (output started at %s:%d) in %s on line %d 37bool(false) 38