1--TEST-- 2Testing ftp_nb_fget can handle large files incl. resume 3--EXTENSIONS-- 4ftp 5pcntl 6--SKIPIF-- 7<?php 8if (2147483647 == PHP_INT_MAX) { 9 die('skip ot supported on this system'); 10} 11if (disk_free_space(__DIR__) < 10*1024*1024*1024) { 12 die('skip Not enough disk space'); 13} 14?> 15--FILE-- 16<?php 17require 'server.inc'; 18 19$ftp = ftp_connect('', $port); 20ftp_login($ftp, 'user', 'pass'); 21if (!$ftp) die("Couldn't connect to the server"); 22 23$local_file = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "ftp_nb_get_large.txt"; 24touch($local_file); 25ftp_nb_get($ftp, $local_file, 'fget_large.txt', FTP_BINARY, 5368709119); 26$fp = fopen($local_file, 'r'); 27fseek($fp, 5368709119); 28var_dump(fread($fp, 1)); 29var_dump(filesize($local_file)); 30fclose($fp); 31?> 32--CLEAN-- 33<?php 34@unlink(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "ftp_nb_get_large.txt"); 35?> 36--EXPECT-- 37string(1) "X" 38int(5368709120) 39