1--TEST-- 2XMLReader: Bug #70309 XmlReader read generates extra output 3--EXTENSIONS-- 4xmlreader 5--SKIPIF-- 6<?php if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') die('skip.. only for Windows'); ?> 7 8<?php if (getenv("SKIP_SLOW_TESTS")) die("skip slow test"); ?> 9<?php if (getenv("SKIP_ONLINE_TESTS")) die("skip online test"); ?> 10--FILE-- 11<?php 12 13/* From the bug report an extra message comes from libxml2 debug output left unwrapped. */ 14 15$doc = new \XMLReader(); 16 17$doc->xml('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 18<chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0"> 19<title>Test Chapter</title> 20<para> 21This is a paragraph in the test chapter. It is unremarkable in 22every regard. This is a paragraph in the test chapter. It is 23unremarkable in every regard. This is a paragraph in the test 24chapter. It is unremarkable in every regard. 25</para> 26<paar> 27<emphasis role="bold">This</emphasis> paragraph contains 28<emphasis>some <emphasis>emphasized</emphasis> text</emphasis> 291and a <superscript>super</superscript>script 30and a <subscript>sub</subscript>script. 31</para> 32<para> 33This is a paragraph in the test chapter. It is unremarkable in 34every regard. This is a paragraph in the test chapter. It is 35unremarkable in every regard. This is a paragraph in the test 36chapter. It is unremarkable in every regard. 37</para> 38</chapter>'); 39 40$doc->setRelaxNGSchema('http://docs.oasis-open.org/docbook/rng/5.0/docbook.rng'); 41 42while (@$doc->read() !== false); 43?> 44===DONE=== 45--EXPECT-- 46===DONE=== 47