xref: /PHP-8.2/ext/opcache/jit/ir/ir.h (revision df42f7f1)
1 /*
2  * IR - Lightweight JIT Compilation Framework
3  * (Public API)
4  * Copyright (C) 2022 Zend by Perforce.
5  * Authors: Dmitry Stogov <dmitry@php.net>
6  */
8 #ifndef IR_H
9 #define IR_H
11 #ifdef __cplusplus
12 extern "C" {
13 #endif
15 #include <inttypes.h>
16 #include <stdint.h>
17 #include <stdbool.h>
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #define IR_VERSION "0.0.1"
23 #ifdef _WIN32
24 /* TODO Handle ARM, too. */
25 # if defined(_M_X64)
26 #  define __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__ 8
27 # elif defined(_M_IX86)
28 #  define __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__ 4
29 # endif
30 /* Only supported is little endian for any arch on Windows,
31    so just fake the same for all. */
32 # define __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 1
34 # ifndef __has_builtin
35 #  define __has_builtin(arg) (0)
36 # endif
37 #endif
39 #if defined(IR_TARGET_X86)
40 # define IR_TARGET "x86"
41 #elif defined(IR_TARGET_X64)
42 # ifdef _WIN64
43 #  define IR_TARGET "Windows-x86_64" /* 64-bit Windows use different ABI and calling convention */
44 # else
45 #  define IR_TARGET "x86_64"
46 # endif
47 #elif defined(IR_TARGET_AARCH64)
48 # define IR_TARGET "aarch64"
49 #else
50 # error "Unknown IR target"
51 #endif
53 #if defined(__SIZEOF_SIZE_T__)
54 # if __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__ == 8
55 #  define IR_64 1
56 # elif __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__ != 4
57 #  error "Unknown addr size"
58 # endif
59 #else
60 # error "Unknown addr size"
61 #endif
63 #if defined(__BYTE_ORDER__)
64 # if defined(__ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
66 #   define IR_STRUCT_LOHI(lo, hi) struct {lo; hi;}
67 #  endif
68 # endif
69 # if defined(__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)
70 #  if __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__
71 #   define IR_STRUCT_LOHI(lo, hi) struct {hi; lo;}
72 #  endif
73 # endif
74 #endif
75 #ifndef IR_STRUCT_LOHI
76 # error "Unknown byte order"
77 #endif
79 #ifdef __has_attribute
80 # if __has_attribute(always_inline)
81 #  define IR_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
82 # endif
83 # if __has_attribute(noinline)
84 #  define IR_NEVER_INLINE __attribute__((noinline))
85 # endif
86 #else
87 # define __has_attribute(x) 0
88 #endif
91 # define IR_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline
92 #endif
93 #ifndef IR_NEVER_INLINE
94 # define IR_NEVER_INLINE
95 #endif
97 #ifdef IR_PHP
98 # include "ir_php.h"
99 #endif
101 /* IR Type flags (low 4 bits are used for type size) */
102 #define IR_TYPE_SIGNED     (1<<4)
103 #define IR_TYPE_UNSIGNED   (1<<5)
104 #define IR_TYPE_FP         (1<<6)
105 #define IR_TYPE_SPECIAL    (1<<7)
110 /* List of IR types */
111 #define IR_TYPES(_) \
112 	_(BOOL,   bool,      b,    IR_TYPE_BOOL)     \
113 	_(U8,     uint8_t,   u8,   IR_TYPE_UNSIGNED) \
114 	_(U16,    uint16_t,  u16,  IR_TYPE_UNSIGNED) \
115 	_(U32,    uint32_t,  u32,  IR_TYPE_UNSIGNED) \
116 	_(U64,    uint64_t,  u64,  IR_TYPE_UNSIGNED) \
117 	_(ADDR,   uintptr_t, addr, IR_TYPE_ADDR)     \
118 	_(CHAR,   char,      c,    IR_TYPE_CHAR)     \
119 	_(I8,     int8_t,    i8,   IR_TYPE_SIGNED)   \
120 	_(I16,    int16_t,   i16,  IR_TYPE_SIGNED)   \
121 	_(I32,    int32_t,   i32,  IR_TYPE_SIGNED)   \
122 	_(I64,    int64_t,   i64,  IR_TYPE_SIGNED)   \
123 	_(DOUBLE, double,    d,    IR_TYPE_FP)       \
124 	_(FLOAT,  float,     f,    IR_TYPE_FP)       \
126 #define IR_IS_TYPE_UNSIGNED(t) ((t) < IR_CHAR)
127 #define IR_IS_TYPE_SIGNED(t)   ((t) >= IR_CHAR && (t) < IR_DOUBLE)
128 #define IR_IS_TYPE_INT(t)      ((t) < IR_DOUBLE)
129 #define IR_IS_TYPE_FP(t)       ((t) >= IR_DOUBLE)
131 #define IR_TYPE_ENUM(name, type, field, flags) IR_ ## name,
133 typedef enum _ir_type {
134 	IR_VOID,
137 } ir_type;
139 #ifdef IR_64
140 # define IR_SIZE_T     IR_U64
141 # define IR_SSIZE_T    IR_I64
142 # define IR_UINTPTR_T  IR_U64
143 # define IR_INTPTR_T   IR_I64
144 #else
145 # define IR_SIZE_T     IR_U32
146 # define IR_SSIZE_T    IR_I32
147 # define IR_UINTPTR_T  IR_U32
148 # define IR_INTPTR_T   IR_I32
149 #endif
151 /* List of IR opcodes
152  * ==================
153  *
154  * Each instruction is described by a type (opcode, flags, op1_type, op2_type, op3_type)
155  *
156  * flags
157  * -----
158  * v     - void
159  * d     - data      IR_OP_FLAG_DATA
160  * r     - ref       IR_OP_FLAG_DATA alias
161  * p     - pinned    IR_OP_FLAG_DATA + IR_OP_FLAG_PINNED
162  * c     - control   IR_OP_FLAG_CONTROL
163  * S     - control   IR_OP_FLAG_CONTROL + IR_OP_FLAG_BB_START
164  * E     - control   IR_OP_FLAG_CONTROL + IR_OP_FLAG_BB_END
166  * l     - load      IR_OP_FLAG_MEM + IR_OP_FLAG_MEM_LOAD
167  * s     - store     IR_OP_FLAG_MEM + IR_OP_FLAG_STORE
168  * x     - call      IR_OP_FLAG_MEM + IR_OP_FLAG_CALL
169  * a     - alloc     IR_OP_FLAG_MEM + IR_OP_FLAG_ALLOC
170  * 0-3   - number of input edges
171  * N     - number of arguments is defined in the insn->inputs_count (MERGE, PHI, CALL)
172  * X1-X3 - number of extra data ops
173  * C     - commutative operation ("d2C" => IR_OP_FLAG_DATA + IR_OP_FLAG_COMMUTATIVE)
174  *
175  * operand types
176  * -------------
177  * ___ - unused
178  * def - reference to a definition op (data-flow use-def dependency edge)
179  * ref - memory reference (data-flow use-def dependency edge)
180  * var - variable reference (data-flow use-def dependency edge)
181  * arg - argument reference CALL/TAILCALL/CARG->CARG
182  * src - reference to a previous control region (IF, IF_TRUE, IF_FALSE, MERGE, LOOP_BEGIN, LOOP_END, RETURN)
183  * reg - data-control dependency on region (PHI, VAR, PARAM)
184  * ret - reference to a previous RETURN instruction (RETURN)
185  * str - string: variable/argument name (VAR, PARAM, CALL, TAILCALL)
186  * num - number: argument number (PARAM)
187  * prb - branch probability 1-99 (0 - unspecified): (IF_TRUE, IF_FALSE, CASE_VAL, CASE_DEFAULT)
188  * opt - optional number
189  * pro - function prototype
190  *
191  * The order of IR opcodes is carefully selected for efficient folding.
192  * - foldable instruction go first
193  * - NOP is never used (code 0 is used as ANY pattern)
194  * - CONST is the most often used instruction (encode with 1 bit)
195  * - equality inversion:  EQ <-> NE                         => op =^ 1
196  * - comparison inversion: [U]LT <-> [U]GT, [U]LE <-> [U]GE  => op =^ 3
197  */
199 #define IR_OPS(_) \
200 	/* special op (must be the first !!!)                               */ \
201 	_(NOP,          v,    ___, ___, ___) /* empty instruction           */ \
202 	\
203 	/* constants reference                                              */ \
204 	_(C_BOOL,       r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
205 	_(C_U8,         r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
206 	_(C_U16,        r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
207 	_(C_U32,        r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
208 	_(C_U64,        r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
209 	_(C_ADDR,       r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
210 	_(C_CHAR,       r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
211 	_(C_I8,         r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
212 	_(C_I16,        r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
213 	_(C_I32,        r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
214 	_(C_I64,        r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
215 	_(C_DOUBLE,     r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
216 	_(C_FLOAT,      r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant                    */ \
217 	\
218 	/* equality ops  */                                                    \
219 	_(EQ,           d2C,  def, def, ___) /* equal                       */ \
220 	_(NE,           d2C,  def, def, ___) /* not equal                   */ \
221 	\
222 	/* comparison ops (order matters, LT must be a modulo of 4 !!!)     */ \
223 	_(LT,           d2,   def, def, ___) /* less                        */ \
224 	_(GE,           d2,   def, def, ___) /* greater or equal            */ \
225 	_(LE,           d2,   def, def, ___) /* less or equal               */ \
226 	_(GT,           d2,   def, def, ___) /* greater                     */ \
227 	_(ULT,          d2,   def, def, ___) /* unsigned less               */ \
228 	_(UGE,          d2,   def, def, ___) /* unsigned greater or equal   */ \
229 	_(ULE,          d2,   def, def, ___) /* unsigned less or equal      */ \
230 	_(UGT,          d2,   def, def, ___) /* unsigned greater            */ \
231 	\
232 	/* arithmetic ops                                                   */ \
233 	_(ADD,          d2C,  def, def, ___) /* addition                    */ \
234 	_(SUB,          d2,   def, def, ___) /* subtraction (must be ADD+1) */ \
235 	_(MUL,          d2C,  def, def, ___) /* multiplication              */ \
236 	_(DIV,          d2,   def, def, ___) /* division                    */ \
237 	_(MOD,          d2,   def, def, ___) /* modulo                      */ \
238 	_(NEG,          d1,   def, ___, ___) /* change sign                 */ \
239 	_(ABS,          d1,   def, ___, ___) /* absolute value              */ \
240 	/* (LDEXP, MIN, MAX, FPMATH)                                        */ \
241 	\
242 	/* type conversion ops                                              */ \
243 	_(SEXT,         d1,   def, ___, ___) /* sign extension              */ \
244 	_(ZEXT,         d1,   def, ___, ___) /* zero extension              */ \
245 	_(TRUNC,        d1,   def, ___, ___) /* truncates to int type       */ \
246 	_(BITCAST,      d1,   def, ___, ___) /* binary representation       */ \
247 	_(INT2FP,       d1,   def, ___, ___) /* int to float conversion     */ \
248 	_(FP2INT,       d1,   def, ___, ___) /* float to int conversion     */ \
249 	_(FP2FP,        d1,   def, ___, ___) /* float to float conversion   */ \
250 	_(PROTO,        d1X1, def, pro, ___) /* apply function prototype    */ \
251 	\
252 	/* overflow-check                                                   */ \
253 	_(ADD_OV,       d2C,  def, def, ___) /* addition                    */ \
254 	_(SUB_OV,       d2,   def, def, ___) /* subtraction                 */ \
255 	_(MUL_OV,       d2C,  def, def, ___) /* multiplication              */ \
256 	_(OVERFLOW,     d1,   def, ___, ___) /* overflow check add/sub/mul  */ \
257 	\
258 	/* bitwise and shift ops                                            */ \
259 	_(NOT,          d1,   def, ___, ___) /* bitwise NOT                 */ \
260 	_(OR,           d2C,  def, def, ___) /* bitwise OR                  */ \
261 	_(AND,          d2C,  def, def, ___) /* bitwise AND                 */ \
262 	_(XOR,          d2C,  def, def, ___) /* bitwise XOR                 */ \
263 	_(SHL,	        d2,   def, def, ___) /* logic shift left            */ \
264 	_(SHR,	        d2,   def, def, ___) /* logic shift right           */ \
265 	_(SAR,	        d2,   def, def, ___) /* arithmetic shift right      */ \
266 	_(ROL,	        d2,   def, def, ___) /* rotate left                 */ \
267 	_(ROR,	        d2,   def, def, ___) /* rotate right                */ \
268 	_(BSWAP,        d1,   def, ___, ___) /* byte swap                   */ \
269 	_(CTPOP,        d1,   def, ___, ___) /* count population            */ \
270 	_(CTLZ,         d1,   def, ___, ___) /* count leading zeros         */ \
271 	_(CTTZ,         d1,   def, ___, ___) /* count trailing zeros        */ \
272 	\
273 	/* branch-less conditional ops                                      */ \
274 	_(MIN,	        d2C,  def, def, ___) /* min(op1, op2)               */ \
275 	_(MAX,	        d2C,  def, def, ___) /* max(op1, op2)               */ \
276 	_(COND,	        d3,   def, def, def) /* op1 ? op2 : op3             */ \
277 	\
278 	/* data-flow and miscellaneous ops                                  */ \
279 	_(PHI,          pN,   reg, def, def) /* SSA Phi function            */ \
280 	_(COPY,         d1X1, def, opt, ___) /* COPY (last foldable op)     */ \
281 	_(PI,           p2,   reg, def, ___) /* e-SSA Pi constraint ???     */ \
282 	_(FRAME_ADDR,   d0,   ___, ___, ___) /* function frame address      */ \
283 	/* (USE, RENAME)                                                    */ \
284 	\
285 	/* data ops                                                         */ \
286 	_(PARAM,        p1X2, reg, str, num) /* incoming parameter proj.    */ \
287 	_(VAR,	        p1X1, reg, str, ___) /* local variable              */ \
288 	_(FUNC_ADDR,    r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant func ref           */ \
289 	_(FUNC,         r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant func ref           */ \
290 	_(SYM,          r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant symbol ref         */ \
291 	_(STR,          r0,   ___, ___, ___) /* constant str ref            */ \
292 	\
293 	/* call ops                                                         */ \
294 	_(CALL,         xN,   src, def, def) /* CALL(src, func, args...)    */ \
295 	_(TAILCALL,     xN,   src, def, def) /* CALL+RETURN                 */ \
296 	\
297 	/* memory reference and load/store ops                              */ \
298 	_(ALLOCA,       a2,   src, def, ___) /* alloca(def)                 */ \
299 	_(AFREE,        a2,   src, def, ___) /* revert alloca(def)          */ \
300 	_(VADDR,        d1,   var, ___, ___) /* load address of local var   */ \
301 	_(VLOAD,        l2,   src, var, ___) /* load value of local var     */ \
302 	_(VSTORE,       s3,   src, var, def) /* store value to local var    */ \
303 	_(RLOAD,        l1X2, src, num, opt) /* load value from register    */ \
304 	_(RSTORE,       s2X1, src, def, num) /* store value into register   */ \
305 	_(LOAD,         l2,   src, ref, ___) /* load from memory            */ \
306 	_(STORE,        s3,   src, ref, def) /* store to memory             */ \
307 	_(TLS,          l1X2, src, num, num) /* thread local variable       */ \
308 	_(TRAP,         x1,   src, ___, ___) /* DebugBreak                  */ \
309 	/* memory reference ops (A, H, U, S, TMP, STR, NEW, X, V) ???       */ \
310 	\
311 	/* va_args                                                          */ \
312 	_(VA_START,     x2,   src, def, ___) /* va_start(va_list)           */ \
313 	_(VA_END,       x2,   src, def, ___) /* va_end(va_list)             */ \
314 	_(VA_COPY,      x3,   src, def, def) /* va_copy(dst, stc)           */ \
315 	_(VA_ARG,       x2,   src, def, ___) /* va_arg(va_list)             */ \
316 	\
317 	/* guards                                                           */ \
318 	_(GUARD,        c3,   src, def, def) /* IF without second successor */ \
319 	_(GUARD_NOT  ,  c3,   src, def, def) /* IF without second successor */ \
320 	\
321 	/* deoptimization                                                   */ \
322 	_(SNAPSHOT,     xN,   src, def, def) /* SNAPSHOT(src, args...)      */ \
323 	\
324 	/* control-flow nodes                                               */ \
325 	_(START,        S0X1, ret, ___, ___) /* function start              */ \
326 	_(ENTRY,        S1X1, src, num, ___) /* entry with a fake src edge  */ \
327 	_(BEGIN,        S1,   src, ___, ___) /* block start                 */ \
328 	_(IF_TRUE,      S1X1, src, prb, ___) /* IF TRUE proj.               */ \
329 	_(IF_FALSE,     S1X1, src, prb, ___) /* IF FALSE proj.              */ \
330 	_(CASE_VAL,     S2X1, src, def, prb) /* switch proj.                */ \
331 	_(CASE_DEFAULT, S1X1, src, prb, ___) /* switch proj.                */ \
332 	_(MERGE,        SN,   src, src, src) /* control merge               */ \
333 	_(LOOP_BEGIN,   SN,   src, src, src) /* loop start                  */ \
334 	_(END,          E1,   src, ___, ___) /* block end                   */ \
335 	_(LOOP_END,     E1,   src, ___, ___) /* loop end                    */ \
336 	_(IF,           E2,   src, def, ___) /* conditional control split   */ \
337 	_(SWITCH,       E2,   src, def, ___) /* multi-way control split     */ \
338 	_(RETURN,       T2X1, src, def, ret) /* function return             */ \
339 	_(IJMP,         T2X1, src, def, ret) /* computed goto               */ \
340 	_(UNREACHABLE,  T1X2, src, ___, ret) /* unreachable (tailcall, etc) */ \
341 	\
342 	/* deoptimization helper                                            */ \
343 	_(EXITCALL,     x2,   src, def, ___) /* save CPU regs and call op2  */ \
346 #define IR_OP_ENUM(name, flags, op1, op2, op3) IR_ ## name,
348 typedef enum _ir_op {
350 #ifdef IR_PHP
352 #endif
354 } ir_op;
356 /* IR Opcode and Type Union */
357 #define IR_OPT_OP_MASK       0x00ff
358 #define IR_OPT_TYPE_MASK     0xff00
359 #define IR_OPT_TYPE_SHIFT    8
360 #define IR_OPT_INPUTS_SHIFT  16
362 #define IR_OPT(op, type)     ((uint16_t)(op) | ((uint16_t)(type) << IR_OPT_TYPE_SHIFT))
363 #define IR_OPTX(op, type, n) ((uint32_t)(op) | ((uint32_t)(type) << IR_OPT_TYPE_SHIFT) | ((uint32_t)(n) << IR_OPT_INPUTS_SHIFT))
364 #define IR_OPT_TYPE(opt)     (((opt) & IR_OPT_TYPE_MASK) >> IR_OPT_TYPE_SHIFT)
366 /* IR References */
367 typedef int32_t ir_ref;
369 #define IR_IS_CONST_REF(ref) ((ref) < 0)
371 /* IR Constant Value */
372 #define IR_UNUSED            0
373 #define IR_NULL              (-1)
374 #define IR_FALSE             (-2)
375 #define IR_TRUE              (-3)
378 #define IR_CONSTS_LIMIT_MIN (-(IR_TRUE - 1))
379 #define IR_INSNS_LIMIT_MIN (IR_UNUSED + 1)
381 #ifndef IR_64
382 # define ADDR_MEMBER            uintptr_t                  addr;
383 #else
384 # define ADDR_MEMBER
385 #endif
386 typedef union _ir_val {
387 	double                             d;
388 	uint64_t                           u64;
389 	int64_t                            i64;
390 #ifdef IR_64
391 	uintptr_t                          addr;
392 #endif
394 		union {
395 			uint32_t                   u32;
396 			int32_t                    i32;
397 			float                      f;
399 			ir_ref                     name;
400 			ir_ref                     str;
402 				union {
403 					uint16_t           u16;
404 					int16_t            i16;
405 					IR_STRUCT_LOHI(
406 						union {
407 							uint8_t    u8;
408 							int8_t     i8;
409 							bool       b;
410 							char       c;
411 						},
412 						uint8_t        u8_hi
413 					);
414 				},
415 				uint16_t               u16_hi
416 			);
417 		},
418 		uint32_t                       u32_hi
419 	);
420 } ir_val;
421 #undef ADDR_MEMBER
423 /* IR Instruction */
424 typedef struct _ir_insn {
426 		union {
428 				union {
429 					IR_STRUCT_LOHI(
430 						uint8_t        op,
431 						uint8_t        type
432 					);
433 					uint16_t           opt;
434 				},
435 				union {
436 					uint16_t           inputs_count;       /* number of input control edges for MERGE, PHI, CALL, TAILCALL */
437 					uint16_t           prev_insn_offset;   /* 16-bit backward offset from current instruction for CSE */
438 					uint16_t           proto;
439 				}
440 			);
441 			uint32_t                   optx;
442 			ir_ref                     ops[1];
443 		},
444 		union {
445 			ir_ref                     op1;
446 			ir_ref                     prev_const;
447 		}
448 	);
449 	union {
451 			ir_ref                     op2,
452 			ir_ref                     op3
453 		);
454 		ir_val                         val;
455 	};
456 } ir_insn;
458 /* IR Hash Tables API (private) */
459 typedef struct _ir_hashtab ir_hashtab;
461 /* IR String Tables API (implementation in ir_strtab.c) */
462 typedef struct _ir_strtab {
463 	void       *data;
464 	uint32_t    mask;
465 	uint32_t    size;
466 	uint32_t    count;
467 	uint32_t    pos;
468 	char       *buf;
469 	uint32_t    buf_size;
470 	uint32_t    buf_top;
471 } ir_strtab;
473 #define ir_strtab_count(strtab) (strtab)->count
475 typedef void (*ir_strtab_apply_t)(const char *str, uint32_t len, ir_ref val);
477 void ir_strtab_init(ir_strtab *strtab, uint32_t count, uint32_t buf_size);
478 ir_ref ir_strtab_lookup(ir_strtab *strtab, const char *str, uint32_t len, ir_ref val);
479 ir_ref ir_strtab_find(const ir_strtab *strtab, const char *str, uint32_t len);
480 ir_ref ir_strtab_update(ir_strtab *strtab, const char *str, uint32_t len, ir_ref val);
481 const char *ir_strtab_str(const ir_strtab *strtab, ir_ref idx);
482 const char *ir_strtab_strl(const ir_strtab *strtab, ir_ref idx, size_t *len);
483 void ir_strtab_apply(const ir_strtab *strtab, ir_strtab_apply_t func);
484 void ir_strtab_free(ir_strtab *strtab);
486 /* IR Context Flags */
487 #define IR_FUNCTION            (1<<0) /* Generate a function. */
488 #define IR_FASTCALL_FUNC       (1<<1) /* Generate a function with fastcall calling convention, x86 32-bit only. */
489 #define IR_VARARG_FUNC         (1<<2)
490 #define IR_BUILTIN_FUNC        (1<<3)
491 #define IR_STATIC              (1<<4)
492 #define IR_EXTERN              (1<<5)
493 #define IR_CONST               (1<<6)
495 #define IR_SKIP_PROLOGUE       (1<<8) /* Don't generate function prologue. */
496 #define IR_USE_FRAME_POINTER   (1<<9)
497 #define IR_PREALLOCATED_STACK  (1<<10)
498 #define IR_NO_STACK_COMBINE    (1<<11)
499 #define IR_START_BR_TARGET     (1<<12)
500 #define IR_ENTRY_BR_TARGET     (1<<13)
501 #define IR_GEN_ENDBR           (1<<14)
502 #define IR_MERGE_EMPTY_ENTRIES (1<<15)
504 #define IR_OPT_FOLDING         (1<<16)
505 #define IR_OPT_CFG             (1<<17) /* merge BBs, by remove END->BEGIN nodes during CFG construction */
506 #define IR_OPT_CODEGEN         (1<<18)
507 #define IR_GEN_NATIVE          (1<<19)
508 #define IR_GEN_CODE            (1<<20) /* C or LLVM */
510 #define IR_GEN_CACHE_DEMOTE    (1<<21) /* Demote the generated code from closest CPU caches */
512 /* debug related */
513 #ifdef IR_DEBUG
514 # define IR_DEBUG_SCCP         (1<<27)
515 # define IR_DEBUG_GCM          (1<<28)
516 # define IR_DEBUG_SCHEDULE     (1<<29)
517 # define IR_DEBUG_RA           (1<<30)
518 #endif
520 typedef struct _ir_ctx           ir_ctx;
521 typedef struct _ir_use_list      ir_use_list;
522 typedef struct _ir_block         ir_block;
523 typedef struct _ir_arena         ir_arena;
524 typedef struct _ir_live_interval ir_live_interval;
525 typedef struct _ir_live_range    ir_live_range;
526 typedef struct _ir_loader        ir_loader;
527 typedef int8_t ir_regs[4];
529 typedef void (*ir_snapshot_create_t)(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref addr);
531 #if defined(IR_TARGET_AARCH64)
532 typedef const void *(*ir_get_exit_addr_t)(uint32_t exit_num);
533 typedef const void *(*ir_get_veneer_t)(ir_ctx *ctx, const void *addr);
534 typedef bool (*ir_set_veneer_t)(ir_ctx *ctx, const void *addr, const void *veneer);
535 #endif
537 typedef struct _ir_code_buffer {
538 	void *start;
539 	void *end;
540 	void *pos;
541 } ir_code_buffer;
543 struct _ir_ctx {
544 	ir_insn           *ir_base;                 /* two directional array - instructions grow down, constants grow up */
545 	ir_ref             insns_count;             /* number of instructions stored in instructions buffer */
546 	ir_ref             insns_limit;             /* size of allocated instructions buffer (it's extended when overflow) */
547 	ir_ref             consts_count;            /* number of constants stored in constants buffer */
548 	ir_ref             consts_limit;            /* size of allocated constants buffer (it's extended when overflow) */
549 	uint32_t           flags;                   /* IR context flags (see IR_* defines above) */
550 	uint32_t           flags2;                  /* IR context private flags (see IR_* defines in ir_private.h) */
551 	ir_type            ret_type;                /* Function return type */
552 	uint32_t           mflags;                  /* CPU specific flags (see IR_X86_... macros below) */
553 	int32_t            status;                  /* non-zero error code (see IR_ERROR_... macros), app may use negative codes */
554 	ir_ref             fold_cse_limit;          /* CSE finds identical insns backward from "insn_count" to "fold_cse_limit" */
555 	ir_insn            fold_insn;               /* temporary storage for folding engine */
556 	ir_hashtab        *binding;
557 	ir_use_list       *use_lists;               /* def->use lists for each instruction */
558 	ir_ref            *use_edges;               /* the actual uses: use = ctx->use_edges[ctx->use_lists[def].refs + n] */
559 	ir_ref             use_edges_count;         /* number of elements in use_edges[] array */
560 	uint32_t           cfg_blocks_count;        /* number of elements in cfg_blocks[] array */
561 	uint32_t           cfg_edges_count;         /* number of elements in cfg_edges[] array */
562 	ir_block          *cfg_blocks;              /* list of basic blocks (starts from 1) */
563 	uint32_t          *cfg_edges;               /* the actual basic blocks predecessors and successors edges */
564 	uint32_t          *cfg_map;                 /* map of instructions to basic block number */
565 	uint32_t          *rules;                   /* array of target specific code-generation rules (for each instruction) */
566 	uint32_t          *vregs;
567 	ir_ref             vregs_count;
568 	int32_t            spill_base;              /* base register for special spill area (e.g. PHP VM frame pointer) */
569 	uint64_t           fixed_regset;            /* fixed registers, excluded for regular register allocation */
570 	int32_t            fixed_stack_red_zone;    /* reusable stack allocated by caller (default 0) */
571 	int32_t            fixed_stack_frame_size;  /* fixed stack allocated by generated code for spills and registers save/restore */
572 	int32_t            fixed_call_stack_size;   /* fixed preallocated stack for parameter passing (default 0) */
573 	uint64_t           fixed_save_regset;       /* registers that always saved/restored in prologue/epilogue */
574 	uint32_t           locals_area_size;
575 	uint32_t           gp_reg_params;
576 	uint32_t           fp_reg_params;
577 	int32_t            param_stack_size;
578 	ir_live_interval **live_intervals;
579 	ir_arena          *arena;
580 	ir_live_range     *unused_ranges;
581 	ir_regs           *regs;
582 	ir_strtab         *fused_regs;
583 	ir_ref            *prev_ref;
584 	union {
585 		void          *data;
586 		ir_ref         control;                 /* used by IR construction API (see ir_builder.h) */
587 		ir_ref         bb_start;                /* used by target CPU instruction matcher */
588 		ir_ref         vars;                    /* list of VARs (used by register allocator) */
589 	};
590 	ir_snapshot_create_t   snapshot_create;
591 	int32_t            stack_frame_alignment;
592 	int32_t            stack_frame_size;        /* spill stack frame size (used by register allocator and code generator) */
593 	int32_t            call_stack_size;         /* stack for parameter passing (used by register allocator and code generator) */
594 	uint64_t           used_preserved_regs;
595 #ifdef IR_TARGET_X86
596 	int32_t            ret_slot;
597 #endif
598 	uint32_t           rodata_offset;
599 	uint32_t           jmp_table_offset;
600 	uint32_t           entries_count;
601 	uint32_t          *entries;                /* array of ENTRY blocks */
602 	void              *osr_entry_loads;
603 	ir_code_buffer    *code_buffer;
604 #if defined(IR_TARGET_AARCH64)
605 	int32_t            deoptimization_exits;
606 	const void        *deoptimization_exits_base;
607 	ir_get_exit_addr_t get_exit_addr;
608 	ir_get_veneer_t    get_veneer;
609 	ir_set_veneer_t    set_veneer;
610 #endif
611 	ir_loader         *loader;
612 	ir_strtab          strtab;
613 	ir_ref             prev_insn_chain[IR_LAST_FOLDABLE_OP + 1];
614 	ir_ref             prev_const_chain[IR_LAST_TYPE];
615 };
617 /* Basic IR Construction API (implementation in ir.c) */
618 void ir_init(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t flags, ir_ref consts_limit, ir_ref insns_limit);
619 void ir_free(ir_ctx *ctx);
620 void ir_truncate(ir_ctx *ctx);
622 ir_ref ir_const(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_val val, uint8_t type);
623 ir_ref ir_const_i8(ir_ctx *ctx, int8_t c);
624 ir_ref ir_const_i16(ir_ctx *ctx, int16_t c);
625 ir_ref ir_const_i32(ir_ctx *ctx, int32_t c);
626 ir_ref ir_const_i64(ir_ctx *ctx, int64_t c);
627 ir_ref ir_const_u8(ir_ctx *ctx, uint8_t c);
628 ir_ref ir_const_u16(ir_ctx *ctx, uint16_t c);
629 ir_ref ir_const_u32(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t c);
630 ir_ref ir_const_u64(ir_ctx *ctx, uint64_t c);
631 ir_ref ir_const_bool(ir_ctx *ctx, bool c);
632 ir_ref ir_const_char(ir_ctx *ctx, char c);
633 ir_ref ir_const_float(ir_ctx *ctx, float c);
634 ir_ref ir_const_double(ir_ctx *ctx, double c);
635 ir_ref ir_const_addr(ir_ctx *ctx, uintptr_t c);
637 ir_ref ir_const_func_addr(ir_ctx *ctx, uintptr_t c, ir_ref proto);
638 ir_ref ir_const_func(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref str, ir_ref proto);
639 ir_ref ir_const_sym(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref str);
640 ir_ref ir_const_str(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref str);
642 ir_ref ir_unique_const_addr(ir_ctx *ctx, uintptr_t c);
644 void ir_print_const(const ir_ctx *ctx, const ir_insn *insn, FILE *f, bool quoted);
646 ir_ref ir_str(ir_ctx *ctx, const char *s);
647 ir_ref ir_strl(ir_ctx *ctx, const char *s, size_t len);
648 const char *ir_get_str(const ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref idx);
649 const char *ir_get_strl(const ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref idx, size_t *len);
651 #define IR_MAX_PROTO_PARAMS 255
653 typedef struct _ir_proto_t {
654 	uint8_t flags;
655 	uint8_t ret_type;
656 	uint8_t params_count;
657 	uint8_t param_types[5];
658 } ir_proto_t;
660 ir_ref ir_proto_0(ir_ctx *ctx, uint8_t flags, ir_type ret_type);
661 ir_ref ir_proto_1(ir_ctx *ctx, uint8_t flags, ir_type ret_type, ir_type t1);
662 ir_ref ir_proto_2(ir_ctx *ctx, uint8_t flags, ir_type ret_type, ir_type t1, ir_type t2);
663 ir_ref ir_proto_3(ir_ctx *ctx, uint8_t flags, ir_type ret_type, ir_type t1, ir_type t2, ir_type t3);
664 ir_ref ir_proto_4(ir_ctx *ctx, uint8_t flags, ir_type ret_type, ir_type t1, ir_type t2, ir_type t3,
665                                                                 ir_type t4);
666 ir_ref ir_proto_5(ir_ctx *ctx, uint8_t flags, ir_type ret_type, ir_type t1, ir_type t2, ir_type t3,
667                                                                 ir_type t4, ir_type t5);
668 ir_ref ir_proto(ir_ctx *ctx, uint8_t flags, ir_type ret_type, uint32_t params_counts, uint8_t *param_types);
670 ir_ref ir_emit(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t opt, ir_ref op1, ir_ref op2, ir_ref op3);
672 ir_ref ir_emit0(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t opt);
673 ir_ref ir_emit1(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t opt, ir_ref op1);
674 ir_ref ir_emit2(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t opt, ir_ref op1, ir_ref op2);
675 ir_ref ir_emit3(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t opt, ir_ref op1, ir_ref op2, ir_ref op3);
677 ir_ref ir_emit_N(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t opt, int32_t count);
678 void   ir_set_op(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref ref, int32_t n, ir_ref val);
ir_set_op1(ir_ctx * ctx,ir_ref ref,ir_ref val)680 IR_ALWAYS_INLINE void ir_set_op1(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref ref, ir_ref val)
681 {
682 	ctx->ir_base[ref].op1 = val;
683 }
ir_set_op2(ir_ctx * ctx,ir_ref ref,ir_ref val)685 IR_ALWAYS_INLINE void ir_set_op2(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref ref, ir_ref val)
686 {
687 	ctx->ir_base[ref].op2 = val;
688 }
ir_set_op3(ir_ctx * ctx,ir_ref ref,ir_ref val)690 IR_ALWAYS_INLINE void ir_set_op3(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref ref, ir_ref val)
691 {
692 	ctx->ir_base[ref].op3 = val;
693 }
ir_insn_op(const ir_insn * insn,int32_t n)695 IR_ALWAYS_INLINE ir_ref ir_insn_op(const ir_insn *insn, int32_t n)
696 {
697 	const ir_ref *p = insn->ops + n;
698 	return *p;
699 }
ir_insn_set_op(ir_insn * insn,int32_t n,ir_ref val)701 IR_ALWAYS_INLINE void ir_insn_set_op(ir_insn *insn, int32_t n, ir_ref val)
702 {
703 	ir_ref *p = insn->ops + n;
704 	*p = val;
705 }
707 ir_ref ir_fold(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t opt, ir_ref op1, ir_ref op2, ir_ref op3);
709 ir_ref ir_fold0(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t opt);
710 ir_ref ir_fold1(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t opt, ir_ref op1);
711 ir_ref ir_fold2(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t opt, ir_ref op1, ir_ref op2);
712 ir_ref ir_fold3(ir_ctx *ctx, uint32_t opt, ir_ref op1, ir_ref op2, ir_ref op3);
714 ir_ref ir_param(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_type type, ir_ref region, const char *name, int pos);
715 ir_ref ir_var(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_type type, ir_ref region, const char *name);
716 ir_ref ir_bind(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref var, ir_ref def);
718 /* Def -> Use lists */
719 void ir_build_def_use_lists(ir_ctx *ctx);
721 /* CFG - Control Flow Graph (implementation in ir_cfg.c) */
722 int ir_build_cfg(ir_ctx *ctx);
723 int ir_remove_unreachable_blocks(ir_ctx *ctx);
724 int ir_build_dominators_tree(ir_ctx *ctx);
725 int ir_find_loops(ir_ctx *ctx);
726 int ir_schedule_blocks(ir_ctx *ctx);
727 void ir_build_prev_refs(ir_ctx *ctx);
729 /* SCCP - Sparse Conditional Constant Propagation (implementation in ir_sccp.c) */
730 int ir_sccp(ir_ctx *ctx);
732 /* GCM - Global Code Motion and scheduling (implementation in ir_gcm.c) */
733 int ir_gcm(ir_ctx *ctx);
734 int ir_schedule(ir_ctx *ctx);
736 /* Liveness & Register Allocation (implementation in ir_ra.c) */
737 #define IR_REG_NONE          -1
738 #define IR_REG_SPILL_LOAD    (1<<6)
739 #define IR_REG_SPILL_STORE   (1<<6)
740 #define IR_REG_SPILL_SPECIAL (1<<7)
741 #define IR_REG_SPILLED(r) \
743 #define IR_REG_NUM(r) \
746 int ir_assign_virtual_registers(ir_ctx *ctx);
747 int ir_compute_live_ranges(ir_ctx *ctx);
748 int ir_coalesce(ir_ctx *ctx);
749 int ir_compute_dessa_moves(ir_ctx *ctx);
750 int ir_reg_alloc(ir_ctx *ctx);
752 int ir_regs_number(void);
753 bool ir_reg_is_int(int32_t reg);
754 const char *ir_reg_name(int8_t reg, ir_type type);
755 int32_t ir_get_spill_slot_offset(ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref ref);
757 /* Target CPU instruction selection and code generation (see ir_x86.c) */
758 int ir_match(ir_ctx *ctx);
759 void *ir_emit_code(ir_ctx *ctx, size_t *size);
761 bool ir_needs_thunk(ir_code_buffer *code_buffer, void *addr);
762 void *ir_emit_thunk(ir_code_buffer *code_buffer, void *addr, size_t *size_ptr);
763 void ir_fix_thunk(void *thunk_entry, void *addr);
765 /* Target address resolution (implementation in ir_emit.c) */
766 void *ir_resolve_sym_name(const char *name);
768 /* Target CPU disassembler (implementation in ir_disasm.c) */
769 int  ir_disasm_init(void);
770 void ir_disasm_free(void);
771 void ir_disasm_add_symbol(const char *name, uint64_t addr, uint64_t size);
772 const char* ir_disasm_find_symbol(uint64_t addr, int64_t *offset);
773 int  ir_disasm(const char *name,
774                const void *start,
775                size_t      size,
776                bool        asm_addr,
777                ir_ctx     *ctx,
778                FILE       *f);
780 /* Linux perf interface (implementation in ir_perf.c) */
781 int ir_perf_jitdump_open(void);
782 int ir_perf_jitdump_close(void);
783 int ir_perf_jitdump_register(const char *name, const void *start, size_t size);
784 void ir_perf_map_register(const char *name, const void *start, size_t size);
786 /* GDB JIT interface (implementation in ir_gdb.c) */
787 int ir_gdb_register(const char    *name,
788                     const void    *start,
789                     size_t         size,
790                     uint32_t       sp_offset,
791                     uint32_t       sp_adjustment);
792 void ir_gdb_unregister_all(void);
793 bool ir_gdb_present(void);
795 /* IR load API (implementation in ir_load.c) */
796 struct _ir_loader {
797 	uint32_t default_func_flags;
798 	bool (*init_module)       (ir_loader *loader, const char *name, const char *filename, const char *target);
799 	bool (*external_sym_dcl)  (ir_loader *loader, const char *name, uint32_t flags);
800 	bool (*external_func_dcl) (ir_loader *loader, const char *name,
801                                uint32_t flags, ir_type ret_type, uint32_t params_count, const uint8_t *param_types);
802 	bool (*forward_func_dcl)  (ir_loader *loader, const char *name,
803                                uint32_t flags, ir_type ret_type, uint32_t params_count, const uint8_t *param_types);
804 	bool (*sym_dcl)           (ir_loader *loader, const char *name, uint32_t flags, size_t size, bool has_data);
805 	bool (*sym_data)          (ir_loader *loader, ir_type type, uint32_t count, const void *data);
806 	bool (*sym_data_pad)      (ir_loader *loader, size_t offset);
807 	bool (*sym_data_ref)      (ir_loader *loader, ir_op op, const char *ref, uintptr_t offset);
808 	bool (*sym_data_end)      (ir_loader *loader);
809 	bool (*func_init)         (ir_loader *loader, ir_ctx *ctx, const char *name);
810 	bool (*func_process)      (ir_loader *loader, ir_ctx *ctx, const char *name);
811 	void*(*resolve_sym_name)  (ir_loader *loader, const char *name, bool add_thunk);
812 	bool (*has_sym)           (ir_loader *loader, const char *name);
813 	bool (*add_sym)           (ir_loader *loader, const char *name, void *addr);
814 };
816 void ir_loader_init(void);
817 void ir_loader_free(void);
818 int ir_load(ir_loader *loader, FILE *f);
820 /* IR LLVM load API (implementation in ir_load_llvm.c) */
821 int ir_load_llvm_bitcode(ir_loader *loader, const char *filename);
822 int ir_load_llvm_asm(ir_loader *loader, const char *filename);
824 /* IR save API (implementation in ir_save.c) */
825 void ir_print_proto(const ir_ctx *ctx, ir_ref proto, FILE *f);
826 void ir_save(const ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f);
828 /* IR debug dump API (implementation in ir_dump.c) */
829 void ir_dump(const ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f);
830 void ir_dump_dot(const ir_ctx *ctx, const char *name, FILE *f);
831 void ir_dump_use_lists(const ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f);
832 void ir_dump_cfg(ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f);
833 void ir_dump_cfg_map(const ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f);
834 void ir_dump_live_ranges(const ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f);
835 void ir_dump_codegen(const ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f);
837 /* IR to C conversion (implementation in ir_emit_c.c) */
838 int ir_emit_c(ir_ctx *ctx, const char *name, FILE *f);
839 void ir_emit_c_func_decl(const char *name, uint32_t flags, ir_type ret_type, uint32_t params_count, const uint8_t *param_types, FILE *f);
840 void ir_emit_c_sym_decl(const char *name, uint32_t flags, bool has_data, FILE *f);
842 /* IR to LLVM conversion (implementation in ir_emit_llvm.c) */
843 int ir_emit_llvm(ir_ctx *ctx, const char *name, FILE *f);
844 void ir_emit_llvm_func_decl(const char *name, uint32_t flags, ir_type ret_type, uint32_t params_count, const uint8_t *param_types, FILE *f);
845 void ir_emit_llvm_sym_decl(const char *name, uint32_t flags, bool has_data, FILE *f);
847 /* IR verification API (implementation in ir_check.c) */
848 bool ir_check(const ir_ctx *ctx);
849 void ir_consistency_check(void);
851 /* Code patching (implementation in ir_patch.c) */
852 int ir_patch(const void *code, size_t size, uint32_t jmp_table_size, const void *from_addr, const void *to_addr);
854 /* CPU information (implementation in ir_cpuinfo.c) */
855 #if defined(IR_TARGET_X86) || defined(IR_TARGET_X64)
856 # define IR_X86_SSE2     (1<<0)
857 # define IR_X86_SSE3     (1<<1)
858 # define IR_X86_SSSE3    (1<<2)
859 # define IR_X86_SSE41    (1<<3)
860 # define IR_X86_SSE42    (1<<4)
861 # define IR_X86_AVX      (1<<5)
862 # define IR_X86_AVX2     (1<<6)
863 # define IR_X86_BMI1     (1<<7)
864 # define IR_X86_CLDEMOTE (1<<8)
865 #endif
867 uint32_t ir_cpuinfo(void);
869 /* Deoptimization helpers */
870 const void *ir_emit_exitgroup(uint32_t first_exit_point, uint32_t exit_points_per_group, const void *exit_addr, ir_code_buffer *code_buffer, size_t *size_ptr);
872 /* A reference IR JIT compiler */
ir_jit_compile(ir_ctx * ctx,int opt_level,size_t * size)873 IR_ALWAYS_INLINE void *ir_jit_compile(ir_ctx *ctx, int opt_level, size_t *size)
874 {
875 	if (opt_level == 0) {
876 		if (ctx->flags & IR_OPT_FOLDING) {
877 			// IR_ASSERT(0 && "IR_OPT_FOLDING is incompatible with -O0");
878 			return NULL;
879 		}
880 		ctx->flags &= ~(IR_OPT_CFG | IR_OPT_CODEGEN);
882 		ir_build_def_use_lists(ctx);
884 		if (!ir_build_cfg(ctx)
885 		 || !ir_match(ctx)
886 		 || !ir_assign_virtual_registers(ctx)
887 		 || !ir_compute_dessa_moves(ctx)) {
888 			return NULL;
889 		}
891 		return ir_emit_code(ctx, size);
892 	} else if (opt_level == 1 || opt_level == 2) {
893 		if (!(ctx->flags & IR_OPT_FOLDING)) {
894 			// IR_ASSERT(0 && "IR_OPT_FOLDING must be set in ir_init() for -O1 and -O2");
895 			return NULL;
896 		}
897 		ctx->flags |= IR_OPT_CFG | IR_OPT_CODEGEN;
899 		ir_build_def_use_lists(ctx);
901 		if (opt_level == 2
902 		 && !ir_sccp(ctx)) {
903 			return NULL;
904 		}
906 		if (!ir_build_cfg(ctx)
907 		 || !ir_build_dominators_tree(ctx)
908 		 || !ir_find_loops(ctx)
909 		 || !ir_gcm(ctx)
910 		 || !ir_schedule(ctx)
911 		 || !ir_match(ctx)
912 		 || !ir_assign_virtual_registers(ctx)
913 		 || !ir_compute_live_ranges(ctx)
914 		 || !ir_coalesce(ctx)
915 		 || !ir_reg_alloc(ctx)
916 		 || !ir_schedule_blocks(ctx)) {
917 			return NULL;
918 		}
920 		return ir_emit_code(ctx, size);
921 	} else {
922 		// IR_ASSERT(0 && "wrong optimization level");
923 		return NULL;
924 	}
925 }
927 #define IR_ERROR_CODE_MEM_OVERFLOW               1
929 #define IR_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CODE_RULE           3
930 #define IR_ERROR_LINK                            4
931 #define IR_ERROR_ENCODE                          5
933 /* IR Memmory Allocation */
934 #ifndef ir_mem_malloc
935 # define ir_mem_malloc   malloc
936 #endif
937 #ifndef ir_mem_calloc
938 # define ir_mem_calloc   calloc
939 #endif
940 #ifndef ir_mem_realloc
941 # define ir_mem_realloc  realloc
942 #endif
943 #ifndef ir_mem_free
944 # define ir_mem_free     free
945 #endif
947 #ifndef ir_mem_pmalloc
948 # define ir_mem_pmalloc  malloc
949 #endif
950 #ifndef ir_mem_pcalloc
951 # define ir_mem_pcalloc  calloc
952 #endif
953 #ifndef ir_mem_prealloc
954 # define ir_mem_prealloc realloc
955 #endif
956 #ifndef ir_mem_pfree
957 # define ir_mem_pfree    free
958 #endif
960 void *ir_mem_mmap(size_t size);
961 int ir_mem_unmap(void *ptr, size_t size);
962 int ir_mem_protect(void *ptr, size_t size);
963 int ir_mem_unprotect(void *ptr, size_t size);
964 int ir_mem_flush(void *ptr, size_t size);
966 #ifdef __cplusplus
967 } /* extern "C" */
968 #endif
970 #endif /* IR_H */