xref: /PHP-8.2/ext/curl/tests/server.inc (revision 992b5f2e)
1<?php declare(strict_types=1);
3function curl_cli_server_start() {
4    $php_executable = getenv('TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE') ?: PHP_BINARY;
5    $doc_root = __DIR__;
6    $router = "responder/get.inc";
7    $cmd = [$php_executable, '-t', $doc_root, '-n', '-S', 'localhost:0', $router];
8    $descriptorspec = array(
9        0 => STDIN,
10        1 => STDOUT,
11        2 => ['pipe', 'w'],
12    );
13    $handle = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $doc_root, null, array("suppress_errors" => true));
15    // First, wait for the dev server to declare itself ready.
16    $bound = null;
17    stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], false);
18    for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) {
19        usleep(50000); // 50ms per try
20        $status = proc_get_status($handle);
21        if (empty($status['running'])) {
22            echo "Server is not running\n";
23            proc_terminate($handle);
24            exit(1);
25        }
27        while (($line = fgets($pipes[2])) !== false) {
28            if (preg_match('@PHP \S* Development Server \(https?://(.*?:\d+)\) started@', $line, $matches)) {
29                $bound = $matches[1];
30                // Now that we've identified the listen address, close STDERR.
31                // Otherwise the pipe may clog up with unread log messages.
32                fclose($pipes[2]);
33                break 2;
34            }
35        }
36    }
37    if ($bound === null) {
38        echo "Server did not output startup message";
39        proc_terminate($handle);
40        exit(1);
41    }
43    // Now wait for a connection to succeed.
44    // note: even when server prints 'Listening on localhost:8964...Press Ctrl-C to quit.'
45    //       it might not be listening yet...need to wait until fsockopen() call returns
46    $error = "Unable to connect to server\n";
47    for ($i=0; $i < 60; $i++) {
48        usleep(50000); // 50ms per try
49        $status = proc_get_status($handle);
50        $fp = @fsockopen("tcp://$bound");
51        // Failure, the server is no longer running
52        if (!($status && $status['running'])) {
53            $error = "Server is not running\n";
54            break;
55        }
56        // Success, Connected to servers
57        if ($fp) {
58            $error = '';
59            break;
60        }
61    }
63    if ($fp) {
64        fclose($fp);
65    }
67    if ($error) {
68        echo $error;
69        proc_terminate($handle);
70        exit(1);
71    }
73    register_shutdown_function(
74        function($handle) use($router) {
75            proc_terminate($handle);
76            /* Wait for server to shutdown */
77            for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) {
78                $status = proc_get_status($handle);
79                if (!($status && $status['running'])) {
80                    break;
81                }
82                usleep(50000);
83            }
84        },
85        $handle
86    );
88    return $bound;