1--TEST-- 2Phar::buildFromIterator() iterator, file can't be opened zip-based 3--EXTENSIONS-- 4phar 5--INI-- 6phar.require_hash=0 7phar.readonly=0 8--FILE-- 9<?php 10class myIterator implements Iterator 11{ 12 var $a; 13 function __construct(array $a) 14 { 15 $this->a = $a; 16 } 17 function next(): void { 18 echo "next\n"; 19 next($this->a); 20 } 21 function current(): mixed { 22 echo "current\n"; 23 return current($this->a); 24 } 25 function key(): mixed { 26 echo "key\n"; 27 return key($this->a); 28 } 29 function valid(): bool { 30 echo "valid\n"; 31 return current($this->a); 32 } 33 function rewind(): void { 34 echo "rewind\n"; 35 reset($this->a); 36 } 37} 38try { 39 chdir(__DIR__); 40 $phar = new Phar(__DIR__ . '/buildfromiterator.phar.zip'); 41 var_dump($phar->buildFromIterator(new myIterator(array('a' => basename(__FILE__, 'php') . '/oopsie/there.phpt')))); 42} catch (Exception $e) { 43 var_dump(get_class($e)); 44 echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; 45} 46?> 47--CLEAN-- 48<?php 49unlink(__DIR__ . '/buildfromiterator.phar.zip'); 50__HALT_COMPILER(); 51?> 52--EXPECTF-- 53rewind 54valid 55current 56key 57%s(24) "UnexpectedValueException" 58Iterator myIterator returned a file that could not be opened "phar_buildfromiterator7./oopsie/there.phpt" 59