1--TEST-- 2Bug #80634 (write_property handler of internal classes is skipped on preloaded JITted code) 3--INI-- 4opcache.enable=1 5opcache.enable_cli=1 6opcache.file_update_protection=0 7opcache.jit_buffer_size=1M 8opcache.protect_memory=1 9opcache.jit=function 10opcache.preload={PWD}/preload_bug80634.inc 11--EXTENSIONS-- 12opcache 13--SKIPIF-- 14<?php 15if (PHP_OS_FAMILY == 'Windows') die('skip Preloading is not supported on Windows'); 16?> 17--FILE-- 18<?php 19$v = new SomeClass(5); 20?> 21--EXPECTF-- 22Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Writing to DatePeriod->interval is unsupported in %spreload_bug80634.inc:7 23Stack trace: 24#0 %sbug80634.php(2): SomeClass->__construct(5) 25#1 {main} 26 thrown in %spreload_bug80634.inc on line 7 27