1--TEST-- 2SOAP customized Content-Type, eg. SwA use case 3--SKIPIF-- 4<?php 5 require_once('skipif.inc'); 6 7 if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . "/../../../sapi/cli/tests/php_cli_server.inc")) { 8 echo "skip sapi/cli/tests/php_cli_server.inc required but not found"; 9 } 10?> 11--CONFLICTS-- 12server 13--FILE-- 14<?php 15 16include __DIR__ . "/../../../sapi/cli/tests/php_cli_server.inc"; 17 18$args = substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN' 19 ? ["-d", "extension_dir=" . ini_get("extension_dir"), "-d", "extension=php_soap.dll"] : []; 20$code = <<<'PHP' 21/* Receive */ 22$content = trim(file_get_contents("php://input")) . PHP_EOL; 23PHP; 24 25php_cli_server_start($code, null, $args); 26 27$client = new soapclient(NULL, [ 28 'location' => 'http://' . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS, 29 'uri' => 'misc-uri', 30 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2, 31 'user_agent' => 'Vincent JARDIN, test headers', 32 'trace' => true, /* record the headers before sending */ 33 'stream_context' => stream_context_create([ 34 'http' => [ 35 'header' => sprintf("MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"), 36 'content_type' => sprintf("Multipart/Related") 37 ], 38 ]), 39]); 40 41$client->__soapCall("foo", [ 'arg1' => "XXXbar"]); 42 43$headers = $client->__getLastRequestHeaders(); 44 45if (strpos($headers, 'Multipart/Related; action="misc-uri#foo"') === FALSE) 46 printf("Content-Type NOK %s" . PHP_EOL, $headers); 47else 48 printf("Content-Type OK" . PHP_EOL); 49 50/* 51 * In case of an empty content-type, let's fallback to the default content. 52 */ 53$client2 = new soapclient(NULL, [ 54 'location' => 'http://' . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS, 55 'uri' => 'misc-uri', 56 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2, 57 'user_agent' => 'Vincent JARDIN, test headers', 58 'trace' => true, /* record the headers before sending */ 59 'stream_context' => stream_context_create([ 60 'http' => [ 61 'header' => sprintf("MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"), 62 'content_type' => sprintf("") 63 ], 64 ]), 65]); 66 67$client2->__soapCall("foo", [ 'arg1' => "XXXbar"]); 68 69$headers = $client2->__getLastRequestHeaders(); 70 71if (strpos($headers, 'Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8; action="misc-uri#foo"') === FALSE) 72 printf("Content-Type Default NOK %s" . PHP_EOL, $headers); 73else 74 printf("Content-Type Default OK" . PHP_EOL); 75?> 76--EXPECT-- 77Content-Type OK 78Content-Type Default OK 79