1--TEST-- 2Test 7: DTD tests 3--SKIPIF-- 4<?php 5require_once('skipif.inc'); 6?> 7--FILE-- 8<?php 9$xml = <<< EOXML 10<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 11<!DOCTYPE courses [ 12<!ELEMENT courses (course+)> 13<!ELEMENT course (title, description, temp*)> 14<!ATTLIST course cid ID #REQUIRED> 15<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)> 16<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)> 17<!ELEMENT temp (#PCDATA)> 18<!ATTLIST temp vid ID #REQUIRED> 19<!ENTITY test 'http://www.hpl.hp.com/semweb/2003/query_tester#'> 20<!ENTITY rdf 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'> 21<!NOTATION GIF PUBLIC "-" "image/gif"> 22<!ENTITY myimage PUBLIC "-" "mypicture.gif" NDATA GIF> 23]> 24<courses> 25 <course cid="c1"> 26 <title>Basic Languages</title> 27 <description>Introduction to Languages</description> 28 </course> 29 <course cid="c6"> 30 <title>French I</title> 31 <description>Introduction to French</description> 32 <temp vid="c7"> 33 </temp> 34 </course> 35</courses> 36EOXML; 37 38$dom = new DOMDocument(); 39$dom->loadXML($xml); 40 41$dtd = $dom->doctype; 42 43/* Notation Tests */ 44$nots = $dtd->notations; 45 46$length = $nots->length; 47echo "Length: ".$length."\n"; 48 49foreach ($nots AS $key=>$node) { 50 echo "Key $key: ".$node->nodeName." (".$node->systemId.") (".$node->publicId.")\n"; 51} 52print "\n"; 53for($x=0; $x < $length; $x++) { 54 echo "Index $x: ".$nots->item($x)->nodeName." (".$nots->item($x)->systemId.") (".$nots->item($x)->publicId.")\n"; 55} 56 57echo "\n"; 58$node = $nots->getNamedItem('xxx'); 59var_dump($node); 60 61echo "\n"; 62/* Entity Decl Tests */ 63$ents = $dtd->entities; 64$length = $ents->length; 65echo "Length: ".$length."\n"; 66 67$xkeys = array(); 68foreach ($ents AS $key=>$node) { 69 $xkeys[] = "Key: $key Name: ".$node->nodeName."\n"; 70} 71sort($xkeys); // fix inconsistent output ordering (bug #61810) 72foreach ($xkeys as $key => $node) { 73 echo $node; 74} 75echo "\n"; 76 77$xkeys = array(); 78for($x=0; $x < $length; $x++) { 79 $xkeys[] = "Index: ".$ents->item($x)->nodeName."\n"; 80} 81sort($xkeys); // fix inconsistent output ordering (bug #61810) 82foreach ($xkeys as $key => $node) { 83 echo $node; 84} 85 86echo "\n"; 87$node = $ents->item(3); 88var_dump($node); 89$node = $ents->getNamedItem('xxx'); 90var_dump($node); 91--EXPECT-- 92Length: 1 93Key GIF: GIF (image/gif) (-) 94 95Index 0: GIF (image/gif) (-) 96 97NULL 98 99Length: 3 100Key: myimage Name: myimage 101Key: rdf Name: rdf 102Key: test Name: test 103 104Index: myimage 105Index: rdf 106Index: test 107 108NULL 109NULL 110