1--TEST-- 2spoofchecker suspicious character checker 3--SKIPIF-- 4<?php if(!extension_loaded('intl') || !class_exists("Spoofchecker")) print 'skip'; ?> 5<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '57.1') >= 0)die('skip for ICU <= 57.1'); ?> 6--FILE-- 7<?php 8 9$url = "http://www.payp\xD0\xB0l.com"; 10 11$x = new Spoofchecker(); 12echo "paypal with Cyrillic spoof characters\n"; 13var_dump($x->isSuspicious($url)); 14 15echo "certain all-uppercase Latin sequences can be spoof of Greek\n"; 16var_dump($x->isSuspicious("NAPKIN PEZ")); 17var_dump($x->isSuspicious("napkin pez")); 18?> 19--EXPECTF-- 20paypal with Cyrillic spoof characters 21bool(true) 22certain all-uppercase Latin sequences can be spoof of Greek 23bool(true) 24bool(false) 25