1--TEST-- 2assert() - error - give assert nonsense string with quiet_eval on then off 3--INI-- 4assert.active = 1 5assert.warning = 1 6assert.callback = f1 7assert.bail = 0 8assert.quiet_eval = 0 9--FILE-- 10<?php 11function f1() 12{ 13 echo "f1 called\n"; 14} 15 16$sa = "threemeninaboat"; 17 18var_dump($r2=assert($sa)); 19 20var_dump($ra0 = assert_options(ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 1)); 21 22var_dump($r2=assert($sa)); 23--EXPECTF-- 24Notice: Use of undefined constant threemeninaboat - assumed 'threemeninaboat' in %s(9) : assert code on line 1 25bool(true) 26int(0) 27bool(true) 28