1<?php 2 3require(dirname(__FILE__)."/connect.inc"); 4 5$sv = oci_server_version($c); 6$sv = preg_match('/Release (11\.2|12)\./', $sv, $matches); 7if ($sv == 1) { 8 // Server is Oracle 11.2+ 9 $stmtarray = array( 10 "drop user testuser cascade", 11 "create user testuser identified by testuser", 12 "grant connect,resource,dba to testuser", 13 "alter user testuser enable editions", 14 "drop edition myedition1", 15 "drop edition myedition", 16 "grant create any edition to testuser", 17 "create edition myedition", 18 "create edition myedition1 as child of myedition", 19 "grant use on edition myedition to testuser", 20 "grant use on edition myedition1 to testuser", 21 ); 22} 23else { 24 // Server is Pre 11.2 25 $stmtarray = array( 26 "drop user testuser cascade", 27 "create user testuser identified by testuser", 28 "grant connect,resource,dba to testuser", 29 ); 30} 31 32foreach ($stmtarray as $stmt) { 33 $s = oci_parse($c, $stmt); 34 $r = @oci_execute($s); 35 if (!$r) { 36 $m = oci_error($s); 37 if (!in_array($m['code'], array( // ignore expected errors 38 942 // table or view does not exist 39 , 1918 // user does not exist 40 , 2289 // sequence does not exist 41 , 4080 // trigger does not exist 42 , 38802 // edition does not exist 43 ))) { 44 echo "Error:" . $stmt . PHP_EOL . $m['message'] . PHP_EOL; 45 if ($m['code'] == 38807) { 46 echo "You appear to already have an edition in use that prevents this PHP test from running. Query DBA_EDITIONS to see existing editions.". PHP_EOL; 47 } 48 die; 49 } 50 } 51} 52 53function get_attr($conn,$attr) 54{ 55 $sel_stmt="select " .$attr. " from v\$session where sid = 56 (select sid from v\$session where audsid = 57 sys_context('userenv','sessionid')) order by 1"; 58 $s2 = oci_parse($conn,$sel_stmt); 59 oci_execute($s2,OCI_DEFAULT); 60 while (oci_fetch($s2)) { 61 echo "The value of ".$attr ." is ".oci_result($s2,1)."\n"; 62 } 63} 64 65/* Pass $conn_type=1 for a connection with oci_connect() 66 Pass $conn_type=2 for ooci_pconnect 67 Default will give a oci_new_connect */ 68 69function get_conn($conn_type) 70{ 71 $user = 'testuser'; 72 $password = 'testuser'; 73 $dbase = $GLOBALS['dbase']; 74 switch($conn_type) { 75 case 1: 76 echo "Testing with oci_connect()\n"; 77 return(oci_connect($user,$password,$dbase)); 78 break; 79 case 2: 80 echo "Testing with oci_pconnect()\n"; 81 return(oci_pconnect($user,$password,$dbase)); 82 break; 83 default: 84 echo "Testing with oci_new_connect()\n"; 85 return(oci_new_connect($user,$password,$dbase)); 86 break; 87 } 88} 89 90function set_attr($conn,$attr,$sufix) 91{ 92 if (!strcmp($attr,'MODULE')) 93 $r = oci_set_module_name($conn,'PHP TEST'.$sufix); 94 else if (!strcmp($attr,'ACTION')) 95 $r = oci_set_action($conn,'TASK'.$sufix); 96 else if (!strcmp($attr,'CLIENT_INFO')) 97 $r = oci_set_client_info($conn,'INFO1'.$sufix); 98 else if (!strcmp($attr,'CLIENT_IDENTIFIER')) 99 $r = oci_set_client_identifier($conn,'ID00'.$sufix); 100 else 101 echo "Pass one of the above four attibutes!!!\n"; 102 if ($r) { 103 echo "Value of $attr has been set successfully\n"; 104 } 105 106 //Do a round-trip here 107 oci_server_version($conn); 108 return $r; 109} 110 111function set_edit_attr($value) 112{ 113 $r = oci_set_edition($value); 114 if ($r) { 115 echo " The value of edition has been successfully set\n"; 116 } 117 return $r; 118} 119 120function get_edit_attr ($conn) { 121 $sel_stmt = "select sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') from dual"; 122 $s2 = oci_parse($conn,$sel_stmt); 123 oci_execute($s2,OCI_DEFAULT); 124 while (oci_fetch($s2)) { 125 echo "The value of current EDITION is ".oci_result($s2,1)."\n"; 126 } 127} 128 129function get_sys_attr($conn,$attr) 130{ 131 $sel_stmt="select " .$attr. " from v\$session where sid = 132 (select sid from v\$session where audsid = sys_context('userenv','sessionid')) order by 1"; 133 $s2 = oci_parse($conn,$sel_stmt); 134 oci_execute($s2,OCI_DEFAULT); 135 while (oci_fetch($s2)) { 136 echo "The value of ".$attr ." is ".oci_result($s2,1)."\n"; 137 } 138} 139 140function clean_up($c) { 141 $stmtarray = array( 142 "drop user testuser cascade", 143 "drop edition myedition1", 144 "drop edition myedition", 145 ); 146 147 foreach ($stmtarray as $stmt) { 148 $s = oci_parse($c, $stmt); 149 @oci_execute($s); 150 } 151} 152