2$_SERVER['BASE_PAGE'] = 'license/distrib-guidelines-code.php';
3include_once __DIR__ . '/../include/prepend.inc';
4site_header("License Information", ["current" => "help"]);
6<h2>PHP Distribution Guidelines</h2>
9  The PHP code can be redistributed in source or binary form provided that
10  the terms of the PHP license are respected (see
11  <a href="http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt">version 3.01</a>).
14  In plain English, this means that you have to include the full license text
15  in human-readable form with every distributed copy of PHP, whether source
16  or binary. One way of doing this is to put a copy of the PHP license into a
17  text file that you include with the source or binary package before
18  distribution. This ensures that the license information can be read
19  properly even when a binary is shipped.
20  A text file containing license and copyright information is sometimes
21  given the filename "Notices", and may be referred to as a "Notices file".
24  Some files in the PHP codebase have been contributed under other licenses.
25  If you want to distribute these files, you also need to respect the terms
26  of those licenses.
27  To check, look for the terms indicated in the license + copyright comment
28  block at the top of the source file.
31  The license terms for such a file may require that its own license and copyright
32  information must be included with every distributed copy (including binaries).
33  This is quite a common requirement, which can be satisfied by adding the
34  appropriate license text into a text file for distribution purposes, like the
35  "Notices"-type of file suggested above.
38  A single "Notices" file could be used to hold the collection of license
39  and copyright information that applies to PHP in general (the PHP license) and
40  any files with additional licenses that you want to distribute (for example
41  Zend, TSRM etc.)
42  It is good practice to indicate which source file(s) a particular license
43  applies to.
46<h3>Modified products derived from PHP</h3>
48  You can distribute your own software product which has been derived
49  from PHP, in source or binary form, provided that:
52 <li>
53  relevant copyright information and license(s) from
54  the PHP codebase are distributed in human-readable form with
55  every copy, as described above.
56 </li>
57 <li>
58  you don't use the name "PHP" without permission, either
59  to promote your own product or within your product's name
60  (see clauses #3 and #4 in the PHP license
61  <a href="http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt">version 3.01</a>).
62 </li>
65<?php site_footer();