xref: /web-php/archive/entries/2021-04-04-1.xml (revision 5c7eeea2)
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3  <title>DPC21 Schedule</title>
4  <id>https://www.php.net/archive/2021.php#2021-04-04-1</id>
5  <published>2021-04-04T15:11:02+00:00</published>
6  <updated>2021-04-04T15:11:02+00:00</updated>
7  <link href="https://www.php.net/conferences/index.php#id2021-04-04-1" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/>
8  <link href="https://www.phpconference.nl" rel="via" type="text/html"/>
9  <default:finalTeaserDate xmlns="http://php.net/ns/news">2021-06-17</default:finalTeaserDate>
10  <category term="conferences" label="Conference announcement"/>
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14      <p><em>Join us for 2 full days of Insights, Inspiration &amp; Exclusive talks around PHP and Web Technology!</em></p>
15      <p>June 17 and 18, 2021 - DPC Online edition</p>
16      <p>In light of health and safety recommendations from public health authorities, and our assessment of the duration of this pandemic, we will be organising the DPC conference as an 100% online event on June 17 &amp; 18, 2021.</p>
17      <p><strong>Master Classes &amp; Exclusive talks</strong></p>
18      <p>Join our pre-conference Workshop day Thursday June 17 with master classes from the PHP &amp; Web Tech community. These online workshops are in small groups and provide an opportunity to spend time with an expert, going in-depth on a specific topic.</p>
19      <p>Followed by the main Conference day Friday June 18 full of interesting brand new live streamed talks!</p>
20      <a href="https://www.phpconference.nl" title="DPC21">https://www.phpconference.nl</a>
21    </div>
22  </content>