1--TEST-- 2Bug #54289 Phar::extractTo() does not accept specific directories to be extracted 3--EXTENSIONS-- 4phar 5--INI-- 6phar.readonly = 0 7--FILE-- 8<?php 9// put our test fixtures into a far 10$base = __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'bug54289'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; 11$inDir = $base.'in'; 12$phar = $base.'test.phar'; 13$pharA = new Phar($phar); 14$pharA->buildFromDirectory($inDir); 15 16// we should be able to pull out a directory that's there, but none that share 17// the same prefix 18$outDir = $base.'out'; 19$pharB = new Phar($phar); 20$pharB->extractTo($outDir, 'dirA/', true); 21var_dump(file_exists($outDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'dirA'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'fileA')); 22var_dump(file_exists($outDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'dirA'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'fileB')); 23var_dump(is_dir($outDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'dirAB')); 24 25// should also not be able to pull out non-existent ones 26try { 27 $pharB->extractTo($outDir, 'dirX/', true); 28 echo 'failed to throw expected exception'; 29} catch (PharException $ex) { 30} 31 32// should also not be able to pull out /, because paths are not "rooted" that way 33try { 34 $pharB->extractTo($outDir, '/', true); 35 echo 'failed to throw expected exception'; 36} catch (PharException $ex) { 37} 38 39// should be able to do by array, too 40$pharB = new Phar($phar); 41$pharB->extractTo($outDir, [ 'dirA/', 'dirAB/' ], true); 42 43// but not an array with a bad member in it 44try { 45 $pharB = new Phar($phar); 46 $pharB->extractTo($outDir, [ 'dirA/', 'dirX/' ], true); 47 echo 'failed to throw expected exception'; 48} catch (PharException $ex) { 49} 50 51echo 'done'; 52?> 53--CLEAN-- 54<?php 55$base = __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'bug54289'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; 56$phar = $base.'test.phar'; 57$outDir = $base.'out'; 58unlink($phar); 59$iter = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator( 60 $outDir, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS|\FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS), 61 \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); 62foreach ($iter as $value) { 63 $value->isFile() ? unlink($value) : rmdir($value); 64} 65?> 66--EXPECT-- 67bool(true) 68bool(true) 69bool(false) 70done 71