xref: /curl/tests/http/testenv/httpd.py (revision 57cc5233)
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4#                                  _   _ ____  _
5#  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
6#                             / __| | | | |_) | |
7#                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
8#                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
10# Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
12# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
13# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
14# are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html.
16# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
17# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
18# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
20# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
21# KIND, either express or implied.
23# SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
27import inspect
28import logging
29import os
30import subprocess
31from datetime import timedelta, datetime
32from json import JSONEncoder
33import time
34from typing import List, Union, Optional
35import copy
37from .curl import CurlClient, ExecResult
38from .env import Env
41log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
44class Httpd:
46    MODULES = [
47        'log_config', 'logio', 'unixd', 'version', 'watchdog',
48        'authn_core', 'authn_file',
49        'authz_user', 'authz_core', 'authz_host',
50        'auth_basic', 'auth_digest',
51        'alias', 'env', 'filter', 'headers', 'mime', 'setenvif',
52        'socache_shmcb',
53        'rewrite', 'http2', 'ssl', 'proxy', 'proxy_http', 'proxy_connect',
54        'brotli',
55        'mpm_event',
56    ]
58        '/usr/lib/apache2/modules',  # debian
59        '/usr/libexec/apache2/',     # macos
60    ]
62    MOD_CURLTEST = None
64    def __init__(self, env: Env, proxy_auth: bool = False):
65        self.env = env
66        self._cmd = env.apachectl
67        self._apache_dir = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'apache')
68        self._run_dir = os.path.join(self._apache_dir, 'run')
69        self._lock_dir = os.path.join(self._apache_dir, 'locks')
70        self._docs_dir = os.path.join(self._apache_dir, 'docs')
71        self._conf_dir = os.path.join(self._apache_dir, 'conf')
72        self._conf_file = os.path.join(self._conf_dir, 'test.conf')
73        self._logs_dir = os.path.join(self._apache_dir, 'logs')
74        self._error_log = os.path.join(self._logs_dir, 'error_log')
75        self._tmp_dir = os.path.join(self._apache_dir, 'tmp')
76        self._basic_passwords = os.path.join(self._conf_dir, 'basic.passwords')
77        self._digest_passwords = os.path.join(self._conf_dir, 'digest.passwords')
78        self._mods_dir = None
79        self._auth_digest = True
80        self._proxy_auth_basic = proxy_auth
81        self._extra_configs = {}
82        self._loaded_extra_configs = None
83        assert env.apxs
84        p = subprocess.run(args=[env.apxs, '-q', 'libexecdir'],
85                           capture_output=True, text=True)
86        if p.returncode != 0:
87            raise Exception(f'{env.apxs} failed to query libexecdir: {p}')
88        self._mods_dir = p.stdout.strip()
89        if self._mods_dir is None:
90            raise Exception('apache modules dir cannot be found')
91        if not os.path.exists(self._mods_dir):
92            raise Exception(f'apache modules dir does not exist: {self._mods_dir}')
93        self._process = None
94        self._rmf(self._error_log)
95        self._init_curltest()
97    @property
98    def docs_dir(self):
99        return self._docs_dir
101    def clear_logs(self):
102        self._rmf(self._error_log)
104    def exists(self):
105        return os.path.exists(self._cmd)
107    def set_extra_config(self, domain: str, lines: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]):
108        if lines is None:
109            self._extra_configs.pop(domain, None)
110        else:
111            self._extra_configs[domain] = lines
113    def clear_extra_configs(self):
114        self._extra_configs = {}
116    def set_proxy_auth(self, active: bool):
117        self._proxy_auth_basic = active
119    def _run(self, args, intext=''):
120        env = os.environ.copy()
121        env['APACHE_RUN_DIR'] = self._run_dir
122        env['APACHE_RUN_USER'] = os.environ['USER']
123        env['APACHE_LOCK_DIR'] = self._lock_dir
124        env['APACHE_CONFDIR'] = self._apache_dir
125        p = subprocess.run(args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
126                           cwd=self.env.gen_dir,
127                           input=intext.encode() if intext else None,
128                           env=env)
129        start = datetime.now()
130        return ExecResult(args=args, exit_code=p.returncode,
131                          stdout=p.stdout.decode().splitlines(),
132                          stderr=p.stderr.decode().splitlines(),
133                          duration=datetime.now() - start)
135    def _apachectl(self, cmd: str):
136        args = [self.env.apachectl,
137                "-d", self._apache_dir,
138                "-f", self._conf_file,
139                "-k", cmd]
140        return self._run(args=args)
142    def start(self):
143        if self._process:
144            self.stop()
145        self._write_config()
146        with open(self._error_log, 'a') as fd:
147            fd.write('start of server\n')
148        with open(os.path.join(self._apache_dir, 'xxx'), 'a') as fd:
149            fd.write('start of server\n')
150        r = self._apachectl('start')
151        if r.exit_code != 0:
152            log.error(f'failed to start httpd: {r}')
153            return False
154        self._loaded_extra_configs = copy.deepcopy(self._extra_configs)
155        return self.wait_live(timeout=timedelta(seconds=5))
157    def stop(self):
158        r = self._apachectl('stop')
159        self._loaded_extra_configs = None
160        if r.exit_code == 0:
161            return self.wait_dead(timeout=timedelta(seconds=5))
162        log.fatal(f'stopping httpd failed: {r}')
163        return r.exit_code == 0
165    def restart(self):
166        self.stop()
167        return self.start()
169    def reload(self):
170        self._write_config()
171        r = self._apachectl("graceful")
172        self._loaded_extra_configs = None
173        if r.exit_code != 0:
174            log.error(f'failed to reload httpd: {r}')
175        self._loaded_extra_configs = copy.deepcopy(self._extra_configs)
176        return self.wait_live(timeout=timedelta(seconds=5))
178    def reload_if_config_changed(self):
179        if self._loaded_extra_configs == self._extra_configs:
180            return True
181        return self.reload()
183    def wait_dead(self, timeout: timedelta):
184        curl = CurlClient(env=self.env, run_dir=self._tmp_dir)
185        try_until = datetime.now() + timeout
186        while datetime.now() < try_until:
187            r = curl.http_get(url=f'http://{self.env.domain1}:{self.env.http_port}/')
188            if r.exit_code != 0:
189                return True
190            time.sleep(.1)
191        log.debug(f"Server still responding after {timeout}")
192        return False
194    def wait_live(self, timeout: timedelta):
195        curl = CurlClient(env=self.env, run_dir=self._tmp_dir,
196                          timeout=timeout.total_seconds())
197        try_until = datetime.now() + timeout
198        while datetime.now() < try_until:
199            r = curl.http_get(url=f'http://{self.env.domain1}:{self.env.http_port}/')
200            if r.exit_code == 0:
201                return True
202            time.sleep(.1)
203        log.debug(f"Server still not responding after {timeout}")
204        return False
206    def _rmf(self, path):
207        if os.path.exists(path):
208            return os.remove(path)
210    def _mkpath(self, path):
211        if not os.path.exists(path):
212            return os.makedirs(path)
214    def _write_config(self):
215        domain1 = self.env.domain1
216        domain1brotli = self.env.domain1brotli
217        creds1 = self.env.get_credentials(domain1)
218        assert creds1  # convince pytype this isn't None
219        domain2 = self.env.domain2
220        creds2 = self.env.get_credentials(domain2)
221        assert creds2  # convince pytype this isn't None
222        proxy_domain = self.env.proxy_domain
223        proxy_creds = self.env.get_credentials(proxy_domain)
224        assert proxy_creds  # convince pytype this isn't None
225        self._mkpath(self._conf_dir)
226        self._mkpath(self._logs_dir)
227        self._mkpath(self._tmp_dir)
228        self._mkpath(os.path.join(self._docs_dir, 'two'))
229        with open(os.path.join(self._docs_dir, 'data.json'), 'w') as fd:
230            data = {
231                'server': f'{domain1}',
232            }
233            fd.write(JSONEncoder().encode(data))
234        with open(os.path.join(self._docs_dir, 'two/data.json'), 'w') as fd:
235            data = {
236                'server': f'{domain2}',
237            }
238            fd.write(JSONEncoder().encode(data))
239        if self._proxy_auth_basic:
240            with open(self._basic_passwords, 'w') as fd:
241                fd.write('proxy:$apr1$FQfeInbs$WQZbODJlVg60j0ogEIlTW/\n')
242        if self._auth_digest:
243            with open(self._digest_passwords, 'w') as fd:
244                fd.write('test:restricted area:57123e269fd73d71ae0656594e938e2f\n')
245            self._mkpath(os.path.join(self.docs_dir, 'restricted/digest'))
246            with open(os.path.join(self.docs_dir, 'restricted/digest/data.json'), 'w') as fd:
247                fd.write('{"area":"digest"}\n')
248        with open(self._conf_file, 'w') as fd:
249            for m in self.MODULES:
250                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._mods_dir, f'mod_{m}.so')):
251                    fd.write(f'LoadModule {m}_module   "{self._mods_dir}/mod_{m}.so"\n')
252            if Httpd.MOD_CURLTEST is not None:
253                fd.write(f'LoadModule curltest_module   "{Httpd.MOD_CURLTEST}"\n')
254            conf = [   # base server config
255                f'ServerRoot "{self._apache_dir}"',
256                'DefaultRuntimeDir logs',
257                'PidFile httpd.pid',
258                f'ErrorLog {self._error_log}',
259                f'LogLevel {self._get_log_level()}',
260                'StartServers 4',
261                'ReadBufferSize 16000',
262                'H2MinWorkers 16',
263                'H2MaxWorkers 256',
264                f'Listen {self.env.http_port}',
265                f'Listen {self.env.https_port}',
266                f'Listen {self.env.proxy_port}',
267                f'Listen {self.env.proxys_port}',
268                f'TypesConfig "{self._conf_dir}/mime.types',
269                'SSLSessionCache "shmcb:ssl_gcache_data(32000)"',
270            ]
271            if 'base' in self._extra_configs:
272                conf.extend(self._extra_configs['base'])
273            conf.extend([  # plain http host for domain1
274                f'<VirtualHost *:{self.env.http_port}>',
275                f'    ServerName {domain1}',
276                '    ServerAlias localhost',
277                f'    DocumentRoot "{self._docs_dir}"',
278                '    Protocols h2c http/1.1',
279                '    H2Direct on',
280            ])
281            conf.extend(self._curltest_conf(domain1))
282            conf.extend([
283                '</VirtualHost>',
284                '',
285            ])
286            conf.extend([  # https host for domain1, h1 + h2
287                f'<VirtualHost *:{self.env.https_port}>',
288                f'    ServerName {domain1}',
289                '    ServerAlias localhost',
290                '    Protocols h2 http/1.1',
291                '    SSLEngine on',
292                f'    SSLCertificateFile {creds1.cert_file}',
293                f'    SSLCertificateKeyFile {creds1.pkey_file}',
294                f'    DocumentRoot "{self._docs_dir}"',
295            ])
296            conf.extend(self._curltest_conf(domain1))
297            if domain1 in self._extra_configs:
298                conf.extend(self._extra_configs[domain1])
299            conf.extend([
300                '</VirtualHost>',
301                '',
302            ])
303            # Alternate to domain1 with BROTLI compression
304            conf.extend([  # https host for domain1, h1 + h2
305                f'<VirtualHost *:{self.env.https_port}>',
306                f'    ServerName {domain1brotli}',
307                '    Protocols h2 http/1.1',
308                '    SSLEngine on',
309                f'    SSLCertificateFile {creds1.cert_file}',
310                f'    SSLCertificateKeyFile {creds1.pkey_file}',
311                f'    DocumentRoot "{self._docs_dir}"',
312                '    SetOutputFilter BROTLI_COMPRESS',
313            ])
314            conf.extend(self._curltest_conf(domain1))
315            if domain1 in self._extra_configs:
316                conf.extend(self._extra_configs[domain1])
317            conf.extend([
318                '</VirtualHost>',
319                '',
320            ])
321            conf.extend([  # plain http host for domain2
322                f'<VirtualHost *:{self.env.http_port}>',
323                f'    ServerName {domain2}',
324                '    ServerAlias localhost',
325                f'    DocumentRoot "{self._docs_dir}"',
326                '    Protocols h2c http/1.1',
327            ])
328            conf.extend(self._curltest_conf(domain2))
329            conf.extend([
330                '</VirtualHost>',
331                '',
332            ])
333            conf.extend([  # https host for domain2, no h2
334                f'<VirtualHost *:{self.env.https_port}>',
335                f'    ServerName {domain2}',
336                '    Protocols http/1.1',
337                '    SSLEngine on',
338                f'    SSLCertificateFile {creds2.cert_file}',
339                f'    SSLCertificateKeyFile {creds2.pkey_file}',
340                f'    DocumentRoot "{self._docs_dir}/two"',
341            ])
342            conf.extend(self._curltest_conf(domain2))
343            if domain2 in self._extra_configs:
344                conf.extend(self._extra_configs[domain2])
345            conf.extend([
346                '</VirtualHost>',
347                '',
348            ])
349            conf.extend([  # http forward proxy
350                f'<VirtualHost *:{self.env.proxy_port}>',
351                f'    ServerName {proxy_domain}',
352                '    Protocols h2c http/1.1',
353                '    ProxyRequests On',
354                '    H2ProxyRequests On',
355                '    ProxyVia On',
356                f'    AllowCONNECT {self.env.http_port} {self.env.https_port}',
357            ])
358            conf.extend(self._get_proxy_conf())
359            conf.extend([
360                '</VirtualHost>',
361                '',
362            ])
363            conf.extend([  # https forward proxy
364                f'<VirtualHost *:{self.env.proxys_port}>',
365                f'    ServerName {proxy_domain}',
366                '    Protocols h2 http/1.1',
367                '    SSLEngine on',
368                f'    SSLCertificateFile {proxy_creds.cert_file}',
369                f'    SSLCertificateKeyFile {proxy_creds.pkey_file}',
370                '    ProxyRequests On',
371                '    H2ProxyRequests On',
372                '    ProxyVia On',
373                f'    AllowCONNECT {self.env.http_port} {self.env.https_port}',
374            ])
375            conf.extend(self._get_proxy_conf())
376            conf.extend([
377                '</VirtualHost>',
378                '',
379            ])
381            fd.write("\n".join(conf))
382        with open(os.path.join(self._conf_dir, 'mime.types'), 'w') as fd:
383            fd.write("\n".join([
384                'text/html             html',
385                'application/json      json',
386                ''
387            ]))
389    def _get_proxy_conf(self):
390        if self._proxy_auth_basic:
391            return [
392                '    <Proxy "*">',
393                '      AuthType Basic',
394                '      AuthName "Restricted Proxy"',
395                '      AuthBasicProvider file',
396                f'      AuthUserFile "{self._basic_passwords}"',
397                '      Require user proxy',
398                '    </Proxy>',
399            ]
400        else:
401            return [
402                '    <Proxy "*">',
403                '      Require ip',
404                '    </Proxy>',
405            ]
407    def _get_log_level(self):
408        if self.env.verbose > 3:
409            return 'trace2'
410        if self.env.verbose > 2:
411            return 'trace1'
412        if self.env.verbose > 1:
413            return 'debug'
414        return 'info'
416    def _curltest_conf(self, servername) -> List[str]:
417        lines = []
418        if Httpd.MOD_CURLTEST is not None:
419            lines.extend([
420                '    Redirect 302 /data.json.302 /data.json',
421                '    Redirect 301 /curltest/echo301 /curltest/echo',
422                '    Redirect 302 /curltest/echo302 /curltest/echo',
423                '    Redirect 303 /curltest/echo303 /curltest/echo',
424                '    Redirect 307 /curltest/echo307 /curltest/echo',
425                '    <Location /curltest/sslinfo>',
426                '      SSLOptions StdEnvVars',
427                '      SetHandler curltest-sslinfo',
428                '    </Location>',
429                '    <Location /curltest/echo>',
430                '      SetHandler curltest-echo',
431                '    </Location>',
432                '    <Location /curltest/put>',
433                '      SetHandler curltest-put',
434                '    </Location>',
435                '    <Location /curltest/tweak>',
436                '      SetHandler curltest-tweak',
437                '    </Location>',
438                '    Redirect 302 /tweak /curltest/tweak',
439                '    <Location /curltest/1_1>',
440                '      SetHandler curltest-1_1-required',
441                '    </Location>',
442                '    <Location /curltest/shutdown_unclean>',
443                '      SetHandler curltest-tweak',
444                '      SetEnv force-response-1.0 1',
445                '    </Location>',
446                '    SetEnvIf Request_URI "/shutdown_unclean" ssl-unclean=1',
447            ])
448        if self._auth_digest:
449            lines.extend([
450                f'    <Directory {self.docs_dir}/restricted/digest>',
451                '      AuthType Digest',
452                '      AuthName "restricted area"',
453                f'      AuthDigestDomain "https://{servername}"',
454                '      AuthBasicProvider file',
455                f'      AuthUserFile "{self._digest_passwords}"',
456                '      Require valid-user',
457                '    </Directory>',
459            ])
460        return lines
462    def _init_curltest(self):
463        if Httpd.MOD_CURLTEST is not None:
464            return
465        local_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(Httpd))
466        p = subprocess.run([self.env.apxs, '-c', 'mod_curltest.c'],
467                           capture_output=True,
468                           cwd=os.path.join(local_dir, 'mod_curltest'))
469        rv = p.returncode
470        if rv != 0:
471            log.error(f"compiling mod_curltest failed: {p.stderr}")
472            raise Exception(f"compiling mod_curltest failed: {p.stderr}")
473        Httpd.MOD_CURLTEST = os.path.join(
474            local_dir, 'mod_curltest/.libs/mod_curltest.so')