xref: /curl/docs/examples/Makefile.inc (revision 5d75bcd2)
2#                                  _   _ ____  _
3#  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
4#                             / __| | | | |_) | |
5#                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
6#                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
8# Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
10# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
11# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
12# are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html.
14# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
15# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
16# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
18# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
19# KIND, either express or implied.
21# SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
25# These are all libcurl example programs to be test compiled
26check_PROGRAMS = \
27  10-at-a-time \
28  address-scope \
29  altsvc \
30  anyauthput \
31  certinfo \
32  chkspeed \
33  connect-to \
34  cookie_interface \
35  debug \
36  default-scheme \
37  externalsocket \
38  fileupload \
39  ftp-wildcard \
40  ftpget \
41  ftpgetinfo \
42  ftpgetresp \
43  ftpsget \
44  ftpupload \
45  ftpuploadfrommem \
46  ftpuploadresume \
47  getinfo \
48  getinmemory \
49  getredirect \
50  getreferrer \
51  headerapi \
52  hsts-preload \
53  http-options \
54  http-post \
55  http2-download \
56  http2-pushinmemory \
57  http2-serverpush \
58  http2-upload \
59  http3 \
60  http3-present \
61  httpcustomheader \
62  httpput \
63  httpput-postfields \
64  https \
65  imap-append \
66  imap-authzid \
67  imap-copy \
68  imap-create \
69  imap-delete \
70  imap-examine \
71  imap-fetch \
72  imap-list \
73  imap-lsub \
74  imap-multi \
75  imap-noop \
76  imap-search \
77  imap-ssl \
78  imap-store \
79  imap-tls \
80  interface \
81  ipv6 \
82  keepalive \
83  localport \
84  maxconnects  \
85  multi-app \
86  multi-debugcallback \
87  multi-double \
88  multi-formadd \
89  multi-legacy \
90  multi-post \
91  multi-single \
92  netrc \
93  parseurl \
94  persistent \
95  pop3-authzid \
96  pop3-dele \
97  pop3-list \
98  pop3-multi \
99  pop3-noop \
100  pop3-retr \
101  pop3-ssl \
102  pop3-stat \
103  pop3-tls \
104  pop3-top \
105  pop3-uidl \
106  post-callback \
107  postinmemory \
108  postit2 \
109  postit2-formadd \
110  progressfunc \
111  protofeats \
112  range \
113  resolve \
114  rtsp-options \
115  sendrecv \
116  sepheaders \
117  sftpget \
118  sftpuploadresume \
119  shared-connection-cache \
120  simple \
121  simplepost \
122  simplessl \
123  smtp-authzid \
124  smtp-expn \
125  smtp-mail \
126  smtp-mime \
127  smtp-multi \
128  smtp-ssl \
129  smtp-tls \
130  smtp-vrfy \
131  sslbackend \
132  unixsocket \
133  url2file \
134  urlapi \
135  websocket \
136  websocket-cb
138# These examples require external dependencies that may not be commonly
139# available on POSIX systems, so do not bother attempting to compile them here.
141  cacertinmem.c \
142  crawler.c \
143  ephiperfifo.c \
144  evhiperfifo.c \
145  ghiper.c \
146  hiperfifo.c \
147  href_extractor.c \
148  htmltidy.c \
149  htmltitle.cpp \
150  multi-event.c \
151  multi-uv.c \
152  multithread.c \
153  sessioninfo.c \
154  smooth-gtk-thread.c \
155  synctime.c \
156  threaded-ssl.c \
157  usercertinmem.c \
158  version-check.pl \
159  xmlstream.c