xref: /curl/docs/cmdline-opts/Makefile.inc (revision a362962b)
2#                                  _   _ ____  _
3#  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
4#                             / __| | | | |_) | |
5#                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
6#                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
8# Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
10# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
11# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
12# are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html.
14# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
15# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
16# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
18# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
19# KIND, either express or implied.
21# SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
24# Shared between Makefile.am and CMakeLists.txt
27  _AUTHORS.md \
28  _BUGS.md \
31  _EXITCODES.md \
32  _FILES.md \
33  _GLOBBING.md \
34  _NAME.md \
35  _OPTIONS.md \
36  _OUTPUT.md \
37  _PROGRESS.md \
38  _PROTOCOLS.md \
40  _SEEALSO.md \
41  _SYNOPSIS.md \
42  _URL.md \
43  _VARIABLES.md \
44  _VERSION.md \
45  _WWW.md
47DPAGES = \
48  abstract-unix-socket.md \
49  alt-svc.md \
50  anyauth.md \
51  append.md \
52  aws-sigv4.md \
53  basic.md \
54  ca-native.md \
55  cacert.md \
56  capath.md \
57  cert-status.md \
58  cert-type.md \
59  cert.md \
60  ciphers.md \
61  compressed-ssh.md \
62  compressed.md \
63  config.md \
64  connect-timeout.md \
65  connect-to.md \
66  continue-at.md \
67  cookie-jar.md \
68  cookie.md \
69  create-dirs.md \
70  create-file-mode.md \
71  crlf.md \
72  crlfile.md \
73  curves.md \
74  data-ascii.md \
75  data-binary.md \
76  data-raw.md \
77  data-urlencode.md \
78  data.md \
79  delegation.md \
80  digest.md \
81  disable-eprt.md \
82  disable-epsv.md \
83  disable.md \
84  disallow-username-in-url.md \
85  dns-interface.md \
86  dns-ipv4-addr.md \
87  dns-ipv6-addr.md \
88  dns-servers.md \
89  doh-cert-status.md \
90  doh-insecure.md \
91  doh-url.md \
92  dump-header.md \
93  ech.md \
94  egd-file.md \
95  engine.md \
96  etag-compare.md \
97  etag-save.md \
98  expect100-timeout.md \
99  fail-early.md \
100  fail-with-body.md \
101  fail.md \
102  false-start.md \
103  form-escape.md \
104  form-string.md \
105  form.md \
106  ftp-account.md \
107  ftp-alternative-to-user.md \
108  ftp-create-dirs.md \
109  ftp-method.md \
110  ftp-pasv.md \
111  ftp-port.md \
112  ftp-pret.md \
113  ftp-skip-pasv-ip.md \
114  ftp-ssl-ccc-mode.md \
115  ftp-ssl-ccc.md \
116  ftp-ssl-control.md \
117  get.md \
118  globoff.md \
119  happy-eyeballs-timeout-ms.md \
120  haproxy-protocol.md \
121  haproxy-clientip.md \
122  head.md \
123  header.md \
124  help.md \
125  hostpubmd5.md \
126  hostpubsha256.md \
127  hsts.md \
128  http0.9.md \
129  http1.0.md \
130  http1.1.md \
131  http2-prior-knowledge.md \
132  http2.md \
133  http3.md \
134  http3-only.md \
135  ignore-content-length.md \
136  include.md \
137  insecure.md \
138  interface.md \
139  ipfs-gateway.md \
140  ipv4.md \
141  ipv6.md \
142  json.md \
143  junk-session-cookies.md \
144  keepalive-time.md \
145  key-type.md \
146  key.md \
147  krb.md \
148  libcurl.md \
149  limit-rate.md \
150  list-only.md \
151  local-port.md \
152  location-trusted.md \
153  location.md \
154  login-options.md \
155  mail-auth.md \
156  mail-from.md \
157  mail-rcpt-allowfails.md \
158  mail-rcpt.md \
159  manual.md \
160  max-filesize.md \
161  max-redirs.md \
162  max-time.md \
163  metalink.md \
164  negotiate.md \
165  netrc-file.md \
166  netrc-optional.md \
167  netrc.md \
168  next.md \
169  no-alpn.md \
170  no-buffer.md \
171  no-clobber.md \
172  no-keepalive.md \
173  no-npn.md \
174  no-progress-meter.md \
175  no-sessionid.md \
176  noproxy.md \
177  ntlm-wb.md \
178  ntlm.md \
179  oauth2-bearer.md \
180  output-dir.md \
181  output.md \
182  parallel-immediate.md \
183  parallel-max.md \
184  parallel.md \
185  pass.md \
186  path-as-is.md \
187  pinnedpubkey.md \
188  post301.md \
189  post302.md \
190  post303.md \
191  preproxy.md \
192  progress-bar.md \
193  proto-default.md \
194  proto-redir.md \
195  proto.md \
196  proxy-anyauth.md \
197  proxy-basic.md \
198  proxy-ca-native.md \
199  proxy-cacert.md \
200  proxy-capath.md \
201  proxy-cert-type.md \
202  proxy-cert.md \
203  proxy-ciphers.md \
204  proxy-crlfile.md \
205  proxy-digest.md \
206  proxy-header.md \
207  proxy-http2.md \
208  proxy-insecure.md \
209  proxy-key-type.md \
210  proxy-key.md \
211  proxy-negotiate.md \
212  proxy-ntlm.md \
213  proxy-pass.md \
214  proxy-pinnedpubkey.md \
215  proxy-service-name.md \
216  proxy-ssl-allow-beast.md \
217  proxy-ssl-auto-client-cert.md \
218  proxy-tls13-ciphers.md \
219  proxy-tlsauthtype.md \
220  proxy-tlspassword.md \
221  proxy-tlsuser.md \
222  proxy-tlsv1.md \
223  proxy-user.md \
224  proxy.md \
225  proxy1.0.md \
226  proxytunnel.md \
227  pubkey.md \
228  quote.md \
229  random-file.md \
230  range.md \
231  rate.md \
232  raw.md \
233  referer.md \
234  remote-header-name.md \
235  remote-name-all.md \
236  remote-name.md \
237  remote-time.md \
238  remove-on-error.md \
239  request-target.md \
240  request.md \
241  resolve.md \
242  retry-all-errors.md \
243  retry-connrefused.md \
244  retry-delay.md \
245  retry-max-time.md \
246  retry.md \
247  sasl-authzid.md \
248  sasl-ir.md \
249  service-name.md \
250  show-error.md \
251  silent.md \
252  socks4.md \
253  socks4a.md \
254  socks5-basic.md \
255  socks5-gssapi-nec.md \
256  socks5-gssapi-service.md \
257  socks5-gssapi.md \
258  socks5-hostname.md \
259  socks5.md \
260  speed-limit.md \
261  speed-time.md \
262  ssl-allow-beast.md \
263  ssl-auto-client-cert.md \
264  ssl-no-revoke.md \
265  ssl-reqd.md \
266  ssl-revoke-best-effort.md \
267  ssl.md \
268  sslv2.md \
269  sslv3.md \
270  stderr.md \
271  styled-output.md \
272  suppress-connect-headers.md \
273  tcp-fastopen.md \
274  tcp-nodelay.md \
275  telnet-option.md \
276  tftp-blksize.md \
277  tftp-no-options.md \
278  time-cond.md \
279  tls-max.md \
280  tls13-ciphers.md \
281  tlsauthtype.md \
282  tlspassword.md \
283  tlsuser.md \
284  tlsv1.0.md \
285  tlsv1.1.md \
286  tlsv1.2.md \
287  tlsv1.3.md \
288  tlsv1.md \
289  tr-encoding.md \
290  trace-ascii.md \
291  trace-config.md \
292  trace-ids.md \
293  trace-time.md \
294  trace.md \
295  unix-socket.md \
296  upload-file.md \
297  url.md \
298  url-query.md \
299  use-ascii.md \
300  user-agent.md \
301  user.md \
302  variable.md \
303  verbose.md \
304  version.md \
305  write-out.md \
306  xattr.md