xref: /curl/.github/workflows/http3-linux.yml (revision f0f9e2c6)
1# Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
3# SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
5name: Linux HTTP/3
8  push:
9    branches:
10      - master
11      - '*/ci'
12    paths-ignore:
13      - '**/*.md'
14      - '**/CMakeLists.txt'
15      - '.circleci/**'
16      - 'appveyor.*'
17      - 'CMake/**'
18      - 'packages/**'
19      - 'plan9/**'
20      - 'projects/**'
21      - 'winbuild/**'
22  pull_request:
23    branches:
24      - master
25    paths-ignore:
26      - '**/*.md'
27      - '**/CMakeLists.txt'
28      - '.circleci/**'
29      - 'appveyor.*'
30      - 'CMake/**'
31      - 'packages/**'
32      - 'plan9/**'
33      - 'projects/**'
34      - 'winbuild/**'
37  # Hardcoded workflow filename as workflow name above is just Linux again
38  group: http3-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.sha }}
39  cancel-in-progress: true
41permissions: {}
44  MAKEFLAGS: -j 5
45  # handled in renovate.json
46  openssl3-version: openssl-3.3.0
47  # unhandled
48  quictls-version: 3.1.4+quic
49  # renovate: datasource=github-tags depName=gnutls/gnutls versioning=semver registryUrl=https://github.com
50  gnutls-version: 3.8.7
51  wolfssl-version: master
52  # renovate: datasource=github-tags depName=ngtcp2/nghttp3 versioning=semver registryUrl=https://github.com
53  nghttp3-version: 1.5.0
54  # renovate: datasource=github-tags depName=ngtcp2/ngtcp2 versioning=semver registryUrl=https://github.com
55  ngtcp2-version: 1.7.0
56  # renovate: datasource=github-tags depName=nghttp2/nghttp2 versioning=semver registryUrl=https://github.com
57  nghttp2-version: 1.62.1
58  # renovate: datasource=github-tags depName=cloudflare/quiche versioning=semver registryUrl=https://github.com
59  quiche-version: 0.22.0
60  # renovate: datasource=github-tags depName=icing/mod_h2 versioning=semver registryUrl=https://github.com
61  mod_h2-version: 2.0.29
64  setup:
65    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
66    outputs:
67      wolfssl-version: ${{ steps.wolfssl-version.outputs.result }}
69    steps:
70      - id: wolfssl-version
71        uses: actions/github-script@60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea # v7
72        with:
73          result-encoding: string
74          script: |
75            let version = '${{ env.wolfssl-version }}'
77            if (version != 'master') {
78                return version
79            }
81            let { data: commits } = await github.rest.repos.listCommits({
82                owner: 'wolfSSL',
83                repo: 'wolfssl',
84            })
86            return commits[0].sha
88  build-cache:
89    needs:
90      - setup
91    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
93    steps:
94      - name: cache quictls
95        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
96        id: cache-quictls-no-deprecated
97        env:
98          cache-name: cache-quictls-no-deprecated
99        with:
100          path: /home/runner/quictls/build
101          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.quictls-version }}
103      - name: cache gnutls
104        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
105        id: cache-gnutls
106        env:
107          cache-name: cache-gnutls
108        with:
109          path: /home/runner/gnutls/build
110          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.gnutls-version }}
112      - name: cache wolfssl
113        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
114        id: cache-wolfssl
115        env:
116          cache-name: cache-wolfssl
117          wolfssl-version: ${{ needs.setup.outputs.wolfssl-version }}
118        with:
119          path: /home/runner/wolfssl/build
120          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.wolfssl-version }}
122      - name: cache nghttp3
123        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
124        id: cache-nghttp3
125        env:
126          cache-name: cache-nghttp3
127        with:
128          path: /home/runner/nghttp3/build
129          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.nghttp3-version }}
131      - name: cache ngtcp2
132        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
133        id: cache-ngtcp2
134        env:
135          cache-name: cache-ngtcp2
136        with:
137          path: /home/runner/ngtcp2/build
138          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.ngtcp2-version }}
140      - name: cache nghttp2
141        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
142        id: cache-nghttp2
143        env:
144          cache-name: cache-nghttp2
145        with:
146          path: /home/runner/nghttp2/build
147          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.nghttp2-version }}
149      - id: settings
150        if: |
151          steps.cache-quictls-no-deprecated.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' ||
152          steps.cache-gnutls.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' ||
153          steps.cache-wolfssl.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' ||
154          steps.cache-nghttp3.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' ||
155          steps.cache-ngtcp2.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' ||
156          steps.cache-nghttp2.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
157        run: |
158          echo 'needs-build=true' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
160      - name: install build prerequisites
161        if: steps.settings.outputs.needs-build == 'true'
162        run: |
163          sudo apt-get install libtool autoconf automake pkgconf stunnel4 \
164            libpsl-dev libbrotli-dev libzstd-dev zlib1g-dev libev-dev libc-ares-dev \
165            nettle-dev libp11-kit-dev libtspi-dev libunistring-dev guile-2.2-dev libtasn1-bin \
166            libtasn1-6-dev libidn2-0-dev gawk gperf libtss2-dev dns-root-data bison gtk-doc-tools \
167            texinfo texlive texlive-extra-utils autopoint libev-dev \
168            apache2 apache2-dev libnghttp2-dev
169          echo 'CC=gcc-12' >> $GITHUB_ENV
170          echo 'CXX=g++-12' >> $GITHUB_ENV
172      - if: steps.cache-quictls-no-deprecated.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
173        run: |
174          cd $HOME
175          git clone --quiet --depth=1 -b openssl-${{ env.quictls-version }} https://github.com/quictls/openssl quictls
176          cd quictls
177          ./config no-deprecated --prefix=$PWD/build --libdir=lib
178          make
179          make -j1 install_sw
180        name: 'build quictls'
182      - if: steps.cache-gnutls.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
183        run: |
184          cd $HOME
185          git clone --quiet --depth=1 -b ${{ env.gnutls-version }} https://github.com/gnutls/gnutls.git
186          cd gnutls
187          ./bootstrap
188          ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=$PWD/build \
189            LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,$PWD/build/lib -L$PWD/build/lib" \
190            --with-included-libtasn1 --with-included-unistring \
191            --disable-guile --disable-doc --disable-tests --disable-tools
192          make
193          make install
194        name: 'build gnutls'
196      - if: steps.cache-wolfssl.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
197        env:
198          wolfssl-version: ${{ needs.setup.outputs.wolfssl-version }}
199        run: |
200          cd $HOME
201          mkdir wolfssl
202          cd wolfssl
203          git init
204          git remote add origin https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl.git
205          git fetch origin --depth=1 ${{ env.wolfssl-version }}
206          git checkout ${{ env.wolfssl-version }}
207          ./autogen.sh
208          ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-all --enable-quic --prefix=$PWD/build
209          make
210          make install
211        name: 'build wolfssl'
213      - if: steps.cache-nghttp3.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
214        run: |
215          cd $HOME
216          git clone --quiet --depth=1 -b v${{ env.nghttp3-version }} https://github.com/ngtcp2/nghttp3
217          cd nghttp3
218          git submodule update --init
219          autoreconf -fi
220          ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=$PWD/build PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PWD/build/lib/pkgconfig" --enable-lib-only
221          make
222          make install
223        name: 'build nghttp3'
225      - if: steps.cache-ngtcp2.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
226        run: |
227          cd $HOME
228          git clone --quiet --depth=1 -b v${{ env.ngtcp2-version }} https://github.com/ngtcp2/ngtcp2
229          cd ngtcp2
230          autoreconf -fi
231          ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=$PWD/build \
232            PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PWD/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/quictls/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/gnutls/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/wolfssl/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/nghttp3/build/lib/pkgconfig" \
233            --enable-lib-only --with-openssl --with-gnutls --with-wolfssl
234          make install
235        name: 'build ngtcp2'
237      - if: steps.cache-nghttp2.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
238        run: |
239          cd $HOME
240          git clone --quiet --depth=1 -b v${{ env.nghttp2-version }} https://github.com/nghttp2/nghttp2
241          cd nghttp2
242          autoreconf -fi
243          ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=$PWD/build \
244            PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/quictls/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/nghttp3/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/ngtcp2/build/lib/pkgconfig" \
245            LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,$HOME/quictls/build/lib" \
246            --enable-http3
247          make install
248        name: 'build nghttp2'
250  autotools:
251    name: ${{ matrix.build.name }}
252    needs:
253      - setup
254      - build-cache
255    runs-on: 'ubuntu-latest'
256    timeout-minutes: 60
257    strategy:
258      fail-fast: false
259      matrix:
260        build:
261          - name: quictls
262            configure: >-
263              PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/quictls/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/nghttp3/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/ngtcp2/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/nghttp2/build/lib/pkgconfig" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,$HOME/quictls/build/lib"
264              --with-ngtcp2=$HOME/ngtcp2/build --enable-warnings --enable-werror --enable-debug --disable-ntlm
265              --with-test-nghttpx="$HOME/nghttp2/build/bin/nghttpx"
266              --with-openssl=$HOME/quictls/build
267          - name: gnutls
268            configure: >-
269              PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/gnutls/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/nghttp3/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/ngtcp2/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/nghttp2/build/lib/pkgconfig" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,$HOME/gnutls/build/lib"
270              --with-ngtcp2=$HOME/ngtcp2/build --enable-warnings --enable-werror --enable-debug
271              --with-test-nghttpx="$HOME/nghttp2/build/bin/nghttpx"
272              --with-gnutls=$HOME/gnutls/build
273          - name: wolfssl
274            configure: >-
275              PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/wolfssl/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/nghttp3/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/ngtcp2/build/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/nghttp2/build/lib/pkgconfig" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,$HOME/wolfssl/build/lib"
276              --with-ngtcp2=$HOME/ngtcp2/build --enable-warnings --enable-werror --enable-debug
277              --with-test-nghttpx="$HOME/nghttp2/build/bin/nghttpx"
278              --with-wolfssl=$HOME/wolfssl/build
279          - name: openssl-quic
280            configure: >-
281              PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/openssl3/build/lib64/pkgconfig" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,$HOME/openssl3/build/lib64"
282              --enable-warnings --enable-werror --enable-debug --disable-ntlm
283              --with-test-nghttpx="$HOME/nghttp2/build/bin/nghttpx"
284              --with-openssl=$HOME/openssl3/build --with-openssl-quic
285              --with-nghttp3=$HOME/nghttp3/build
286          - name: quiche
287            configure: >-
288              LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/home/runner/quiche/target/release"
289              --with-openssl=/home/runner/quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src
290              --enable-warnings --enable-werror --enable-debug
291              --with-quiche=/home/runner/quiche/target/release
292              --with-test-nghttpx="$HOME/nghttp2/build/bin/nghttpx"
293              --with-ca-fallback
295    steps:
296      - run: |
297          sudo apt-get install libtool autoconf automake pkgconf stunnel4 \
298            libpsl-dev libbrotli-dev libzstd-dev zlib1g-dev libev-dev libc-ares-dev \
299            nettle-dev libp11-kit-dev libtspi-dev libunistring-dev guile-2.2-dev libtasn1-bin \
300            libtasn1-6-dev libidn2-0-dev gawk gperf libtss2-dev dns-root-data bison gtk-doc-tools \
301            texinfo texlive texlive-extra-utils autopoint libev-dev \
302            apache2 apache2-dev libnghttp2-dev vsftpd
303          echo 'CC=gcc-12' >> $GITHUB_ENV
304          echo 'CXX=g++-12' >> $GITHUB_ENV
305        name: 'install prereqs and impacket, pytest, crypto, apache2'
307      - name: cache quictls
308        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
309        id: cache-quictls-no-deprecated
310        env:
311          cache-name: cache-quictls-no-deprecated
312        with:
313          path: /home/runner/quictls/build
314          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.quictls-version }}
315          fail-on-cache-miss: true
317      - name: cache gnutls
318        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
319        id: cache-gnutls
320        env:
321          cache-name: cache-gnutls
322        with:
323          path: /home/runner/gnutls/build
324          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.gnutls-version }}
325          fail-on-cache-miss: true
327      - name: cache wolfssl
328        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
329        id: cache-wolfssl
330        env:
331          cache-name: cache-wolfssl
332          wolfssl-version: ${{ needs.setup.outputs.wolfssl-version }}
333        with:
334          path: /home/runner/wolfssl/build
335          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.wolfssl-version }}
336          fail-on-cache-miss: true
338      - name: cache nghttp3
339        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
340        id: cache-nghttp3
341        env:
342          cache-name: cache-nghttp3
343        with:
344          path: /home/runner/nghttp3/build
345          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.nghttp3-version }}
346          fail-on-cache-miss: true
348      - name: cache ngtcp2
349        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
350        id: cache-ngtcp2
351        env:
352          cache-name: cache-ngtcp2
353        with:
354          path: /home/runner/ngtcp2/build
355          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.ngtcp2-version }}
356          fail-on-cache-miss: true
358      - name: cache nghttp2
359        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
360        id: cache-nghttp2
361        env:
362          cache-name: cache-nghttp2
363        with:
364          path: /home/runner/nghttp2/build
365          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.nghttp2-version }}
366          fail-on-cache-miss: true
368      - name: cache openssl3
369        if: matrix.build.name == 'openssl-quic'
370        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
371        id: cache-openssl3
372        env:
373          cache-name: cache-openssl3
374        with:
375          path: /home/runner/openssl3/build
376          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.openssl3-version }}
378      - name: 'install openssl3'
379        if: matrix.build.name == 'openssl-quic' && steps.cache-openssl3.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
380        run: |
381          git clone --quiet --depth=1 -b ${{ env.openssl3-version }} https://github.com/openssl/openssl
382          cd openssl
383          ./config --prefix=$HOME/openssl3/build
384          make -j1 install_sw
385          cat exporters/openssl.pc
387      - name: cache quiche
388        if: matrix.build.name == 'quiche'
389        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
390        id: cache-quiche
391        env:
392          cache-name: cache-quiche
393        with:
394          path: /home/runner/quiche
395          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-quiche-${{ env.quiche-version }}
397      - if: matrix.build.name == 'quiche' && steps.cache-quiche.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
398        run: |
399          cd $HOME
400          git clone --quiet --depth=1 -b ${{ env.quiche-version }} --recursive https://github.com/cloudflare/quiche.git
401          cd quiche
402          #### Work-around https://github.com/curl/curl/issues/7927 #######
403          #### See https://github.com/alexcrichton/cmake-rs/issues/131 ####
404          sed -i -e 's/cmake = "0.1"/cmake = "=0.1.45"/' quiche/Cargo.toml
406          cargo build -v --package quiche --release --features ffi,pkg-config-meta,qlog --verbose
407          ln -s libquiche.so target/release/libquiche.so.0
408          mkdir -v quiche/deps/boringssl/src/lib
409          ln -vnf $(find target/release -name libcrypto.a -o -name libssl.a) quiche/deps/boringssl/src/lib/
411          # include dir
412          # /home/runner/quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src/include
413          # lib dir
414          # /home/runner/quiche/quiche/deps/boringssl/src/lib
415        name: 'build quiche and boringssl'
417      - name: cache mod_h2
418        uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4
419        id: cache-mod_h2
420        env:
421          cache-name: cache-mod_h2
422        with:
423          path: /home/runner/mod_h2
424          key: ${{ runner.os }}-http3-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ env.mod_h2-version }}
426      - if: steps.cache-mod_h2.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
427        run: |
428          cd $HOME
429          git clone --quiet --depth=1 -b v${{ env.mod_h2-version }} https://github.com/icing/mod_h2
430          cd mod_h2
431          autoreconf -fi
432          ./configure
433          make
434        name: 'build mod_h2'
436      - run: |
437          cd $HOME/mod_h2
438          sudo make install
439        name: 'install mod_h2'
441      - uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4
443      - run: |
444          sudo python3 -m pip install -r tests/requirements.txt -r tests/http/requirements.txt
445        name: 'install python test prereqs'
447      - run: autoreconf -fi
448        name: 'autoreconf'
450      - run: ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-unity --enable-test-bundles ${{ matrix.build.configure }}
451        name: 'configure'
453      - run: make V=1
454        name: 'make'
456      - run: make V=1 -C tests
457        name: 'make tests'
459      - run: make V=1 test-ci
460        name: 'run tests'
461        env:
462          TFLAGS: "${{ matrix.build.tflags }}"
464      - run: pytest -v tests/http
465        name: 'run pytest'
466        env:
467          TFLAGS: "${{ matrix.build.tflags }}"
468          CURL_CI: github
470      - run: make V=1 examples
471        name: 'make examples'