1--TEST-- 2Bug #77586 Symbolic link names in tar-formatted phar must be less than 100 bytes. 3--EXTENSIONS-- 4phar 5--SKIPIF-- 6<?php if (true /* blocked by bug 65332 */) die("skip"); ?> 7--FILE-- 8<?php 9$dir = __DIR__."/bug77586"; 10$phar = new PharData($dir . "/bug77586.tar"); 11$phar->buildFromDirectory($dir . "/files"); 12?> 13--CLEAN-- 14<?php 15$dir = __DIR__."/bug77586"; 16unlink($dir . "/bug77586.tar"); 17?> 18--EXPECTF-- 19Fatal error: Uncaught PharException: tar-based phar "%s/bug77586.tar" cannot be created, link "%s" is too long for format %s 20Stack trace: 21#0 %s/bug77586.php(%d): PharData->buildFromDirectory('%s') 22#1 {main} 23 thrown in %s/bug77586.php %s on line %d 24