1--TEST-- 2Bug #48929 (duplicate \r\n sent after last header line) 3--INI-- 4allow_url_fopen=1 5--SKIPIF-- 6<?php require 'server.inc'; http_server_skipif(); ?> 7--FILE-- 8<?php 9require 'server.inc'; 10 11function do_test($context_options) { 12 13 $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => $context_options)); 14 15 $responses = array( 16 "data://text/plain,HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n", 17 ); 18 19 ['pid' => $pid, 'uri' => $uri] = http_server($responses, $output); 20 21 foreach($responses as $r) { 22 23 $fd = fopen($uri, 'rb', false, $context); 24 25 fseek($output, 0, SEEK_SET); 26 var_dump(stream_get_contents($output)); 27 fseek($output, 0, SEEK_SET); 28 } 29 30 http_server_kill($pid); 31} 32 33echo "-- Test: requests with 'header' as array --\n"; 34 35do_test(array('header' => array('X-Foo: bar', 'Content-Type: text/plain'), 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => 'ohai')); 36 37echo "-- Test: requests with 'header' as string --\n"; 38 39do_test(array('header' => "X-Foo: bar\r\nContent-Type: text/plain", 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => 'ohai')); 40 41?> 42--EXPECTF-- 43-- Test: requests with 'header' as array -- 44string(%d) "POST / HTTP/1.1 45Host: %s:%d 46Connection: close 47Content-Length: 4 48X-Foo: bar 49Content-Type: text/plain 50 51ohai" 52-- Test: requests with 'header' as string -- 53string(%d) "POST / HTTP/1.1 54Host: %s:%d 55Connection: close 56Content-Length: 4 57X-Foo: bar 58Content-Type: text/plain 59 60ohai" 61