1--TEST-- 2Preloading class using trait with undefined class constant access 3--INI-- 4opcache.enable=1 5opcache.enable_cli=1 6opcache.optimization_level=-1 7opcache.preload={PWD}/preload_undef_const_2.inc 8--SKIPIF-- 9<?php 10require_once('skipif.inc'); 11if (PHP_OS_FAMILY == 'Windows') die('skip Preloading is not supported on Windows'); 12if (getenv('SKIP_ASAN')) die('xfail Startup failure leak'); 13?> 14--FILE-- 15<?php 16var_dump(trait_exists('T')); 17var_dump(class_exists('Foo')); 18?> 19--EXPECT-- 20Fatal error: Undefined constant "UNDEF" in Unknown on line 0 21 22Fatal error: Failed to resolve initializers of class Foo during preloading in Unknown on line 0 23