1--TEST-- 2PDO OCI Bug #60994 (Reading a multibyte CLOB caps at 8192 characters) 3--CREDITS-- 4Chuck Burgess 5ashnazg@php.net 6--SKIPIF-- 7<?php 8/* $Id$ */ 9if (!extension_loaded('mbstring') || !extension_loaded('pdo') || !extension_loaded('pdo_oci')) die('skip not loaded'); 10require dirname(__FILE__).'/../../pdo/tests/pdo_test.inc'; 11if (!strpos(strtolower(getenv('PDOTEST_DSN')), 'charset=al32utf8')) die('skip expected output valid for AL32UTF8 character set'); 12PDOTest::skip(); 13?> 14--FILE-- 15<?php 16require 'ext/pdo/tests/pdo_test.inc'; 17$dbh = PDOTest::factory(); 18$dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_NATURAL); 19$dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, false); 20 21@$dbh->exec('DROP TABLE pdo_oci_bug60994'); 22$dbh->exec('CREATE TABLE pdo_oci_bug60994 (id NUMBER, data CLOB)'); 23 24$id = null; 25$insert = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO pdo_oci_bug60994 (id, data) VALUES (:id, :data)'); 26$insert->bindParam(':id', $id, \PDO::PARAM_STR); 27$select = $dbh->prepare("SELECT data FROM pdo_oci_bug60994 WHERE id = :id"); 28 29 30echo PHP_EOL, 'Test 1: j', PHP_EOL; 31$string1 = 'abc' . str_repeat('j', 8187) . 'xyz'; // 8193 chars total works fine here (even 1 million works fine, subject to memory_limit) 32$id = 1; 33$insert->bindParam(':data', $string1, \PDO::PARAM_STR, strlen($string1)); // length in bytes 34$insert->execute(); 35$select->bindParam(':id', $id, \PDO::PARAM_STR); 36$select->execute(); 37$row = $select->fetch(); 38$stream1 = stream_get_contents($row['DATA']); 39$start1 = mb_substr($stream1, 0, 10); 40$ending1 = mb_substr($stream1, -10); 41echo 'size of string1 is ', strlen($string1), ' bytes, ', mb_strlen($string1), ' chars.', PHP_EOL; 42echo 'size of stream1 is ', strlen($stream1), ' bytes, ', mb_strlen($stream1), ' chars.', PHP_EOL; 43echo 'beg of stream1 is ', $start1, PHP_EOL; 44echo 'end of stream1 is ', $ending1, PHP_EOL; 45 46 47echo PHP_EOL, 'Test 2: £', PHP_EOL; 48$string2 = 'abc' . str_repeat('£', 8187) . 'xyz'; // 8193 chars total is when it breaks 49$id = 2; 50$insert->bindParam(':data', $string2, \PDO::PARAM_STR, strlen($string2)); // length in bytes 51$insert->execute(); 52$select->bindParam(':id', $id, \PDO::PARAM_STR); 53$select->execute(); 54$row = $select->fetch(); 55$stream2 = stream_get_contents($row['DATA']); 56$start2 = mb_substr($stream2, 0, 10); 57$ending2 = mb_substr($stream2, -10); 58echo 'size of string2 is ', strlen($string2), ' bytes, ', mb_strlen($string2), ' chars.', PHP_EOL; 59echo 'size of stream2 is ', strlen($stream2), ' bytes, ', mb_strlen($stream2), ' chars.', PHP_EOL; 60echo 'beg of stream2 is ', $start2, PHP_EOL; 61echo 'end of stream2 is ', $ending2, PHP_EOL; 62 63 64echo PHP_EOL, 'Test 3: Җ', PHP_EOL; 65$string3 = 'abc' . str_repeat('Җ', 8187) . 'xyz'; // 8193 chars total is when it breaks 66$id = 3; 67$insert->bindParam(':data', $string3, \PDO::PARAM_STR, strlen($string3)); // length in bytes 68$insert->execute(); 69$select->bindParam(':id', $id, \PDO::PARAM_STR); 70$select->execute(); 71$row = $select->fetch(); 72$stream3 = stream_get_contents($row['DATA']); 73$start3 = mb_substr($stream3, 0, 10); 74$ending3 = mb_substr($stream3, -10); 75echo 'size of string3 is ', strlen($string3), ' bytes, ', mb_strlen($string3), ' chars.', PHP_EOL; 76echo 'size of stream3 is ', strlen($stream3), ' bytes, ', mb_strlen($stream3), ' chars.', PHP_EOL; 77echo 'beg of stream3 is ', $start3, PHP_EOL; 78echo 'end of stream3 is ', $ending3, PHP_EOL; 79 80 81echo PHP_EOL, 'Test 4: の', PHP_EOL; 82$string4 = 'abc' . str_repeat('の', 8187) . 'xyz'; // 8193 chars total is when it breaks 83$id = 4; 84$insert->bindParam(':data', $string4, \PDO::PARAM_STR, strlen($string4)); // length in bytes 85$insert->execute(); 86$select->bindParam(':id', $id, \PDO::PARAM_STR); 87$select->execute(); 88$row = $select->fetch(); 89$stream4 = stream_get_contents($row['DATA']); 90$start4 = mb_substr($stream4, 0, 10); 91$ending4 = mb_substr($stream4, -10); 92echo 'size of string4 is ', strlen($string4), ' bytes, ', mb_strlen($string4), ' chars.', PHP_EOL; 93echo 'size of stream4 is ', strlen($stream4), ' bytes, ', mb_strlen($stream4), ' chars.', PHP_EOL; 94echo 'beg of stream4 is ', $start4, PHP_EOL; 95echo 'end of stream4 is ', $ending4, PHP_EOL; 96--XFAIL-- 97Fails due to Bug 60994 98--EXPECTF-- 99Test 1: j 100size of string1 is 1000006 bytes, 1000006 chars. 101size of stream1 is 1000006 bytes, 1000006 chars. 102beg of stream1 is abcjjjjjjj 103end of stream1 is jjjjjjjxyz 104 105Test 2: £ 106size of string2 is 16380 bytes, 8193 chars. 107size of stream2 is 16380 bytes, 8193 chars. 108beg of stream2 is abc£££££££ 109end of stream2 is £££££££xyz 110 111Test 3: Җ 112size of string3 is 16380 bytes, 8193 chars. 113size of stream3 is 16380 bytes, 8193 chars. 114beg of stream3 is abcҖҖҖҖҖҖҖ 115end of stream3 is ҖҖҖҖҖҖҖxyz 116 117Test 4: の 118size of string4 is 24567 bytes, 8193 chars. 119size of stream4 is 24567 bytes, 8193 chars. 120beg of stream4 is abcののののののの 121end of stream4 is のののののののxyz 122