History log of /web-master/entry/svn-account.php (Results 1 – 21 of 21)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 3f5dc40d 01-Apr-2021 Nikita Popov

Use db_query_safe() in more places

Replace most of the raw mysql_query() calls.

# c8506579 31-Mar-2021 Nikita Popov

Remove get_magic_quotes_gpc() checks

master.php.net runs PHP 5.4, where magic quotes no longer exist.
Add a sanity check that they're really disable, and drop code
handling them. The

Remove get_magic_quotes_gpc() checks

master.php.net runs PHP 5.4, where magic quotes no longer exist.
Add a sanity check that they're really disable, and drop code
handling them. There was at least one use of escape() that wouldn't
do the right thing if this code was run with magic quotes.

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# 0e511803 10-Dec-2018 Peter Kokot

Refactor long array() syntax to short []

Since app is using PHP 5.4+ already, the longer `array()` syntax can be
refactored to shorter `[]`.

# b7e19fb2 26-Nov-2018 Peter Kokot

Fix #64897: different username length

This patch adds a username length validation. According to the SQL file
schema the username field is varchar(16) so this sets its limit to 16

Fix #64897: different username length

This patch adds a username length validation. According to the SQL file
schema the username field is varchar(16) so this sets its limit to 16

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# c7935f23 10-Jul-2014 kovacs.ferenc

my stupid typo is preventing to save the full name for the account requests

# efa8fa54 11-Jun-2014 kovacs.ferenc

escape the $name, $email, $username and $note variables coming from $_REQUEST
magic_quote_gpc makes this not exploitable, but we should move away from that sooner or later

# e8a33e3e 11-Dec-2013 Hannes Magnusson

Fix path/to/files

# ada579ee 11-Dec-2013 Hannes Magnusson

Kill md5 and CVS fallbacks..

People that have never logged in since the move to SVN
Are effectively blocked out by this change and they'll have to reset their passwords.

# f4e4f1ea 11-Dec-2013 Hannes Magnusson

Kill a tiny svn-auth.inc

# e989df7d 05-Jul-2012 Hannes Magnusson

s/SVN/VCS/ and modify the approval subject to match the request

# e4c5dd6f 31-Jan-2012 Adam Harvey

Remove trailing parenthesis.

# 4e35dbf4 27-Jan-2012 Rasmus Lerdorf

Missed one

# aaea42a2 22-Jan-2012 Rasmus Lerdorf

Remove transitional master2 name

# a99a7f01 21-Jan-2012 Rasmus Lerdorf

Get rid of some time() calls - they bug me

# c6814496 21-Jan-2012 Rasmus Lerdorf

Switch to default filtering

# 42888ee6 20-Jan-2012 Rasmus Lerdorf

switch these to master2

# 1b76641d 24-Jul-2011 Ferenc Kovacs

fix an xss vuln (the previous commit could be enough, but just in case)

# b0a199d9 25-Jun-2010 Philip Olson

Added selected group to the initial note

# dc85876e 19-Dec-2009 Philip Olson

Require usernames to be [a-z0-9_.-], and update the 'bad users' list

# a3943a41 26-Aug-2009 Philip Olson

# Still some $cvspasswd versus $svnpasswd cleanup is needed

# 81c61cf0 29-Jul-2009 Philip Olson

Renamed cvs-account.php to svn-account.php as svn-php.php refers to the latter currently.
peclweb will be updated later.