History log of /PHP-8.4/ext/zend_test/object_handlers.stub.php (Results 1 – 2 of 2)
Revision Date Author Comments
# a479ed7c 25-Jan-2024 Gina Peter Banyard

Zend: Add tests for offsets and containers (#12723)

Add various tests showcasing the behavioural variations of different offset types used on various container types in all possible operatio

Zend: Add tests for offsets and containers (#12723)

Add various tests showcasing the behavioural variations of different offset types used on various container types in all possible operations:
- Read
- Write
- Read Write
- Appending
- Unsetting
- Existence checks with isset()/empty/null coalesce operator
- Behaviour of nesting dimensions (e.g. $container[$offset1][$offset2])

Add a test to ensure compile time and runtime behaviour is identical for offsets.

Add an internal class that overloads the dimension object handlers to zend_test

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# 65a02f48 02-Aug-2023 George Peter Banyard

ext/zend_test: Move object handler test objects to their own file (#11852)