History log of /PHP-8.4/ext/standard/tests/streams/bug51056.phpt (Results 1 – 3 of 3)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 0b5de301 25-Nov-2024 Christoph M. Becker

Use another for bug51056.phpt

This port is already used by san_ipv6_peer_matching.phpt, wo we choose
another port which is not explicitly used in our test suite. The
proper solution

Use another for bug51056.phpt

This port is already used by san_ipv6_peer_matching.phpt, wo we choose
another port which is not explicitly used in our test suite. The
proper solution would be to use ephemeral ports[1], but our OpenSSL
`ServerClientTestCase` does not support this yet.

[1] <https://github.com/php/php-src/commit/6ab4e330ac032389d370a722e54ee63aafaa9728>

Closes GH-16871.

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# 1ea8c821 23-Oct-2022 Jakub Zelenka

Make test for bug #51056 (blocking read) more reliable

It seems that it might sometimes not return the last 0 bytes on Windows
because it likely signals EOF before that. We do not really

Make test for bug #51056 (blocking read) more reliable

It seems that it might sometimes not return the last 0 bytes on Windows
because it likely signals EOF before that. We do not really need to
check it so only non 0 lines are printed.

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# 18fe337b 05-Oct-2022 Jakub Zelenka

Fix bug #51056: fread() on blocking stream will block even if data is available

This is applied only on socket connection which already returns
immediately if there is no data in the buf

Fix bug #51056: fread() on blocking stream will block even if data is available

This is applied only on socket connection which already returns
immediately if there is no data in the buffer.

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