History log of /PHP-8.4/ext/standard/tests/network/gh12190.phpt (Results 1 – 1 of 1)
Revision Date Author Comments
# d65c8003 12-Sep-2023 David Carlier

Fix GH-12190: stream_context_create with address and port at 0.

Prior to the 8.1 rewrite, inet_aton was used for ipv4 addresses
therefore addresses like `0` passed.
For the bindto's

Fix GH-12190: stream_context_create with address and port at 0.

Prior to the 8.1 rewrite, inet_aton was used for ipv4 addresses
therefore addresses like `0` passed.
For the bindto's case where both ip and port are set as such, we discard
the address binding.

Close GH-12195

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