History log of /PHP-8.4/ext/opcache/tests/gh9259_001.phpt (Results 1 – 3 of 3)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 0bf063dc 20-Mar-2024 Dmitry Stogov

Disabe test for 32-bit build

# 1bae61a4 19-Mar-2024 Arnaud Le Blanc

Compress interned string table offsets and increase maximum supported buffer size (#13676)

Compress interned string table offsets and increase maximum supported buffer size

The inte

Compress interned string table offsets and increase maximum supported buffer size (#13676)

Compress interned string table offsets and increase maximum supported buffer size

The interned string buffer is organized as a header + a hash table + a
zend_string arena. Hash slots point to the arena, but are represented as 32bit
offsets from the buffer, which limits the maximum buffer size to about 4GiB.
However zend_strings are 8-byte aligned in the buffer, so we can compress the
3 lower bits. This allows to increase the maximum supported interned string
buffer size from 4095 MiB to 32767 MiB.

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# fb242f41 03-Sep-2022 Arnaud Le Blanc

Fix high opcache.interned_strings_buffer causing shm corruption (#9260)