History log of /PHP-8.4/Zend/tests/lazy_objects/init_trigger_foreach_hooks.phpt (Results 1 – 2 of 2)
Revision Date Author Comments
# c9dfb774 03-Oct-2024 Arnaud Le Blanc

Deny resetting an object as lazy during property iteration

Supporting object reset while its properties are being iterated would increase
complexity for little benefit. Furthermore it ma

Deny resetting an object as lazy during property iteration

Supporting object reset while its properties are being iterated would increase
complexity for little benefit. Furthermore it may not be possible to ensure a
consistent behavior between ghosts and proxies (wrt to iteration position).

Iteration is detected by checking if the object's properties ht has iterators.
This requires refactoring the hooked get_iterator() implementation to ensure
that it creates a properties ht iterator immediately.

Closes GH-15960

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# 58aa6fc8 19-May-2023 Arnaud Le Blanc

Lazy objects

RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/lazy-objects

Closes GH-15019