History log of /PHP-7.4/Zend/tests/bug78973.phpt (Results 1 – 4 of 4)
Revision Date Author Comments
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# d422478f 31-Jan-2020 Nikita Popov

Merge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4

* PHP-7.3:
Fix bug #76047

# 77e131da 16-Dec-2019 Nikita Popov

Set opcache.optimization_level=0 in test

Otherwise opcache "inlines" the function, which causes a minor
difference in destruction behavior.

# d82a2f6c 16-Dec-2019 Stanislav Malyshev

Test fixes

# 11b041d3 16-Dec-2019 Nikita Popov

Fixed bug #78973

Save opline in leave helper to correctly handle destructor calls
during CV freeing (or other leave freeing).