History log of /web-php/manual/vote-note.php (Results 1 – 21 of 21)
Revision Date Author Comments
# c093fb53 06-Dec-2023 Andreas Möller

Enhancement: Enable `trailing_comma_in_multiline` fixer (#647)

* Enhancement: Enable and configure trailing_comma_in_multiline fixer

* Fix: Run 'make coding-standards'

# 9752e1b9 16-Sep-2022 Kamil Tekiela

Introduce UserNote DTO and refactor Sorter (#594)

# d9bcfed4 22-Aug-2022 Andreas Möller

Enhancement: Enable `array_syntax` fixer

Co-authored-by: MathiasReker <mathias@reker.dk>

Closes GH-659.

# b3c9551c 12-Jul-2022 Andreas Möller

Enhancement: Enable `no_extra_blank_lines` fixer

Closes GH-646.

# 16fd981d 12-Jul-2022 Christoph M. Becker

Include spam_challenge.php only once

The file contains only definitions, and as such multiple inclusion
would never make sense.

# c68e5a9e 12-Jul-2022 Andreas Möller

Enhancement: Enable `single_space_after_construct` fixer

Closes GH-640.

# 746d3d71 04-Jul-2022 Ayesh Karunaratne

HTML A11y improvements in add-note.php, my.php and vote-note.php

Also use strict comparison in pages that are changed.

Closes GH-610.

# 1b83fd7a 03-Jul-2022 Ayesh Karunaratne

Multiple micro-optimizations

* Replace `ob_get_contents();ob_clean()` with `ob_get_clean()`

`ob_get_clean()` is equivalent to `ob_get_contents()` followed by `ob_clean()`.

Multiple micro-optimizations

* Replace `ob_get_contents();ob_clean()` with `ob_get_clean()`

`ob_get_clean()` is equivalent to `ob_get_contents()` followed by `ob_clean()`.

* Replace `intval()` calls with `(int)` type cast

This is a micro-optimization because `intval()` is a function call, and the type cast is about 6 times fast.

* Replace `preg_replace` call that could be done with an `rtrim()` call

In `./error.php`, there is a `preg_replace('!/+$!', '', $URI);` call that essentially is equivalent to `rtrim()`, that both calls removing trailing slash characters in `$URI`.
The `rtim()` call is more legible and faster.

* Combine consecutive `str_replace` calls to a single `str_replace` call

* Use short ternary operator where possible

Improves code readability.

* Cascade various `else` statements where possible

Cleans up the code by removing unnecessary `else` blocks and moving the code to the parent context if the previous `if` block exits the function by either terminating the script, or with a `return` statement.

* Combine multiple `isset()` calls to a single `isset()`

`isset()` accepts multiple parameters and returns `true` only if all of the parameters are `isset`. It makes sense to combine multiple individual `isset` calls to a single call for better readability.

* Replace `for` loop with a `foreach` loop

* Remove unnecessary character escapes in regular expressions

Regular expression special characters are context-sensitive. For example, special characters such as `.` are not considered special within square braces (`[]`).
This removes several of such instances that certain characters are escaped, but it is not strictly necessary within the context. This improves the readability of the expression.

See more information at [PHP.Watch: Writing better Regular Expressions in PHP](https://php.watch/articles/php-regex-readability#reduce-escape)

* Remove unnecessary break statement

* Remove unnecessary PHP close tags

* Remove redundant JSON_ERROR_NONE check

Remove unnecessary `json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE` where the decoded object is inspected already.

Closes GH-603.

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# ede0cad4 17-Jun-2022 Mathias Reker ⚡️

Ternary to null coalescing

Use null coalescing operator ?? where possible.

Closes GH-528.

# 11866535 17-Jun-2022 Mathias Reker ⚡️

Combine consecutive issets

Using isset($var) && multiple times should be done in one call.

Co-authored-by: Andreas Möller <am@localheinz.com>

Closes GH-542.

# 63f1e9d0 17-Jun-2022 Mathias Reker ⚡️

No superfluous elseif

Replaces superfluous elseif with if.

Closes GH-549.

# 16f4045c 06-Apr-2021 Nikita Popov

Replace master -> main in more places

# c0afd74b 31-May-2019 Sara Golemon

Swap uses of _SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT] for __DIR__

2/4 - Update remaining except archives/ and release/.

# 0f95b8c7 30-Jun-2018 Peter Kokot

Remove unused Git attributes ident

The $Id$ keywords were used in Subversion where they can be substituted
with filename, last revision number change, last changed date, and last

Remove unused Git attributes ident

The $Id$ keywords were used in Subversion where they can be substituted
with filename, last revision number change, last changed date, and last
user who changed it.

In Git this functionality is different and can be done with Git attribute
ident. These need to be defined manually for each file in the
.gitattributes file and are afterwards replaced with 40-character
hexadecimal blob object name which is based only on the particular file

This patch simplifies handling of $Id$ keywords by removing them since
they are not used anymore.

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# 5bfef25e 04-Jun-2014 Michael

Kill off XHTML

Long live HTML5! =)

# 7a6b4186 11-Dec-2013 Sherif Ramadan

Revert commit 540872824575ecfcdf42511a7784ccbd1d3f4e13

Problem was fixed in prepend.inc instead

# 54087282 10-Dec-2013 Sherif Ramadan

Fix potential Access-Control-Allow-Origin bug in vote-note.php - Bug #65887

# d2524744 13-Dec-2012 Sherif Ramadan

Fixing minor typo and output_buffering issue with site headers.

# 3d109b91 12-Dec-2012 Sherif Ramadan

Fixed bug on vote-note.php.

# 8fb7c3de 12-Dec-2012 Sherif Ramadan

Modified the response handling from the API on master to return a useful error message in case of failure for the voting feature.

# 61152c6a 12-Dec-2012 Sherif Ramadan

Added new user notes voting features. This provides users to vote on user contributed notes in the manual throughout php.net.