History log of /web-php/cached.php (Results 1 – 16 of 16)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 1ebc2c49 22-Aug-2022 Andreas Möller

Enhancement: Enable `binary_operator_spaces` fixer

Closes GH-667.

# 57f505ed 22-Aug-2022 Andreas Möller

Enhancement: Enable and configure `concat_space` fixer

Closes GH-657.

# d9bcfed4 22-Aug-2022 Andreas Möller

Enhancement: Enable `array_syntax` fixer

Co-authored-by: MathiasReker <mathias@reker.dk>

Closes GH-659.

# b3c9551c 12-Jul-2022 Andreas Möller

Enhancement: Enable `no_extra_blank_lines` fixer

Closes GH-646.

# 4b3e3c9a 11-Jul-2022 Andreas Möller

Enhancement: Enable `whitespace_after_comma_in_array` fixer

Closes GH-637.

# b2b48ca1 29-Mar-2019 Derick Rethans

Remove references, redirects, and selection of mirrors

# dd8d8bf8 17-Oct-2018 Peter Kokot

Sync final and leading newlines

This patch adds some missing newlines, trims some multiple redundant
final newlines into a single one, and trims few redundant leading

Sync final and leading newlines

This patch adds some missing newlines, trims some multiple redundant
final newlines into a single one, and trims few redundant leading

According to POSIX, a line is a sequence of zero or more non-'<newline>'
characters plus a terminating '<newline>' character. [1] Files should
normally have at least one final newline character.

C89 [2] and later standards [3] mention a final newline:
"A source file that is not empty shall end in a new-line character,
which shall not be immediately preceded by a backslash character."

Although it is not mandatory for all files to have a final newline
fixed, a more consistent and homogeneous approach brings less of commit
differences issues and a better development experience in certain text
editors and IDEs.

[1] http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap03.html#tag_03_206
[2] https://port70.net/~nsz/c/c89/c89-draft.html#
[3] https://port70.net/~nsz/c/c99/n1256.html#

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# e235f794 17-Oct-2018 Peter Kokot

Trim trailing whitespace

This patch cleans all redundant trailing whitespace across the
repository except for the icalendar files.

# 293c89ed 10-Apr-2014 Rasmus Lerdorf


# efc35ac0 12-Mar-2014 Rasmus Lerdorf

Prevent response header splitting

# d807946a 10-Mar-2014 Hannes Magnusson

Actually cache the page for a month

# a11e8ce9 04-Dec-2013 Hannes Magnusson

Enable compression on all pages

Dear god. How come I always thought this setting was PHP_INI_SYSTEM?!??!
And why has noone ever done this before?

# e36e36e0 22-Nov-2013 Hannes Magnusson

Variable typo

# c7cdf751 22-Nov-2013 Hannes Magnusson

Maybe some mirrors are using symlinks for the docroot, thats why its failing?

# e3ce6e77 22-Nov-2013 Hannes Magnusson

Cache & attempt to gzip the search indexes

# f9bafe1c 22-Nov-2013 Hannes Magnusson

Create a quick cached wrapper to attempt to gzip and cache static files

We don't really control how the mirrors configure these things,
so we have to do it ourselves..