History log of /web-bugs/src/Utils/GitHub.php (Results 1 – 2 of 2)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 14f8c07a 14-Dec-2018 Peter Kokot

Refactor PDO wrapper

Some considerations were raised on the mailing list that this PHP
application doesn't need a PDO wrapper at all.

- ::fetchRow() method removed

Refactor PDO wrapper

Some considerations were raised on the mailing list that this PHP
application doesn't need a PDO wrapper at all.

- ::fetchRow() method removed in favor of the vanilla PDOStatement::fetch()
- ::fetchAll() override removed in favor of the vanilla
- ::fetchCol() removed since it is not used and is only a wrapper for
the PDOStatement::fetchColumn()
- PDO fetch_style synced accross the app. When no fetch style is passed
the default PDO::FETCH_ASSOC is used as set when connecting to db.
- Remove Database::escape() method
The custom ::escape() method is a wrapper around PDO::quote() which
additionally trims leading and trailing quotes from the string. All
this should ideally be done via prepared statements only, except where
we can and need to use PDO::quote() this step can be done on the given
string or variable at hand directly.
- Remove escapeSQL() function
The escapeSQL function is a wrapper around the PDO::quote() and is
using $dbh from the global scope which is not testable nor good practice
further on. Removed and refactored into only PDO::quote() usages on
required places.
- Remove ::fetchOne() method
The fetchOne() method is a simple wrapper around the PDOStatement::fetch()
method with very minor tweaks so the usage can be simplified even more.
The PDOStatement::fetch(\PDO::FETCH_NUM)[0] will always return either a
result from the database column or when row is empty a null.
- Probably this should be refactored to the database tables respected
repositories further on.
- Remove PDO wrapper
The app's current goal is to lean on a vanilla PDO wrapper only.
Current set of features also don't require additional functionality
and extending PDO to a wrapper or create a database abstraction layer

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# 44706d2e 05-Dec-2018 Peter Kokot

Refactor pull requests service class

- Class moved to src under App namespace
- Code refactored into repository class and GitHub client for managing
pull requests

Refactor pull requests service class

- Class moved to src under App namespace
- Code refactored into repository class and GitHub client for managing
pull requests
- When new pull request is attached to a bug report the info comment is
also added to bug activity as is practice with other activities

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