History log of /PHP-8.1/ext/opcache/tests/opt/sccp_033.phpt (Results 1 – 2 of 2)
Revision Date Author Comments
# e9f783fc 01-Apr-2021 Max Semenik

Migrate skip checks to --EXTENSIONS--, p3

For rationale, see #6787

Extensions migrated in part 3:
* ftp
* gmp
* iconv
* opcache
* shmop

# 4c088c5d 11-Feb-2021 Nikita Popov

Handle warnings during sccp function evaluation

Some upcoming changes like https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate_null_to_scalar_internal_arg
will make it somewhat inconvenient to determine

Handle warnings during sccp function evaluation

Some upcoming changes like https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate_null_to_scalar_internal_arg
will make it somewhat inconvenient to determine whether a given
function invocation will generate a diagnostic. Rather than trying
to exclude this in advance, call the function with diagnostics
suppressed, and check whether anything was thrown.

This adds a new EG flag that is kept specific to the SCCP use-case.
This does not use the error_cb hook as it is a (non-TLS) global,
and doesn't fully suppress error handling besides.

Test this by removing the in advance checks for implode and array_flip.

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