History log of /PHP-8.1/ext/opcache/tests/opt/sccp_031.phpt (Results 1 – 4 of 4)
Revision Date Author Comments
# e9f783fc 01-Apr-2021 Max Semenik

Migrate skip checks to --EXTENSIONS--, p3

For rationale, see #6787

Extensions migrated in part 3:
* ftp
* gmp
* iconv
* opcache
* shmop

# 0684b9fc 25-Mar-2020 Dmitry Stogov

Always print numeric opline numbers

# f8d79582 03-Feb-2020 Nikita Popov

Reindent phpt files

# 5f92a085 26-Jan-2020 Tyson Andre

Convert ZEND_ECHO operand to string after sccp

And filter out echoes of the empty string (e.g. false/null)

Split out of #5097 (on GitHub)

Closes GH-5118