History log of /PHP-8.1/ext/opcache/tests/jit/assign_dim_op_001.phpt (Results 1 – 4 of 4)
Revision Date Author Comments
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# b9a6ec20 09-Sep-2021 Nikita Popov

Merge branch 'PHP-8.0' into PHP-8.1

* PHP-8.0:
Check whether expected types are present for compound op jit

# 052af90b 09-Jun-2021 Kamil Tekiela

Deprecate autovivification on false

Deprecate automatically converting "false" into an empty array
on write operands. Autovivification continues to be supported
for "null" values, as

Deprecate autovivification on false

Deprecate automatically converting "false" into an empty array
on write operands. Autovivification continues to be supported
for "null" values, as well as undefined/uninitialized values.

RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/autovivification_false

Closes GH-7131.

Co-authored-by: Tyson Andre <tysonandre775@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Nikita Popov <nikita.ppv@gmail.com>

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# e9f783fc 01-Apr-2021 Max Semenik

Migrate skip checks to --EXTENSIONS--, p3

For rationale, see #6787

Extensions migrated in part 3:
* ftp
* gmp
* iconv
* opcache
* shmop

# c5b42be4 09-Sep-2020 Dmitry Stogov

Fixed memory leak