History log of /PHP-8.1/Zend/tests/bug80404.phpt (Results 1 – 1 of 1)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 03f8bcca 24-Nov-2020 Nikita Popov

Fixed bug #80404

For a division like [1..1]/[2..2] produce [0..1] as a result, which
would be the integer envelope of the floating-point result.

The implementation is pretty ugl

Fixed bug #80404

For a division like [1..1]/[2..2] produce [0..1] as a result, which
would be the integer envelope of the floating-point result.

The implementation is pretty ugly (we're now taking min/max across
eight values...) but I couldn't come up with a more elegant way
to handle this that doesn't make things a lot more complex (the
division sign handling is the annoying issue here).

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