History log of /PHP-8.1/Zend/tests/array_self_add_globals.phpt (Results 1 – 2 of 2)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 3c68f38f 02-Dec-2020 Nikita Popov

Restrict allowed usages of $GLOBALS

This restricts allowed usage of $GLOBALS, with the effect that
plain PHP arrays can no longer contain INDIRECT elements.

RFC: https://wiki.ph

Restrict allowed usages of $GLOBALS

This restricts allowed usage of $GLOBALS, with the effect that
plain PHP arrays can no longer contain INDIRECT elements.

RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/restrict_globals_usage

Closes GH-6487.

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# 3c4dd73c 12-Oct-2020 Nikita Popov

Detect self-addition of array more accurately

While the zvals may be different, they may still point to the
same array.

Fixes oss-fuzz #26245.