xref: /openssl/crypto/bn/bn_local.h (revision fecb3aae)
1 /*
2  * Copyright 1995-2022 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License").  You may not use
5  * this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
6  * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
7  * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
8  */
13 /*
14  * The EDK2 build doesn't use bn_conf.h; it sets THIRTY_TWO_BIT or
15  * SIXTY_FOUR_BIT in its own environment since it doesn't re-run our
16  * Configure script and needs to support both 32-bit and 64-bit.
17  */
18 # include <openssl/opensslconf.h>
20 # if !defined(OPENSSL_SYS_UEFI)
21 #  include "crypto/bn_conf.h"
22 # endif
24 # include "crypto/bn.h"
25 # include "internal/cryptlib.h"
26 # include "internal/numbers.h"
28 /*
29  * These preprocessor symbols control various aspects of the bignum headers
30  * and library code. They're not defined by any "normal" configuration, as
31  * they are intended for development and testing purposes. NB: defining
32  * them can be useful for debugging application code as well as openssl
33  * itself. BN_DEBUG - turn on various debugging alterations to the bignum
34  * code BN_RAND_DEBUG - uses random poisoning of unused words to trip up
35  * mismanagement of bignum internals. Enable BN_RAND_DEBUG is known to
36  * break some of the OpenSSL tests.
37  */
38 # if defined(BN_RAND_DEBUG) && !defined(BN_DEBUG)
39 #  define BN_DEBUG
40 # endif
41 # if defined(BN_RAND_DEBUG)
42 #  include <openssl/rand.h>
43 # endif
46 #  define BN_MUL_COMBA
47 #  define BN_SQR_COMBA
48 #  define BN_RECURSION
49 # endif
51 /*
52  * This next option uses the C libraries (2 word)/(1 word) function. If it is
53  * not defined, I use my C version (which is slower). The reason for this
54  * flag is that when the particular C compiler library routine is used, and
55  * the library is linked with a different compiler, the library is missing.
56  * This mostly happens when the library is built with gcc and then linked
57  * using normal cc.  This would be a common occurrence because gcc normally
58  * produces code that is 2 times faster than system compilers for the big
59  * number stuff. For machines with only one compiler (or shared libraries),
60  * this should be on.  Again this in only really a problem on machines using
61  * "long long's", are 32bit, and are not using my assembler code.
62  */
63 # if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_MSDOS) || defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WINDOWS) || \
64     defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32) || defined(linux)
65 #  define BN_DIV2W
66 # endif
68 /*
69  * 64-bit processor with LP64 ABI
70  */
72 #  define BN_ULLONG       unsigned long long
73 #  define BN_BITS4        32
74 #  define BN_MASK2        (0xffffffffffffffffL)
75 #  define BN_MASK2l       (0xffffffffL)
76 #  define BN_MASK2h       (0xffffffff00000000L)
77 #  define BN_MASK2h1      (0xffffffff80000000L)
78 #  define BN_DEC_CONV     (10000000000000000000UL)
79 #  define BN_DEC_NUM      19
80 #  define BN_DEC_FMT1     "%lu"
81 #  define BN_DEC_FMT2     "%019lu"
82 # endif
84 /*
85  * 64-bit processor other than LP64 ABI
86  */
87 # ifdef SIXTY_FOUR_BIT
88 #  undef BN_LLONG
89 #  undef BN_ULLONG
90 #  define BN_BITS4        32
91 #  define BN_MASK2        (0xffffffffffffffffLL)
92 #  define BN_MASK2l       (0xffffffffL)
93 #  define BN_MASK2h       (0xffffffff00000000LL)
94 #  define BN_MASK2h1      (0xffffffff80000000LL)
95 #  define BN_DEC_CONV     (10000000000000000000ULL)
96 #  define BN_DEC_NUM      19
97 #  define BN_DEC_FMT1     "%llu"
98 #  define BN_DEC_FMT2     "%019llu"
99 # endif
101 # ifdef THIRTY_TWO_BIT
102 #  ifdef BN_LLONG
103 #   if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__)
104 #    define BN_ULLONG     unsigned __int64
105 #   else
106 #    define BN_ULLONG     unsigned long long
107 #   endif
108 #  endif
109 #  define BN_BITS4        16
110 #  define BN_MASK2        (0xffffffffL)
111 #  define BN_MASK2l       (0xffff)
112 #  define BN_MASK2h1      (0xffff8000L)
113 #  define BN_MASK2h       (0xffff0000L)
114 #  define BN_DEC_CONV     (1000000000L)
115 #  define BN_DEC_NUM      9
116 #  define BN_DEC_FMT1     "%u"
117 #  define BN_DEC_FMT2     "%09u"
118 # endif
121 /*-
122  * Bignum consistency macros
123  * There is one "API" macro, bn_fix_top(), for stripping leading zeroes from
124  * bignum data after direct manipulations on the data. There is also an
125  * "internal" macro, bn_check_top(), for verifying that there are no leading
126  * zeroes. Unfortunately, some auditing is required due to the fact that
127  * bn_fix_top() has become an overabused duct-tape because bignum data is
128  * occasionally passed around in an inconsistent state. So the following
129  * changes have been made to sort this out;
130  * - bn_fix_top()s implementation has been moved to bn_correct_top()
131  * - if BN_DEBUG isn't defined, bn_fix_top() maps to bn_correct_top(), and
132  *   bn_check_top() is as before.
133  * - if BN_DEBUG *is* defined;
134  *   - bn_check_top() tries to pollute unused words even if the bignum 'top' is
135  *     consistent. (ed: only if BN_RAND_DEBUG is defined)
136  *   - bn_fix_top() maps to bn_check_top() rather than "fixing" anything.
137  * The idea is to have debug builds flag up inconsistent bignums when they
138  * occur. If that occurs in a bn_fix_top(), we examine the code in question; if
139  * the use of bn_fix_top() was appropriate (ie. it follows directly after code
140  * that manipulates the bignum) it is converted to bn_correct_top(), and if it
141  * was not appropriate, we convert it permanently to bn_check_top() and track
142  * down the cause of the bug. Eventually, no internal code should be using the
143  * bn_fix_top() macro. External applications and libraries should try this with
144  * their own code too, both in terms of building against the openssl headers
145  * with BN_DEBUG defined *and* linking with a version of OpenSSL built with it
146  * defined. This not only improves external code, it provides more test
147  * coverage for openssl's own code.
148  */
150 # ifdef BN_DEBUG
151 /*
152  * The new BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP flag marks vectors that were not treated with
153  * bn_correct_top, in other words such vectors are permitted to have zeros
154  * in most significant limbs. Such vectors are used internally to achieve
155  * execution time invariance for critical operations with private keys.
156  * It's BN_DEBUG-only flag, because user application is not supposed to
157  * observe it anyway. Moreover, optimizing compiler would actually remove
158  * all operations manipulating the bit in question in non-BN_DEBUG build.
159  */
160 #  define BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP 0x10000
161 #  ifdef BN_RAND_DEBUG
162 #   define bn_pollute(a) \
163         do { \
164             const BIGNUM *_bnum1 = (a); \
165             if (_bnum1->top < _bnum1->dmax) { \
166                 unsigned char _tmp_char; \
167                 /* We cast away const without the compiler knowing, any \
168                  * *genuinely* constant variables that aren't mutable \
169                  * wouldn't be constructed with top!=dmax. */ \
170                 BN_ULONG *_not_const; \
171                 memcpy(&_not_const, &_bnum1->d, sizeof(_not_const)); \
172                 (void)RAND_bytes(&_tmp_char, 1); /* Debug only - safe to ignore error return */\
173                 memset(_not_const + _bnum1->top, _tmp_char, \
174                        sizeof(*_not_const) * (_bnum1->dmax - _bnum1->top)); \
175             } \
176         } while(0)
177 #  else
178 #   define bn_pollute(a)
179 #  endif
180 #  define bn_check_top(a) \
181         do { \
182                 const BIGNUM *_bnum2 = (a); \
183                 if (_bnum2 != NULL) { \
184                         int _top = _bnum2->top; \
185                         (void)ossl_assert((_top == 0 && !_bnum2->neg) || \
186                                   (_top && ((_bnum2->flags & BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP) \
187                                             || _bnum2->d[_top - 1] != 0))); \
188                         bn_pollute(_bnum2); \
189                 } \
190         } while(0)
192 #  define bn_fix_top(a)           bn_check_top(a)
194 #  define bn_check_size(bn, bits) bn_wcheck_size(bn, ((bits+BN_BITS2-1))/BN_BITS2)
195 #  define bn_wcheck_size(bn, words) \
196         do { \
197                 const BIGNUM *_bnum2 = (bn); \
198                 assert((words) <= (_bnum2)->dmax && \
199                        (words) >= (_bnum2)->top); \
200                 /* avoid unused variable warning with NDEBUG */ \
201                 (void)(_bnum2); \
202         } while(0)
204 # else                          /* !BN_DEBUG */
206 #  define BN_FLG_FIXED_TOP 0
207 #  define bn_pollute(a)
208 #  define bn_check_top(a)
209 #  define bn_fix_top(a)           bn_correct_top(a)
210 #  define bn_check_size(bn, bits)
211 #  define bn_wcheck_size(bn, words)
213 # endif
215 BN_ULONG bn_mul_add_words(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, int num,
216                           BN_ULONG w);
217 BN_ULONG bn_mul_words(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, int num, BN_ULONG w);
218 void bn_sqr_words(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, int num);
219 BN_ULONG bn_div_words(BN_ULONG h, BN_ULONG l, BN_ULONG d);
220 BN_ULONG bn_add_words(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, const BN_ULONG *bp,
221                       int num);
222 BN_ULONG bn_sub_words(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, const BN_ULONG *bp,
223                       int num);
225 struct bignum_st {
226     BN_ULONG *d;                /*
227                                  * Pointer to an array of 'BN_BITS2' bit
228                                  * chunks. These chunks are organised in
229                                  * a least significant chunk first order.
230                                  */
231     int top;                    /* Index of last used d +1. */
232     /* The next are internal book keeping for bn_expand. */
233     int dmax;                   /* Size of the d array. */
234     int neg;                    /* one if the number is negative */
235     int flags;
236 };
238 /* Used for montgomery multiplication */
239 struct bn_mont_ctx_st {
240     int ri;                     /* number of bits in R */
241     BIGNUM RR;                  /* used to convert to montgomery form,
242                                    possibly zero-padded */
243     BIGNUM N;                   /* The modulus */
244     BIGNUM Ni;                  /* R*(1/R mod N) - N*Ni = 1 (Ni is only
245                                  * stored for bignum algorithm) */
246     BN_ULONG n0[2];             /* least significant word(s) of Ni; (type
247                                  * changed with 0.9.9, was "BN_ULONG n0;"
248                                  * before) */
249     int flags;
250 };
252 /*
253  * Used for reciprocal division/mod functions It cannot be shared between
254  * threads
255  */
256 struct bn_recp_ctx_st {
257     BIGNUM N;                   /* the divisor */
258     BIGNUM Nr;                  /* the reciprocal */
259     int num_bits;
260     int shift;
261     int flags;
262 };
264 /* Used for slow "generation" functions. */
265 struct bn_gencb_st {
266     unsigned int ver;           /* To handle binary (in)compatibility */
267     void *arg;                  /* callback-specific data */
268     union {
269         /* if (ver==1) - handles old style callbacks */
270         void (*cb_1) (int, int, void *);
271         /* if (ver==2) - new callback style */
272         int (*cb_2) (int, int, BN_GENCB *);
273     } cb;
274 };
276 /*-
277  * BN_window_bits_for_exponent_size -- macro for sliding window mod_exp functions
278  *
279  *
280  * For window size 'w' (w >= 2) and a random 'b' bits exponent,
281  * the number of multiplications is a constant plus on average
282  *
283  *    2^(w-1) + (b-w)/(w+1);
284  *
285  * here  2^(w-1)  is for precomputing the table (we actually need
286  * entries only for windows that have the lowest bit set), and
287  * (b-w)/(w+1)  is an approximation for the expected number of
288  * w-bit windows, not counting the first one.
289  *
290  * Thus we should use
291  *
292  *    w >= 6  if        b > 671
293  *     w = 5  if  671 > b > 239
294  *     w = 4  if  239 > b >  79
295  *     w = 3  if   79 > b >  23
296  *    w <= 2  if   23 > b
297  *
298  * (with draws in between).  Very small exponents are often selected
299  * with low Hamming weight, so we use  w = 1  for b <= 23.
300  */
301 # define BN_window_bits_for_exponent_size(b) \
302                 ((b) > 671 ? 6 : \
303                  (b) > 239 ? 5 : \
304                  (b) >  79 ? 4 : \
305                  (b) >  23 ? 3 : 1)
307 /*
308  * BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime is based on the assumption that the L1 data cache
309  * line width of the target processor is at least the following value.
310  */
311 # define MOD_EXP_CTIME_MIN_CACHE_LINE_WIDTH      ( 64 )
314 /*
315  * Window sizes optimized for fixed window size modular exponentiation
316  * algorithm (BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime). To achieve the security goals of
317  * BN_mode_exp_mont_consttime, the maximum size of the window must not exceed
318  * log_2(MOD_EXP_CTIME_MIN_CACHE_LINE_WIDTH). Window size thresholds are
319  * defined for cache line sizes of 32 and 64, cache line sizes where
320  * log_2(32)=5 and log_2(64)=6 respectively. A window size of 7 should only be
321  * used on processors that have a 128 byte or greater cache line size.
322  */
325 #  define BN_window_bits_for_ctime_exponent_size(b) \
326                 ((b) > 937 ? 6 : \
327                  (b) > 306 ? 5 : \
328                  (b) >  89 ? 4 : \
329                  (b) >  22 ? 3 : 1)
334 #  define BN_window_bits_for_ctime_exponent_size(b) \
335                 ((b) > 306 ? 5 : \
336                  (b) >  89 ? 4 : \
337                  (b) >  22 ? 3 : 1)
340 # endif
342 /* Pentium pro 16,16,16,32,64 */
343 /* Alpha       16,16,16,16.64 */
344 # define BN_MULL_SIZE_NORMAL                     (16)/* 32 */
345 # define BN_MUL_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL            (16)/* 32 less than */
346 # define BN_SQR_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL            (16)/* 32 */
347 # define BN_MUL_LOW_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL        (32)/* 32 */
348 # define BN_MONT_CTX_SET_SIZE_WORD               (64)/* 32 */
350 /*
351  * 2011-02-22 SMS. In various places, a size_t variable or a type cast to
352  * size_t was used to perform integer-only operations on pointers.  This
353  * failed on VMS with 64-bit pointers (CC /POINTER_SIZE = 64) because size_t
354  * is still only 32 bits.  What's needed in these cases is an integer type
355  * with the same size as a pointer, which size_t is not certain to be. The
356  * only fix here is VMS-specific.
357  */
358 # if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_VMS)
359 #  if __INITIAL_POINTER_SIZE == 64
360 #   define PTR_SIZE_INT long long
361 #  else                         /* __INITIAL_POINTER_SIZE == 64 */
362 #   define PTR_SIZE_INT int
363 #  endif                        /* __INITIAL_POINTER_SIZE == 64 [else] */
364 # elif !defined(PTR_SIZE_INT)   /* defined(OPENSSL_SYS_VMS) */
365 #  define PTR_SIZE_INT size_t
366 # endif                         /* defined(OPENSSL_SYS_VMS) [else] */
368 # if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_INLINE_ASM) && !defined(PEDANTIC)
369 /*
370  * BN_UMULT_HIGH section.
371  * If the compiler doesn't support 2*N integer type, then you have to
372  * replace every N*N multiplication with 4 (N/2)*(N/2) accompanied by some
373  * shifts and additions which unavoidably results in severe performance
374  * penalties. Of course provided that the hardware is capable of producing
375  * 2*N result... That's when you normally start considering assembler
376  * implementation. However! It should be pointed out that some CPUs (e.g.,
377  * PowerPC, Alpha, and IA-64) provide *separate* instruction calculating
378  * the upper half of the product placing the result into a general
379  * purpose register. Now *if* the compiler supports inline assembler,
380  * then it's not impossible to implement the "bignum" routines (and have
381  * the compiler optimize 'em) exhibiting "native" performance in C. That's
382  * what BN_UMULT_HIGH macro is about:-) Note that more recent compilers do
383  * support 2*64 integer type, which is also used here.
384  */
385 #  if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) && __SIZEOF_INT128__==16 && \
386       (defined(SIXTY_FOUR_BIT) || defined(SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG))
387 #   define BN_UMULT_HIGH(a,b)          (((uint128_t)(a)*(b))>>64)
388 #   define BN_UMULT_LOHI(low,high,a,b) ({       \
389         uint128_t ret=(uint128_t)(a)*(b);   \
390         (high)=ret>>64; (low)=ret;      })
391 #  elif defined(__alpha) && (defined(SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG) || defined(SIXTY_FOUR_BIT))
392 #   if defined(__DECC)
393 #    include <c_asm.h>
394 #    define BN_UMULT_HIGH(a,b)   (BN_ULONG)asm("umulh %a0,%a1,%v0",(a),(b))
395 #   elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=2
396 #    define BN_UMULT_HIGH(a,b)   ({     \
397         register BN_ULONG ret;          \
398         asm ("umulh     %1,%2,%0"       \
399              : "=r"(ret)                \
400              : "r"(a), "r"(b));         \
401         ret;                      })
402 #   endif                       /* compiler */
403 #  elif defined(_ARCH_PPC64) && defined(SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG)
404 #   if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=2
405 #    define BN_UMULT_HIGH(a,b)   ({     \
406         register BN_ULONG ret;          \
407         asm ("mulhdu    %0,%1,%2"       \
408              : "=r"(ret)                \
409              : "r"(a), "r"(b));         \
410         ret;                      })
411 #   endif                       /* compiler */
412 #  elif (defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__)) && \
413        (defined(SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG) || defined(SIXTY_FOUR_BIT))
414 #   if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=2
415 #    define BN_UMULT_HIGH(a,b)   ({     \
416         register BN_ULONG ret,discard;  \
417         asm ("mulq      %3"             \
418              : "=a"(discard),"=d"(ret)  \
419              : "a"(a), "g"(b)           \
420              : "cc");                   \
421         ret;                      })
422 #    define BN_UMULT_LOHI(low,high,a,b) \
423         asm ("mulq      %3"             \
424                 : "=a"(low),"=d"(high)  \
425                 : "a"(a),"g"(b)         \
426                 : "cc");
427 #   endif
428 #  elif (defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_M_X64)) && defined(SIXTY_FOUR_BIT)
429 #   if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1400
430 unsigned __int64 __umulh(unsigned __int64 a, unsigned __int64 b);
431 unsigned __int64 _umul128(unsigned __int64 a, unsigned __int64 b,
432                           unsigned __int64 *h);
433 #    pragma intrinsic(__umulh,_umul128)
434 #    define BN_UMULT_HIGH(a,b)           __umulh((a),(b))
435 #    define BN_UMULT_LOHI(low,high,a,b)  ((low)=_umul128((a),(b),&(high)))
436 #   endif
437 #  elif defined(__mips) && (defined(SIXTY_FOUR_BIT) || defined(SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG))
438 #   if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=2
439 #    define BN_UMULT_HIGH(a,b) ({       \
440         register BN_ULONG ret;          \
441         asm ("dmultu    %1,%2"          \
442              : "=h"(ret)                \
443              : "r"(a), "r"(b) : "l");   \
444         ret;                    })
445 #    define BN_UMULT_LOHI(low,high,a,b) \
446         asm ("dmultu    %2,%3"          \
447              : "=l"(low),"=h"(high)     \
448              : "r"(a), "r"(b));
449 #   endif
450 #  elif defined(__aarch64__) && defined(SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG)
451 #   if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=2
452 #    define BN_UMULT_HIGH(a,b)   ({     \
453         register BN_ULONG ret;          \
454         asm ("umulh     %0,%1,%2"       \
455              : "=r"(ret)                \
456              : "r"(a), "r"(b));         \
457         ret;                      })
458 #   endif
459 #  endif                        /* cpu */
460 # endif                         /* OPENSSL_NO_ASM */
462 # ifdef BN_RAND_DEBUG
463 #  define bn_clear_top2max(a) \
464         { \
465         int      ind = (a)->dmax - (a)->top; \
466         BN_ULONG *ftl = &(a)->d[(a)->top-1]; \
467         for (; ind != 0; ind--) \
468                 *(++ftl) = 0x0; \
469         }
470 # else
471 #  define bn_clear_top2max(a)
472 # endif
474 # ifdef BN_LLONG
475 /*******************************************************************
476  * Using the long long type, has to be twice as wide as BN_ULONG...
477  */
478 #  define Lw(t)    (((BN_ULONG)(t))&BN_MASK2)
479 #  define Hw(t)    (((BN_ULONG)((t)>>BN_BITS2))&BN_MASK2)
481 #  define mul_add(r,a,w,c) { \
482         BN_ULLONG t; \
483         t=(BN_ULLONG)w * (a) + (r) + (c); \
484         (r)= Lw(t); \
485         (c)= Hw(t); \
486         }
488 #  define mul(r,a,w,c) { \
489         BN_ULLONG t; \
490         t=(BN_ULLONG)w * (a) + (c); \
491         (r)= Lw(t); \
492         (c)= Hw(t); \
493         }
495 #  define sqr(r0,r1,a) { \
496         BN_ULLONG t; \
497         t=(BN_ULLONG)(a)*(a); \
498         (r0)=Lw(t); \
499         (r1)=Hw(t); \
500         }
502 # elif defined(BN_UMULT_LOHI)
503 #  define mul_add(r,a,w,c) {              \
504         BN_ULONG high,low,ret,tmp=(a);  \
505         ret =  (r);                     \
506         BN_UMULT_LOHI(low,high,w,tmp);  \
507         ret += (c);                     \
508         (c) =  (ret<(c))?1:0;           \
509         (c) += high;                    \
510         ret += low;                     \
511         (c) += (ret<low)?1:0;           \
512         (r) =  ret;                     \
513         }
515 #  define mul(r,a,w,c)    {               \
516         BN_ULONG high,low,ret,ta=(a);   \
517         BN_UMULT_LOHI(low,high,w,ta);   \
518         ret =  low + (c);               \
519         (c) =  high;                    \
520         (c) += (ret<low)?1:0;           \
521         (r) =  ret;                     \
522         }
524 #  define sqr(r0,r1,a)    {               \
525         BN_ULONG tmp=(a);               \
526         BN_UMULT_LOHI(r0,r1,tmp,tmp);   \
527         }
529 # elif defined(BN_UMULT_HIGH)
530 #  define mul_add(r,a,w,c) {              \
531         BN_ULONG high,low,ret,tmp=(a);  \
532         ret =  (r);                     \
533         high=  BN_UMULT_HIGH(w,tmp);    \
534         ret += (c);                     \
535         low =  (w) * tmp;               \
536         (c) =  (ret<(c))?1:0;           \
537         (c) += high;                    \
538         ret += low;                     \
539         (c) += (ret<low)?1:0;           \
540         (r) =  ret;                     \
541         }
543 #  define mul(r,a,w,c)    {               \
544         BN_ULONG high,low,ret,ta=(a);   \
545         low =  (w) * ta;                \
546         high=  BN_UMULT_HIGH(w,ta);     \
547         ret =  low + (c);               \
548         (c) =  high;                    \
549         (c) += (ret<low)?1:0;           \
550         (r) =  ret;                     \
551         }
553 #  define sqr(r0,r1,a)    {               \
554         BN_ULONG tmp=(a);               \
555         (r0) = tmp * tmp;               \
556         (r1) = BN_UMULT_HIGH(tmp,tmp);  \
557         }
559 # else
560 /*************************************************************
561  * No long long type
562  */
564 #  define LBITS(a)        ((a)&BN_MASK2l)
565 #  define HBITS(a)        (((a)>>BN_BITS4)&BN_MASK2l)
566 #  define L2HBITS(a)      (((a)<<BN_BITS4)&BN_MASK2)
568 #  define LLBITS(a)       ((a)&BN_MASKl)
569 #  define LHBITS(a)       (((a)>>BN_BITS2)&BN_MASKl)
570 #  define LL2HBITS(a)     ((BN_ULLONG)((a)&BN_MASKl)<<BN_BITS2)
572 #  define mul64(l,h,bl,bh) \
573         { \
574         BN_ULONG m,m1,lt,ht; \
575  \
576         lt=l; \
577         ht=h; \
578         m =(bh)*(lt); \
579         lt=(bl)*(lt); \
580         m1=(bl)*(ht); \
581         ht =(bh)*(ht); \
582         m=(m+m1)&BN_MASK2; if (m < m1) ht+=L2HBITS((BN_ULONG)1); \
583         ht+=HBITS(m); \
584         m1=L2HBITS(m); \
585         lt=(lt+m1)&BN_MASK2; if (lt < m1) ht++; \
586         (l)=lt; \
587         (h)=ht; \
588         }
590 #  define sqr64(lo,ho,in) \
591         { \
592         BN_ULONG l,h,m; \
593  \
594         h=(in); \
595         l=LBITS(h); \
596         h=HBITS(h); \
597         m =(l)*(h); \
598         l*=l; \
599         h*=h; \
600         h+=(m&BN_MASK2h1)>>(BN_BITS4-1); \
601         m =(m&BN_MASK2l)<<(BN_BITS4+1); \
602         l=(l+m)&BN_MASK2; if (l < m) h++; \
603         (lo)=l; \
604         (ho)=h; \
605         }
607 #  define mul_add(r,a,bl,bh,c) { \
608         BN_ULONG l,h; \
609  \
610         h= (a); \
611         l=LBITS(h); \
612         h=HBITS(h); \
613         mul64(l,h,(bl),(bh)); \
614  \
615         /* non-multiply part */ \
616         l=(l+(c))&BN_MASK2; if (l < (c)) h++; \
617         (c)=(r); \
618         l=(l+(c))&BN_MASK2; if (l < (c)) h++; \
619         (c)=h&BN_MASK2; \
620         (r)=l; \
621         }
623 #  define mul(r,a,bl,bh,c) { \
624         BN_ULONG l,h; \
625  \
626         h= (a); \
627         l=LBITS(h); \
628         h=HBITS(h); \
629         mul64(l,h,(bl),(bh)); \
630  \
631         /* non-multiply part */ \
632         l+=(c); if ((l&BN_MASK2) < (c)) h++; \
633         (c)=h&BN_MASK2; \
634         (r)=l&BN_MASK2; \
635         }
636 # endif                         /* !BN_LLONG */
638 void BN_RECP_CTX_init(BN_RECP_CTX *recp);
639 void BN_MONT_CTX_init(BN_MONT_CTX *ctx);
641 void bn_init(BIGNUM *a);
642 void bn_mul_normal(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, int na, BN_ULONG *b, int nb);
643 void bn_mul_comba8(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, BN_ULONG *b);
644 void bn_mul_comba4(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, BN_ULONG *b);
645 void bn_sqr_normal(BN_ULONG *r, const BN_ULONG *a, int n, BN_ULONG *tmp);
646 void bn_sqr_comba8(BN_ULONG *r, const BN_ULONG *a);
647 void bn_sqr_comba4(BN_ULONG *r, const BN_ULONG *a);
648 int bn_cmp_words(const BN_ULONG *a, const BN_ULONG *b, int n);
649 int bn_cmp_part_words(const BN_ULONG *a, const BN_ULONG *b, int cl, int dl);
650 void bn_mul_recursive(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, BN_ULONG *b, int n2,
651                       int dna, int dnb, BN_ULONG *t);
652 void bn_mul_part_recursive(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, BN_ULONG *b,
653                            int n, int tna, int tnb, BN_ULONG *t);
654 void bn_sqr_recursive(BN_ULONG *r, const BN_ULONG *a, int n2, BN_ULONG *t);
655 void bn_mul_low_normal(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, BN_ULONG *b, int n);
656 void bn_mul_low_recursive(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, BN_ULONG *b, int n2,
657                           BN_ULONG *t);
658 BN_ULONG bn_sub_part_words(BN_ULONG *r, const BN_ULONG *a, const BN_ULONG *b,
659                            int cl, int dl);
660 int bn_mul_mont(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, const BN_ULONG *bp,
661                 const BN_ULONG *np, const BN_ULONG *n0, int num);
663 BIGNUM *int_bn_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,
664                            const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx,
665                            int *noinv);
bn_expand(BIGNUM * a,int bits)667 static ossl_inline BIGNUM *bn_expand(BIGNUM *a, int bits)
668 {
669     if (bits > (INT_MAX - BN_BITS2 + 1))
670         return NULL;
672     if (((bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2) <= (a)->dmax)
673         return a;
675     return bn_expand2((a),(bits+BN_BITS2-1)/BN_BITS2);
676 }
678 int ossl_bn_check_prime(const BIGNUM *w, int checks, BN_CTX *ctx,
679                         int do_trial_division, BN_GENCB *cb);
681 #endif