xref: /curl/tests/unit/unit1655.c (revision 435dd8aa)
1 /***************************************************************************
2  *                                  _   _ ____  _
3  *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
4  *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
5  *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
6  *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
7  *
8  * Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
9  *
10  * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
11  * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
12  * are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html.
13  *
14  * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
15  * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
16  * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
17  *
18  * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
19  * KIND, either express or implied.
20  *
21  * SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
22  *
23  ***************************************************************************/
24 #include "curlcheck.h"
26 #include "doh.h" /* from the lib dir */
unit_setup(void)28 static CURLcode unit_setup(void)
29 {
30   /* whatever you want done first */
31   return CURLE_OK;
32 }
unit_stop(void)34 static void unit_stop(void)
35 {
36     /* done before shutting down and exiting */
37 }
43 /*
44  * Prove detection of write overflow using a short buffer and a name
45  * of maximal valid length.
46  *
47  * Prove detection of other invalid input.
48  */
49 do {
50   static const char max[] =
51     /* ..|....1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6... */
52     /* 3456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 */
53     "this.is.a.maximum-length.hostname."                  /* 34:  34 */
54     "with-no-label-of-greater-length-than-the-sixty-three-characters."
55                                                           /* 64:  98 */
56     "specified.in.the.RFCs."                              /* 22: 120 */
57     "and.with.a.QNAME.encoding.whose.length.is.exactly."  /* 50: 170 */
58     "the.maximum.length.allowed."                         /* 27: 197 */
59     "that.is.two-hundred.and.fifty-six."                  /* 34: 231 */
60     "including.the.last.null."                            /* 24: 255 */
61     "";
62   static const char toolong[] =
63     /* ..|....1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6... */
64     /* 3456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 */
65     "here.is.a.hostname.which.is.just.barely.too.long."   /* 49:  49 */
66     "to.be.encoded.as.a.QNAME.of.the.maximum.allowed.length."
67                                                           /* 55: 104 */
68     "which.is.256.including.a.final.zero-length.label."   /* 49: 153 */
69     "representing.the.root.node.so.that.a.name.with."     /* 47: 200 */
70     "a.trailing.dot.may.have.up.to."                      /* 30: 230 */
71     "255.characters.never.more."                          /* 26: 256 */
72     "";
73   static const char emptylabel[] =
74     "this.is.an.otherwise-valid.hostname."
75     ".with.an.empty.label.";
76   static const char outsizelabel[] =
77     "this.is.an.otherwise-valid.hostname."
78     "with-a-label-of-greater-length-than-the-sixty-three-characters-"
79     "specified.in.the.RFCs.";
80   int i;
82   struct test {
83     const char *name;
84     const DOHcode expected_result;
85   };
87   /* plays the role of struct dnsprobe in urldata.h */
88   struct demo {
89     unsigned char dohbuffer[255 + 16]; /* deliberately short buffer */
90     unsigned char canary1;
91     unsigned char canary2;
92     unsigned char canary3;
93   };
95   const struct test playlist[4] = {
96     { toolong, DOH_DNS_NAME_TOO_LONG },  /* expect early failure */
97     { emptylabel, DOH_DNS_BAD_LABEL },   /* also */
98     { outsizelabel, DOH_DNS_BAD_LABEL }, /* also */
99     { max, DOH_OK }                      /* expect buffer overwrite */
100   };
102   for(i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(playlist)/sizeof(*playlist)); i++) {
103     const char *name = playlist[i].name;
104     size_t olen = 100000;
105     struct demo victim;
106     DOHcode d;
108     victim.canary1 = 87; /* magic numbers, arbitrarily picked */
109     victim.canary2 = 35;
110     victim.canary3 = 41;
111     d = doh_req_encode(name, DNS_TYPE_A, victim.dohbuffer,
112                        sizeof(struct demo), /* allow room for overflow */
113                        &olen);
115     fail_unless(d == playlist[i].expected_result,
116                 "result returned was not as expected");
117     if(d == playlist[i].expected_result) {
118       if(name == max) {
119         fail_if(victim.canary1 == 87,
120                 "demo one-byte buffer overwrite did not happen");
121       }
122       else {
123         fail_unless(victim.canary1 == 87,
124                     "one-byte buffer overwrite has happened");
125       }
126       fail_unless(victim.canary2 == 35,
127                   "two-byte buffer overwrite has happened");
128       fail_unless(victim.canary3 == 41,
129                   "three-byte buffer overwrite has happened");
130     }
131     else {
132       if(d == DOH_OK) {
133         fail_unless(olen <= sizeof(victim.dohbuffer), "wrote outside bounds");
134         fail_unless(olen > strlen(name), "unrealistic low size");
135       }
136     }
137   }
138 } while(0);
140 /* run normal cases and try to trigger buffer length related errors */
141 do {
142   DNStype dnstype = DNS_TYPE_A;
143   unsigned char buffer[128];
144   const size_t buflen = sizeof(buffer);
145   const size_t magic1 = 9765;
146   size_t olen1 = magic1;
147   const char *sunshine1 = "a.com";
148   const char *dotshine1 = "a.com.";
149   const char *sunshine2 = "aa.com";
150   size_t olen2;
151   DOHcode ret2;
152   size_t olen;
154   DOHcode ret = doh_req_encode(sunshine1, dnstype, buffer, buflen, &olen1);
155   fail_unless(ret == DOH_OK, "sunshine case 1 should pass fine");
156   fail_if(olen1 == magic1, "olen has not been assigned properly");
157   fail_unless(olen1 > strlen(sunshine1), "bad out length");
159   /* with a trailing dot, the response should have the same length */
160   olen2 = magic1;
161   ret2 = doh_req_encode(dotshine1, dnstype, buffer, buflen, &olen2);
162   fail_unless(ret2 == DOH_OK, "dotshine case should pass fine");
163   fail_if(olen2 == magic1, "olen has not been assigned properly");
164   fail_unless(olen1 == olen2, "olen should not grow for a trailing dot");
166   /* add one letter, the response should be one longer */
167   olen2 = magic1;
168   ret2 = doh_req_encode(sunshine2, dnstype, buffer, buflen, &olen2);
169   fail_unless(ret2 == DOH_OK, "sunshine case 2 should pass fine");
170   fail_if(olen2 == magic1, "olen has not been assigned properly");
171   fail_unless(olen1 + 1 == olen2, "olen should grow with the hostname");
173   /* pass a short buffer, should fail */
174   ret = doh_req_encode(sunshine1, dnstype, buffer, olen1 - 1, &olen);
175   fail_if(ret == DOH_OK, "short buffer should have been noticed");
177   /* pass a minimum buffer, should succeed */
178   ret = doh_req_encode(sunshine1, dnstype, buffer, olen1, &olen);
179   fail_unless(ret == DOH_OK, "minimal length buffer should be long enough");
180   fail_unless(olen == olen1, "bad buffer length");
181 } while(0);
184 #else /* CURL_DISABLE_DOH */
187 /* nothing to do, just succeed */
190 #endif