xref: /curl/lib/cfilters.h (revision ea6f5c9f)
3 /***************************************************************************
4  *                                  _   _ ____  _
5  *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
6  *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
7  *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
8  *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
9  *
10  * Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
11  *
12  * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
13  * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
14  * are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html.
15  *
16  * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
17  * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
18  * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
19  *
20  * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
21  * KIND, either express or implied.
22  *
23  * SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
24  *
25  ***************************************************************************/
27 #include "timediff.h"
29 struct Curl_cfilter;
30 struct Curl_easy;
31 struct Curl_dns_entry;
32 struct connectdata;
33 struct ip_quadruple;
35 /* Callback to destroy resources held by this filter instance.
36  * Implementations MUST NOT chain calls to cf->next.
37  */
38 typedef void     Curl_cft_destroy_this(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
39                                        struct Curl_easy *data);
41 /* Callback to close the connection immediately. */
42 typedef void     Curl_cft_close(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
43                                 struct Curl_easy *data);
45 /* Callback to close the connection filter gracefully, non-blocking.
46  * Implementations MUST NOT chain calls to cf->next.
47  */
48 typedef CURLcode Curl_cft_shutdown(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
49                                    struct Curl_easy *data,
50                                    bool *done);
52 typedef CURLcode Curl_cft_connect(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
53                                   struct Curl_easy *data,
54                                   bool blocking, bool *done);
56 /* Return the hostname and port the connection goes to.
57  * This may change with the connection state of filters when tunneling
58  * is involved.
59  * @param cf     the filter to ask
60  * @param data   the easy handle currently active
61  * @param phost  on return, points to the relevant, real hostname.
62  *               this is owned by the connection.
63  * @param pdisplay_host  on return, points to the printable hostname.
64  *               this is owned by the connection.
65  * @param pport  on return, contains the port number
66  */
67 typedef void     Curl_cft_get_host(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
68                                   struct Curl_easy *data,
69                                   const char **phost,
70                                   const char **pdisplay_host,
71                                   int *pport);
73 struct easy_pollset;
75 /* Passing in an easy_pollset for monitoring of sockets, let
76  * filters add or remove sockets actions (CURL_POLL_OUT, CURL_POLL_IN).
77  * This may add a socket or, in case no actions remain, remove
78  * a socket from the set.
79  *
80  * Filter implementations need to call filters "below" *after* they have
81  * made their adjustments. This allows lower filters to override "upper"
82  * actions. If a "lower" filter is unable to write, it needs to be able
83  * to disallow POLL_OUT.
84  *
85  * A filter without own restrictions/preferences should not modify
86  * the pollset. Filters, whose filter "below" is not connected, should
87  * also do no adjustments.
88  *
89  * Examples: a TLS handshake, while ongoing, might remove POLL_IN when it
90  * needs to write, or vice versa. An HTTP/2 filter might remove POLL_OUT when
91  * a stream window is exhausted and a WINDOW_UPDATE needs to be received first
92  * and add instead POLL_IN.
93  *
94  * @param cf     the filter to ask
95  * @param data   the easy handle the pollset is about
96  * @param ps     the pollset (inout) for the easy handle
97  */
98 typedef void     Curl_cft_adjust_pollset(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
99                                           struct Curl_easy *data,
100                                           struct easy_pollset *ps);
102 typedef bool     Curl_cft_data_pending(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
103                                        const struct Curl_easy *data);
105 typedef ssize_t  Curl_cft_send(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
106                                struct Curl_easy *data, /* transfer */
107                                const void *buf,        /* data to write */
108                                size_t len,             /* amount to write */
109                                bool eos,               /* last chunk */
110                                CURLcode *err);         /* error to return */
112 typedef ssize_t  Curl_cft_recv(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
113                                struct Curl_easy *data, /* transfer */
114                                char *buf,              /* store data here */
115                                size_t len,             /* amount to read */
116                                CURLcode *err);         /* error to return */
118 typedef bool     Curl_cft_conn_is_alive(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
119                                         struct Curl_easy *data,
120                                         bool *input_pending);
122 typedef CURLcode Curl_cft_conn_keep_alive(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
123                                           struct Curl_easy *data);
125 /**
126  * Events/controls for connection filters, their arguments and
127  * return code handling. Filter callbacks are invoked "top down".
128  * Return code handling:
129  * "first fail" meaning that the first filter returning != CURLE_OK, will
130  *              abort further event distribution and determine the result.
131  * "ignored" meaning return values are ignored and the event is distributed
132  *           to all filters in the chain. Overall result is always CURLE_OK.
133  */
134 /*      data event                          arg1       arg2     return */
135 #define CF_CTRL_DATA_ATTACH           1  /* 0          NULL     ignored */
136 #define CF_CTRL_DATA_DETACH           2  /* 0          NULL     ignored */
137 #define CF_CTRL_DATA_SETUP            4  /* 0          NULL     first fail */
138 #define CF_CTRL_DATA_IDLE             5  /* 0          NULL     first fail */
139 #define CF_CTRL_DATA_PAUSE            6  /* on/off     NULL     first fail */
140 #define CF_CTRL_DATA_DONE             7  /* premature  NULL     ignored */
141 #define CF_CTRL_DATA_DONE_SEND        8  /* 0          NULL     ignored */
142 /* update conn info at connection and data */
143 #define CF_CTRL_CONN_INFO_UPDATE (256+0) /* 0          NULL     ignored */
144 #define CF_CTRL_FORGET_SOCKET    (256+1) /* 0          NULL     ignored */
145 #define CF_CTRL_FLUSH            (256+2) /* 0          NULL     first fail */
147 /**
148  * Handle event/control for the filter.
149  * Implementations MUST NOT chain calls to cf->next.
150  */
151 typedef CURLcode Curl_cft_cntrl(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
152                                 struct Curl_easy *data,
153                                 int event, int arg1, void *arg2);
156 /**
157  * Queries to ask via a `Curl_cft_query *query` method on a cfilter chain.
158  * - MAX_CONCURRENT: the maximum number of parallel transfers the filter
159  *                   chain expects to handle at the same time.
160  *                   default: 1 if no filter overrides.
161  * - CONNECT_REPLY_MS: milliseconds until the first indication of a server
162  *                   response was received on a connect. For TCP, this
163  *                   reflects the time until the socket connected. On UDP
164  *                   this gives the time the first bytes from the server
165  *                   were received.
166  *                   -1 if not determined yet.
167  * - CF_QUERY_SOCKET: the socket used by the filter chain
168  * - CF_QUERY_NEED_FLUSH: TRUE iff any of the filters have unsent data
169  * - CF_QUERY_IP_INFO: res1 says if connection used IPv6, res2 is the
170  *                   ip quadruple
171  */
172 /*      query                             res1       res2     */
173 #define CF_QUERY_MAX_CONCURRENT     1  /* number     -        */
174 #define CF_QUERY_CONNECT_REPLY_MS   2  /* number     -        */
175 #define CF_QUERY_SOCKET             3  /* -          curl_socket_t */
176 #define CF_QUERY_TIMER_CONNECT      4  /* -          struct curltime */
177 #define CF_QUERY_TIMER_APPCONNECT   5  /* -          struct curltime */
178 #define CF_QUERY_STREAM_ERROR       6  /* error code - */
179 #define CF_QUERY_NEED_FLUSH         7  /* TRUE/FALSE - */
180 #define CF_QUERY_IP_INFO            8  /* TRUE/FALSE struct ip_quadruple */
182 /**
183  * Query the cfilter for properties. Filters ignorant of a query will
184  * pass it "down" the filter chain.
185  */
186 typedef CURLcode Curl_cft_query(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
187                                 struct Curl_easy *data,
188                                 int query, int *pres1, void *pres2);
190 /**
191  * Type flags for connection filters. A filter can have none, one or
192  * many of those. Use to evaluate state/capabilities of a filter chain.
193  *
194  * CF_TYPE_IP_CONNECT: provides an IP connection or sth equivalent, like
195  *                     a CONNECT tunnel, a UNIX domain socket, a QUIC
196  *                     connection, etc.
197  * CF_TYPE_SSL:        provide SSL/TLS
198  * CF_TYPE_MULTIPLEX:  provides multiplexing of easy handles
199  * CF_TYPE_PROXY       provides proxying
200  */
201 #define CF_TYPE_IP_CONNECT  (1 << 0)
202 #define CF_TYPE_SSL         (1 << 1)
203 #define CF_TYPE_MULTIPLEX   (1 << 2)
204 #define CF_TYPE_PROXY       (1 << 3)
206 /* A connection filter type, e.g. specific implementation. */
207 struct Curl_cftype {
208   const char *name;                       /* name of the filter type */
209   int flags;                              /* flags of filter type */
210   int log_level;                          /* log level for such filters */
211   Curl_cft_destroy_this *destroy;         /* destroy resources of this cf */
212   Curl_cft_connect *do_connect;           /* establish connection */
213   Curl_cft_close *do_close;               /* close conn */
214   Curl_cft_shutdown *do_shutdown;         /* shutdown conn */
215   Curl_cft_get_host *get_host;            /* host filter talks to */
216   Curl_cft_adjust_pollset *adjust_pollset; /* adjust transfer poll set */
217   Curl_cft_data_pending *has_data_pending;/* conn has data pending */
218   Curl_cft_send *do_send;                 /* send data */
219   Curl_cft_recv *do_recv;                 /* receive data */
220   Curl_cft_cntrl *cntrl;                  /* events/control */
221   Curl_cft_conn_is_alive *is_alive;       /* FALSE if conn is dead, Jim! */
222   Curl_cft_conn_keep_alive *keep_alive;   /* try to keep it alive */
223   Curl_cft_query *query;                  /* query filter chain */
224 };
226 /* A connection filter instance, e.g. registered at a connection */
227 struct Curl_cfilter {
228   const struct Curl_cftype *cft; /* the type providing implementation */
229   struct Curl_cfilter *next;     /* next filter in chain */
230   void *ctx;                     /* filter type specific settings */
231   struct connectdata *conn;      /* the connection this filter belongs to */
232   int sockindex;                 /* the index the filter is installed at */
233   BIT(connected);                /* != 0 iff this filter is connected */
234   BIT(shutdown);                 /* != 0 iff this filter has shut down */
235 };
237 /* Default implementations for the type functions, implementing nop. */
238 void Curl_cf_def_destroy_this(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
239                               struct Curl_easy *data);
241 /* Default implementations for the type functions, implementing pass-through
242  * the filter chain. */
243 void     Curl_cf_def_get_host(struct Curl_cfilter *cf, struct Curl_easy *data,
244                               const char **phost, const char **pdisplay_host,
245                               int *pport);
246 void     Curl_cf_def_adjust_pollset(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
247                                      struct Curl_easy *data,
248                                      struct easy_pollset *ps);
249 bool     Curl_cf_def_data_pending(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
250                                   const struct Curl_easy *data);
251 ssize_t  Curl_cf_def_send(struct Curl_cfilter *cf, struct Curl_easy *data,
252                           const void *buf, size_t len, bool eos,
253                           CURLcode *err);
254 ssize_t  Curl_cf_def_recv(struct Curl_cfilter *cf, struct Curl_easy *data,
255                           char *buf, size_t len, CURLcode *err);
256 CURLcode Curl_cf_def_cntrl(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
257                                 struct Curl_easy *data,
258                                 int event, int arg1, void *arg2);
259 bool     Curl_cf_def_conn_is_alive(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
260                                    struct Curl_easy *data,
261                                    bool *input_pending);
262 CURLcode Curl_cf_def_conn_keep_alive(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
263                                      struct Curl_easy *data);
264 CURLcode Curl_cf_def_query(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
265                            struct Curl_easy *data,
266                            int query, int *pres1, void *pres2);
267 CURLcode Curl_cf_def_shutdown(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
268                               struct Curl_easy *data, bool *done);
270 /**
271  * Create a new filter instance, unattached to the filter chain.
272  * Use Curl_conn_cf_add() to add it to the chain.
273  * @param pcf  on success holds the created instance
274  * @param cft   the filter type
275  * @param ctx  the type specific context to use
276  */
277 CURLcode Curl_cf_create(struct Curl_cfilter **pcf,
278                         const struct Curl_cftype *cft,
279                         void *ctx);
281 /**
282  * Add a filter instance to the `sockindex` filter chain at connection
283  * `conn`. The filter must not already be attached. It is inserted at
284  * the start of the chain (top).
285  */
286 void Curl_conn_cf_add(struct Curl_easy *data,
287                       struct connectdata *conn,
288                       int sockindex,
289                       struct Curl_cfilter *cf);
291 /**
292  * Insert a filter (chain) after `cf_at`.
293  * `cf_new` must not already be attached.
294  */
295 void Curl_conn_cf_insert_after(struct Curl_cfilter *cf_at,
296                                struct Curl_cfilter *cf_new);
298 /**
299  * Discard, e.g. remove and destroy `discard` iff
300  * it still is in the filter chain below `cf`. If `discard`
301  * is no longer found beneath `cf` return FALSE.
302  * if `destroy_always` is TRUE, will call `discard`s destroy
303  * function and free it even if not found in the subchain.
304  */
305 bool Curl_conn_cf_discard_sub(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
306                               struct Curl_cfilter *discard,
307                               struct Curl_easy *data,
308                               bool destroy_always);
310 /**
311  * Discard all cfilters starting with `*pcf` and clearing it afterwards.
312  */
313 void Curl_conn_cf_discard_chain(struct Curl_cfilter **pcf,
314                                 struct Curl_easy *data);
316 /**
317  * Remove and destroy all filters at chain `sockindex` on connection `conn`.
318  */
319 void Curl_conn_cf_discard_all(struct Curl_easy *data,
320                               struct connectdata *conn,
321                               int sockindex);
324 CURLcode Curl_conn_cf_connect(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
325                               struct Curl_easy *data,
326                               bool blocking, bool *done);
327 void Curl_conn_cf_close(struct Curl_cfilter *cf, struct Curl_easy *data);
328 ssize_t Curl_conn_cf_send(struct Curl_cfilter *cf, struct Curl_easy *data,
329                           const void *buf, size_t len, bool eos,
330                           CURLcode *err);
331 ssize_t Curl_conn_cf_recv(struct Curl_cfilter *cf, struct Curl_easy *data,
332                           char *buf, size_t len, CURLcode *err);
333 CURLcode Curl_conn_cf_cntrl(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
334                             struct Curl_easy *data,
335                             bool ignore_result,
336                             int event, int arg1, void *arg2);
338 /**
339  * Determine if the connection filter chain is using SSL to the remote host
340  * (or will be once connected).
341  */
342 bool Curl_conn_cf_is_ssl(struct Curl_cfilter *cf);
344 /**
345  * Get the socket used by the filter chain starting at `cf`.
346  * Returns CURL_SOCKET_BAD if not available.
347  */
348 curl_socket_t Curl_conn_cf_get_socket(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
349                                       struct Curl_easy *data);
351 CURLcode Curl_conn_cf_get_ip_info(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
352                                   struct Curl_easy *data,
353                                   int *is_ipv6, struct ip_quadruple *ipquad);
355 bool Curl_conn_cf_needs_flush(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
356                               struct Curl_easy *data);
358 #define CURL_CF_SSL_DEFAULT  -1
359 #define CURL_CF_SSL_DISABLE  0
360 #define CURL_CF_SSL_ENABLE   1
362 /**
363  * Bring the filter chain at `sockindex` for connection `data->conn` into
364  * connected state. Which will set `*done` to TRUE.
365  * This can be called on an already connected chain with no side effects.
366  * When not `blocking`, calls may return without error and `*done != TRUE`,
367  * while the individual filters negotiated the connection.
368  */
369 CURLcode Curl_conn_connect(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex,
370                            bool blocking, bool *done);
372 /**
373  * Check if the filter chain at `sockindex` for connection `conn` is
374  * completely connected.
375  */
376 bool Curl_conn_is_connected(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex);
378 /**
379  * Determine if we have reached the remote host on IP level, e.g.
380  * have a TCP connection. This turns TRUE before a possible SSL
381  * handshake has been started/done.
382  */
383 bool Curl_conn_is_ip_connected(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex);
385 /**
386  * Determine if the connection is using SSL to the remote host
387  * (or will be once connected). This will return FALSE, if SSL
388  * is only used in proxying and not for the tunnel itself.
389  */
390 bool Curl_conn_is_ssl(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex);
392 /**
393  * Connection provides multiplexing of easy handles at `socketindex`.
394  */
395 bool Curl_conn_is_multiplex(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex);
397 /**
398  * Close the filter chain at `sockindex` for connection `data->conn`.
399   * Filters remain in place and may be connected again afterwards.
400  */
401 void Curl_conn_close(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex);
403 /**
404  * Shutdown the connection at `sockindex` non-blocking, using timeout
405  * from `data->set.shutdowntimeout`, default DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS.
406  * Will return CURLE_OK and *done == FALSE if not finished.
407  */
408 CURLcode Curl_conn_shutdown(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex, bool *done);
410 /**
411  * Return if data is pending in some connection filter at chain
412  * `sockindex` for connection `data->conn`.
413  */
414 bool Curl_conn_data_pending(struct Curl_easy *data,
415                             int sockindex);
417 /**
418  * Return TRUE if any of the connection filters at chain `sockindex`
419  * have data still to send.
420  */
421 bool Curl_conn_needs_flush(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex);
423 /**
424  * Flush any pending data on the connection filters at chain `sockindex`.
425  */
426 CURLcode Curl_conn_flush(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex);
428 /**
429  * Return the socket used on data's connection for the index.
430  * Returns CURL_SOCKET_BAD if not available.
431  */
432 curl_socket_t Curl_conn_get_socket(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex);
434 /**
435  * Tell filters to forget about the socket at sockindex.
436  */
437 void Curl_conn_forget_socket(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex);
439 /**
440  * Adjust the pollset for the filter chain startgin at `cf`.
441  */
442 void Curl_conn_cf_adjust_pollset(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
443                                  struct Curl_easy *data,
444                                  struct easy_pollset *ps);
446 /**
447  * Adjust pollset from filters installed at transfer's connection.
448  */
449 void Curl_conn_adjust_pollset(struct Curl_easy *data,
450                                struct easy_pollset *ps);
452 /**
453  * Curl_poll() the filter chain at `cf` with timeout `timeout_ms`.
454  * Returns 0 on timeout, negative on error or number of sockets
455  * with requested poll events.
456  */
457 int Curl_conn_cf_poll(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
458                       struct Curl_easy *data,
459                       timediff_t timeout_ms);
461 /**
462  * Receive data through the filter chain at `sockindex` for connection
463  * `data->conn`. Copy at most `len` bytes into `buf`. Return the
464  * actual number of bytes copied or a negative value on error.
465  * The error code is placed into `*code`.
466  */
467 ssize_t Curl_cf_recv(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex, char *buf,
468                      size_t len, CURLcode *code);
470 /**
471  * Send `len` bytes of data from `buf` through the filter chain `sockindex`
472  * at connection `data->conn`. Return the actual number of bytes written
473  * or a negative value on error.
474  * The error code is placed into `*code`.
475  */
476 ssize_t Curl_cf_send(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex,
477                      const void *buf, size_t len, bool eos, CURLcode *code);
479 /**
480  * The easy handle `data` is being attached to `conn`. This does
481  * not mean that data will actually do a transfer. Attachment is
482  * also used for temporary actions on the connection.
483  */
484 void Curl_conn_ev_data_attach(struct connectdata *conn,
485                               struct Curl_easy *data);
487 /**
488  * The easy handle `data` is being detached (no longer served)
489  * by connection `conn`. All filters are informed to release any resources
490  * related to `data`.
491  * Note: there may be several `data` attached to a connection at the same
492  * time.
493  */
494 void Curl_conn_ev_data_detach(struct connectdata *conn,
495                               struct Curl_easy *data);
497 /**
498  * Notify connection filters that they need to setup data for
499  * a transfer.
500  */
501 CURLcode Curl_conn_ev_data_setup(struct Curl_easy *data);
503 /**
504  * Notify connection filters that now would be a good time to
505  * perform any idle, e.g. time related, actions.
506  */
507 CURLcode Curl_conn_ev_data_idle(struct Curl_easy *data);
509 /**
510  * Notify connection filters that the transfer represented by `data`
511  * is done with sending data (e.g. has uploaded everything).
512  */
513 void Curl_conn_ev_data_done_send(struct Curl_easy *data);
515 /**
516  * Notify connection filters that the transfer represented by `data`
517  * is finished - eventually premature, e.g. before being complete.
518  */
519 void Curl_conn_ev_data_done(struct Curl_easy *data, bool premature);
521 /**
522  * Notify connection filters that the transfer of data is paused/unpaused.
523  */
524 CURLcode Curl_conn_ev_data_pause(struct Curl_easy *data, bool do_pause);
526 /**
527  * Check if FIRSTSOCKET's cfilter chain deems connection alive.
528  */
529 bool Curl_conn_is_alive(struct Curl_easy *data, struct connectdata *conn,
530                         bool *input_pending);
532 /**
533  * Try to upkeep the connection filters at sockindex.
534  */
535 CURLcode Curl_conn_keep_alive(struct Curl_easy *data,
536                               struct connectdata *conn,
537                               int sockindex);
539 #ifdef UNITTESTS
540 void Curl_cf_def_close(struct Curl_cfilter *cf, struct Curl_easy *data);
541 #endif
542 void Curl_conn_get_host(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex,
543                         const char **phost, const char **pdisplay_host,
544                         int *pport);
546 /**
547  * Get the maximum number of parallel transfers the connection
548  * expects to be able to handle at `sockindex`.
549  */
550 size_t Curl_conn_get_max_concurrent(struct Curl_easy *data,
551                                     struct connectdata *conn,
552                                     int sockindex);
554 /**
555  * Get the underlying error code for a transfer stream or 0 if not known.
556  */
557 int Curl_conn_get_stream_error(struct Curl_easy *data,
558                                struct connectdata *conn,
559                                int sockindex);
561 /**
562  * Get the index of the given socket in the connection's sockets.
563  * Useful in calling `Curl_conn_send()/Curl_conn_recv()` with the
564  * correct socket index.
565  */
566 int Curl_conn_sockindex(struct Curl_easy *data, curl_socket_t sockfd);
568 /*
569  * Receive data on the connection, using FIRSTSOCKET/SECONDARYSOCKET.
570  * Will return CURLE_AGAIN iff blocked on receiving.
571  */
572 CURLcode Curl_conn_recv(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex,
573                         char *buf, size_t buffersize,
574                         ssize_t *pnread);
576 /*
577  * Send data on the connection, using FIRSTSOCKET/SECONDARYSOCKET.
578  * Will return CURLE_AGAIN iff blocked on sending.
579  */
580 CURLcode Curl_conn_send(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex,
581                         const void *buf, size_t blen, bool eos,
582                         size_t *pnwritten);
585 void Curl_pollset_reset(struct Curl_easy *data,
586                         struct easy_pollset *ps);
588 /* Change the poll flags (CURL_POLL_IN/CURL_POLL_OUT) to the poll set for
589  * socket `sock`. If the socket is not already part of the poll set, it
590  * will be added.
591  * If the socket is present and all poll flags are cleared, it will be removed.
592  */
593 void Curl_pollset_change(struct Curl_easy *data,
594                          struct easy_pollset *ps, curl_socket_t sock,
595                          int add_flags, int remove_flags);
597 void Curl_pollset_set(struct Curl_easy *data,
598                       struct easy_pollset *ps, curl_socket_t sock,
599                       bool do_in, bool do_out);
601 #define Curl_pollset_add_in(data, ps, sock) \
602           Curl_pollset_change((data), (ps), (sock), CURL_POLL_IN, 0)
603 #define Curl_pollset_add_out(data, ps, sock) \
604           Curl_pollset_change((data), (ps), (sock), CURL_POLL_OUT, 0)
605 #define Curl_pollset_add_inout(data, ps, sock) \
606           Curl_pollset_change((data), (ps), (sock), \
607                                CURL_POLL_IN|CURL_POLL_OUT, 0)
608 #define Curl_pollset_set_in_only(data, ps, sock) \
609           Curl_pollset_change((data), (ps), (sock), \
610                                CURL_POLL_IN, CURL_POLL_OUT)
611 #define Curl_pollset_set_out_only(data, ps, sock) \
612           Curl_pollset_change((data), (ps), (sock), \
613                                CURL_POLL_OUT, CURL_POLL_IN)
615 void Curl_pollset_add_socks(struct Curl_easy *data,
616                             struct easy_pollset *ps,
617                             int (*get_socks_cb)(struct Curl_easy *data,
618                                                 curl_socket_t *socks));
620 /**
621  * Check if the pollset, as is, wants to read and/or write regarding
622  * the given socket.
623  */
624 void Curl_pollset_check(struct Curl_easy *data,
625                         struct easy_pollset *ps, curl_socket_t sock,
626                         bool *pwant_read, bool *pwant_write);
628 /**
629  * Types and macros used to keep the current easy handle in filter calls,
630  * allowing for nested invocations. See #10336.
631  *
632  * `cf_call_data` is intended to be a member of the cfilter's `ctx` type.
633  * A filter defines the macro `CF_CTX_CALL_DATA` to give access to that.
634  *
635  * With all values 0, the default, this indicates that there is no cfilter
636  * call with `data` ongoing.
637  * Macro `CF_DATA_SAVE` preserves the current `cf_call_data` in a local
638  * variable and sets the `data` given, incrementing the `depth` counter.
639  *
640  * Macro `CF_DATA_RESTORE` restores the old values from the local variable,
641  * while checking that `depth` values are as expected (debug build), catching
642  * cases where a "lower" RESTORE was not called.
643  *
644  * Finally, macro `CF_DATA_CURRENT` gives the easy handle of the current
645  * invocation.
646  */
647 struct cf_call_data {
648   struct Curl_easy *data;
649 #ifdef DEBUGBUILD
650   int depth;
651 #endif
652 };
654 /**
655  * define to access the `struct cf_call_data for a cfilter. Normally
656  * a member in the cfilter's `ctx`.
657  *
658  * #define CF_CTX_CALL_DATA(cf)   -> struct cf_call_data instance
659 */
661 #ifdef DEBUGBUILD
663 #define CF_DATA_SAVE(save, cf, data) \
664   do { \
665     (save) = CF_CTX_CALL_DATA(cf); \
666     DEBUGASSERT((save).data == NULL || (save).depth > 0); \
667     CF_CTX_CALL_DATA(cf).depth++;  \
668     CF_CTX_CALL_DATA(cf).data = (struct Curl_easy *)data; \
669   } while(0)
671 #define CF_DATA_RESTORE(cf, save) \
672   do { \
673     DEBUGASSERT(CF_CTX_CALL_DATA(cf).depth == (save).depth + 1); \
674     DEBUGASSERT((save).data == NULL || (save).depth > 0); \
675     CF_CTX_CALL_DATA(cf) = (save); \
676   } while(0)
678 #else /* DEBUGBUILD */
680 #define CF_DATA_SAVE(save, cf, data) \
681   do { \
682     (save) = CF_CTX_CALL_DATA(cf); \
683     CF_CTX_CALL_DATA(cf).data = (struct Curl_easy *)data; \
684   } while(0)
686 #define CF_DATA_RESTORE(cf, save) \
687   do { \
688     CF_CTX_CALL_DATA(cf) = (save); \
689   } while(0)
691 #endif /* !DEBUGBUILD */
693 #define CF_DATA_CURRENT(cf) \
694   ((cf)? (CF_CTX_CALL_DATA(cf).data) : NULL)
696 #endif /* HEADER_CURL_CFILTERS_H */