1--TEST-- 2Test fnmatch() function : warning filename or pattern exceeds maxpathlen 3--SKIPIF-- 4<?php 5if (!function_exists('fnmatch')) die('skip fnmatch() function is not available'); 6?> 7--FILE-- 8<?php 9$longstring = str_pad('blah', PHP_MAXPATHLEN); 10var_dump(fnmatch('blah', $longstring)); 11var_dump(fnmatch($longstring, 'blah')); 12?> 13--EXPECTF-- 14Warning: fnmatch(): Filename exceeds the maximum allowed length of %d characters in %s on line %d 15bool(false) 16 17Warning: fnmatch(): Pattern exceeds the maximum allowed length of %d characters in %s on line %d 18bool(false) 19