xref: /PHP-8.2/ext/dom/dom_iterators.c (revision 97267215)
1 /*
2    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3    | Copyright (c) The PHP Group                                          |
4    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5    | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
6    | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
7    | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
8    | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt                                 |
9    | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
10    | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
11    | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
12    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
13    | Authors: Christian Stocker <chregu@php.net>                          |
14    |          Rob Richards <rrichards@php.net>                            |
15    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
16 */
18 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
19 #include "config.h"
20 #endif
22 #include "php.h"
23 #if defined(HAVE_LIBXML) && defined(HAVE_DOM)
24 #include "php_dom.h"
25 #include "dom_ce.h"
27 typedef struct _nodeIterator nodeIterator;
28 struct _nodeIterator {
29 	int cur;
30 	int index;
31 	xmlNode *node;
32 };
34 typedef struct _notationIterator notationIterator;
35 struct _notationIterator {
36 	int cur;
37 	int index;
38 	xmlNotation *notation;
39 };
41 /* Function pointer typedef changed in 2.9.8, see https://github.com/GNOME/libxml2/commit/e03f0a199a67017b2f8052354cf732b2b4cae787 */
42 #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20908
itemHashScanner(void * payload,void * data,const xmlChar * name)43 static void itemHashScanner (void *payload, void *data, const xmlChar *name) /* {{{ */
44 #else
45 static void itemHashScanner (void *payload, void *data, xmlChar *name)
46 #endif
47 {
48 	nodeIterator *priv = (nodeIterator *)data;
50 	if(priv->cur < priv->index) {
51 		priv->cur++;
52 	} else {
53 		if(priv->node == NULL) {
54 			priv->node = (xmlNode *)payload;
55 		}
56 	}
57 }
58 /* }}} */
create_notation(const xmlChar * name,const xmlChar * ExternalID,const xmlChar * SystemID)60 xmlNodePtr create_notation(const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ExternalID, const xmlChar *SystemID) /* {{{ */
61 {
62 	xmlEntityPtr ret;
64 	ret = (xmlEntityPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlEntity));
65 	memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlEntity));
66 	ret->type = XML_NOTATION_NODE;
67 	ret->name = xmlStrdup(name);
68 	ret->ExternalID = xmlStrdup(ExternalID);
69 	ret->SystemID = xmlStrdup(SystemID);
70 	ret->length = 0;
71 	ret->content = NULL;
72 	ret->URI = NULL;
73 	ret->orig = NULL;
74 	ret->children = NULL;
75 	ret->parent = NULL;
76 	ret->doc = NULL;
77 	ret->_private = NULL;
78 	ret->last = NULL;
79 	ret->prev = NULL;
80 	return((xmlNodePtr) ret);
81 }
82 /* }}} */
php_dom_libxml_hash_iter(xmlHashTable * ht,int index)84 xmlNode *php_dom_libxml_hash_iter(xmlHashTable *ht, int index) /* {{{ */
85 {
86 	xmlNode *nodep = NULL;
87 	nodeIterator *iter;
88 	int htsize;
90 	if ((htsize = xmlHashSize(ht)) > 0 && index < htsize) {
91 		iter = emalloc(sizeof(nodeIterator));
92 		iter->cur = 0;
93 		iter->index = index;
94 		iter->node = NULL;
95 		xmlHashScan(ht, itemHashScanner, iter);
96 		nodep = iter->node;
97 		efree(iter);
98 		return nodep;
99 	} else {
100 		return NULL;
101 	}
102 }
103 /* }}} */
php_dom_libxml_notation_iter(xmlHashTable * ht,int index)105 xmlNode *php_dom_libxml_notation_iter(xmlHashTable *ht, int index) /* {{{ */
106 {
107 	notationIterator *iter;
108 	xmlNotation *notep = NULL;
109 	int htsize;
111 	if ((htsize = xmlHashSize(ht)) > 0 && index < htsize) {
112 		iter = emalloc(sizeof(notationIterator));
113 		iter->cur = 0;
114 		iter->index = index;
115 		iter->notation = NULL;
116 		xmlHashScan(ht, itemHashScanner, iter);
117 		notep = iter->notation;
118 		efree(iter);
119 		return create_notation(notep->name, notep->PublicID, notep->SystemID);
120 	} else {
121 		return NULL;
122 	}
123 }
124 /* }}} */
php_dom_iterator_dtor(zend_object_iterator * iter)126 static void php_dom_iterator_dtor(zend_object_iterator *iter) /* {{{ */
127 {
128 	php_dom_iterator *iterator = (php_dom_iterator *)iter;
130 	zval_ptr_dtor(&iterator->intern.data);
131 	zval_ptr_dtor(&iterator->curobj);
132 }
133 /* }}} */
php_dom_iterator_valid(zend_object_iterator * iter)135 static zend_result php_dom_iterator_valid(zend_object_iterator *iter) /* {{{ */
136 {
138 	php_dom_iterator *iterator = (php_dom_iterator *)iter;
140 	if (Z_TYPE(iterator->curobj) != IS_UNDEF) {
141 		return SUCCESS;
142 	} else {
143 		return FAILURE;
144 	}
145 }
146 /* }}} */
php_dom_iterator_current_data(zend_object_iterator * iter)148 zval *php_dom_iterator_current_data(zend_object_iterator *iter) /* {{{ */
149 {
150 	php_dom_iterator *iterator = (php_dom_iterator *)iter;
152 	return &iterator->curobj;
153 }
154 /* }}} */
php_dom_iterator_current_key(zend_object_iterator * iter,zval * key)156 static void php_dom_iterator_current_key(zend_object_iterator *iter, zval *key) /* {{{ */
157 {
158 	php_dom_iterator *iterator = (php_dom_iterator *)iter;
159 	zval *object = &iterator->intern.data;
161 	if (instanceof_function(Z_OBJCE_P(object), dom_nodelist_class_entry)) {
162 		ZVAL_LONG(key, iter->index);
163 	} else {
164 		dom_object *intern = Z_DOMOBJ_P(&iterator->curobj);
166 		if (intern != NULL && intern->ptr != NULL) {
167 			xmlNodePtr curnode = (xmlNodePtr)((php_libxml_node_ptr *)intern->ptr)->node;
168 			ZVAL_STRINGL(key, (char *) curnode->name, xmlStrlen(curnode->name));
169 		} else {
170 			ZVAL_NULL(key);
171 		}
172 	}
173 }
174 /* }}} */
php_dom_iterator_move_forward(zend_object_iterator * iter)176 static void php_dom_iterator_move_forward(zend_object_iterator *iter) /* {{{ */
177 {
178 	zval *object;
179 	xmlNodePtr curnode = NULL, basenode;
180 	dom_object *intern;
181 	dom_object *nnmap;
182 	dom_nnodemap_object *objmap;
183 	int previndex;
184 	HashTable *nodeht;
185 	zval *entry;
186 	bool do_curobj_undef = 1;
188 	php_dom_iterator *iterator = (php_dom_iterator *)iter;
190 	object = &iterator->intern.data;
191 	nnmap = Z_DOMOBJ_P(object);
192 	objmap = (dom_nnodemap_object *)nnmap->ptr;
194 	intern = Z_DOMOBJ_P(&iterator->curobj);
196 	if (intern != NULL && intern->ptr != NULL) {
197 		if (objmap->nodetype != XML_ENTITY_NODE &&
198 			objmap->nodetype != XML_NOTATION_NODE) {
199 			if (objmap->nodetype == DOM_NODESET) {
200 				nodeht = HASH_OF(&objmap->baseobj_zv);
201 				zend_hash_move_forward_ex(nodeht, &iterator->pos);
202 				if ((entry = zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(nodeht, &iterator->pos))) {
203 					zval_ptr_dtor(&iterator->curobj);
204 					ZVAL_UNDEF(&iterator->curobj);
205 					ZVAL_COPY(&iterator->curobj, entry);
206 					do_curobj_undef = 0;
207 				}
208 			} else {
209 				if (objmap->nodetype == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE ||
210 					objmap->nodetype == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
211 					curnode = (xmlNodePtr)((php_libxml_node_ptr *)intern->ptr)->node;
212 					curnode = curnode->next;
213 				} else {
214 					/* The collection is live, we nav the tree from the base object if we cannot
215 					 * use the cache to restart from the last point. */
216 					basenode = dom_object_get_node(objmap->baseobj);
217 					if (UNEXPECTED(!basenode)) {
218 						goto err;
219 					}
220 					if (php_dom_is_cache_tag_stale_from_node(&iterator->cache_tag, basenode)) {
221 						php_dom_mark_cache_tag_up_to_date_from_node(&iterator->cache_tag, basenode);
222 						previndex = 0;
223 						if (basenode->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE || basenode->type == XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE) {
224 							curnode = xmlDocGetRootElement((xmlDoc *) basenode);
225 						} else {
226 							curnode = basenode->children;
227 						}
228 					} else {
229 						previndex = iter->index - 1;
230 						curnode = (xmlNodePtr)((php_libxml_node_ptr *)intern->ptr)->node;
231 					}
232 					curnode = dom_get_elements_by_tag_name_ns_raw(
233 						basenode, curnode, (char *) objmap->ns, (char *) objmap->local, &previndex, iter->index);
234 				}
235 			}
236 		} else {
237 			if (objmap->nodetype == XML_ENTITY_NODE) {
238 				curnode = php_dom_libxml_hash_iter(objmap->ht, iter->index);
239 			} else {
240 				curnode = php_dom_libxml_notation_iter(objmap->ht, iter->index);
241 			}
242 		}
243 	}
244 err:
245 	if (do_curobj_undef) {
246 		zval_ptr_dtor(&iterator->curobj);
247 		ZVAL_UNDEF(&iterator->curobj);
248 	}
249 	if (curnode) {
250 		php_dom_create_object(curnode, &iterator->curobj, objmap->baseobj);
251 	}
252 }
253 /* }}} */
255 static const zend_object_iterator_funcs php_dom_iterator_funcs = {
256 	php_dom_iterator_dtor,
257 	php_dom_iterator_valid,
258 	php_dom_iterator_current_data,
259 	php_dom_iterator_current_key,
260 	php_dom_iterator_move_forward,
261 	NULL,
262 	NULL,
263 	NULL, /* get_gc */
264 };
php_dom_get_iterator(zend_class_entry * ce,zval * object,int by_ref)266 zend_object_iterator *php_dom_get_iterator(zend_class_entry *ce, zval *object, int by_ref) /* {{{ */
267 {
268 	dom_object *intern;
269 	dom_nnodemap_object *objmap;
270 	xmlNodePtr curnode=NULL;
271 	int curindex = 0;
272 	HashTable *nodeht;
273 	zval *entry;
274 	php_dom_iterator *iterator;
276 	if (by_ref) {
277 		zend_throw_error(NULL, "An iterator cannot be used with foreach by reference");
278 		return NULL;
279 	}
280 	iterator = emalloc(sizeof(php_dom_iterator));
281 	zend_iterator_init(&iterator->intern);
282 	iterator->cache_tag.modification_nr = 0;
284 	ZVAL_OBJ_COPY(&iterator->intern.data, Z_OBJ_P(object));
285 	iterator->intern.funcs = &php_dom_iterator_funcs;
287 	ZVAL_UNDEF(&iterator->curobj);
289 	intern = Z_DOMOBJ_P(object);
290 	objmap = (dom_nnodemap_object *)intern->ptr;
291 	if (objmap != NULL) {
292 		if (objmap->nodetype != XML_ENTITY_NODE &&
293 			objmap->nodetype != XML_NOTATION_NODE) {
294 			if (objmap->nodetype == DOM_NODESET) {
295 				nodeht = HASH_OF(&objmap->baseobj_zv);
296 				zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(nodeht, &iterator->pos);
297 				if ((entry = zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(nodeht, &iterator->pos))) {
298 					ZVAL_COPY(&iterator->curobj, entry);
299 				}
300 			} else {
301 				xmlNodePtr basep = (xmlNode *)dom_object_get_node(objmap->baseobj);
302 				if (!basep) {
303 					goto err;
304 				}
305 				if (objmap->nodetype == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE || objmap->nodetype == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
306 					if (objmap->nodetype == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
307 						curnode = (xmlNodePtr) basep->properties;
308 					} else {
309 						curnode = (xmlNodePtr) basep->children;
310 					}
311 				} else {
312 					xmlNodePtr nodep = basep;
313 					if (nodep->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE || nodep->type == XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE) {
314 						nodep = xmlDocGetRootElement((xmlDoc *) nodep);
315 					} else {
316 						nodep = nodep->children;
317 					}
318 					curnode = dom_get_elements_by_tag_name_ns_raw(
319 						basep, nodep, (char *) objmap->ns, (char *) objmap->local, &curindex, 0);
320 				}
321 			}
322 		} else {
323 			if (objmap->nodetype == XML_ENTITY_NODE) {
324 				curnode = php_dom_libxml_hash_iter(objmap->ht, 0);
325 			} else {
326 				curnode = php_dom_libxml_notation_iter(objmap->ht, 0);
327 			}
328 		}
329 	}
330 err:
331 	if (curnode) {
332 		php_dom_create_object(curnode, &iterator->curobj, objmap->baseobj);
333 	}
335 	return &iterator->intern;
336 }
337 /* }}} */
339 #endif