2            Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
3   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
4      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
5          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
9 *                                                     *
10 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
11 *  |  0  |  4  |  8  |  12 |  16 |  20 |  24 |  28 |  *
12 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
13 *  |bchai|  CR | LR  |compl| link| TOC | R14 | R15 |  *
14 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
15 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
16 *  |  32 |  36 |  40 |  44 |  48 |  52 |  56 |  60 |  *
17 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
18 *  | R16 | R17 | R18 | R19 | R20 | R21 | R22 | R23 |  *
19 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
20 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
21 *  |  64 |  68 |  72 |  76 |  80 |  84 |  88 |  92 |  *
22 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
23 *  | R24 | R25 | R26 | R27 | R28 | R29 | R30 | R31 |  *
24 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
25 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
26 *  |  96 | 100 | 104 | 108 | 112 | 116 | 120 | 124 |  *
27 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
28 *  |    F14    |    F15    |    F16    |    F17    |  *
29 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
30 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
31 *  | 128 | 132 | 136 | 140 | 144 | 148 | 152 | 156 |  *
32 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
33 *  |    F18    |    F19    |    F20    |    F21    |  *
34 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
35 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
36 *  | 160 | 164 | 168 | 172 | 176 | 180 | 184 | 188 |  *
37 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
38 *  |    F22    |    F23    |    F24    |    F25    |  *
39 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
40 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
41 *  | 192 | 196 | 200 | 204 | 208 | 212 | 216 | 220 |  *
42 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
43 *  |    F26    |    F27    |    F28    |    F29    |  *
44 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
45 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
46 *  | 224 | 228 | 232 | 236 | 240 | 244 | 248 | 252 |  *
47 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
48 *  |    F30    |    F31    |  PC |hiddn|  fpscr    |  *
49 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
50 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
51 *  | 256 | 260 | 264 | 268 | 272 | 276 | 280 | 284 |  *
52 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
53 *  |bchai|savCR|savLR|compl| link|svTOC| FCTX| DATA|  *
54 *  -------------------------------------------------  *
55 *                                                     *
56 *******************************************************/
58    .file "jump_ppc32_sysv_xcoff_gas.S"
59    .toc
60    .csect .text[PR], 5
61    .globl  jump_fcontext[DS]
62    .globl .jump_fcontext
63    .csect  jump_fcontext[DS]
65    .long .jump_fcontext[PR], TOC[tc0], 0
66    .csect .text[PR], 5
68    # reserve space on stack
69    subi  1, 1, 256
71    # save CR
72    mfcr  0
73    stw   0, 4(1)
74    # save LR
75    mflr  0
76    stw   0, 8(1)
77    # save LR as PC
78    stw   0, 240(1)
79    # save TOC
80    stw   2, 20(1)
82    # Save registers R14 to R31.
83    stw   14, 24(1)
84    stw   15, 28(1)
85    stw   16, 32(1)
86    stw   17, 36(1)
87    stw   18, 40(1)
88    stw   19, 44(1)
89    stw   20, 48(1)
90    stw   21, 52(1)
91    stw   22, 56(1)
92    stw   23, 60(1)
93    stw   24, 64(1)
94    stw   25, 68(1)
95    stw   26, 72(1)
96    stw   27, 76(1)
97    stw   28, 80(1)
98    stw   29, 84(1)
99    stw   30, 88(1)
100    stw   31, 92(1)
102    # Save registers F14 to F31 in slots with 8-byte alignment.
103    # 4-byte alignment may stall the pipeline of some processors.
104    # Less than 4 may cause alignment traps.
105    stfd  14, 96(1)
106    stfd  15, 104(1)
107    stfd  16, 112(1)
108    stfd  17, 120(1)
109    stfd  18, 128(1)
110    stfd  19, 136(1)
111    stfd  20, 144(1)
112    stfd  21, 152(1)
113    stfd  22, 160(1)
114    stfd  23, 168(1)
115    stfd  24, 176(1)
116    stfd  25, 184(1)
117    stfd  26, 192(1)
118    stfd  27, 200(1)
119    stfd  28, 208(1)
120    stfd  29, 216(1)
121    stfd  30, 224(1)
122    stfd  31, 232(1)
124    # hidden pointer
125    stw   3, 244(1)
127    mffs  0  # load FPSCR
128    stfd  0, 248(1)  # save FPSCR
131    # store RSP (pointing to context-data) in R6
132    mr  6, 1
134    # restore RSP (pointing to context-data) from R4
135    mr  1, 4
137    # restore CR
138    lwz   0, 4(1)
139    mtcr  0
140    # restore LR
141    lwz   0, 8(1)
142    mtlr  0
143    # load PC
144    lwz   0, 240(1)
145    mtctr 0
147    # restore TOC
148    lwz   2, 20(1)
150    # restore R14 to R31
151    lwz  14, 24(1)
152    lwz  15, 28(1)
153    lwz  16, 32(1)
154    lwz  17, 36(1)
155    lwz  18, 40(1)
156    lwz  19, 44(1)
157    lwz  20, 48(1)
158    lwz  21, 52(1)
159    lwz  22, 56(1)
160    lwz  23, 60(1)
161    lwz  24, 64(1)
162    lwz  25, 68(1)
163    lwz  26, 72(1)
164    lwz  27, 76(1)
165    lwz  28, 80(1)
166    lwz  29, 84(1)
167    lwz  30, 88(1)
168    lwz  31, 92(1)
170    # restore F14 to F31
171    lfd  14, 96(1)
172    lfd  15, 104(1)
173    lfd  16, 112(1)
174    lfd  17, 120(1)
175    lfd  18, 128(1)
176    lfd  19, 136(1)
177    lfd  20, 144(1)
178    lfd  21, 152(1)
179    lfd  22, 160(1)
180    lfd  23, 168(1)
181    lfd  24, 176(1)
182    lfd  25, 184(1)
183    lfd  26, 192(1)
184    lfd  27, 200(1)
185    lfd  28, 208(1)
186    lfd  29, 216(1)
187    lfd  30, 224(1)
188    lfd  31, 232(1)
190    # hidden pointer
191    lwz   3, 244(1)
193    lfd  0,  248(1)  # load FPSCR
194    mtfsf  0xff, 0  # restore FPSCR
196    # adjust stack
197    addi  1, 1, 256
199    # zero in r3 indicates first jump to context-function
200    cmpdi 3, 0
201    beq use_entry_arg
203    # return transfer_t
204    stw  6, 0(3)
205    stw  5, 4(3)
207    # jump to context
208    bctr
211    # copy transfer_t into transfer_fn arg registers
212    mr  3, 6
213    mr  4, 5
215    # jump to context
216    bctr