xref: /PHP-8.2/CONTRIBUTING.md (revision 80153c9c)
1# Contributing to PHP
3Anybody who programs in PHP can be a contributing member of the community that
4develops and deploys it; the task of deploying PHP, documentation and associated
5websites is a never-ending one. With every release or release candidate comes a
6wave of work, which takes a lot of organization and co-ordination.
8You don't need any special access to download, build, debug and begin submitting
9PHP or PECL code, tests or documentation. Once you've followed this guide and
10had several contributions accepted, commit privileges are often quickly granted.
12## Index
14* [Pull requests](#pull-requests)
15* [Filing bugs](#filing-bugs)
16* [Feature requests](#feature-requests)
17* [Writing tests](#writing-tests)
18* [Writing documentation](#writing-documentation)
19* [Getting help](#getting-help)
20* [PHP source code directory structure](#php-source-code-directory-structure)
21* [PHP internals](#php-internals)
22* [PECL extensions](#pecl-extensions)
23* [Checklist for submitting contribution](#checklist-for-submitting-contribution)
24* [What happens after submitting contribution?](#what-happens-after-submitting-contribution)
25* [What happens when your contribution is applied?](#what-happens-when-your-contribution-is-applied)
26* [Git commit rules](#git-commit-rules)
27* [Copyright and license headers](#copyright-and-license-headers)
29## Pull requests
31PHP welcomes pull requests to [add tests](#writing-tests), fix bugs and to
32implement RFCs. Please be sure to include tests as appropriate!
34If you are fixing a bug, then please submit your PR against the lowest actively
35supported branch of PHP that the bug affects (only green branches on
36[the supported version page](https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php) are
37supported). For example, at the time of writing, the lowest supported version is
38PHP 8.0, which corresponds to the `PHP-8.0` branch in Git. Please also make sure
39you add a link to the PR in the bug on [the bug tracker](https://github.com/php/php-src/issues)
40or [the old bug tracker](https://bugs.php.net/).
42Pull requests implementing RFCs should be submitted against `master`.
44Pull requests should *never* be submitted against `PHP-x.y.z` branches, as these
45are only used for release management.
47If your pull request exhibits conflicts with the base branch, please resolve
48them by using `git rebase` instead of `git merge`.
50Fork the official PHP repository and send a pull request. A notification will be
51sent to the pull request mailing list. Sending a note to PHP Internals list
52(internals@lists.php.net) may help getting more feedback and quicker turnaround.
53You can also add pull requests to [bug reports](https://github.com/php/php-src/issues)
54and [old bug reports](https://bugs.php.net/).
56Read [Git access page](https://www.php.net/git.php) for help on using Git to get
57and build PHP source code. We recommend to look at our
58[workflow](https://wiki.php.net/vcs/gitworkflow) and our
61## Filing bugs
63Bugs can be filed on [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/new/choose).
64If this is the first time you've filed a bug, we suggest reading the
65[guide to reporting a bug](https://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php).
67Where possible, please include a self-contained reproduction case!
69## Feature requests
71Feature requests are generally submitted in the form of
72[Requests for Comments (RFC)](https://wiki.php.net/rfc/howto), ideally
73accompanied by [pull requests](#pull-requests). You can find the extremely large
74list of RFCs that have been previously considered on the
75[PHP Wiki](https://wiki.php.net/rfc).
77To create a RFC, discuss it with the extension maintainer, and discuss it on the
78development mailing list internals@lists.php.net. RFC Wiki accounts can be
79requested on https://wiki.php.net/start?do=register. PHP extension maintainers
80can be found in the [EXTENSIONS](/EXTENSIONS) file in the PHP source code
81repository. Mailing list subscription is explained on the
82[mailing lists page](https://www.php.net/mailing-lists.php).
84You may also want to read
85[The Mysterious PHP RFC Process](https://blogs.oracle.com/opal/post/the-mysterious-php-rfc-process-and-how-you-can-change-the-web)
86for additional notes on the best way to approach submitting an RFC.
88## Writing tests
90We love getting new tests! PHP is a huge project and improving test coverage is
91a huge win for every PHP user.
93[Our QA site includes a page detailing how to write test cases.](https://qa.php.net/write-test.php)
95Submitting test scripts helps us to understand what functionality has changed.
96It is important for the stability and maintainability of PHP that tests are
99Failure conditions of `zend_parse_parameters`, `ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS()` and
100similar functions should not be tested. These parameter parsing APIs are already
101extensively tested, and additional tests only complicate future modifications.
103For newly created tests, a `--CREDITS--` section should no longer be included,
104as test authorship is already accurately tracked by Git. If multiple authors
105should be credited, the `Co-authored-by` tag in the commit message may be used.
107## Writing documentation
109There are two ways to contribute to the PHP manual. You can edit the manual and
110send patches anonymously via [the online editor](https://edit.php.net/), or you
111can check the XML source out from Subversion and edit that and build it
112[per the instructions on the documentation site](http://doc.php.net/tutorial/).
113Patches created that way should be sent to the
114[documentation mailing list](mailto:phpdoc@lists.php.net).
116## Getting help
118If you are having trouble contributing to PHP, or just want to talk to a human
119about what you're working on, you can contact us via the
120[internals mailing list](mailto:internals@lists.php.net), or the
121[documentation mailing list](mailto:phpdoc@lists.php.net) for documentation
124Although not a formal channel, you can also find a number of core developers on
125the #php.pecl channel on [EFnet](http://www.efnet.org/). Similarly, many
126documentation writers can be found on #php.doc. Windows development IRC channel
127is available at #winphp-dev on FreeNode.
129## PHP source code directory structure
131PHP source code also includes several files generated during development and
132several parts where maintenance is happening upstream in their respective
137 ├─ .git/                           # Git configuration and source directory
138 ├─ TSRM/                           # Thread Safe Resource Manager
139 └─ Zend/                           # Zend Engine
140    ├─ asm/                         # Bundled from src/asm in https://github.com/boostorg/context
141    ├─ zend_vm_execute.h            # Generated by `Zend/zend_vm_gen.php`
142    ├─ zend_vm_opcodes.c            # Generated by `Zend/zend_vm_gen.php`
143    ├─ zend_vm_opcodes.h            # Generated by `Zend/zend_vm_gen.php`
144    └─ ...
145 └─ build/                          # *nix build system files
146    ├─ ax_*.m4                      # https://github.com/autoconf-archive/autoconf-archive
147    ├─ config.guess                 # https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/config.git
148    ├─ config.sub                   # https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/config.git
149    ├─ libtool.m4                   # https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/libtool.git
150    ├─ ltmain.sh                    # https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/libtool.git
151    ├─ pkg.m4                       # https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pkg-config/pkg-config
152    ├─ shtool                       # https://www.gnu.org/software/shtool/
153    └─ ...
154 ├─ docs/                           # PHP internals and repository documentation
155 └─ ext/                            # PHP core extensions
156    └─ bcmath/
157       ├─ libbcmath/                # Forked and maintained in php-src
158       └─ ...
159    └─ curl/
160       ├─ sync-constants.php        # The curl symbols checker
161       └─ ...
162    └─ date/
163       └─ lib/                      # Bundled datetime library https://github.com/derickr/timelib
164          ├─ parse_date.c           # Generated by re2c 0.15.3
165          ├─ parse_iso_intervals.c  # Generated by re2c 0.15.3
166          └─ ...
167       └─ ...
168    └─ ffi/
169       ├─ ffi_parser.c              # Generated by https://github.com/dstogov/llk
170       └─ ...
171    └─ fileinfo/
172       ├─ libmagic/                 # Modified libmagic https://github.com/file/file
173       ├─ data_file.c               # Generated by `ext/fileinfo/create_data_file.php`
174       ├─ libmagic.patch            # Modifications patch from upstream libmagic
175       ├─ magicdata.patch           # Modifications patch from upstream libmagic
176       └─ ...
177    └─ gd/
178       ├─ libgd/                    # Bundled and modified GD library https://github.com/libgd/libgd
179       └─ ...
180    └─ mbstring/
181       ├─ libmbfl/                  # Forked and maintained in php-src
182       ├─ unicode_data.h            # Generated by `ext/mbstring/ucgendat/ucgendat.php`
183       └─ ...
184    └─ pcre/
185       ├─ pcre2lib/                 # https://www.pcre.org/
186       └─ ...
187    └─ pdo_mysql/
188       ├─ php_pdo_mysql_sqlstate.h  # Generated by `ext/pdo_mysql/get_error_codes.php`
189       └─ ...
190    └─ skeleton/                    # Skeleton for developing new extensions with `ext/ext_skel.php`
191       └─ ...
192    └─ standard/
193       └─ html_tables/
194          ├─ mappings/              # https://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/
195          └─ ...
196       ├─ credits_ext.h             # Generated by `scripts/dev/credits`
197       ├─ credits_sapi.h            # Generated by `scripts/dev/credits`
198       ├─ html_tables.h             # Generated by `ext/standard/html_tables/html_table_gen.php`
199       └─ ...
200    └─ tokenizer/
201       ├─ tokenizer_data.c          # Generated by `ext/tokenizer/tokenizer_data_gen.sh`
202       └─ ...
203    └─ zend_test                    # For testing internal APIs. Not needed for regular builds.
204       └─ ...
205    └─ zip/                         # Bundled https://github.com/pierrejoye/php_zip
206       └─ ...
207    └─ ...
208 └─ main/                           # Binding that ties extensions, SAPIs, and engine together
209    ├─ streams/                     # Streams layer subsystem
210    ├─ php_version.h                # Generated by release managers using `configure`
211    └─ ...
212 ├─ pear/                           # PEAR installation
213 └─ sapi/                           # PHP SAPI modules
214    └─ cli/
215       ├─ mime_type_map.h           # Generated by `sapi/cli/generate_mime_type_map.php`
216       └─ ...
217    └─ ...
218 ├─ scripts/                        # php-config, phpize and internal development scripts
219 ├─ tests/                          # Core features tests
220 ├─ travis/                         # Travis CI service files
221 └─ win32/                          # Windows build system files
222    ├─ cp_enc_map.c                 # Generated by `win32/cp_enc_map_gen.exe`
223    └─ ...
224 └─ ...
227## PHP internals
229For information on PHP internal C functions see
230[References about Maintaining and Extending PHP](https://wiki.php.net/internals/references).
231Various external resources can be found on the web. A standard printed reference
232is the book "Extending and Embedding PHP" by Sara Golemon.
234## PECL extensions
236If you are fixing broken functionality in a [PECL](https://pecl.php.net)
237extension then create a bug or identify an existing bug at
238[bugs.php.net](https://bugs.php.net). A bug can be used to track the change
239progress and prevent your changes getting lost in the PHP mail archives. Some
240PECL extensions have their own bug tracker locations and different contributing
243If your change is large then create a
244[Request for Comments (RFC)](https://wiki.php.net/rfc), discuss it with the
245extension maintainer, and discuss it on the development mailing list
246pecl-dev@lists.php.net depending on the extension. PECL mailing list
247subscription is explained on the
248[PECL support page](https://pecl.php.net/support.php).
250Update any open bugs and add a link to the source of your change. Send the patch
251or pointer to the bug to pecl-dev@lists.php.net. Also CC the extension
252maintainer. Explain what has been changed by your patch. Test scripts should be
255## Checklist for submitting contribution
257- Read [Coding standards](/CODING_STANDARDS.md) before you start working.
258- Update git source just before running your final `diff` and before testing.
259- Add inline comments and/or have external documentation ready. Use only
260  `/* */` style comments, not `//`.
261- Create test scripts for use with `make test`.
262- Run `make test` to check your change doesn't break other features.
263- Rebuild PHP with `--enable-debug` which will show some kinds of memory errors
264  and check the PHP and web server error logs after running your PHP tests.
265- Rebuild PHP with `--enable-zts` to check your change compiles and operates
266  correctly in a thread-safe PHP.
267- Review the change once more just before submitting it.
269## What happens after submitting contribution?
271If your change is easy to review and obviously has no side-effects, it might be
272committed relatively quickly.
274Because PHP is a volunteer-driven effort, more complex changes will require
275patience on your side. If you do not receive feedback in a few days, consider
276bumping. Before doing this think about these questions:
278- Did I send the patch to the right mailing list?
279- Did I review the mailing list archives to see if these kind of changes had
280  been discussed before?
281- Did I explain my change clearly?
282- Is my change too hard to review? If so, why?
284## What happens when your contribution is applied?
286Your name will likely be included in the Git commit log. If your change affects
287end users, a brief description and your name might be added to the [NEWS](/NEWS)
290## Git commit rules
292This section refers to contributors that have Git push access and make commit
293changes themselves. We'll assume you're basically familiar with Git, but feel
294free to post your questions on the mailing list. Please have a look at the more
295detailed [information on Git](https://git-scm.com/).
297PHP is developed through the efforts of a large number of people. Collaboration
298is a Good Thing(tm), and Git lets us do this. Thus, following some basic rules
299with regards to Git usage will:
301* Make everybody happier, especially those responsible for maintaining PHP
302  itself.
303* Keep the changes consistently well documented and easily trackable.
304* Prevent some of those 'Oops' moments.
305* Increase the general level of good will on planet Earth.
307Having said that, here are the organizational rules:
3091. Respect other people working on the project.
3112. Discuss any significant changes on the list before committing and get
312   confirmation from the release manager for the given branch.
3143. Look at [EXTENSIONS](/EXTENSIONS) file to see who is the primary maintainer
315   of the code you want to contribute to.
3174. If you "strongly disagree" about something another person did, don't start
318   fighting publicly - take it up in private email.
3205. If you don't know how to do something, ask first!
3226. Test your changes before committing them. We mean it. Really. To do so use
323   `make test`.
3257. For development use the `--enable-debug` switch to avoid memory leaks and the
326   `--enable-zts` switch to ensure your code handles TSRM correctly and doesn't
327   break for those who need that.
329Currently we have the following branches in use:
331| Branch    |           |
332| --------- | --------- |
333| master    | Active development branch for PHP 8.2, which is open for backwards incompatible changes and major internal API changes. |
334| PHP-8.1   | Is used to release the PHP 8.1.x series. This is a current stable version and is open for bugfixes only. |
335| PHP-8.0   | Is used to release the PHP 8.0.x series. This is a current stable version and is open for bugfixes only. |
336| PHP-7.4   | Is used to release the PHP 7.4.x series. This is an old stable version and is open for security fixes only. |
337| PHP-7.3   | This branch is closed. |
338| PHP-7.2   | This branch is closed. |
339| PHP-7.1   | This branch is closed. |
340| PHP-7.0   | This branch is closed. |
341| PHP-5.6   | This branch is closed. |
342| PHP-5.5   | This branch is closed. |
343| PHP-5.4   | This branch is closed. |
344| PHP-5.3   | This branch is closed. |
345| PHP-5.2   | This branch is closed. |
346| PHP-5.1   | This branch is closed. |
347| PHP-4.4   | This branch is closed. |
348| PHP-X.Y.Z | These branches are used for the release managers for tagging the releases, hence they are closed to the general public. |
350The next few rules are more of a technical nature:
3521. All non-security bugfix changes should first go to the lowest bugfix branch
353   (i.e. 8.0) and then get merged up to all other branches. All security fixes
354   should go to the lowest security fixes branch (i.e 7.4). If a change is not
355   needed for later branches (i.e. fixes for features which were dropped from
356   later branches) an empty merge should be done.
3582. All news updates intended for public viewing, such as new features, bug
359   fixes, improvements, etc., should go into the NEWS file of *any stable
360   release* version with the given change. In other words, news about a bug fix
361   which went into PHP-5.4, PHP-5.5 and master should be noted in both
362   PHP-5.4/NEWS and PHP-5.5/NEWS but not master, which is not a public released
363   version yet.
3653. Do not commit multiple files and dump all messages in one commit. If you
366   modified several unrelated files, commit each group separately and provide a
367   nice commit message for each one. See example below.
3694. Do write your commit message in such a way that it makes sense even without
370   the corresponding diff. One should be able to look at it, and immediately
371   know what was modified. Definitely include the function name in the message
372   as shown below.
3745. In your commit messages, keep each line shorter than 80 characters. And try
375   to align your lines vertically, if they wrap. It looks bad otherwise.
3776. If you modified a function that is callable from PHP, prepend PHP to the
378   function name as shown below.
380The format of the commit messages is pretty simple.
382    <max 79 characters short description>\n
383    \n
384    <long description, 79 chars per line>
385    \n
387An Example from the git project (commit 2b34e486bc):
389    pack-objects: Fix compilation with NO_PTHREDS
391    It looks like commit 99fb6e04 (pack-objects: convert to use parse_options(),
392    2012-02-01) moved the #ifdef NO_PTHREDS around but hasn't noticed that the
393    'arg' variable no longer is available.
395If you fix some bugs, you should note the bug ID numbers in your commit message.
396Bug ID should be prefixed by `#`.
400    Fixed bug #14016 (pgsql notice handler double free crash bug.)
402When you change the NEWS file for a bug fix, then please keep the bugs sorted in
403decreasing order under the fixed version.
405## Copyright and license headers
407New source code files should include the following header block:
411  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
412  | Copyright (c) The PHP Group                                          |
413  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
414  | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
415  | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
416  | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
417  | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt                                 |
418  | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
419  | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
420  | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
421  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
422  | Author:                                                              |
423  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
427Thank you for contributing to PHP!